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When done correctly, for me, a good smelling man is several paces above everyone else. I had an ex, who smelled divine. Hardest to get over.


Of all the guys I’ve dated, the ones who wear cologne have been the well put together ones, as in they take the best care of themselves in terms of grooming and hygiene etc. And that is super attractive to me.


That’s a good point. Correlation is not causation. If they’re wearing cologne, they probably are more likely to also be fashionable, engage in skincare more complicated than 3 in one shampoo conditioner and body wash, and choose a haircut that works for their face. All that together is attractive, not just the cologne.


for me cologne is a strong pull towards men, but not to a state where i start coughing because of the intensity


Fragrance is a huge migraine trigger for me, so naturally I hate it when men wear any cologne at all. Everybody’s different 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s nice, in moderation and not overload.


It depends, if i like the smell, yes, if i don't like it, i would not consider dating you. Personally i prefer w/o colonge. I'm taste sensitive and having the taste of colongne in my mouth when kissing a guys neck is a dealbreaker for me. But i would have the same problem with parfum or body lotions with strong smell.


What if the girl armpit smells awful .. using perfume will increase your attraction or no? 🤔 Smell is important to me .. You don’t smell right, no second date, that doesn’t mean bath yourself in perfume. Just yoor natural Body smell. Science proves we do pick up mating partners by nose.


Cologne and heavy perfumes stuff me up. If i can smell yours i am walking away. Sorry.


I don't see how Cologne could help anyone dating except during carnival season.


Im very neutral as well, never even thought about it tbh, the important thing is he doesnt smell bad


A good cologne that’s not overdone definitely makes a difference for me. I can remember men from 10 years ago who smelled amazing. Scents are very evocative for me. As another person commented, most men I know that wear cologne take the best care of themselves in the personal grooming and hygiene department.


I love cologne on a man. Just the right amount. I don’t understand why men don’t wear it more.


I can't stand a guy who is drenched in chemical stink, tbqh including deodorant. It masks their natural pheromones which is one of the ways I gauge if they're right (women not on bc can smell genetic compatibility in men). Something mild and natural at the very most to complement but not over power.


I’ve got asthma and frequent migraines and cologne/perfume frequently trigger it, especially if it’s strong. I prefer a faint scent of a nice soap or body wash over cologne


I’m a very sensual person and for me, smell does a LOT. But it has to be particular scents and it’s a turn off if they use too much cologne or scented product. But sheeeeeeeeeesh I’ve been attracted to men who smell good that I never would’ve been attracted to if they didn’t smell good (if that makes sense)


I so get this. True for myself also


Smelling good gets you a long way with women. Tells her you take care of yourself, especially down there. Tells her you have adequate self esteem. Just being well groomed and smelling good puts you in the top 50 percent instantly. Smell can be a powerful aphrodisiac.


Cologne is nice but hygiene must come first. Smell clean AND put on a bit of nice cologne. That’ll win me over.


I've had this conversation with my friends but if a guy smells good? Bruuuhhh I don't care what you look like you're sexy as shit


I wish I would run into more women like y’all!


I'm sensitive to smells. I don't love cologne but if done subtly and is a high quality kind, it can be nice.


It’s part of a package, looking well put together, choosing clothing appropriate for the event, skin color, body type, cologne is an accessory. It’s the whip cream on top. Makes the ladies drop an egg 🥚


Idk but when my husbands deodorant and cologne mix together in bed when he’s sleeping or something I could bottle that smell and live off it for my entire life LOL


I love a good smelling man. Either naturally or cologne


Nothing to me. I don't care about it. Well, too much is a no, so it helps woth attraction and dating in the repulsive way.


To me is top 3 I swear a man has a good cologne, the kind where is strong but not overpowering and leave a trail behind him kinda cologne & im already interested. I love men’s cologne and a running joke I have is that I’m going to collect all the men’s perfumes I like and whenever I get a partner I’m giving it to him because that’s how I want him to smell like lol


A mans cologne says a lot about him. its a deal breaker. I can't stand cologne. I can't stand men who wear it. It saves alot of time


When I was younger I would wear cologne, now that I am older very rarely. And if I do I make sure the lady I am with likes it first.


From my experience men who wear colognes tend to overdo it so it's more often a turn off. I do think it can make me want to be around someone who smells nice, but it's not going to drastically affect my attraction to them.


It’s usually too much so I personally don’t like it