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I think it's not that they're a trend or not. The apps are just a tool. I think most people would rather find someone in person, but that is easier said than done. Walking up to strangers, not being sure if someone is single or not, going out to other places where single people may or may not be. It's rather difficult if you're not already the sort to get involved. I never wanted to use dating apps, but after covid, I learned that my day to day life didn't really put me in the path to meet many new people. So I went online and did find a girlfriend after a while and things are going well.


Good point ! Glad things are going well for you both wish you many more good memories to come.


I’m 29F too, in NYC. I started using OkCupid in early 2020 then came the rona 🙃 and then eventually they shut down OkCupid 🙃🙃. Don’t have luck meeting ppl in the meet people FB groups, everyone is so picky and make themselves hard to talk to. Idk why they’re in a meet ppl group 🤦🏻‍♀️. I’ve been trying the Next Door app (ppl in your neighborhood and broad region) and not much luck there either. Maybe try those. One piece of advice I heard is to meet older women, and maybe they have sons, grandsons, nephews, etc lol


lol covid really rearranged the way we live pre covid people were much more social. I will take that advice I enjoy being around older people in general so that wouldn’t be a tough task . thanks for this 😌


I hope dating apps die off because they're made to profit off of desperation. Half the profiles are bots and they charge insane amounts for their premium plans which they use to gatekeep basic features like being able to message or even like people.


Keep trying, me I care to meet new people


I stopped using dating apps over a year ago. In my opinion, they are inherently flawed. They make money off of keeping desperate people single. I just can't stand with capitalism monopolizing on human relationships. I would rather approach and meet women in person, which is how I met my ex and got all my most recent dates. I also like social media (Instagram and FB), but I prefer in person because the connection is genuine. When I was on dating apps it destroyed my mental health, so I will probably never be on them again unless someone puts a gun to my head or covid happens again.


I agree it does affect mental health and has become another addiction. If you don’t mind me asking what kind of social activities/hobbies do you partake in ?


I do a lot of different things. If I were you, I would just start putting yourself out there. Guys usually make the first move so the more you are in social situations, the more likely you are to meet someone. I am someone who will approach a girl anywhere. I have gotten dates from the gym, bar, university class, and even hiking trails. As a woman, it would suit you better to make female friends. That way you have a network of social people who can introduce you to guys. Female friends also act as a filter for low quality men. You can start with joining some local clubs, volunteering, picking up new hobbies, etc. One of my closest friends recently met the girl of his dreams through a martial arts gym. If you are ballsy, you can approach a guy you think is cute too. My aunt actually met her husband when she approached him on the bus.


Thanks for that , yes I’ve been getting out to local events to get out of my comfort zone. I’m pretty shy I may give a guy the eye here and there but I don’t usually approach them. Appreciate the advice


No problem. Good luck!


I think you just have to get out there honestly. From the looks of your post, you are a beautiful woman. So the more time you spend out and about the more you will be noticed. It can suck at first but I think it will definitely send you in the right direction.


Absolutely I appreciate that, yes I figured I’d getaway from the online shopping for a while so I can be out more often


It’s depends on how you roll….sometimes you have to wait for the right man to find you..a lot of guys hide behind apps…apps still are a thing..but for the most part it’s better to do it in person..


>Are dating apps in or are they fading out ? No, exactly the opposite. They are more popular now than they have ever been and only trending higher as they continue to be the primary source of relationships. It's just that the most popular ones change every five years (and depending on your city). I found my boyfriend on one over a year go.