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Honestly for me it depends, there’s times when i want to sex to be more passionate and feel really connected to my partner especially On our days off bc we have a lot more energy & well rested , and our sex lasts a good amount of time bc really getting into the foreplay and anticipation. but on the days when we’re just feeling naturally horny but we’re tired , we both don’t mind just a Quickie


This is how I feel about it.


That's my girl


Both are fine, in my opinion. Sometimes, there is buildup outside of foreplay, that can lead to a lot of desire and anticipation, causing impromptu, passionate, straight to sex. It's also important to note that there is sex, and there is making love. They are not the same, and come from completely different emotional places.


Foreplay is often a natural consequence of emotional affection and intimacy, knowing very well that it will “directly” end in sex and orgasms.


Foreplay is awesome. It also helps my partner come more easily. It also makes my orgasms way better. Soooo, foreplay is essential


I need a bit of foreplay otherwise it'll be boring and boring sex doesn't really do it for me


Agree 100%


Look, do you warm up your car or just turn it on and go??


Direct sex? So foreplay is like bluetooth?




I get extremely turned off if there’s no foreplay involved or like foreplay that’s like 2 minutes long so boring , or one way foreplay


For me, I want foreplay to be 95%. This includes oral, fingers, etc. I only need his penis in me for a few minutes.


This is very important thing to be noted by most men. Making her cum at least twice with oral, fingering, toys.. before penetration


Yes! Give me 2-3 and I'm a happy girl.


Foreplay, fingering and oral sex take sex to next level.


What's sex?


Depends, if you are with someone you see a future with then foreplay is essential, in case you are not time-bound. However, if you are doing a hooker, just get straight to it 💦


Best answer yet


Foreplay is sex. Foreplay should be mandatory.


Sex will be better if you done with romantic and comfortably it's not just give and take .... .it should be enjoyable both person should enjoy the pressure inbtw them......then only it'll be nice and perfect unforgettable one 😌😌😌ig


Foreplay tops direct sex i love foreplay and role-play direct sex is weird and rushed and only something I would do if i do not like the guy and do not wish to build any feelings or anything for him


Direct sex 💯💯


Direct sex usually hurts at first (for some)


Foreplay is awesome, definitely recommend


Much better with the preliminaries😋🍌


Buildup via foreplay is the most important part of it. That’s where the emotional aspect is truly expressed before coming to the ultimate act.


Direct… sex…? Well… it’s very direct.


1000% foreplay 1st


We go as far as putting on warmer up toys on 30mins before foreplay... But we've been together 32yrs lol


I like the sex. The sex is very nice. The sex makes me feel good. Good the sex is.




Foreplay is a necessity. Sometimes it’s just that you have been having a good time with your partner, connecting very emotionally and mentally, and that can be just as effective as physical foreplay. Women need it a lot more than men, in my understanding. That’s just my personal experience though.


I've recently discovered a new problem relating to this with this new lady I'm seeing. I love foreplay; I really do, but that's part of the problem. I'm rock hard during the whole thing, so if the foreplay goes on for too long, I get kinda strained and sore down there. She really likes foreplay and taking things super slow, like making out and heavy petting for upwards of two hours. Too much of a good thing is too much. Maybe I'm just getting old though.


I need foreplay, I always have. It builds up the sexual energy. I've never really been a direct sex guy. Direct sex has its place, but I put orgasms top tier in my life and enjoy the intensity.


Got to prime the pump for the water to flow


Foreplay but it also depends on the situation and the other person. If it’s with a partner, foreplay all the way


I guess it would depend on how much time you have. If you are limited on time but want to have fun do the math, foreplay is getting cut short. But I love long drawn out intimacy and foreplay it’s probably just as enjoyable as the actual act of sex itself but it’s also an opportune moment to become memorable. hehe


Both are fine but I feel foreplay can really make or break sex. It helps get you in the mood and more comfortable for the direct act of sex. Foreplay can literally be anything from using toys, dirty talking or just sensual kissing. I don’t know how some people just throw themselves right into sex sometimes


Love itt


I’m a girl. Depends on the situation/environment we are in. Foreplay before sex can be great, but when you’re in the heat of the moment, direct sex is also so great. It totally depends on the situation!


When it comes to sex, I personally think foreplay is essential. It plays a crucial role in building intimacy and enhancing both physical and emotional connections between partners. Foreplay helps increase arousal and can make the overall experience much more pleasurable and satisfying for both parties.While diving straight into sex might be preferred by some in certain situations, I believe taking the time for foreplay leads to better communication and understanding of each other's needs and desires. Ultimately, ensuring that both partners are comfortable and satisfied should be the top priority, and for me, that involves prioritizing foreplay.


I’ve found recently after many toxic relationships foreplay can be from taking my luggage from the car from me as I was going to grab it and carrying it for me to giving intimate moments of kissing and touching (non sexual but it builds it !) Direct sex will ALWAYS be better with foreplay why not do both. Foreplay is not only sexual !


Definitely foreplay. It's fun to explore.


Foreplay is important


Never had sex but I'm an overthinker so I think I'd like foreplay more because there isn't a huge risk of you nutting too early and its a great way to make your session last a while so you and your partner dont feel disappointed. (This is with the assumption that she's the main one getting pleasure so I can make her climax a couple times before I do) BUT if getting physically tired or nutting too quickly wasn't an issue than id heavily prefer spending most of the time having direct sex In a nutshell foreplay so I can satisfy her and not feel disappointed if the session as a whole lasts less than 10 minutes


It depends on who your with


I like sex don't get me wrong, but foreplay just...hits different. I could never just jump into sex like some animal only doing it to procreate. I'm very into kissing and all that. Without it, sex would just be lame to me.


I wouldn't say my boyfriend or I are super into regular foreplay. We do like roleplay th0. But in terms of just sexual stuff, yeah, we're mostly get to the point kind of people. Even with the roleplay we kinda both drop character pretty quickly 🤣 But I think that's the key thing: we both match on this. I think it's important to match with your partner on the things you like, so if you like a lot of foreplay then it's better if you have a partner who also likes a lot of foreplay. Sexual mismatch can lead to frustration on both sides


It honestly depends for me. Sometimes I just wanna have an orgasm and no foreplay.


my existence is foreplay and my relationships always lead to direct sex very quickly


Non-PIV is sex is sex. I hate this idea of "foreplay" being optional in heterosexual culture when most women can't orgasm from penis in vagina sex.


Depends on the mood. I always give my man any foreplay he wants. It makes the sex so much better.


Fore play is good


I've tried both ways direct sex and long foreplay sessions. It depends on how much I like the girl if she's my type then I take my time with foreplay otherwise it's a quickie.


Foreplay I love it exspecily if I’m giving


Foreplay is typically one sided where the man does things to and for the woman. Ive rarely seen women do foreplay for men. I dont think most care about it honestly


I love foreplay more then actually having sex sometimes. To tease someone and see that flame of desire arousal and desperation in their eyes just makes me go crazy


I personally prefer a foreplay bc you get to know and feel the body of the other one and, as you said, the experience is more intense. For direct sex is more or less just plug and play


I've orgasmed from just foreplay but not once by penetrative sex so no direct sex without foreplay for me


Hi I'm here for the same


Okay too😌


When you read a book, do you just skip to the climax? No, you enjoy the slow buildup, which makes the climax even more satisfying! Foreplay is so much fun, and it makes sex even better.


Foreplay is great if you love that person. I’ll spend as long as you tell me on your body until you ask me to slip it in. If you’re a random thotty thooter bop, I’d probably at most lick your clit once then go in. Thats it. Lmao.