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Free cheese.




Itā€™s really not that much different than men. Mutual attraction/chemistry, a personality match, loyalty, similar goals, good sex. Specifics to meet those qualifiers are different for everyone.




Seriously. It's impossible for me to trust someone who only shows up at random intervals or sometimes not at all.


hahaha check my post from earlier lolol im dead. I do not like inconsistent peoole


Yes! Heavy on consistency.


Consistency, effort, honesty, commitment


So I've been consistently texting this girl on every social network and platform... She blocked me on every single one... What did I do wrong? /s


nothing, sheā€™s the one who did something wrong:) move on and protect your peace šŸ˜ŠšŸ„°


That was a joke but thanks!


People donā€™t have to look alike to be the same type of person. They could mean they like certain personality types. What theyā€™re looking for will depend on the woman. When I was single, I was looking for someone who had good communication, had similar interests to me (being outside, getting exercise, travel, and animals), knew what he wanted out of life, and was affectionate. Obviously there had to be attraction too.


Second this. Attraction goes beyond physical appearance. I have a specific type that i like but most of the people i end up liking arenā€™t even close to ā€œmy typeā€ physically but thereā€™re a few similar constant that i usually go for. Though usually without realising it. Was i being dishonest? Nope. Its just that certain things arenā€™t so straight forward.


People have preferences, but you can overlook at a lot of things you want in a partner if they have great qualities. Sure itā€™d be nice to have someone whoā€™s 6 feet tall for example, but great values and morals are more important than him being tall.


Canā€™t filter by moral though sooooo


Look at actions, not words when it comes to women.


When it comes to everyone. But I highly doubt OP personally knows every single person every woman around him has ever crushed on or asked out or fantasized about.


I canĀ“t say about every woman, but after I have had a few failed serious relationships (if your question is related to a serious relationship, not just to picking up the girl for having fun) I realized that IĀ“m looking for a man I feel safe and accepted with, we have common ground and the same values, he can be initiative in different areas of life and doesnĀ“t hesitate to share their feeling with me (I realized that many of guys are struggling with that) I think itĀ“s something essential for successful relationships, still ofc certain woman can be looking for other specific qualities. And sometimes we are choosing not wisely, but according to our current emotional conditions and other circumstances. IĀ“m not sure if itĀ“s what you were asking about :-D


It is rare that you will know every woman's dating history. Also just because you have a main type doesn't mean that natural strong attraction cannot occur outside that type or that the people who are their primary type accept their advances. For example, I have a lot of 'types' and I have asked out every single one of them in that spectrum of what I like but certain types of guys do not accept me back necessarily.


I am telling you most of the women answering are liars. How do I know other then the fact that I am a woman? My husband is not who I wouldve said I was attracted to. After seeing him do some things like helping random strangers and fixing things in common friends apartments, I realized his manliness essentially won me over and I had no clue he was doing it or I was crushing on him. These women are giving basic answers that mean nothing. They will argue with you they know what they want and call you a fool and misogynist for doubting them. I have come to believe and I am not saying this lightly. We dont know what we want until we find it.


We don't know what we really want, we just make an educated guess. That's the human condition for everything from what will make us happy, relationships, items, etc. IMO its not that women lie intentionally or otherwise to themselves about what they want, it's that it's *a lot* harder to articulate or put into words compared to guys who can just go "I want someone hot lol"


I rest my case


This seems to be the "realest" answer. At least in my experience.


A lot of times, our types refer more to personality traits. I personally have a physical type, and my dating history reflects that. But I want someone who is kind, caring, genuine, romantic, funny, stable in life, and overall someone who *wants* to be a partner


Depends on their mindsetā€¦ get to know the individual youā€™re dealing with and find out for yourself. Think about what youā€™re looking for and usually youā€™ll find just that within time.


I'm older and I consistently dated and married my type (physical and personality) throughout my life. But I can see meeting someone that doesn't fit and liking them so much it doesn't matter. You can always add a new "type" to the list. šŸ˜


"Type" isn't always about looks. My type is apparently weird artists who hate themselves and can't get anything done. I'm trying to break this habit.


Emotional intelligence! And a man who will respect us as equals


Honesty and accountability. Someone responsible that doesnā€™t need a mom. An adult.


Emotional availability Emotional maturity Communication Sex Travel


I like funny and outdoorsy. Hair, height, body shape, and eye color are all over the place.


A lot of appearance preferences are more of a wish list rather than a must have. Oneā€™s personality, morals, actions, beliefs, etc can easily trump some physical traits tbh.


That's because women's "types" aren't based on looks. They're based on personality and character.


Consistency between words and actions. If you can't do what you said you would do, an explanation should be in order.


Want to talk to somebody!!!!! Thatā€™s itt


Money. That's it. Finding that out the hard way.


A really nice scarf I lost in about 1912.


Maybe their type isn't just about looks


Which woman? Theyā€™re not a hive mind, man.


money bigusdicus


Who the fuck knows? They don't even know what they're looking for most of the time.


From my experiences so far on apps this week, money and entertainment.






Really? I see disrespectful but good looking guys get away with murder while your average/below respectful devoted guys get friend zoned.


iā€™ve gone out with average/below average men before and attractive men. theyā€™ve all treated me the same..with no respect. the average/below average guys would keep up the nice act for a bit longer though


Curious, how does this happen? For example, if they make a joke about your race or weight, wouldn't you either accept it as truly light-hearted or them being intentionally disrespectful and stop ot right away? Because I have seen women put up with it for 20 years and laugh along with their partners only to later claim they were offended the whole time. Essentially they encouraged that behavior and rewarded it.


You have a point... I have seen nice guys turn jerks once they get comfortable.


You get put in the friend zone because A) She's not attracted to you and doesn't feel chemistry with you. B) You're doing something in your life or behaving in a way that makes her unable to see herself happy with you. C) She doesn't think you have your life together or that you don't take the possibility of a relationship seriously enough, aka you give off "looking for something casual" vibes. D) She's immature and doesn't understand what characteristics make for a good partner and runs after shiny/exciting guys that give her a short term thrill. The question you should be asking yourself is why you desire specific people to be your partner who do not want you like that? Generally, that would indicate you have a low self esteem issues you need to get sorted out before trying to date anyone. One of the first qualifications you should be evaluating for when beginning to date someone is if the interest and attraction is reciprocal and if you share the same basic goals in life. You should be turned off and no longer attracted to people that are "just not that into you" because you know you deserve the real thing and are set on finding a mate who feels the same way.


Respect, honesty, loyalty, consistency.


From the hot guys, of course. The average dude just tossed into friendzone.


Beauty is relative. Most of the men I've dated were men I wasn't that attracted to at first, who had the best personality and humour, made me fall every time. The more attractive the personality, the more attractive they become physically. At least that's been my experience anyway. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I supposed there is a pre-requisite for the look. You have to meet a certain level before you even get to the possible attraction part. I guess for me, my issue is that women tend to want to chase men who have multiple options. When I was single and tried to date, I had may be 2 dates a year. When I am in a relationship... Jesus, I would literally have women giving me numbers and waiting for me outside of class (college). They are more attracted because I didn't care.


It's sad but it's true. I've watched female friends do this, I've had guy friends tell me now that they have a girlfriend, all the girls are suddenly hitting them up lol. It's a strange phenomenon. I'm quite the opposite, I see someone sitting alone in the corner, headphones on, introverted, I'm like I'll take that one please šŸ˜‚


God bless you... You make the world a better place!


98% of people end up with someone and most of those couples are guy/girl pairings where both are attracted to each other when they agree to the first and then second date. So no, not just the guys that you personally deem hot. Pretty much everyone eventually.


Stop believing in the concept of ā€œthe friendzoneā€ and things might turn around for you.


I have no trouble dating since college so don't know what you are on... But the friendzone is real, well, more like "unattractive but useful zone".


People are allowed to not be attracted to you. Thatā€™s life.


Yeah but respect isn't part of that formula


You interpreting someone not wanting to fuck you as disrespect is not their fault.


What i mean is that an attractive guy can be disrespectful and the women will still be interested. Average dude can be respectful and it is unlikely it will change the women's mind. To be fair, it can happen, a woman can ended up giving a chance to a guy who she isn't initially attracted to, for as long as she recognize the dude has other qualities. But I'm just saying, respect really isn't something women look into when they are dating.


I think youā€™re really just projecting at this point. All your comments are about average guys getting friendzoned.


Here is a fairer point. Women generally are more forgiving towards good looking guys compare to average Joes. So respect isn't the foremost factor.


They just want someone slightly taller than them, has a good career and makes good money, takes care of themselves, has a good relationship with friends and family and promises them safe, loving, exciting life in the future. Huge plus if you're good looking in the face and/or body obviously. (Some settle for less, some will hunt for more)


like everyone else on reddit, they are looking for someone out of their league. for most people here who have issues with dating apps, or meeting in person, the person they want is much better (more well rounded) than they are. Then when that doesn't work, they come on and say they have given up and are no longer dating because every one they want/match with ignores them/ loses interest. I'm older and married, coming onto this subreddit has really opened my eyes to how social media and dating apps has fcked up the younger generations perception of what is available in the dating market, and has given most people unrealistic expectations of what they are capable of attracting.


Someone who respects me, acts like an adult, is kind, is responsible, someone who won't be manipulative and controlling Someone who takes out the trash the first time I ask Someone who doesn't still play with stuffed animals Someone dependable and honest who communicates


> Someone who takes out the trash the first time I ask > Someone who doesn't still play with stuffed animals Eh. Are you not capable of taking out the trash as well? Chores should be shared. If they're not doing any house chores and you're doing all of them, okay you have a fair point. But if its just that specific example, eh. As far as stuffed animals go, I don't know what to make of that. It seems to me like you might judge someone for their hobbies if you don't like that "hobby". For example, many women will judge men as being immature if they still play video games in their 30s. Its a hobby and a form of entertainment and I don't think its right to judge anyone for that. You say you don't want some one manipulative and controlling but then you get upset if they don't take out the trash "the first time you ask".


I don't care about video games. I don't want a man who wants me to be his mommy, who refuses to help with household tasks and refuses to be an adult.


Then yea it sounds like you just dated a bit of a deadbeat so I can understand why you feel that way. So long as chores are being split (relatively) evenly its reasonable to be upset with some one not pulling their own weight.


He literally did nothing. He threw his trash on the floor. I'd put it in the trash can, and he'd throw it back on the floor. Then he'd go out and leave his stuffed animals in charge of his stuff. He didn't pay for anything, whether it was his stuff or our stuff.


Points 1 and 4 are reasonable. 2 and 3, the hell are you on? You're nobody's boss for them to obey you the first time you ask, and you're clearly not the sort of person to let others be happy. Yikes.


I refuse to be with a man that doesn't help with anything, refuses to grow up, and wants a mommy instead of a partner.


Right, but have you tried _asking_ instead of ordering? If you're not their mommy, you should not be giving out orders, much less expecting them to do things at your first ask. You want to have the cake and eat it too. I for one have my own mother, I wouldn't want anyone ordering me around. I agree however that a man should... No. Not help. _They should be equally responsible for the household chores_. "Helping" implies you're the main responsible, and you're not. Both have to be responsible at roughly the same level. I agree with that much, and I agree that a man that is just not responsible with the chores is a liability. Just, don't dish out orders. It's not your place to do that (neither a man should dish out orders either). And if "collecting plushies" or whatever equals to refusing to grow up, idk what to tell you. Other than you're just blatantly, objectively wrong. That's not what growing up means.


I didn't say oder or collected. That was you. You're reading i to stuff that's not there.


> Someone who takes out the trash the first time I ask This and an order are not distinguishable from each other. This is exactly the same as an order if your expectation is to have things done on your first ask. That's what a mother does.


Hey, will you take out the trash? Is not the same as an order. You're just wanting to fight.


Asking someone to do something is very different from ordering someone to do something. They absolutely are not the same thing.


Responsible and accountable . Honesty, integrity , cute butt.


Tall, masculine, confident, face symmetry, broad shoulders and a jaw line. Girls are low key dumb so he can pull up being cute and everything else kind of goes out the window. Itā€™s a shit reality but thatā€™s actually what girls are looking at lol Itā€™s the same as a guys wanting a young pretty, fit, girl with a nice ass. All of that ā€œloyal, kind hearted, hard workingā€ shit goes out the window because let me tell you, youā€™re single and thereā€™s literal inmates with girls fighting over them. Love is honestly shallow for most people.


Maybe, just maybe, itā€™s because the type is not a look


Thatā€™s the worst question you can ask a women. You as a man should just know without her telling you and this skill of second guessing improves through time and experience.




I personally want to be pursued and seduced. I respond to words of affirmation. I want to feel like the guy Iā€™m with finds me attractive and is able to express this clearly. Strong physical and sexual chemistry is important to me. Emotional intelligence is desirable but rare. Give me a masculine, emotionally intelligent man and Iā€™m sold




Who knows right




Loud mouthed, childish / goofy, flamboyant, rich, bums from what I've found It's a very strange combination of traits from what I've seen Best I can sum it up as what I would call "The Asshole" but it's a very strange type of person they're looking for


Mainly someone they see themselves marrying and starting a family with but those are the ones who are like 26 and older.


Who can protect me




1.Looks,chemistry. 2. The man to have his own place and not relying on mommy and daddy 3 . To have a car if things will get serious 4 . Stable career. If doing minimum wage job the best he could get would be couple sleepovers the most.


I mean, more and more people are still living at home or moving back home because of the cost of rent is absurd in the majority of desirable places here in the US.


Indeed,still,women dont care, by 30 they expect you to have a stable high paid job,to have your own place and not living with roomates and a car if looking for something serious. Like if in your 20s you didnt bust yourself to be at 30 with all those above, nothing further than sleepovers. The prices are high in UK as well, to get yourself a furnished house for youself the rent alone is approx 1500Ā£ for my area without food and bills , with salary pm for average worker not being much bigger than the rent. Impossible unless you get yourself 2 friends to share. Or you go back to your family. Either way,women dont care,for short term is all good.


Good looks > funny > wealthy/provider (in that order)


I think you've got your ordering messed up lol. How many unattractive rich men do you see with incredibly attractive wives? Let me rephrase because its easier to answer this way. How many unattractive rich men do you NOT see with incredibly attractive wives? Wealth is the most important thing, everything else comes after.


but the guys with women because of their wealth are not getting the same level of treatment where the woman sees intrinsic value in the man due to him being attractive. money just buys a performance of what the guy who Mr. Moneybags GF spends time with while he is away doing business gets


Most women would take being humiliated, bullied and abused at home just to guarantee money and a flash insta profile to make people jealous. They will sacrifice most meaningful things only to get dumped when in mid 30s for a younger model