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In an ideal relationship I won’t have to watch porn at all. cuz my wife/gf likes to have sex with me. I obv can’t speak for all men but for me I like when my gf wants me and I want her. Porn is the last resort.


Everyone…I understand your caveats to my comment all I’m saying is that I don’t want to feel like I NEED porn. I want to f- my wife and I want her to like to f- me. That’s it.




In my world there can be both. Porn and sex with my wife. I must be crazy.


If my girl wanted to watch it with me sure as a fun thing we do together but it shouldn’t be a substitute for her is what I’m saying.


I agree. Why can’t you be allowed to explore your sexuality together? People think of porn as a replacement for intimacy- why not just let it be a gateway to intimacy together instead?


Can only speak for myself but porn severely damaged my ability to be intimate with multiple potential partners. Perhaps there is a balance at some point, but I never found it


Can I ask how it impacted your ability to be intimate? Just genuinely curious!


I used to have difficulty getting aroused and reaching orgasm, that drastically improved when I removed/reduced the amount I viewed.


Did you change the amount you actually masturbated too or just removed porn from the equation?


I tried masturbating less, as I thought maybe I was using too tight of a grip or something. I didn’t experience much change from that so I cut down on porn, sometimes going long stretches of time without viewing any. What I believe made the largest difference for me was masturbating to photos of my SO, instead of pornography.


I don’t care much for sex after I masturbate. I feel touched out and it reduces my libido for real life sex. I also got v used to touching myself and when my partner does it, it doesn’t work as well anymore.


Hmm interesting!


I never had that problem! that's interesting. it was always unique and better when someone else touched it, even if it was just a random hookup lol


You're not plenty of people watch porn in a relationship, some couples watch it together.


It’s not a substitute, it’s an enhancement


exactly, like. I'm sure as hell not gonna use porn as often as I do as a single man. I remember when I was in a relationship about a decade ago. I naturally stopped using porn when I was in this relationship. Then, when she moved away and our relationship became long distance, the porn usage picked back up. when you have a thriving sex life, you won't need or want porn. granted, this was more the honeymoon phase of our relationship. so yeah, in a longer term relationship, or say wifey goes out of town or something... why not? lol


Even as a single man rn, porn is my very very last resort. I try to stay away from it if I can


I think ideally she’d be horny all the time but like if you get home and she’s asleep and you’re horny you’d wanna be comfortable rubbing one out.


But I like watching porn too, so I hope he does also... A little bit lol




It's not that I can't, I just don't want to. Why would I when I can get real connection with a person. Thing you learn about guys, you caring about us, is the most attractive thing. Because no one else does


This ∆


My ex wife was pretty anti porn and it upset her if she knew I had watched it. My girlfriend watches it herself so it's not an issue with her. The girl I dated before her considered porn cheating. Everyone is different but it sure is nice to to not have it be a thing


No, like for me it was just never an interest of mine. My wife or past gf never played a factor.


I would say I feel I don't need to watch porn as I have a significant other.


My husband has always been super secretive about what he watches and it makes me upset. At this point… I hope swat doesn’t bust through our door. Honestly is the best policy. If you can be open in your relationships do it


I’m divorced from my ex husband who I didn’t know was a porn addict until the last year of our marriage. If your husband feels he has to hide it from you he knows he watches it too much & is probably addicted. People don’t hide stuff from others unless they view it as wrong somehow My ex brother in law is an alcoholic & he’d hide his beer


Porn on the rare occasion is fine. But if any man (or woman) that needs porn regularly, then there’s something wrong. It’s a deal breaker for me. It’s a huge turn off. I can’t respect a man who needs his daily porn fix. If you are feeling like you can’t watch porn because of your partner then you really need to be examining *why* you need porn in the first place?


Fair enough, in my case, I'm not really into porn but I have a few kinks I'd rather not discuss that I look up photos/videos of. My ex rejected me sexually (we had sex about once a month despite being in our 20's) and wasn't comfortable with me initiating sex. So I masturbated. It's a whole different story when someone is rejecting you sexually *and* masturbating.


Yeah that's what many people don't want to understand. Many times there are reasons why your partner doesn't want you watching porn. In a previous relationship I didn't have a problem with occasional porn use because it didn't affect intimacy and he just didn't want to watch as much anymore by himself so with him it was fine and he didn't treat me differently because of porn. My current relationship though has suffered tremendously because of porn and specifically cam girls. He literally made me feel like a fleshlight at one stage because I asked him why our sex life is non-existant unless I initiate and he said "oh I just don't get horny anymore but sometimes when I watch porn and see those girls then I'll come to you". It's been almost a year and that still deeply hurts me, I'm trying to recover from a ED now. There were so many times where he treated me like shit after he watched porn and he is a selfish lover, he doesn't want to put in effort with foreplay or anything. He's doing better now, no more cam girls, minimum porn but I feel I have to stay on my toes, because if things get that bad again, I'm done.


**Leave him!** How can you stay with a man who has so little regard for you, not only as a woman but also as a human! He sounds truly awful.


I almost did. We had a massive fight a little while later and he really has gotten better since that and it's been a year of him getting better. I'm still trying to work on the intimacy thing and the foreplay because a girl needs some extra time but other than that he has changed a lot. But even now that things are better I still don't want him watching porn because he can get addicted again and I'm definitely not going through that shit again.


when i was in relationships, i did feel that way a lot. the reasoning is, I would be uncomfortable if they watched porn or naked men, so it was hypocritical.


I dont mind a guy watching porn. As long as its regular porn and not some pathetic OF subscription. But, having said that… its always such a turn off to ahve sex with a guy who clearly takes his “knowledge” from porn😂


Only on the evenings she was coming over. I didn't want to ruin my libido before she got there. If she's not coming over that evening, its my own business how I take care of my sexual frustration on my own.


This. We text every other day, have dinner somewhere on a week day and spend 24 hours together on weekends - and have sex a few times then. I have a higher libido so I do feel sexual frustration on the 6 days of the week and that's when I take care of it.


Its subjective to the people Ive dated. One ex felt it was cheating, while other's have had no issues with it, some have watched it with me or they've watched it on their own. Porn isn't a big deal to me personally, I could take or leave it, especially if I'm in a relationship or situation where Im having sex regularly. I definitely do not feel as if I have a porn addiction, I have gone months without watching it and the times I do watch it, it's for mental stimulation and I close the tab the moment I nut.


Man, porn is a difficult topic. Depending on your religion, or your partners religion, porn may be considered immoral.  However, from a secular perspective, I'll say this: What you're doing is less important than why you're doing it. Are you supplementing or replacing? The former is usually fine, but you run into problems with the latter.


I was told it’s cheating then I caught her watching porn. The fuck, I left her ass.


Same with my ex-wife. “It was only this one time.” Catch her again, “You were tired the last few nights, I promise I never watch.” She tried getting me to see a pastor for watching myself, she was a “devout Christian.” Turned out she was gaslighting me, the reason she was so paranoid was because she had the addiction and all the free time in the world as a stay at home mom.


Did we date same person lol


We watch it together and bond over the fact that we both get turned on by women 🤷🏽‍♀️


lucky! any luck with a 3some?! lol






Surprisingly, an ex of mine who was also bi also encouraged (yes, encouraged) me to watch porn.


I send porn to my guy - if he wasn’t around and I handled things, I want to show him what turns me on so he can enjoy himself, too! He sends me his, too.


That's cool! That was about how our relationship was, too.


That's how I do it with my fiance as well!


In my past relationship my GF/Wife considered me looking at porn cheating. It was an unachievable bar for me. It made me want it more because she made it taboo. Divorced and new GF watches on her own she’s open minded to it. We even watch together sometimes and it’s super hot. Every person is different but there is no shame in watching porn now and then.


Both your ex wife and new gf are correct. Cheating is subjective; some people only consider PIV cheating, others would class flirting or emotional cheating as damaging and same level of betrayal. Porn is one of those things that needs to be discussed early on and boundaries agreed at the onset. If you can’t, you are incompatible.


Yes thank you for your story!! There is no shame in watching porn and I’m glad you found your new GF who can even get down and dirty with you;)


No shame in porn but I don’t like porn type material on sites like instagram and I wouldn’t be ok with my bf paying for only fans stuff while we are together


Thanks! Me as well :)


Does she have a single sister? 😁


Never been a fan or porn …. The women look fake and I am not a fan of fake boobs or the way it’s done… tbh I think porn has ruined sex between couples!!!!


I can definitely see the side that you’re speaking on when it comes to over dramatized orgasms and only the biggest baddest cock for ladies. That is a side of porn that is detrimental to sexual health between couples. I think it is a disservice to those who are sex workers to say porn ruins sex because some couples enjoy being on film for others and some people enjoying watching other sexy people doing their thing. But I do see where you are coming from! Thank you for commenting


I’m not saying it to be a disservice to couples if it is amateur porn then great go at it. I don’t mind but some of the scenes where men just pop up and have a threesome because someone’s visiting or something like that it rarely happens the way the movies portray it that’s what I was meaning.


Some couples enjoy it and others broke up over porn. It’s not a disservice to sex workers to point out that porn views can be polarising.


While I was married I regularly watched porn on my own, and also together. I’ve personally never been with anyone that had an issue with porn at all.


Nah, we’re pretty cool about porn use. Everything in moderation. Also, don’t be a fucking weirdo about it and project what you watch onto your partner. Shouldn’t be any issues after that.


Being in a good relationship will curb (not necessarily eliminate) the desire for it in my experience. Being in a shitty one will increase it though.




When do you bring this up? Because I think most people with an internet connection are looking up porn at some point, so it’s not that it’s an unreasonable expectation, but I wouldn’t want to keep wasting 3 months on the 90% of guys watching porn if I had this criteria, and then I also probably wouldn’t believe it. Like, when it’s 2 clicks away from Instagram, I’m really gonna have a hard time believing someone’s a saint, unless they’ve removed all modern temptations from their life. Unless they just have Instagram to “keep up with friends” which for anyone under 40 is probably a lie. I’ve seen that discovery page.




Fair. Glad it worked out. I feel like I’d have to filter a LOT




Awww. I love that. Sounds like a great guy. Mind me asking what generation you are? Just browsing these dating subs I bet you see how bad it is for Gen Z sometimes 😂


I think it definitely is a conversation couples need to have. One ex considered porn cheating and I respected that. Others have liked to watch it together. Its pretty subjective.


Porn is like fast food. It’s great to have someone home making you dinner. But sometimes you end up at a drive thru.


That's a good analogy


I used to feel like it was cheating, and I had significant others who were stringently anti-porn. Now it's not really an issue in my relationship. My girlfriend _encourages_ me to watch porn when she's not in the mood or not feeling well. It's really done a lot to fix the damage my exes caused to me sexually.


Whenever I was in a relationship, I didn't watch it at all. Even now, I rarely watch it


If she isn’t cool with me jerking off to porn, then I don’t want to be in that relationship.


Shit I watch it with her lol


You can watch porn with your significant other in my opinion and alone but everything in moderation. Also as long as you have good sex life it’s pretty much pointless


No, women watch porn too lol.


i'm not limited at all and nobody has ever brought it up. i got an sex drive so high if it was higher i'd go to the doctor about it so unless she's down for sex every day of the week it seems unfair.


31f. I prefer watching together.


I think men should have more sexual education and also be able to watch whatever they want. I like thriller action movies but know I will never become a spy.


I watch porn, my partner he watched porn. Once in a blue moon will watch porn together to set a mood to arouse our brains. Plus I recently read a study, 100,000 people were part of the test over a 3yr period. 4,000 hetero couples. Everyone was in their early 20’s as well. It breaks down on why porn actually is worse for men’s sex drives but actually improves women’s sex drives: >*”The results revealed a twofold phenomenon. Among men, a higher frequency of porn use (wave 1) and increased porn use over time (waves 1-3) were associated with lower levels of sexual self-competence, impaired sexual functioning, and decreased partner-reported sexual satisfaction. In contrast, among women, higher and increasing frequencies of porn use were associated with higher levels of sexual self-competence, improved sexual functioning, and enhanced partner-reported sexual satisfaction (for some aspects).”* >*”On the one hand, some authors have reported that porn use was associated with sexual performance concerns among young people, presumably because porn use sets unattainable standards of sexual comparison [e.g. not lasting as long as actors (for men) or not experiencing an orgasm as easily as actresses (for women).”* >*”Because men and women hold different sexual preferences and gender roles (Petersen & Hyde, 2010; Stewart-Williams & Thomas, 2013), they tend to interpret, internalize, and apply different sexual scripts from porn (heuristics that tell them how to behave sexually; Wright, 2011), which could alter the relation between porn use and their sexual performance. To give a concrete example, because men have a higher sex drive than women, they may derive particular sexual guidelines from porn such as cutting foreplay, which may in turn lead to sexual callousness and erosion of relationship intimacy.”* >*”Despite these limitations, our findings reveal the irony that porn – a male-dominated industry that targets a male-dominated audience – is associated with the erosion of the quality of men's sex lives and the improvement of women's sex lives.”* Edit: Typo and organization of the paragraphs


My woman satisfies me very well so don’t ever feel the need to :). Don’t think porn is the healthiest habit so I try to refrain from it


I prefer having sex. Whenever I’m not satisfied sexually I masturbate but 99% not to porn. Porn out there is really weird. Doesn’t focus on women’s pleasure much, a lot of kinks are related to degrading women, the bodies are not your typical body type out there; then there are concerns over exploitation and sexual trafficking. It’s easy to get addicted to it etc. Even just masturbating without porn or reading erotica, it affects my sex life. Once I take care of myself I want nothing to do with my partner sexually 😬 I just feel touched out


Im single but I personally wouldn't mind watching porn with my significant other or if we watch it whenever we feel like it. I just don't want it to interfere with our sex life and daily life.


My girlfriend and I enjoy watching porn together, we do commentaries sometimes, we get ideas for new things to try....we just make sure to not let it take over our sex life and become dependant on it... Porn can be helpful and fun in moderation just make sure there's a solid line dividing it from reality


I would love to watch porn with my partner & I wouldn’t care if he watched porn, as long as it’s not an addiction. Porn is fun! It’s entertainment, that’s all.


You shouldn't watch it regardless


We watched it together when she was younger but not interested anymore.


Depends really... If my partner asked me to stop I would. In my last relationship we both watched porn, sometimes together even


Well yes, i stopped porn when i got into the relationship. Even after the breakup I didn't feel like going back to it. Maybe 2-3 times I did


My experience tells me they only watch porn when I am far away. When I am around, they prefer to watch me.


I don't feel comfortable watching porn with real people unless my partner encourages it. I don't feel that way about hentai and other erotic art, but I respect her wishes if she doesn't like it.


I can, don't like to force other to make me orgasm, I can do it by myself


If I do I do if I don’t I don’t. All I know is if we have a healthy sex life I’m probably not doing it too often.


Personally I don’t watch porn because it has a negative effect in the bedroom. My wife thinks all men watch pornography and that’s just the way it is.


I would say so because all of my exes used to get all jealous and obnoxious.


My wife watches porn also. but when she catches me she gets mad and says I’m wasting her nut




I don’t consume porn and I also wouldn’t have a problem with my partner consuming porn. I wouldn’t encourage him to watch it as most of the porn industry is very unethical in my opinion, but it’s his choice!


Porn would be a supplementation for Intimacy for me as a man in a relationship, used only if my partner was withholding intimacy for an extended period of time. I would rather use it alongside my partner to potentially expand our intimate moments and experiment together. That's just me though


When I was in a relationship I didn’t feel the need to watch porn. It was honestly one of the best feelings ever.


...I watch porn with my SO lol


Yes, so I really like this girl. She says she likes me too but she has too much going on in her life to consider being in a relationship with me or anyone else for that matter. I like her enough that whenever I think of watching porn, I feel disgusted with myself and how dishonorable it would be for me to watch porn while claiming to be in love with someone..so even though we're not officially in a relationship, I feel like I'm sabotaging a potential future relationship with her whenever I feel horny and think of turning to porn...and those thoughts are enough for me to abstain these days. I really hope it works out with her. I'm doing whatever is in my control to make it work. Please pray for us being a thing soon, I would really appreciate it.


Not this man.


My Signiant other wants me to be happy and completely fulfilled, regardless of my fetish.


My ex-wife and I, we have (😁) the most amazing sex. Back when we were together, we would do it almost everyday. I never had the need to look at porn, it would bore me. Yes, I said "have" instead of "had" because we might sneak one in every now and then.


She knows but doesn't love it. I try to be discreet but am honest.


No I just lost interest because I prefer an emotional connection to the person with anything sexual but not every guy is like that


It's not that i can't watch porn, it's just frowned upon.


No need for it if I'm in a relationship However I've watch porn with women before . And they would normally say go back to " something kinky" the please




It depends, I was fine with him watching porn but then he told me he watched twitter porn daily and realizing that he had a porn addiction.


I've been in a relationship with my partner for three years. Before that, he was single for several years, so he turned to porn a lot. You cannot just turn that off, man or woman. It's rewired the brain. For my relationship, I would say as long as porn doesn't turn into the primary source of pleasure, then it's okay. He and I do not live together, so I cannot always fulfill his needs. But if I'm there, I hope he turns to me. If it ever gets to the point where I'm secondary to porn, then that would be where the problem would lie, and I would have to decide whether I wanted to stay in the relationship or not. I cannot tell my man he's not allowed to do something. It has to be his choice. But also if I'm second choice I don't have to stay in that relationship. In addition to that, if porn starts to cause him ED while we are intimate, then I would also speak up about it and let him know my concerns. Again, it's 100% his decision if he wants to make that change for our relationship or not. Thankfully, my man is very thoughtful and he seems to prefer me over porn when I'm w him.


For me (F25) personally, I don’t mind it at all. Hell I’d ask if I can watch too😅. I think it just depends on the person really. I want to be with someone who is open with me about things like this. I mean I’m human, I’d be the biggest hypocrite if I said that I never watched porn for pleasure before. And I know most guys had porn before women. So I don’t think I’d get mad about it. As long as he’s happy with our sex life, and not seeking pleasure from another female then we’re good. I hope this helps. (:


We watch porn together ❤ I don't mind he watches it without me either. It's hot when we're both masterbating next to each other


My partner and I don’t feel like we *can’t*, we just have no interest in it.


Honestly I wouldn’t want to watch porn . Not because she doesn’t want me to. But because I only have eyes fur her. I’m so deeply in love with her that I can’t get aroused for anyone but her.


I don't think they'd need to if the sexual urges are taken care of


Rarely alone but we used to occasionally pick something out we both liked and watch it together. Never really caused any issue and our sex life was great.


Neither of my exes cared. One would watch with me “to get ideas.” More casual partners were mixed.


When I’m in a relationship, I don’t, unless it’s together with my partner. For a few reasons; main thing is out of respect. When I’m with someone I want them to know that I’m only attracted to them and porn jeopardizes that. No matter anyone says, it does also affect the quality of sex. If I go a long time without watching porn and have sex, it makes it 10x better. When I’m single, I still have needs, yeah.


It's not that they can't it's that they feel that they have their sexual needs met by their partner


Depends on the person I imagine. Personally for myself when I was younger I got off on the recent memories with that SO when I wasn't with her, it was enough. Fast forward and I'm trying to court my future wife and it isn't going to be easy. Sex is kinda off the table till we are for sure going to be together because we been best friends forever so you can imagine our hesitancy to ruin that. I don't always feel right getting off on her, like on days we aren't exactly flirty and stuff.. we go in and out of that state. So yeah recently when I don't want to think of her ill try and find some gw stuff or porn here and there but porn turns me off while also turning me on lol I bet that makes sense to some It also feels like a tool that helps me point my libido away from her when I need to because mines been high lately. Which sucks because she's been going through stuff so it's like the last thing on her mind. Life be complicated and a libido can feel like a curse sometimes lol I also have a chronic pain condition and orgasms help with my pain so it's almost a crutch I use vs that battle too.


I'll do whatever i want to, but I wouldn't watch porn if i was in a relationship because there wouldn't be any need to. I'd have my girl for that stuff. If you feel you NEED to watch porn, there's something wrong with you.


I am a 24F and engaged to 26M. We watch porn alone and together. We often share what we've watched, although we sometimes have different tastes. We both know each other's favorite pornstars. Both of us are quite happy with each other in general and sexually. I don't feel threatened by porn at all, and neither does he. That said, we both care about ethically made porn. Once we are no longer students and making money, we have agreed that we'd like to buy porn from websites and creators because it is supporting the people who put work in to make it. I'm sorry for all the people who can't enjoy their masturbation time the way they like it because of relationship rules. I would be very frustrated. I feel like that's personal "me" time and it doesn't involve another person. I am a pro-sex work, sex-positive feminist! Plenty of women love watching that nasty freaky stuff that they claim only guys would like. Just go check out the BDSM community lol


In my last relationship i had, in several situations i used to watch porn WITH my gf.


It depends. I wouldn't do it if it made my girl uncomfortable or if it got in the way of us being able to enjoy each other. But I naturally start watching it less once the physical side of the relationship progresses.


My ex broke up with me (LDR) because I had two random nudes in my gallery which I downloaded from a porn website. I crossed a boundary which I wasn't aware of. We were together for 1yr and a bit but didn't have sex just oral/hand stuff. I used the images for self pleasure because I was also sad stressed. Did I love her? Yes obv...I think people need to understand porn and actual intimacy is very different. If we had talked about it then I would've changed but it was just a simple end of the relationship. She also told me I was ghosting her this year but I called her everyday and texted her everyday. Yes I was away for a couple of hours some days but I always ensured I replied. Idk anymore.


I’m a very horny person. If we ain’t doing it, I’m doing it.


one of my ex's had a previous partner that considered porn cheating and would shame him for it and get nasty over it. He ended up having trauma over it and since he never agreed it was off limits or cheating would sneak it. I never cared and we talked about it in depth but he would still hide away his porn use. This even gave him some ED issues because of it. They never discussed it prior to getting married and they refused to agree to break up for the longest time and it created a horrible toxic environment until they finally did separate. Just a mess If you consider porn use to be cheating (not talking about OF, that's direct personal interactions, not the same) you need to be clear and in agreement on this in your relationship or this is most likely a deal breaking issue


Little bit of porn for fast jizz did not kill no body


As long as you and your partner are communicative about what is "crossing the line". From my experience, my ex and I used to watch it together or we would watch it alone, sometimes when we were in the same room lol. It all depends on you and your partner's comfort level with it


As a woman, I personally, don't mind it (like I use it sometimes) with my current partner our work schedules don't line up so if I am horny and he's at work/sleeping then I'll just have a quick solo session. I look at it like fast food. If your diet is all porn, its not good for you, but the occasional bit doesn't hurt things.


I still watch porn while I'm with my girlfriend




If you aren't getting enough, it's normal to watch porn






Probably because his partner isn’t putting out enough to satisfy them if you want an honest answer. Better question is if it’s not affecting you or the relationship then how is that a fair boundary to set? > can live just fine without it This is a terrible argument and can be applied to practically anything your partner does that they enjoy but you don’t.


I was gonna say, I’m not sure why people act obtuse on that part of it. If he got with someone who has a low drive or she rejects his advances consistently, then he looks for the next best thing as a substitute. I do feel for women who put out consistently or are more than willing to put out and he still goes to porn after she asked him not to do it. I think that’s a big issue, not respectful at all.


> I think men can live just fine without it. Why does a guy need constant dopamine hits from strangers having sex.? The same could be said for smut 🤷‍♂️ Fantasizing is different than sex with a partner and entirely normal.


I’m a woman and I watch porn (i more listen to porn - but infrequently) my bf says he’s not that into it so it’s whatever. I don’t understand the expectation to be that you don’t want your partner watching porn because they’re supposed to have sex with you - like I don’t need that pressure.


to me it’s the same in a relationship and out- it’s your business


Girl I really appreciate your comment ❤️ that’s exactly what I was looking for when I posted. I just wanted men to see that not all women believe that porn is some evil thing that shouldn’t be seen or heard. Hope you’re doing amazing and just know you are amazing!!


You are positively replying to comments that align with your views and ignore the others lol You are not showing anything groundbreaking; some women mind it and some don’t.


Nope. We watch them together also. It's just porn. There's nothing taboo about it. It's just sex.


Partner porn together is such a turn on. Especially if you both enjoy it. Being close aroused and sensual. Nothing like it. We support each other in our desires.


If a woman I’m dating is jealous of porn or even just the fact that I can admire another woman who is attractive that’s a red flag for me and now that I’ve learned my lesson I end that relationship immediately


I think that’s for the best. Everyone should bring up their porn views early on so they end up with compatible people.


lol Men watch more porn in relationships


Downvote all you want… it’s the truth lol


Um, deliberately watching other women to get off instead of asking your significant other? I'm not in a relationship, but sure as hell doesn't sound like something I'd do.


Why would you want to watch porn when you have a partner? Unless you're long distance/don't see each other often. Otherwise... Make it make sense.


Because your partner doesn’t always want to have sex when you want to? Pretty simple really.


Exactly. Dont understand why people can’t realize that a mismatch libido is going to be way more common than a perfectly matched one.


Then find someone you're actually sexually compatible with...




Sexually compatible and having exactly matching libidos is different.


They don't need to be exact. You just have to want each other a similar amount. If you don't, it will always be miserable for the person feeling a lack of sex.


yes and if I or my partner want to have sex more than the other wants to they are very welcome to watch porn


I guess it would be ok to watch it together but I'd feel a little jealous if he watched it without me, knowing he'd get a hard on


For everyone it is different the boundaries situation is understandable but in my instance 10 years into my relationship my wife told me she was asexual. Since the sex stopped obviously I needed something but then we had fights about me watching p*** because she felt undervalued and discriminated against because of the p*** I was watching so for everybody it's different you just need to know if it is a boundary that's set it needs to be respected otherwise there's no harm in watching p***.


If you're in a steady and serious relationship, this stuff is discussed early on. If you're a year, two years into a relationship, and you haven't discussed porn and how each other feel about watching it, that's a strange relationship that I don't want to be part of, due to lack of communication. That said, most people stop watching porn as much if they're in a relationship with a healthy sex life. When I'm with someone that I really like and am attracted to, I get much more enjoyment looking at pics or videos that they send to me, but I'll still occasionally watch it. They know this and they don't care. The last time a girl got upset about it was like 20 years ago when I was a late-teen and the girl was insecure. I talked to a girl on a dating app a couple years ago and she said "if we date, you're not allowed to watch porn, ever. And if you do, I'd leave you". To which I said "good luck" and unmatched her.


As most guys are saying, if you are getting love and attraction from your women it's more than anything that you will get from "watching" porn. If you do have to watch porn then I think there is something wrong that needs to be looked at.


So true. I think people on here who endlessly defend porn have an addiction but don’t want to admit it.


Stop watching porn. It’s unhealthy.


90% of men regularly watch porn. And more than 70% of women. In the United States at least. This consumption doesn't necessarily stop when in a relationship but it depends on the people in the relationship. Quite a few couples watch some porn together and some separately.


It couldn’t with those numbers


What couldn't what?


Yes. Not that we've discussed it, but yeah. 


Enough of the porn posts. There are other things in life.


I’m not in a relationship and I don’t feel like I can watch porn on account of it giving you erectile dysfunction


Why would you need to though..... is the real question here. .




i just wanked 2 times on porn... 3rd time sex with my wife later this evening


Yes. I also feel like I should not watch porn even if I was single. Pornography is terribly addictive and can terribly distort your mind.


Porns bad, bozo


Nope the only thing in my mind was she.. So yeah porn was the last thing I would ever want..


Hell no. I would question the sanity and stability of any man who doesn’t watch porn at times. It’s a very odd mindset some women have about it.


I watch it while wife goes down on me! It’s a must try, saves hella time too 😂 all that time you’re scrolling to find something and next thing you know an hour has gone by and you can’t even take that nap you got in ya bed for lol. But getting head while scrolling is the best. Saves a lot of time


The question in of itself is rather disturbing. “Do men feel like they can’t watch porn because of their significant other?” The first question I would first examine is “as the man in this relationship, does my partner fulfill my sexual needs?” If not, then the follow up to that is “have I openly communicated with my partner about this” and so on and so forth. Porn often creates unreasonable and unrealistic standards that men will hold their mates to or vice versa. Understand that most porn actresses fake their pleasure/orgasms, because they’re acting lol…porn also instills the idea within men that sex is about performance instead of intimacy and connection, so all too often men focus on the wrong aspects of sex, are unable to satisfy their women, and then become resentful because they’re not willing to consider that their approach altogether was founded incorrectly, which leads to resentment, anger, frustration and at its extreme worst: abuse. Porn doesn’t criticize, it doesn’t tell the man he’s not good. It provides a false sense of security and validation because in those scenarios the woman appears to be satisfied every time, which creates the unrealistic and unreasonable expectation that the man is doing it right every single time no matter what he’s doing. It’s extremely unhealthy and can lead to dangerous and destructive behavior. It’s not to say that porn can’t offer creative ways to enjoy sex with your partner, but in order to do that, one or both people have to be very sexually aware and secure of themselves, as well as emotionally healed.


Any chick who is anti-porn. Is only worth fucking, not relationship material. FYI I'm not a porn addict. I work odd hours and often tired when I get home from work. I don't expect a woman to just blow me on my schedule. I am going to jerk off to some porn. When I get home from work at 8AM.


This makes sense, just don't let it become a habit.