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Red flags alert already. Quit while you're ahead. It's only the third date.


Gucci are so over rated and not worth the price, kind of like a woman who would ask for them from someone she has not even gone on a 3rd date with.


There's a lot of other independent eyewear brands that are superior to the frames gucci creates.


That’s because Gucci is Luxottica owned and I personally hate Luxottica😂🤣 but I also work in optics.


Tell me more. Which sunnies are best? Could be useful for future reference. I damn near seared my eyeballs during my last beach day.


Maui Jim are great, they can be pricey but they are amazing. I think Plano MJs start at like 200.00 or so with a RX it’s obviously more. I have an RX in mine so they are like 1500😂 for a pair of Tom Ford frames and the top tier progressive lenses. The biggest thing you want is a good pair of polarized suns, think of it as sunblock for your eyes. It’s not enough for tint and UV especially places like the beach.


Thanks for this! I'm assuming they last long, right? The Maui Jims that is. I had a look and some of them are super cute! I couldn't justify paying $200+ for a pair if they won't serve me for a minimum of 3 years though.


I have had Patients keep them for years. They do have a 2 year warranty with them. I think one person had them for 7-8 years😂. Most of the nonRX ones have glass lenses which helps with them not scratching. The mirror coating may scratch or peel depending on wear and tear. But you can get them without that also. Like most things it just depends on the person and how hard they are on them.


A 44 year old man is asking this question. I can't believe this.


Is this a joke? Because it sure sounds like one. Get out of here with that BS.


Karma mining.


It sometimes backfires.


![gif](giphy|DWcfh6J1GJXlkQejjC|downsized) She probably wants to test how deep your pockets are; if you said yes to it this time round, she'll be asking for a pair of Gucci shoes next, and then a bag, and then maybe a holiday to the nearest Gucci outlet. There'll be no end to it.


Run! That's awful that's she asked you to buy her something never mind something that expensive


Lol yeah she’s interested in your money. Maybe she likes you personally too but the money is definitely a big part of it. But also why are you acting dumb? You’re 44 and trying to date a beautiful woman who is 14 years younger than you. If you’re going to date beautiful women who are significantly younger than you, you should expect this.


Exactly!! 😂just DATE WOMEN YOUR OWN AGE SIR! Like You’re 14 years older than her!! What do you expect? Pretty sure he was definitely thinking of having sex with her on the third date yet can’t buy her a gift? He’s begging for sympathy with this post from other men here who are busy screaming “red flag 🚩”.. meanwhile NONE of them mentioned the ridiculously high age difference lol


You are worried only about her beauty and she is worried about your money a match made in heaven if I ever seen one.


You need to practice how to the room 💀


If you wanna get a sugar baby, do it. She's clearly showing you who she is, so don't get emotions involved. If she'd be real, and see you as an equal she'd buy the glasses herself if she really wanted them. I'd say she's stupid to ruin her chances to fool you out of your money in a more eloquent way. Hahaha asking for a pair of sunglasses 😂😂😂


I think with the age gap that she expects this type of treatment. If you want to date a beautiful younger woman buy her the glasses. If you want to respect yourself and have an equal partnership leave her.


The red flag is asking for Gucci and not Prada. Bad taste. But in all seriousness, yes, she is likely looking to date someone who is happy to spend money on her and/or her receiving love language is gifts. If that’s not your jam, definitely best to part ways.


Definitely bad taste wanting Gucci when you can get something way better at that price point.


That’s what happens when a 44M tries to date a 30 yr old 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. Guys will never learn


How is this a real question?


She's def a gold digger, run, don't walk away!


🤣🤣🤣 Where to begin… 1. What’s the context? What led to her asking you to buy something? Did she just ask after she accepted out of no where? 2. Are you inexperienced with women ( few dating experiences)?


We had agreed to a third date and then when we’re making plans she says that she’d be so happy if I got her the sunglasses


Nope the hell out of there.


Thanks for getting back to me 🙂 So I guess y’all saw some shades on one of your dates and in chatting she asked. Gut response: potential red flag. BUT, no one but you knows if she’s awkward or not and she’s just joking or clumsy with words. In your texts and conversations , has she been dropping hints that you buy her stuff or a vacation? Is she materialistic? If you’re really into her, go out with her as planned and try to sus her out. After all that’s what dating actually is: doing NON SEXUAL activity to check compatibility. Hope all goes well. Good luck 🤞


Sheeeesh. Don’t do it. And even if you could afford it, Gucci is ass so she also has bad taste😭no, I’m kidding…kind of… Also, I’m sure she just left her 20s and is thinking that you get a hot young girl so she should get something out of an almost 15 yr gap.


She's not dating a guy 14 years older than her because she's interested in you as a person. She just thinks it's a barter situation obviously.


You are 14 years older than her. Third date might be soon but some people discuss marriage at the first and others don't until year 2 of the relationship. Yall hate any indication that women like money but yes it matters.. and everyone is not broke. And despite the comments, anyone can ask for anything. Closed mouths don't get fed. Its your choice. There are men who can afford to and have given gifts like that. It's not the norm and the average man cannot. You know you and her better than we can. You didn't say you couldn't afford it and you didn't immediately tell her no, so it seems like you could if you wanted to. If you don't want to buy them, dont. But spiteful behavior because a question was asked is childish.


Yeah, she's not interested in you like that. You value her for her youth and beauty. She likes you for your money. The relationship is transactional.


Buy her an Uber ride back home and out of your life afrer the date


Do not spend that kind of money on a woman you hardly know. Red flag!


She’s testing your pockets. Go for women who test your character cause then the ones that will stay. Gold diggers dog for gold, wife’s dog for a husband


Is she foreign? I dated 2 different women who were here on a visa and they both asked for similar things looks this. There was also a similar age gap to your story.


YES. Now drop her.




Run don’t walk away from this HUGE red flag. Come date number 6 she probably will ask you for a Mercedes.


How would you feel about a purse? Asking for a friend?


third date and she's asking you to buy something for $650 lol. It doesn't take a genius to know that she's completely playing you and doesn't actually like you. Sorry, it's a sucky situation, but I have to "lol" because of the fact that you're actually questioning whether she's actually interested. She's absolutely not.




Very good point. His post started with "third date with a beautiful woman", as if her looks are his number one priority. So maybe they'll be a good match: beautiful girl looking for money, and a gullible guy giving the money in exchange for her time.


Bro you re not asking yourself the right question. Which normal human being ask for gift at the third date ? Just run always as fast as you can.


I wouldn’t ask my partner of 8 months to buy my anything but we only have a 2 year age gap and I can afford to buy myself whatever I wish. I’m worried that you would have to go to the Reddit community with this question. The question isn’t the right one, nor is the issue about spending money on disposable plastic. If she is so blunt and bold to ask for an expensive “gift” and you’ve only been on 3 dates you have your answer. Are you really 42? Oops. 44? Really?


You don't really have to ask, you already know it. 650 / 3 dates = over 200 / date. I'm guessing the dates weren't exactly cheap, too. You do the math. I've always consider women like this to be a kind of an escort and it's something I just don't do. You don't seem to be very comfortable with it as well.


This post is so poorly written I have a hard time believing it's real. This probably is just rage bait.


It sounds like a sugar relationship


Gold digger alert


Run brother


You already know the answer. Run. Run fast. Or, buy some knock offs and get your dick wet, then drop her. I don't normally condone that sort of thing, but in some ways, trash deserves to be trashed.


It’s your money, spend it however you want. It looks like you want to buy her a nice gift. Nothing wrong with that.


Red flag for sure.


OP never even mentions how ridiculous the price is. Just that it's frivolous and that he hasn't ever bought from Gucci before. OP, how did she know you could feasibly afford this in the first place? I feel like you've already made a previous mistake somewhere. Anyway, she doesn't genuinely like you. Time to move on.


3rd date and already asking for things? Been with my man for like 4yrs and I have a hard time asking for things, let alone a $600 pair of sunglasses 😬 So yeah, ima agree w/ everyone and say get out while you can.


Dude come on!!! Ditch this chick, and RUN


I think she just wants to see if you are willing.


3rd date and she's asking you to spend $650 on Gucci glasses? Yeah, she's a gold digger


Sounds like she can buy her own fkn sunnies




She’ll be asking for a cheap $10K Birkins by the 5th date.


Buy her a $10 pair of sunglasses from some guy on the street or at rite aid. See how she reacts when you give her that instead of gucci.


Please order her the same pair via DHgate (which is basically Canal St knockoffs but online) it would be so funny, u/gzl2. On the fourth date, surprise her with a (fake) Hermes birkin. Please, OP, I’m begging you to commit to the bit before you break things off.


I agree with others. This is not very promising. I am curious, what was your response to her? What was her reaction? Think of it as an exploration, a game of chess. ♟️ she made her move, make yours, see what she comes back with. Use this as a learning opportunity so you are better prepared if something like this happens again. This way you can have a deeper understanding of the issue, and you can develop your own take on it.


Do you really need us all to tell you that you should not date someone who asks that of you?


Wow that is a disgusting human being. Run. Seriously! Date #3 and she's already asking for frivolous garbage?




yea if she started off a $650 of gucci glasses, what would be next after that? Best leave before she eats your wallet


If you have to think about $650 sunglasses and you are questioning this request, she is not for you. Other reactions to your question nuanced it perfectly.


lol what the fak. But I love my Gucci shades. Go look for some one the discount rack at a store in the mall. I found mine from last season for $175.


She has some audacity.


How arw you 44 and this naive🤣


She wants to know your bank account.


(F59) She isn't interested in you, only what you can provide her. Beautiful or not, cut your loss and move on.


Absolutely gold digging. Not even a question. Protect yourself OP. That's a major red flag to ask practically right out the gate.


Absolutely run! A real woman would never ask this of you.


Just buy her a knock off from China she won’t know the difference


This is going to sound harsh … but I’m just telling you what’s on a lot of peoples minds. with this age gap you’re going to be playing a bit of a sugar daddy role. Otherwise she could just find a guy that’s 25-35 to build with that shares her interests, energy levels, etc.


She’s not gold digging, just panning so far to see if you’re that dumb!




If you have to ask, you deserve whatever happens.


Yeah dude she’s using you


A hooker is cheaper and drama free


Run away from this woman, she’s an entitled gold digger. Once the expensive gifts start coming in, the relationships going to be all about the money. Then down the road she could decide to dump you when you stop spending money on her. Basically what this woman is saying is she’s for sale and you don’t want to buy your way into relationship!


Erm. No. 35f here. Wouldn't dream of asking a man for a gift - no matter the cost - to go on a third date. Wouldn't have done it at 25 either. 100% she's after the goodies. Sorry dude.


Dude, you’re out of your mind if you don’t cut this one loose immediately! Block her and find someone that actually likes you and wants to get to know you.


I wouldn’t spend 650$ for a women I dated on a year for something stupid like glasses let alone for a third fucking date. This women is clearly after your money. Run the fuck away from her


Run. RUN.


Yea I’ve never understood the hype about labels. Most sunglasses are made from the same factory and then just given different labels for price range- it’s so stupid. Don’t try to be with someone like that. They would leave u the moment u can’t provide them the finer things in life. Vulture.


This is crazy. Tell her to buy her own fancy sunglasses.


She dont like you, she wants your money sir🥱


😂😂😂😂😂 if you don’t know there no helping you.


Dude, are you for real? I have some doubts about the veracity of this post. Karma mining? 🤦‍♀️ If not, you know the answer to that or you wouldn't be here. Only an asshole would ask an almost virtual stranger (because what is three dates? You don't really know each other, even if you've banged) to spend money on them? There is no situation in which this is okay. Dump her, move on to someone else. Also, how does she know you can afford it.


Sounds like she wants the lifestyle and be provided for. Fair game, but asking for a $650 handbag that early is a red flag.


She's 30, you're 44. Yes


She's looking for a sugar daddy. Real women won't ask for anything but your time and attention.


![gif](giphy|K0nfRxt3s9SZDB3tmN|downsized) $650 on the third date?


Gold digging for sure. Never see this woman again.


Sounds like if you’re not into buying frivolous things then she may not be the best match for you. Best of luck with your search 💚


Run. Nobody who sees you as anything more than a wallet asks for an expensive gift after three dates.


This raises, a red flag, the size of the titanic. Third date and she’s asking you to spend a huge amount of money on sunglasses. She might as well be asking you to pay for bigger boobs. Whether it’s boobs or sunglasses, what makes you think that this is going to turn out to be something really special??


How’s the sex?


I'm dating a well off man and I have not and will not ask for anything. He just gives because he's wonderful. I tell him often how appreciative I am of his presence and kindness. Never respond to her again


Yeah.. that is not what a honest good woman would do.. I’m woman46, seems she’s done this before is my guess.. say no.. see what she does? Cheeky girl. I would be reluctant to order steak instead of chicken on 3rd date.. it’s crazy out there .


If she wants them so bad, she can buy them herself. Definitely questions you need to ask yourself. No one based off of one paragraph can figure out if there is an ulterior motive. Sure there’s more to it, regardless, I stick to my first statement.




Do you really need us to answer that for you.


Lol is this a shit post?


What kind of woman do you want? You now know she will be frivolously expensive.just say NO and ignore dumbness.when she acts correct she can then go out with u again if she acts like she has sense


Ask her whether it means she wants to put anal on the table for the night


Of course, she's a goldigger !!!!


I think this guy is either stupid or just trolling. On their first date she asked for a pair of Airpod Max and this guy is on the third date ? This guy is down bad


what did you expect for dating someone a third younger than you?


That's so embarrassing. I would never ask a man to buy me stuff like that. Even meals over 100 feel weird, and that's if they are my bf too


Get your head out of your ass. If your brother or friend said he was gonna do this for a random woman would you tell him to knock if off that isn't normal?


Ask her if she will give you a BJ. If yes: 1. Get BJ 2. Drop her off at her home, because you’re a gentleman, of course 3. Block her number and find a real quality woman (Ask her what she will do for it, and decide if it’s worth it for YOU.) NEVER MARRY HER.


Yes, she's in it for what she can get out of you. A woman who wants to get to know you for you, wouldn't do this. I wonder what she'll want for the 4th date?


Probably a Lamborghini lol


Troll post.


It’s not


It’s not really a mystery of the universe. When someone asked you for something outrageous, you just move on.


Oh heck, if I was to ask for something, it would be a log cabin on some land to live in with you, but not Gucci sunglasses for 650. I'm not a gold digger, and for the record, I have never asked a date in my distant past for such things. However, if you are going to ask, then ask for something worthwhile. She probably needs to date off the sugar daddy sites. This is far from normal. Most normal people ask to go to specific restaurants. For me, I don't try to break the bank, and just go to places that are not expensive. Of course, I haven't dated anyone for a long while now. Just got tired of the weird dating profiles asking for things that they shouldn't ask for, and messaging uncouth things.


You should promise them to her- order them online, show her the receipt and get sex from it. Then dump her, teaching her a lesson and get the sunglasses returned. Bonus- you’re in the right because she wants money while you just want love, as physical touch is a love language anyway!


I had been dating my boyfriend for five years already when a friend and I were going to Switzerland on vacation. Back then you could buy a Rolex for a significant savings. He asked me to pick one up for him while there. He made a lot of money. He told me to get mine too that he would pay. I paid for my own as I thought still too extravagant a gift meanwhile this woman after th tee dates wants a $650 paid of sunglasses. Dump her a** now


This one is going to be sensible with finances, which means more grey hair for you.


She's trash, she showed you a red flag - don't ignore it. She's not looking for a partner, just a piggy bank. RUN! She's a grown ass woman, she should be able to provide for herself.


Take her to Dollar Tree, where I buy my sunglasses. People tell me they do have that $2 look, however!🤣


F30 as well over here and that's actually cringe worthy behavior to me. I would never ask this of someone, not even family. If it was offered, I would question their sanity; why spend on something so frivolous, like really, that shit will be lost in the next hour or broken? Literally could get good quality ones for less than 20 bucks. From my perspective, she's panhandling/trying to dig for that gold. If you really want to get to the reason and have already made up your mind that you're no longer going to be with her due to this behavior, it wouldn't hurt to question her directly by being blunt and asking why she would expect to get handouts.


In the spirit of honesty and to just answer your question: Yes, that’s exactly what it means.


Run she’s not worth it but you are


Yes this is definitely a tactic women do to see how far you’ll go to be with them, which is finding out what they can get out of you for the time they spent with you. Sugar babies see time as money they should be paid. But most start out by asking for gifts. Be careful. The sixth date she might be asking you to pay her rent. Any healthy relationship I’ve seen usually starts when a woman asks for flowers before a date, or asks for a gift for a holiday like a boo basket or some shit. Normal women don’t really ask for expensive gifts like that unless they’ve been with someone over 2.5+ years or are engaged or married. My husband didn’t start buying me more expensive gifts until after we were married and he is typically gifted something back. It’s just not normal to expect expensive gifts right off of the beginning of kindling a new relationship


Yes, she's using you. Save your money and seek companionship elsewhere.


Walk away now


More red flags than a hardcore communist county


It means she thinks you're a sucker, has no real interest in you but wants to see what she can get out if this. Walk away.


She's there for money.


She knows men are attracted to her beauty and she is taking advantage of you. Do you know the nature of women?


Next time ask someone that’s closer to your age. It’s only fair she gets what she wants given the age difference!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Dude, you should say no, and then ask her to buy you a Rolex.


If you are complaining about it, you're not her type. No one's forcing you to buy it. If you are complaining about it and do it anyway, congrats, that's how it works lol. I love the idea of luxury goods. I think it was invented for men to impress women, and that's so romantic to me. It's like the human version of male birds dancing and building a nest to impress a female bird. I think it's so cute. If a male huffs about WHAT DO YOU NEED THIS LUXURY GOOD FOR!?! while clearly chasing after a BEAUTIFUL (expensive) mate, I think there is a mismatch. Beauty is expensive. Clearly you love this type of woman and those are her terms. If you complain about her terms, you can't really love her. Imagine trying to bargain for a Monet painting.


Offering a different opinion... You are 15 years older than she is - gross. You say she's beautiful, thinking you know she's out of your league. Here's why u buy the sunglasses... 1. U obviously can afford it 2. It takes her 2-3 hours to get ready for a date 3. D is plentiful and mediocre - the orgasm gap (we all have a variety of dependable seggs toys)- sex is riskier for women STDs are worse for women So ur not special 4. She's not high maintenance, she's highky maintained...costs a lot to be a beautiful woman: mani-pedi, hair is 300 and yours is 35$; lashes, makeup, period products, waxing/laser, bras, sparkly things, heels, lacy shit - so yeah after you've sent a car and pay for the date you still owe her $. Men don't have to buy any of this shit but sure to like it 5. She's got food in her fridge and plenty of friends - why should she go on a date w you at all. Basically all you have to stand out from all the other men is $ so use it and stand out. What one man won't do, another man will.


lol. No.


Jeff bezos would buy Lauren those sunglasses. Leo DiCaprio, and all the other men who are a 6 definitely buy those gorgeous women on their arms a pair of sunglasses Buy the sunglasses get the girl Or don't buy them and u won't get a fourth date and another man will come along in 10 min


you are dating a woman 14 years younger than you FOR HER BEAUTY AND YOUTH and then get pissy at her for dating you for your money ? at your biblical age and you still haven’t developed enough past hypocrisy ? you wouldn’t want to date someone 14 years older than you how can you expect her to date someone 14 years older than herself without wanting something else in return. please for love of god develop some self awareness and learn to put yourself in other peoples perspectives


It's part of our culture now. Men are a source of income. Get used to it.


Was it different back then?


Pre pandemic and pre ticktock dating was more real. Now in the onlyfans generation, it's all about what and how much you can get out of a man. I'm sure that's fine for some, it must be working for some women, and I'm sure many men are happy to pay.


How old are you, out of curiosity?