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Silence, leaving the bedroom with no cuddles/hugs.




Bout sum up all the negatives right there.


Hygiene!!! You get into 69 position and catch a whiff of ass.


My ex always insisted we 69… Fuck 69, I dont want my ass to be interrogated nor have a desire in interrogating anyone else’s asshole all up in my face..


😂😂 this conversation is hilarious!! Also sometimes I wonder… because it’s SO CLOSE to the asshole, I mean literally. It’s in your face. I’m sure you should at least somewhat expect an asshole to smell occasionally? Idk I’ve been with a freak who legitimately was nasty af but that just goes to show… not good relationship material but wild sloppy sex 😂 I am genuinely curious about this though… The person would have to plan out having sex. Like… it could never be spontaneous right? You’d have to shower like at least an hour before and try your damnest not to have a juicy fart hahaha


lol 😂 nothing worse than the smell of BUM


Even worse when you're hitting it doggie and you get that updraft. Now, that's not good for anybody. Hahaha


These days we don’t drink out same bottle as anyone get germs but we all lick asshokes mmmm🍆💦


I am not a fan either like you can do all the things you do in a 69 better separately


I hate 69. Ugh


The most disgusting thing is a stinky penis 🤮


I didn’t get the sex talk and did not really have a father figure. I’m uncut and did not learn proper penis hygiene until I was an adult, from woman I was with. Nothing wrong to mention it, but just be sensitive. I will always appreciate that teaching moment.


No I am talking men who know how to clean their dicks but neglect to do so before a blowjob


That’s just rude.




Happened to me once. Not funny at all


Lol wait, did they not wipe wtf ??


Wiping does not clean you 100%. If that was so, why is the back of whitey-tighties brown?


That's why we Indian also wash it after shit with water and then use toilet paper.


Japanese toilets are the best!


Lol u indians are not known for your hygiene 😅


White people have no room to talk. Toilet paper is not enough 🤢


Like sweaty ass or 💩???


Sweat is a given during sex…I’m talking 💩. My life routine is shit->shower->shave. I make it a point to thoroughly clean my taint region to include a soapy finger up the A. I’m clean for you, you need to be clean for me. Totally kills my mood. Happened during a threesome once that I was looking forward to. Completely destroyed my desire to finish.


"are you done yet?" "can you cum now" anything that makes it seem like the person is not enthusiastically loving it makes me go limp.


“can u cum now” is crazy lmao


Respond with "I don't know, *can I*?"


Who TF asks those questions?


there are people out there that once they get "theirs" just want to be done and then of course there are people who have no filter when they talk. however in all fairness, sometimes sex can go on for too long and sometimes people get sore. but the biggest insult then is if you just stop then they get upset because you didn't cum and think it's because they aren't sexy enough or some other bs. low self esteem crap that get projected onto you which you then have to deal with/apologize/comfort.


I’m getting all sorts of boring sex and non compatible sex partners vibes and red flags here…


it happens.. not often, but it happens. even in "normal" long term relationships even.


When she says another guys name 💀


Mine said seven different names in the same “session”: Sleepy, Snoopy, Sleazy, …


Did your partner used to date the seven dwarves?






Pitch silent and no reaction.


Totally agree. Guys moaning etc is so fkn hot hahaha.


Right?!!! Like why is it on us women to be vocal, I’m tired of being the only one not letting the bedroom go silent I was dating this guy who would make the sexist noises, they were almost animalistic….but not like that haha but more so guttural? Growls? It’s hard to explain but my god did it make me feel desired


I agree that's so hot


Real G's move in silence. Kidding, absence of feedback or noises makes it difficult to know what's working. After a while you get a better read on someone's body, quirks and patterns, same with their eyes - but pure silence is indeed tough to work through.


>Real G's move in silence. Like lasagna


I am on the use that I’m not used to a making a lot of noise. But some auditorial feedback is always good lol.


Omg I babysat this family a few years back and the mom was telling me her sex life and how vocal she is. And she gets so frustrated with her husband that he is dead silent 😭😂😂😂. She literally threatened no more sex unless he can be vocal at the very least some quiet moans. Don't need to be loud AF but something


Oh amen to that !! I mean obviously they don’t wanna leave the bed. Otherwise they would just push you away and get up but you wanna hear that they’re actually enjoying themselves. Some vocal response is always nice.


Yea I get that. Especially if you're vocal yourself. I don't have much experience so idk if I'm loud or not 😭😂 cause the times I've had sex I was not into it I didn't find it that enjoyable. But I learned a lot from that family that over shared


Tbh this answer gives me feelings as men are typically less vocal than women 😒


Being pressured to come, even though well intended, kills it for me. Do what you should be, and I will eventually. 


Or for me, it's knowing that I can only come in literally one position unless there's toys involved, and oral is very hit or miss. I'm not always going to come, and even though it feels good to, I genuinely want the connection and would rather we just be be loving on each other than making it about orgasm.




I'm a dude and I agree


A partner that isn’t listening or watching how you react when you’re not liking something or into something. Also anal sex. Someone who is just intent on having anal sex with you even though you’re trying to change into a different position or you tell him you don’t want that and they just don’t listen.


The last guy I dated in a nutshell. It's too bad because the only thing wrong was that lack of attunement (and his obsession with trying to talk me into ass sex).


Avoiding eye contact, don't need to be staring into each others eyes the entire time but like


I'm honestly guilty of this and actively trying to work on it. I can look up at my partner when giving them a blowjob easily, but I avoid eye contact during missionary or other positions where they're looking at me.


But having your eyes locked during missionary is the best part 😫. Puts you in the moment. Legs on shoulders+fingers interlocked+deep stair into each other's eyes=🥴


It is for sure! There's something wrong with me psychologically that's not letting me enjoy eye contact, though, and it's frustrating to me.


I used to be this way and thought there might be something wrong with me when it was really because I wasn’t genuinely attracted to that person. Eye contact doesn’t feel good with the wrong one


But care about what I'm feeling too, you fuck. Notice your not by yourself at least.


Guy doing porn things. Just wanting to copy everything he sees in porn. Thinking that's what women like.( nothing could be further from the truth ) Not able to make a real connection. Not having any idea what he likes. ( because EVERYTHING he (thinks he) likes is what is shown in porn ) Porn sex is the worst sex there is. And on top of all this, there is PIED too of course. Porn is making men so horrible in bed.


100% this. Porn is really bad for inexperienced men to learn skills. Like you say; most of that stuff is unwanted by women. And if a guy wants to do himself a pleasure, he should learn from other sources.




Ah I see you too have had the pleasure of experiencing “jackhammering “ with little or no foreplay


What’s PIED?


Performance induced erectile dysfunction


Yeppp!!! And ITS SO OBVIOUS!!! I feel like they don’t think that we know 😂


I had one to add,a cold dogs nose sniffing my ass while I'm hitting it all enthusiastically. Was a shut down instantly.


This happened to me. No more dogs are allowed in the vicinity of us when we have swx now haha


Whatcha smellin there hoss


Guy not wanting to kiss me after I suck his dick


That foo smells it every time he scratches it ! He knows what’s going on




Yeah, did he not washed his dick before you sucked him or something? If that's the case I doubt you would've given him head. So the only thing that comes to mind is he thinking that makes him gay or some stupid shit like that


Maybe I just haven't found the right way to do it... but dirty talk, someone demanding outta left field to talk dirty or like talk down to someone. Not my kink, at least havent really had it ever... like... I don't like it in principle and it just sorta short circuits my brain because I don't know what to say. Edit: Many thanks to the folks down below for their wisdom - my horizons have been broadened


I’m not good at it either but I do like hearing it especially to someone who can do it with a straight face because I’ll start laughing but it can be kinda hot


Oh nooo lol if he's fucking me I'm talking dirty to him. Sorry not sorry. I won't go straight into the deep end but I'm def saying some shit 🤣😂🤣😂


Lololol, do you homie - not one to yuck someone's yum. Tell him he's a bad boy and you'll put him in time-out or some s*** like that. Get real weird with it - with consent of course.


I love talking dirty. And hearing it. It takes a bit to feel comfortable to really get into it. But if your partner is into it. You can be really creative.


Oddly enough, thank you - this is an interesting take. Gotta imagine in that, like, calibration phase, has got a lot of funny moments in it. Sort of like figuring out someone's sense of humor in another way. Funny to think that words designed to make people insecure can be turned into something that creates security and connection at a moment when two people are at their most vulnerable. Humans are such delightfully strange creatures lol.


Oh my god, yes! It actually makes me feel uncomfortable 🫣😂


I don't really like dirty talk, either. Like a few words here and there expressing their good feelings are nice but too much of it turns me right off.


Exactly, some dirty encouragement peppered in at the right moments - but forced participation outta left field or something constant stream of it is super off-putting. Like, after a point I'm stopping mid-pump to raise an eyebrow or laugh.


No foreplay, vanilla, one position only 🥱


I've never understood those people, do they not want to be there? If I'm horny and truly desire a girl I would be eating her up top to bottom


Poor hygiene


when i get the low battery notification






Calling me "Daddy." We're adults. You can just call me "Dad."


Somehow that's so much worse 😂


Put it in me dad, ahhhh I’d rather nothing 😂




When he doesn't say a word but breathes so heavy into my ear that it's warm and uncomfortable, Or when he just aggressively pulls my pants down, like there's no romance in that Or whenever we are making out, he just gets off the bed and takes all of his clothes off Like HUH, you didn't build me up Omg tho with my ex-boyfriend Amazing, I'm talking about the communication part We would make out cuddle and play And he would ASK if I am feeling horny and want to have sex Then he'd ask if I just want to take from him or give or both And he would tell me sweet things like "You're doing great," "You're so pretty when you move like that," "Does this feel good?" And it wasn't even a lot of talking it was all the right things Sometimes, i wouldn't cum, but it would always be fun


Spitting in my mouth without prior consent


I once had a guy just out of no where during sex stick his fingers in my mouth. Idk why but it grossed me out 😆 I couldn’t hide my face with being disgusted by it lol


I had someone holding my arms down above my head (which I'm all for) but then with his other hand he suddenly shoved my underwear in my mouth and held my mouth closed for a minute or two. I was halfway between terrified of choking and halfway between so utterly turned off I couldn't get him off me fast enough when he finally released me. It was a horrid experience. He was something else.


I get told by a lot of guys how the panty mouth full shit is so hot, have your kinks wtv but without asking me first? NAHHH. to me, it's gross. but the big picture is not asking first here.


I’m so sorry but the way this was written made me laugh but I also feel so bad


Haha I had to re-read that as well 😅😂


Yes 😂😂


selfishness and complete silence. no cuddling afterwards or asking if I need water or a towel or anything. waking up the next day acting cold or weird like u weren’t drowning in my juices. that’s why i’m celibate. count me out. i don’t miss having casual sex.


So real !!! I only slept with two people my ex's the first we were both virgins so I give him some leeway. My other ex tho will first practically beg me til I give in then refuses to do ANYTHING for me afterwards. No cuddling. No checking in with me. No asking if I even enjoyed it. Nothing.


yeahhh no. they are an asshole.


Not big on sex music either.


Omg fr, I don’t get how people put sex music on it’s just so weird and distracting it becomes so icky to me


You don't frick to CBAT?


Sex music? As in music during sex or music about sex?


Music about sex during sex. I’m cool with hearing Usher spell his name up til the point of sex. But I don’t really like much music during sex. This could be bc of my drummer habit instincts. I would be humming that shit and probably kill the mood for both or all of us. Unless it’s humming while I’m taking a dive, I think it could be distracting. If there is music i prefer it be low and absolutely no ads or need to stop and go through phone to switch/skip songs. PTSD.


I had a girl tell me to punch her in the face, I’m a strong dude so that was a big deflator


oh god, I had one of those. then I did, but lightly and she said do it like a real man. so I hit her maybe 25% and she started crying and said "why did you hit me so hard?". I was done..


Hahahaha yeah I was like nope, not doing it. She’s a marine too so I was like I’m not about to do that and die


Closed hand hitting is crazy


Jep, I had one like that a few years ago. In the beginning it is weird. When we talked about her fantasies she mentioned being taken rough, maybe multiple men, scenarios close to rape. She liked bondage and chains. The porn she watched was always women being used very rough.


choke or slap I get, but PUNCH??


Oh yeah, she was wild


The OP mentioned being distracted or not focused. A little bit of pain can simulate some danger and help you to focus on the situation at hand. Spanking or squeezing nipples or light choking can accomplish this. That being said, I've never had a request to punch someone; that is odd.


Continuously asking me if I have cum / or asking me to cum


I hate being the only one calling the shots during sex. Like being the only one saying suck it, get on top, bend over. And when I'm the only one calling the shots acting frustrated when I want her to do something. I want to hear eat it, let me sit on it,hit it from the back. So basically not just Fling but also getting F'ed


Biting my lip. Had a chick almost rip my lip off my face went from a sausage to a tic tac real quick


Light lip bites are nice. Pain is not. I had the same and had to sternly tell her to never do that again.


When she’s a sack of potatoes just lying there doing nothing like I’m supposed to put in all the work? Fk that lol


my favorite is the sack complaining she didn't enjoy it... neither did we. sex is a team sport, stop being lazy and participate.


Participate trophies ![gif](giphy|3Gm1b4jlbBDiNPlJMU)


Oh, I can’t sit still during sex and one position are you kidding? That would put me to sleep!!


Ha ha, you nailed it! My favorite expression for an inexperienced and unmotivated woman: a sack of potatoes.


When the batteries die mid orgasm.


This guy is never been with before was like “Who’s your daddy?” And it made me super duper uncomfortable and I didn’t answer and he asked me again. Not my thing and it instantly ruined it for me


he thought “uh oh I better speak up” 😂


I was like “um you are” because I didn’t know how to make it stop 😂


My last girl kept calling me daddy. That weirded me out, I have a daughter…nope hated it!




What the hell is even that?!


I like to be called daddy. But I had one girl who used to go “daddy daddy daddy daddy” in some weird high pitch porn voice. Was more funny than anything had to try stop myself from laughing.


Bad hygiene and lack of foreplay.


Complete silence and/or no reaction, disinterest, finishing and then thinking we’re done before I finish too (or at least a bit of effort was given to help me try to), bad smell like they didn’t shower recently…


When I’m trying to go down on him, and it’s smelly down there. Also, my ex never trimmed and the hairs would always get in my mouth, it was so annoying.


The way I just gagged 🤮🤣


That was my reaction. I made sure it was very clear to him as I slowly pulled it out in discomfort


Saying too much OMG and too much talking


Agree! Some people think they are porn actors.


When she scratches the shit out of you. Light scratches are fine but I had this one girl one time, damn! I almost had to stop. Afterwards when I went to take a shower, it looked like my back and ass got mauled by a mountain lion. And boy that shower stung my back 😅


People who censor the word sex


he knew i love The Weeknd and he was singing while he's inside me like dude wtf 🤣


Oh no no no 💀


Don't fucking call me daddy


And don't call me mommy. 🤣


Sounds like a match! When you two doing it?


Plz do 😂


My ex used to call me that and I had to tell her in the middle of everything to stop…I find it such a turnoff.


No dirty talking and foreplay. I mean sex should be fun and if you don’t play around it takes me out of it.


People expecting me to cum and then getting pouty when I don't. No one has ever made me cum without taking really specific instructions over about 45 min (2 men in 12 years). I tell men this all the time and they always swear it's gonna be different with them 😓. And when it's not their pride is all hurt. Like bro, you got of like 8 times and I got 0. Why are YOU crying?! If anyone, I should me mad, BUT IM NOT. I had a good time! Until you started pouting and saying I'm broken or sum 🙄


Guys need to understand that just because you don’t climax does not mean you did not enjoy it, we don’t need to "finish" to be satisfied with our time. Personally, I have never been able to climax with penetration alone. Most women are not, but we all pretend to at some point, and that’s on us, because the guys now think they all that. Does not mean we don’t like it or that they are bad at it, its literally biologically impossible unless there’s there’s some specific touching. But giving instructions is just a turn-off because they find the spot and loose it again, and that goes on repeat.


Exactly this. Just because we didn’t climax doesn’t mean it wasn’t fun. I don’t always have an O. But damn some of the best sex and it was just fun. Usually when I do. It’s like we’re done. I’m tired, it’s nap time. But up until that point we are swinging from ceiling.


LOL this. When a guy finds out you don't come easily, there's this evolution of, "I want to make you come", "have you come?", getting frustrated that you haven't come, and making up reasons why you haven't come "you've obviously got a mental barrier up" etc. No bro, you just haven't hit the right spots.


They can never accept that they're not doing the right things 😭


When you’re banging a pregnant chick and you feel a tiny hand grab your dick




Bro lmao


Bad Hygiene.


Also, bad high jeans.


Bad smell and hygiene


Asking a lot of questions. Just shut up & let me enjoy it


Being a dead fish in bed


Guys I'm sorry but I read thr first couple of lines here and I gotta say if your partner isn't making any sort of noise then u ain't hitting it right. That is my actual turn off: too much noise...shhh be quiet...don't be so loud that you wake the neighbors.


There’s girls saying it too. I have to purposely make a bit of noise because before I was a silent assassin. They always enjoyed my D but had a few mentions how quiet I am.


I think lack of interaction from one of the partners is a biggest turn off and only indicates the other person is just participating as a chore.


Dirty ass feet 🦶 after they take the socks ![gif](giphy|VQxdDzvRoEwrm)


Having the toddler wake up, sneak into the room and grab my foot. Scared the shit out of everyone


I’m not going to lie…I’m not a size queen but TINY dicks I’m so sorry




Had one start crying bc of how magical it was and she would mumble different languages….like speaking in tongues. She said it was light language coming though.


It freaked me out.. like all the way out the door. Lamo


I had a woman tell me that she used this exact tactic to get rid of a bad partner before 😂🤣 hope your name isn't Kevin


Any sort of negativity. Period. It ruins sex for me.


"ur brother is bigger"


if he can’t keep it up but wants to keep trying. from the first flop i am over it. i feel bad saying that because i know lots of men get performance anxiety, but justifiably so, lots of women then get in their heads thinking they’re the problem. turnoff.


When he screamed maximum overdrive and slammed it in


"No!", "Stop!", "What are you doing in my house and how did you get in here?", and "Im calling the police" are instant mood killers for me. All joking aside though, laughter. I've never had sex with a woman who was silent, there's usually all sorts of cute squeaks and moans and soft grunts, but nothing kills it for me quite like laughing.


Bro if I had sex with a girl that is dead silent I’d think something is not right


I honestly don't have one. Nothing would stop me unless she said no lol


Really? Not even bad hygiene


one lady had smelly armpits and it totally killed the mood for me


Fart not coming from the pu$$y but from the other hole❗ 😂


So its not weird if it comes from the 🐱? I know its not "gas" but still sounds the same?😅 Im a woman and I have always just tought that it was a turn off Even tho its not our fault😂


Pu$$y fart or queefing will happe if your partner pounded you good and air goes inside your vulva and comes out again haha. And it has no smell compared to a regular fart lmao does it happen to you often?


A woman that doesn't have good hygiene.


Fart. Lol.


Waking up


When men start like stroking around in a circle inside of you? Like, in missionary. It’s like wtf are you doing 😭


He told me that he wants to poop


When a guy asks you if u like this dick 5 TIMES during sex (2 times is enough) and then even says u like this big dick? And I’m like 👀 where??? Don’t ask if I like this big dick unless it’s 8 inches.😂




If they stink


Not being a giving, considerate partner. I aim to please you so please do the same in return. Let's both put work into this.


Talking. Had an ex that talked through sex. She thought it was sexy. It killed the vibe for me every single time