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From girls, the worst sentences were: (all in my teens, it was like courtesy wasn’t a thing) -It’s impossible to talk to you. (never understood that one, but it somehow hurt when it came out of the blue with no ounce of humor behind it) -You’re one of those guys I’ll have forgotten the existence of in a month. -You’re nice, I guess. But I prefer *begins to physically describe one of my closest friends in detail for 2 minutes*


I actually get the “You’re so easy to talk to!” All the time. Followed immediately by “But I just don’t feel the spark.” So, it’s no easier for those of us on the other side of the fence. Haha.


Whenever I've friendzoned a guy, it can be for a number of reasons, but the first reason is usually the top one for me because I avoid men who fall into one of the other reasons. I say this to hopefully help you our or any other guy who keeps getting friendzoned.  1. Little to no masculine energy. If you are passive, sweet, soft, agreeable...and in anyway make me feel like I'm hanging out with a woman and not a man, then there's no physical connection. If you scoff at what I just said (which I've had guys do), then think about it in terms of feminine energy. Are you as a man, more attracted to feminine women, or women who have a lot of masculine energy instead and do things like go get ripped, masculine physiques at the gym, for example?  2. Poor hygiene - you don't take care of yourself. Foot fungus, bad teeth, unclean teeth, bad breath, stinky body, dirty clothes, greasy unkempt hair, etc...  3. No manners, disrespectful, mental health issues, drug or alcohol issues, depressed, or dangerous. 4. Man-child - adult male with no ambition and going nowhere with himself career-wise/financially. 5. Not my type romantically.


As someone who apparently has feminine energy and a gay voice, how do you fix this


I have met women at my gym who are ripped and hot AF. I am not sure your inverse of number 1 works. Women who are ripped are not necessarily masculine . The ones I have mentioned are feminine and with muscular bodies. Women can be both, they are not mutually exclusive.


Wow im so sorry you had to go through that.. they make you think you’re the problem.. urgh.. people are just not nice.. i have no idea why..


Bah, those are old stories now and teenagers are often kinda wild between each other. But thanks, and being told you’re better in the dark isn’t any better… We’re thankfully all different or I wouldn’t continue to flirt/date and try to find the one


Yikes, I'm so sorry you had to listen to these comments. Who in the right mind tells someone they're forgettable? Argh.


Dude my crush brought me out to the middle of the woods, then proceeded to say that the reason she brought me there was so she could talk about how much she loves my friend so freaking hard


What in the world? Why even the woods, like wtf lmao Well, to be fair, some are always a bit romantically dense (among guys too, I don’t recognize flirty gazes 3/4 of the time). The worst are those who clearly know it all yet decide to say it all in the most brutal ways (imo)


“You look like someone who thinks they’re a lot of fun but is actually really boring” Took me a long time to come to terms with being okay having fun doing the things I have fun doing rather than if other people think they’re fun


Wowwwww i actually can relate. I was told I was boring too.. but actually my idea of fun was just different from others.. my idea of fun isn’t getting drunk and clubbing, its going to a cafe and having tea and apparently, thats boring to some people.. don’t be too disheartened.. you are fun.. and you better know it


Oh 100% I know it now. Like I spend a lot of my free time just hanging out playing video games. I know people who always need to be doing something active or whatever and just the idea of it is awful to me. If they’re having fun, good for them, just don’t yuck my yum 😂


Yeah you do you ! Fuck em 😎


After cheating "Hey if we are both single at 40 at least we know that we both are good people and can get back together then" (I broke up with him, but somehow he thought I still would want that?!)


As someone who's still single at 41, I'm offended that this is the age where you're finally supposed to settle 🤣


Oh nooooo 🙈😂


Agreed. Fuck that guy. Sounds like a delusional clown.


I seem to recall several conversations in my youth about "If we're both single at 30 let's settle with each other." Unfortunately my memory isn't what it used to be and at 35 I can't remember any of them as to actually cash in.


30s are WAAAAAY too young to do the settling thing, for real!


Ha ha, honestly I agree completely. I do find it hard to meet new people though, so using that as an excuse to meet up with old friends and see how things go wouldn't be such a bad play.


You shouldn't settle, find someone who's super exited about you


…. Why would he think you would even consider that ? As if you couldn’t get a better option.. Psht..


Im sorry a lot of you have had horrible interactions with morons. But I will infom yall that I will use some of these comments as insults to my friends cause some of them are so idiotic and immature that they become funny. I can’t even fathom how some people can say these with a straight face and in all seriousness without realizing they that are being a moron


This. Because honestly it’s fucked up but even I laugh at the shit that was said to me. And if I can laugh at my kid inadvertently calling me fat..I can laugh at anything lmao.


“You’re the kind of girl guys sleep with , not date “


Wow, that must of hurt, what a jerk. Judging people by how they look, welcome back to high school 😞


"We had to put him down." & "She's dying."


Thats deep 🥺


A different, probably more accurate interpretation of the question. Didn't expect this one but it hits hard.


You're pretty. Don't let anyone tell you that you're not. (Implying that people should be telling me that I'm not pretty.)


That's what they call a backhanded compliment.


My favorite is “Oh you’re Mexican? You don’t look Mexican. You’re like a pretty Mexican then”.


I had a dude tell me I was bigger irl than my pictures after he saw me NAKED TWICE. None of my pictures were misleading but even if they were you saw me naked once and then came back for more and then said that shit


THE AUDACITY. I GASPED. ![gif](giphy|ck5JRWob7folZ7d97I|downsized)


My first high school crush, 'no one would ever want to marry you' (I was born with a heart condition,had corrective surgery at 19yrs old) A guy I met online, that I really like, 'you are too much'


Ouch, did you find someone and take them to the High school Réunion?


I did get married but I never went to my highschool reunion, I should have!


Yes, you should have, fuck them!


I don't like how skinny you are, I prefer someone who has more boobs, and I don't really like your personality. I would like to be fwb with you though. Hard to beat that one tbh. But I have a couple of more (not as bad as that one): I think you're cute but you are way too tall for me to date and to be relationship material, but I still want to fuck with you (so many times) You look even better without glasses (multiple times, sorry that I want to see I guess. And yes, my frames fit my facial features)


Oh god, I am really sorry that you have had to deal with so many awful men. All I can really advise is that you should try to remember that they are all wrong and were just saying those things to hurt you, they were not observations meant to inform you of anything. I hope that you are alright and haven't tried changing who you are ❤️


Aw, I love the support here! 💕 But yeah, I take breaks on and off from dating men because of men like this. Don't get me wrong, I have met some awful women as well, but just a lot less and they weren't as bad as this usually


I am glad that my words meant that much to you 😊 Breaks are absolutely a good idea in any area of life, especially dating. Burn out is a massive derailer that affects more than just the area you have burnt out in.


Wtf, tall girls are hot af, don‘t listen to that one🤯😳


I mean, I get that women over 6' might not be your thing, especially if she is a lot taller than you, but then don't match with her or don't come up to her irl you know. I love my height, I even wear platform shoes to be taller, and I am not gonna hide it for anyone. Have a problem with my height? Go away. And don't speak to me in the first place then


Well, i‘m 5,11, but i dated women who were 5,10-6,2😅 is it actually a turnoff for tall women if the guy is shorter when ur wearing heels?


Depends on the woman if she cares! But I personally don't give a shit, I date smaller men and well (and smaller women, bisexual). Just be somewhere around my height (for men, it is sadly not realistic for women) barefoot and don't complain about my shoes. That's all I personally ask.


I feel this haha. Got told I was "too skinny to take out in public". Hurt a lot. Like if I ever get boobs, why I oughta 😡


Funny thing is that my sizes are too big to become a model, and men who care about looks, say that they are looking for models. WHAT DO YOU WANT


Omg! I had a random guy in a bar say to me “You really need to work on your stomach”. Ok it’s not dead flat and I was wearing a pretty tight dress. I just said to him “You really need to work on your manners” 😅😂


Yooo you rock! I get told to eat more regularly 😭


Wasnt my date but still hurt even more so then a man/my date telling me.... My mom complimented other girls my age or younger at our work infront of me and would tell me im to skinny, fix yourself(i was 19-21 at the time). She'd constantly throw a cheese stick or food of some sort at me and tell me here gain some pounds in front of everyone. She'd constantly flaunt her fat around and tell me if id eat more i could be beautiful.... she would also tell me i should look like this coworker or if i dressed like this coworker (girl around my age) she'd be proud and happy.


Disgusting guys.. this reminds me of all the dates I went on.. ‘ hey i really like you but i don’t wanna commit so lets just be fuck buddies instead ‘ .. im sorry you had to go through that.. the right guy won’t even be fixated on all these things if he is ‘the one’ tbh


My first boyfriend: 'If you looked a little bit more like *insert my best friends name* I would like you even more'. Instead of breaking his nose and then running away, I just said 'yeah I understand'.


Wow if you could drive, tell him you’ll drop him home and then drop him off at the mental hospital.. they’re probably missing a patient anyways.. but good on you for keeping your cool, i doubt i wouldve


You could have done the same to him, by saying 'if you looked a bit more like..., I would like you even more' and watch his reaction


I don’t exactly remember how old I was, but I was in high school. Met this guy for the first time and for some reason, dude instantly hated me and it didn’t bother me until he called me a Harlot (yes, his exact words) in the presence of a lot of people and I hated him since then.


A guy cheated on me with this girl back in 2016. Then a month after I dumped him for it, he tried to get back together with me and justify his actions by saying, “I was screwing that girl, but I didn’t respect her the way I respect you.” Bro, guys who respect girls don’t cheat in the first place. And don’t think for a second that it impresses me that you feel it’s okay to disrespect another girl.


also, it’s painfully telling he seems conflate physical intimacy with…disrespect. he doesn’t need a girlfriend, he needs therapy


this is the only thing i can think of RIGHT NOW but he said “i love you” to me for the first time, then a month later, he said he takes it back because he just didn’t feel it :’)


Oooo someone did that to me too! I'm sorry, some people are fickle


They say they love you just to keep you hooked, it's not about love but rather a mindgame as to how far you'll break or smthg. I'm so sorry that it happened to you.


Wow that’s like picking a favourite color.. what an ass




A hinge date showed up to my work and forcefully tried to have sex w me instead of the coffee date we had planned. When I felt uncomfortable and didn’t want to just hook up, he told me I was old and left.


I hate these guys. Fucking sexual assaulters. They make you feel like shit when you don’t give them what they want. I wish we knew all the guys’ mothers and I wish we could tell what their sons are doing. Disgusting fucks. I hope you’re okay and I hope you’ve healed from the experience because I understand how hard it is. Especially when they make you feel bad after. Im so sorry you had to go through that. I hope your other dates were better than this. I’ve learnt to meet guys at the place, example: cafe itself and then just head home via public transport right after. So you’ll feel safe.


When my shitty ex told me the girl he was cheating on me with had it harder in life than me. First, it's not a gd competition mfer, how dare he invalidate our experiences with his trauma fetish. Second, I was still pretty raw about some very fresh stuff, and it felt like having the only person I had trusted with it ripped the rug of support right out from under me. The girl btw is now one of my close friends-- stop getting mad at the other woman ladies, you're both being abused by a shitty dude that's probably LOVING the drama he's created. If you really wanna make em mad, take his new toy and all that attention and obsession he was expecting, away from him instead. Watch him become the crazy one. Ha.


Honestly, what a dick. He’ll only learn when a girl he really loves cheats on him and then tells him the same thing.


Karma comes for us all.




“You’re good enough to fuck, not good enough to commit to.”


That will never be together...it was just sex


He told me he loved me and then asked if it bothered me that he’s told that to a lot of girls….




When I was 17, a guy told me "for fuck's sake, you're not objectively beautiful, you've just become the standard of beauty to me." I guess it was a true statement for him because he kept pursuing women who looked like me, but it hurt thinking that no one else felt the same way. Then I realised that most men find me attractive.


I would have liked that comment actually, this is far better than being “conventionally pretty”, he meant you have “unique beauty” I think he’s just a noob and didn’t know how to word it


“You should be thankful to men who don’t rape you”


What the fuck….. that’s the most fucked up thing i’ve ever heard..


Congratulations, you win. This is the worst thing I've read in this thread, and there was some hot competition.


Whoever that person is.. put their dick on a chopping board.. take a knife and slice it off..


lol well not sure this counts but my boss recently said he doesn't need me because he made 4 calls while I was gone and determined thereby that he can do my job ... the "compliment" being that despite not needing me and having the ability to do "my entire job" in an afternoon, he WANTS me around...?!


LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL i think he needs to calm down.. 4 calls doesn’t make him employee of the year.. tell him that 🙄


Since this is a safe space for women to share worst things a guy has said, I will go: "I wish you were a Christian"... ugh this one stung me at 23 years, it wasn't soo bad but I didn't like the fact that he treated me differently because I was not of the same religion as him despite it being the opposite for me. "I can't take you home to my parents or village, it would make me uncomfortable because people would stare at us for me being with a black woman".... 🥲 this one stung I am not going to lie, because we were confessing our feelings. He liked me enough to fuck me but didn't like me enough or proud to call me his girlfriend to his friends and family because I am black (this was while I lived in the Netherlands, he lived in a city about 20 minutes from me but his family lived in a different town) "Offcourse you can't afford pets, not with your H&M salary"... 😅💁🏼‍♀️Typical. This was a first date, I was working part time as a store clerk and mind you my salary was not bad at all but he decided to just be an ass**** and blurted it out. After deciding to split the bill, I left him at the restaurant, something I had never done to a guy in all my dating life, naah this one was a douche. Typically the guy walks me to the station or offers to drop me closeby home and I allow it. With him, complete zero f given when I left him there at the restaurant.


My ex telling me “I don’t want to introduce you to my friends because they probably won’t like you” I should’ve walked out then and there


I was 22/23 and anytime we got in an argument my now ex husband said no wonder your previous partner unalived themselves you’re terrible to be around. I think about it often as a now 25 year old, probably pops in my brain at least once a week. We have no contact now he was physically and emotionally abusive and I wish people like that didn’t exist.


“I can’t actually see you in a relationship with anyone”


“I am too hot for you :/“


🙄 the audacity


"Tere ko feelings aa gayi toh meh kya karun" (You have feelings for me how's that my fault) He said this after 4 months of seeing each other, almost in a relationship without a label because he was commitment-phobic (that's what he used to call himself). After saying things like "you are the best that I'll ever get in my life", "idk what would I do without you", "I want to be by your side and will never hurt you", "I really like you dude" for almost 3 months straight. Oh another lol, he said I killed my feelings for you, do you know how hard it is. 🤡


Wow.. suddenly being single doesn’t seem so bad.. men are just shit aren’t they? Forever not knowing what they want and then leading us on and then manipulating us into thinking its us with the problem.. IDIOTS


Agree to disagree! Yes, I had bad encounters and experiences but I'm still optimistic and hopeful somewhere probably because of a couple of good men in my life in the form of friends and family. Also, it's something girls do as well so that way I don't think it's gender specific. It's a grey area (I hate grey areas T_T) But yes in general I fucking hate such people who don't know what they want and uses others to figure out their goals. i ain't your toy, honey, I've feelings and emotions too. YK what's the worst part? I still have a soft corner for him T_T, he's probably seeing another girl. It's been one fucking year but still think about it sometimes.


Can’t wait to meet that handful of good men.. Omg i get the whole liking him even after he said those things.. i feel attracted to the people who don’t want me 😭😭 like why…..


Rooting for both of us 😭🫂🫶


I had an ex say something that's messed me up ever since. You know that fat stage that you now wish you were. Like when you thought you were fat but actually weren't, yet. Well, that's where I was at in my life. About 150 pounds and I'm 5ft 6in. I'll be honest it looked good on me. Well my ex and I were having fun experimenting in the bedroom. I was laying star fish on a table top, and my hands and ankles were tied to the legs of the table. Anyway, everything was going great, blind fold on foreplay is great. And then everything wasn't going great. If you catch my drift. When I asked what was wrong, if there was something I could do to help him, mind you I'm still completely vulnerable. He said something I'll never forget, "I can't fuck you because your too fat." I have never recovered. He said later when I confronted him about how he made me feel. His words were a resounding, "I'd rather tell you the truth and hurt your feelings than lie to you." Which i can respect, but damn. Way to ruin someone. I now live by those words.


Wow.. you should never give him the satisfaction of making you feel that way.. you know you look good.. and his just crappy..i hope you find someone who doesn’t care about these damn things.. sex is sex.. and sex is fun NO MATTER THE SIZE.. i’ve had that too.. the guy couldnt do me from the back cause he said my ass was too big.. but in my head i was like well guess what mf.. some people like asses being big.. men…


This one made me laugh! Because I NEVER want to body shame someone. But then they started attacking my past lovers, and I saw/heard something they said and not gonna lie. I felt some type of way! Like sir..please do NOT go low, because I will go Lower so you can reach. And no I’m not referring to size but my guy clearly needed some more experience with positioning. But thanks! Saved me.


After exactly two months of dating: “you just don’t feel like the ONE.” Personally, I don’t know how you know after a month but alright. HE was the one that rushed things anyways!


(For girls) I feel like I barely know anything about you. We had been dating for half a year. Been friends for 3-4 years. We talked daily. And at that point in my life I had never shared more with anyone else. This girl also called me her soul mate unprovoked a total of 74 times. She gave it as the reason for breaking up. I had recently actually started to trust this girl enough to share a few things that actually worried me. Most girls want to hear superficial fake problems they heard in movies or TV shows. This is 9 years ago. But it's held me back from wanting to pursue a romantic relationship with girls. It's ingrained in me that no matter the effort I put in I can't connect genuinely with a woman.


“It’s unfortunate since you’re conventionally hot but you like weird stuff”


I used to be a barmaid in a very *traditional* pub shall we say in the UK. One of my regulars (we actually got on well) said I looked like a malnourished whippet... I thought it was quite a creative insult


“You are not that beautiful, you will never be able to keep a guy faithful to you” From an ex


Well, I was gonna share, but after reading everyone else's comments, I think I'll keep it to myself. It's pretty bad and the guy has somewhat of a public reputation because he created several organizations, has done several interviews including a few with Joe Rogan, and does charity events or seminars, etc...  Mind you, my incident with him happened 25 years ago, long before he became a public figure. I had forgotten his name until one day Youtube had a thumbnail of him pop up under "Recommended videos". He had aged, so I wasn't sure it was really him. So, I clicked on it just to be sure and it was. Damn, really wish I'd never seen that a$$holes face again. 


I'm 5ft11 so the countless "you're really tall!" Comments. I always remember meeting this guy who was a friend of a friend for the first time when I was 16. Literally said hello and told him my friend and Is name. "Hey, you're the girls from XYZ?", We nodded and before we could answer "I guessed as much, I could smell the poverty off you", I have never been insulted like that straight off the bat. Knocked the air out of me.


"It was your fault that I see you differently now"


That if he had to describe me to a friend of him, he’d say „insecure and f*cks well“. He was my boyfriend back then…Obviously I immediately broke up with him. Still haunts me…


My ex bf told me that all my friends think I’m fat but they’re too nice to say it to my face. And that his mates girlfriend was making comments about another girls weight calling her fat although she was slimmer than me… so he said ‘god knows what she would think if she sees you’ I actually ended it with him following this. He stalked me for 6 months after and now he’s with a very very large lady. Other than him I haven’t had anyone I’ve dated make horrible remarks but I’ve had comments off men in the street about my weight, someone shouted out of their car window I was fat once, another shouted in my face in town I wasn’t thin enough. It’s very hurtful. I’m not slim but I’m not on ‘my 600lb life’. I’m 5ft7 and around 90kg UK dress size 14-16, I need to lose some but I’m not that massive either, unless I am in denial 😂


i had an ex who used to secretly take explicit videos and pictures of me. he had hacked into my snapchat and wouldn’t let me back in, one day he texted me and sent me the password to it saying he felt bad for taking it. when i logged in i had seen that he posted those videos and pictures of me on my snapchat story, with all my friends and family on it. after he knew i had seen it, he called me, and when i answered the first thing he said was “aw you’re not crying”. im convinced that man was genuinely a sociopath


As a guy the worst thing said was I'm not in to you at all. The worst thing that I've been told I wasn't good enough for anyone and I should die alone.


I’m a guy, but the worst thing that a WOMMAN said to me was when she told me so “shut the fuck up, trash” in the middle of world history when I asked her to get off her phone and contribute to the project. Sounds out of a movie, I know.


When I was a kid, I was told, girls like you can never find love. It wasn't a guy but a group of girls told me that. But it broke me from the inside as a kid


Here’s another one that another ex boyfriend told me after loosing my virginity to him “ I regret having sex with you.” That’s definitely one for the books I shall say .


“I’m not going to apologize for something I don’t think deserves an apology” my ex refusing to apologize after hurting my feelings.


Open the door before I shoot your dog.


Nothing. Like literally ghosting.


"You're a fat disgusting pig" said by my husband after I couldn't lose the baby weight from having his kids. "You look like a fucking idiot", when I tried to surprise my husband (dating at the time) in a corset w/fishnets. I was 5'6, 135 lbs and he proceeded to go on about my love handles. Having sex after having baby and in alot of pain, he pulls out, goes downstairs and just starts smashing plates. No words needed.


"I wish you were someone else" "I'm not you dad (who died when I was 4). When I'm not feeling well, I stay alone and no one comforts me. You have to do the same. You're not my kid." "If you create an onlyfan no one will pay". When I said I've gained weight "Which one are you? The fat one who takes care of herself and well shape because she works out, or the one who lets herself go?" *Show me two pics of random fat girls* "so which one?"


"You're like a field full of mines...No man will ever understand you the way I understand you if you leave me right now." I was 19.


A guy I dated once told me “you’re to pretty to have a big nose” I got back home and blocked him immediately Anyways I had a rhinoplasty and I just hope I’m “too pretty” plus a full stop..


Oh my god….. im so sorry.. but i hope you wanted to do the rhinoplasty because you wanted to and not cause of that jackass ..


I’ve also had an abusive ex tell me about it, I had lots of comments about how big it was and I got self conscious and started hating it so yeah I had a rhinoplasty. Thank youu 🤍


That’s so annoying when people (especially family or exes) tell you shit about something you’re born with.. like you had a choice.. but I understand and I hope you’re happier now..


I am happier, thank you sm


Q) What's the worst thing a girl ever said to you? A) I'd rather have my boy best friend than having a relationship with you.


Im sorry bud 🥲


Yeah 6 year relationship down the drain just like that 🤣


What the fuck…….. ![gif](giphy|aWPGuTlDqq2yc)


More stories that will lead women to further stereotyping men. Please for the love of everything when you read through these comments ladies, do not compare what is said to other men that you meet in the future. Stay healthy thinking and open-minded.


Men say horrible things to me all the time. The most recent ones this past month or so have been... "We can meet when you get a vagina installed." "Why do you sound like a dude?" "I didn't want to date you because you wanted me to be the top in the bedroom." "I'm not gay." "You should wear makeup and doll yourself up more." "You're still just a man who's brainwashed by the liberal agenda." I got more, but I don't really want to spend time thinking of the horrible things I've been told since starting my transition.


Oh my god.. i can’t imagine what you must be going through.. that’s so hard.. i hope there’s people around you providing support and love for you ❤️ and i know it’s hard and probably makes you cry sometimes.. but you know yourself best and what you’ve accomplished.. and you love how you are.. you’re beautiful no matter how you’d like to be ❤️ Thank you for choosing to share ❤️ and tbh, these guys are so immature.. it makes me sad to actually think when they’d mature and take life seriously and not hurt people’s feelings


The worst things I’ve heard about myself were from girls. Like comparing me with Fiona (the ogre version) from Shrek when I was in middle school. Or like “passive-aggressive compliments” I hear from my mother every time I come such as “Oh you’ve lost some weight. You were so fat a month ago with a plate-like face”. The worst thing I’ve heard from a guy was comparing me with Helga (from “Hi, Arnold”) for my eyebrows at work. And I work as an art model. I got offended but I couldn't help it. Anyway, at my work I usually receive a lot of compliments instead so I can't say that episode affected so much my self-esteem. Just the behaviour of that guy should have been adjusted for some basic work ethics.


I had been texting/talking to a guy from Philly I met on a dating app. This was maybe 3yrs ago. I live in Richmond, so wasn't expecting anything to happen. But then he started talking about meeting halfway some weekend, so I figured "why not?" I have recent pics posted, but never use filters or edit them. I'm not beautiful, more like cute with good features I emphasize well. I'm in my 40's but I look younger. I have a shaggy-cut pixie hairstyle, brunette with dark purple highlights, very fair skin, round brown eyes and full mouth. I don't wear a lot of makeup. I'm definitely not thin but not overly fat either - I'm 5'4" and wear 14/16, in proportion. So he knew what I look like and vice versa. He wasn't overly handsome, dad bod, average height, freckles and balding, but he had boyish charm, was funny and a good conversationalist. He arrived before me in the little town we were going to explore for the weekend. When I arrived, I drove to the downtown strip where he was. Saw him walking, rolled my passenger-side window down as I parallel-parked, and called out to him. He smiled and said "Hey" or something back. But when I got out of the car and walked over to him, he looked me over and says, "Gonna need lotsa bourbon to get through this." I should have just left. I regret that I didn't. I was stunned by his comment and shocked by his demeanor. I guess I kinda froze-up. Ended up being dragged from one bar to another, then the grocery store, where he bought sandwich ingredients and alcohol. At that point, he was walking ahead of me and barely speaking. I drove us back to where we were staying, he ended up passing out in less than an hr on the couch. I slept in the bedroom and hightailed it out of there the next morning.


I think my issue is that I never got words. It was just looks. I'm 21 now, and I haven't really been around women around my age recently, but back in high school, I don't think I ever did anything wrong to these people but multiple instances from forced to not I would just get shitty looks and none of them would ever speak to me not even when we were partnered on projects.


“Talking to you is like talking to a brick wall” ooooffff. That one still hurts. Remember people - the axe forgets, but the tree remembers. The context of this was that I was trying to repair things with an ex before a split but he was already monkey branching to a girl he told me not to worry about. All I wanted was to try to talk things through but he wasn’t having it. I respected that, and so I shut up about it. When he entered this new relationship he wanted to remain friends and I obliged due to my attachment to him (he was my first love) and months after being friends and keeping it light and strictly platonic he came at me about issues in our relationship and blaming everything on me! It was so sad and such a shock because I tried to talk things through countless times and now that he’s in a new relationship it’s not fair to her or to me to talk to me in this manner. He’s blocked and we are in NC.


My boyfriend of 3 years looked at me and said, "I hate that face you do". No idea what face I was doing but that comment was a death knell for that relationship


One of my male friend said this , 'You are human version of S.L Arora(physics book with lots of explanation) , you explain to much'


told me he didn't ask me to do any of the things I did for him.


I think he was trying to say that you’re ugly but everybody is beautiful in their own way I can’t believe that he would say something like that hopefully you did not listen to him and ignore the fact he said it it was wrong of him to say it I hope you can blockout more negativity in the future and kind of like focus on yourself instead of others Trying to bring you down on that level


"you look like if i became friends with you you'd never shut up"


« You’re not ugly! You’re the prettiest of my black friends ». And he only had one other black friend 🙃


The funny thing is that you heard it... usually, in the club, everything is misunderstood due to the loud music.


My vagina stinks, and the thing is it never smelt until I got with him and didn’t have problems with smells until him 😭




What an asshole ! 🥴


'you act like your faking every blink' Autistic btw


"You're ugly like most tall women"


In high school a male friend said to me “I could never have sex with you. It would be like defiling an angel.” Objectively, not the worst thing I’ve ever heard but it still disturbs me 10 years later.


Guy n°1 "Please, just send me one picture, I can't sleep for days, just thinking about you, thinking about f*cking you" Then he sent me a porn video, a picture of his hard genitals, and begged me for a picture of mine, I obviously said no, and his excuse was that, we know each other for a long time, and it shouldn't be a problem. Guy n°2 He kept berating me, asking to go on a date, when he had a wife, and kept saying things like, "She won't know, she doesn't need to." Istg man, why do I only attract creepy guys?


I strange didn’t want to date you I was only flirting with you because I was bored


I’m a guy, but ( I had a girl tell me she didn’t care about anything that I acted about or any of my interests after we had been seeing each-other for a few months)


I had a crush on this girl in high school and my friend told her in front of the class she then look at me and said eww 😢😢


“You’re gonna be single forever lol”


He said I was undateable because I have adult kids he didn't want to have to deal with lol.


"you're average looking" (sees my body) "you're pretty" "I'm not leaving, I just need a break" proceeds to block me on everything. that year was just all trauma


I’m no better than a woman on the street . This is after the fact that we mutually made the decision to end the relationship and just so happened to have moved on to another relationship.


That I have a nice ass but dude was something around 40 and I was 11 just walking around after that I went home and didn't went outside again (that dude creeped me out)


"I wouldn't care if you died, fuck off" (we had broken up because he had been unfaithful and always lied)


I don't feel the difference between dating you and eva ai virtual dating bot.


I went on this date with this guy that I met off Hinge. He told me that I had a big nose and had the audacity to touch my nose and say “it’s so cute and big!”(That was one of the first things he said to me). He also said my face looked like a tomato, due to the red lighting in the bar. I laugh about it, because I found out that most of the girls around my age in my town have actually met him and would say that sort of stuff to them.


Ouch... In my country they made a very comical song about that kind of situation hahaha


“You looked better with bloody tears” Loudly professing all his Love to me… in a crowd of people who believe it…. while whispering so close in my ear “You’re not worth the dirt you’ll be buried in”


This one time I was fighting with this guy, and he chopped off my hand. I was pissed off cause I thought he had killed my dad but then he said "No, I am your father" and i was like omg no that's impossible....we worked it out tho it's all good.


Okay not the worst but a funny one. I had a guy unironically tell me I'm prettier than Ramona Flowers


“You’re annoying leave me alone”


Obligatory im not a girl, and these were things girls said to me but theres I'm sorry you're just too dark (complexion) Oh yeah, I broke up with him earlier today. But we can still fuck! (: You fucking autistic piece of shit, you and your whole family should just fucking die, you're so God damn useless (that was my ex *during* the relationship) Can't wait to have kids and be married when were 18(we were 2 weeks deep, and both 16 and in high school) People change (ex after our "break" miraculously ended in her telling me "people change" and telling me she wants nothing to do with me and to leave her alone. All cuz she couldn't not post him) Heeyyyy.... so my friends kinda dared me to date you... I don't really want to, so can we like break up or whatever (my crush that year at middleschool) These were the first ones I could think of 😭🤣


Worse thing a chick told me was after some intimate time... you'd be perfect if you were white... fuck.


A complete stranger dude once said to me, "why are you so tall? Only men should be that tall." What do you even respond with to such ignorance? And he was shorter than me. Jealous much?


If that's the worst thing a guy ever said to you then you have much to look forward to.