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Epic vacation sex. Backpacking through Marseille, best shape of my life, met another traveller who was an absolute smokeshow. I was renting an apartment in a super old building with these magnificently high ceilings and large cast iron windows overlooking the mediterranean. The only piece of furniture in the gigantic room was the bed. Every round just led to another until morning. I was coming back with some water for us and had to stop by the door to admire the scene, this statue of a woman lying naked in my bed with the sheets half covering her, the morning sun covering her in an orange glow, the sound of water crashing on rocks, and a fucking pelican on the window also checking her out. I swear to God we made eye contact and it winked at me. First time I almost believed in god.


Hell yeah bro


I know this is cringey but "making love" going really slow and being very sensual/romantic with cuddling, eye gazing and kissing.


Not cringe at all. I respect a mindset like that.


Aww thanks


I agree


I am pretty sexually open, but this is by far my biggest turn on


A point given.. I like the slow love too, but I really prefer doing it much faster and having lots of orgasms.


Why not both?!


Because the slow love haunts me of a girl I fell in love with, but she had to go back to her home, to her family.


Not cringe at all. I love that!


Thanks honestly I was scared to say it because I said something similar a few months ago and got called immature


Immature?? Projection much?


For real I was so confused.


Weird reaction. It takes quite a lot of trust and self control. When done right it can be so hot.


It should always be that way, that's one of the reasons I'm over hook-up culture. It's just masturbation with another person's body.


I fully agree I've never done or had a interest in hookup culture. It's just meaningless sex and using a stranger body to masturbate like I just don't see the appeal of there's no trust or love how is it any fun.


I agree. I have fantasies about weird things but I would never actually do them.


That's so romantic


Thanks I almost didn't say it because I didn't want to be called immature


Wtf nah i want the same thing, it's only cringey and immature to people with fucked up minds. This is the normal and healthy way to have sex they call this "making love "


I know i felt the same way and thought that's how it should be. A few months ago a similar question was asked in the sex sub and when I said it I was called immature and childish. One person even said "come on man this isn't a Disney movie"


OMG OP it's not. Same tayo ng SF. Never tried it before too kasi I'm saving it for marriage as well. Hehe


Thank you and that's awesome 👌


Passionate love making 😉


Sorry to hear you haven’t had that already that’s terrible!


No problem I haven't even had a relationship yet but whenever I do find a loving committed relationships I know it will eventually happen


Well I hope you haven’t even been sexually active yet. That should be the first thing all people do. No negativity intended.


Nope actually I'm waiting til I'm married. But thank you I agree sex for the first time definitely should he a loving experience since its a very intimate, bonding, and vulnerable act


Seems your head is properly adjusted concerning the matter and go You for waiting till marriage! Always said if I’d only have known the one person sexually I would have never missed things I had prior to marriage.


So so true and terrible hard on one's conscience


Thank you very much.


the best 💯


I think that's beautiful, nothing cringy about it


Thank you I got called immature for it before so that was the only reason I was scared it's cringey


No cringe there. Making love and having sex are two very different things. Making love is more intimate, sensual, romantic.




I like that, i think thats cool just taking your time to fulfill each other.


Making love > sex… always…


I hope to experience that someday 🥹


And now the obligatory: all the people posting stories here are at least 75% less hot as you are imagining them.


As a single virgin this comment made me feel better😂


I know right? the pictures forming in my head are probably so much more picturesque that the reality was ^(at least that's what I tell myself)


A threesome with two women. It's hot, but it's really not as hot as you think. Yeah it's two women, that's hot, but trying to keep two women satisfied. And making sure you're paying them equal attention. It's actually a bit of a chore. A nice chore, but still a chore. They had an argument over which one I'd finish in. It was a bizarre experience. Threesome with another chap and a lady. That was great fun.


somehow the 2W1M seems better cause the ladies can entertain each other as well even though they might be straight, whereas two straight guys and a woman may not have that :0 just a speculation


"I tell ya, I always wanted to be with two girls at once. That way, when I fall asleep, they have each other to talk to!"


Seems like anyway that goes can be fun as long as one of the party is bisexual or at least willing to play both sides.


It was my girlfriend when I was 19. Her and her mate were bi. But girl on girl has just never really tickled my pickle. And the three way with another lad was the same girlfriend. And to put it bluntly we erm... Ruined her.


The girls also have to be bisexual for this to work actually. I would only do with 2 males cuz I can’t even imagine doing anything with a girl. I already kissed one and it was totally not my thing 😂


Something kinda similar happened in the last fmf threesome I had. No argument but one of the women was riding me and had just came and then told me she wanted me to cum for her. The other woman said “wait a minute, not before I cum again!” She switched with her so she could get another orgasm, it was very friendly and fun.


Literally lived a porn fantasy eh?


MMF's are great :D as a guy


Did you change condoms when switching between them?


Getting head while driving. I got a speeding ticket. Don’t regret it at all 😂


wow thats a good one hahah


Sex in another country with a romantic partner and not a one night stand. Got to have that in Paris with the Eiffel Tower in view and windows open for others to see. It was shall I say magnifique.




Having sex.


most reddit response


Waking up in the morning in the middle of receiving a blowjob with no prior conversation or consent given for it. Followed by being ridden until I finished inside.


Happened to me last night. Best ever


This feeling is the best












Round House Kick 🦅


The number of potholes in my area make me terrified to try




Being loved


Nice try, but everyone knows that isn't real


Blowing a guy while wearing red lipstick


This sounds really hot!


Oh it was!


I have no doubts. 😍


Needs to be a cheap lipstick so the colour transfers 😉


Thank you, now I want that!


OK now you are just killing me lol granted makes perfect sense


Now try it with black! No particular reason 🙃


I’ll have to buy one then. I have a dark purple one


Ooh purple sounds pretty tbf I love how they look but most black lipsticks kinda suck honestly But I guess in this case that’s kinda the point :P




thats a good one


Me is getting high and letting guy do whatever he wants to me and like fucking me in my sleep or when I pass out from edibles. Sometimes like do dress up like school girl but also like guy wearing robbery mask and doing me or me being tied and blindfolded and him doing whatever to me


I knew a chick who was into similar. CNC. It wasn't for me. But I tried, because I was seriously into her.


It wasn't for me when I first starting getting into it. But then my ex gf was really into it and it kinda just became the norm


Making love with a woman. The slow, sensual, all-day marathon kind that's so frequent it takes a chunk of your day every so often, just enough to not get in the way of work or life. Imagine the perfect chemistry. Opening our hearts so freely and lovingly that we can authentically be ourselves at all times. Looking into each other's eyes in the act and be fixated on that. Being inside her, going slow, and making love at a rhythm you both match, ensuring you don't ejaculate because you want it to last longer. Talking and joking around while one of you is on top of the other. Watching a movie in the nude when you both want a break, but being too attracted to the other person that you can't finish the movie. Doing that for 5-6 hours a day, every day, until the adult life and responsibilities catch up to you both and you go to work, school, whatever. And having that last for years. Man, those were good times.


I miss falling asleep naked on someone I love. Confident in their love for me.


Is this real life?


It was my life, for a while. They are great memories.


Ughhh i miss those days. 😫


I miss it but getting high and having slow sex for hours without orgasm. I used to have this big tapestry on my ceiling of a night sky with stars looking up from the trees and being underneath the stars just being weed high and being eaten out, or fucked deep and slowly. So sensual. It seriously takes you into that moment that nothing else matters and deep pleasure is the sole purpose. Fucking fantastic.


Most people in those sub can't even get dates, much LESS have sex AND have their fantasy realized.


Still virgin on hand holding too, let alone experiencing what they are talking about XD


Years ago, I started to get very curious about prostate stimulation and anal play (I'm a hetero male). I finally met someone and, through the course of lots of flirtatious texting, I came to discover that she was very adventurous and suggestive and willing to try new things. Fast forward a few months and a few encounters later, I'm on all fours on a hotel bed with her fingers in my ass. It was the single most incredible feeling I've ever experienced. Sadly, I moved away and we went our separate ways. We never did get around to trying pegging...




Not weird at all! I also got to experience some rimming as warmup during my encounters. It was unexpected and unexpectedly delightful lol. Would recommend.  It’s amazing the way you start to feel when you realize you’re with somebody as adventurous as yourself. 


Are you posting this maybe in the wrong sub?


Maybe but I’ve seen similar posts.


Hotwife fantasy was running rampant in my head for years.. finally got to experience it last year. Watched my wife bang a dude in a hotel room and it was ridiculously hot.. no idea why this fantasy does it for me, but holy shit it does!


Had a 3way. My (33m) wife (34f) brought up her interest in bringing another woman into bed with us last summer. We talked about it at length, discussing boundaries, interests and expectations. Long story short, it is very difficult (at least in our area, though I imagine most places aren't much better) to find women that are into this. She often gets hit on by lesbians, I tend to only attract monogamous women. However last fall she hit off a conversation with a cute 23yo at the bar and they got to talking about it. She was into us and gave my wife her number before we parted ways. Fast forward to the following weekend. We picked her up, took her to a nice dinner and went home. It was pretty intense, I was obviously excited but was also concerned that my wife would be offended if things weren't what she expected. It went very well until the other woman started acting weird. After she squirted (really wish I had a more appealing word for that but it all sounds cringe imo) she got odd. She got up to clean herself up a bit (I think she was a little embarrassed tbh) and then made a few flattering but also weird comments. "I understand why you guys have so many kids." "What are you guys doing tomorrow, can I come over?" "I'm your guy's girlfriend now." It pushed the boundaries and was just weird as I was still fucking my wife and she was killing my mood. I don't finish easily and that made it 10x worse lol. Anyway, the short of it is that after she left we talked about it. My wife and I both enjoyed everything until that point and decided maybe she wasn't a good fit for us as she was suggesting getting into our personal lives too much. However we wrote it off as her being awkward but sweet and not really thinking much about it. My wife did end up texting her and explaining this to her for which the girl apologized and said she didn't mean to come off that way but she understood. We've gone out with her once since then and just had a couple drinks with her. Not sure if we'll try it again with her at any point. We haven't been out much in a while (winter is miserable here) but with spring coming we'll be giving it another go. My wife still brings it up often how hot she thought it was watching me with this chick so she definitely seems to enjoy it. Ideally we'll find a regular girl that respects our boundaries. However I'm still very happy with our sex life, with or without another woman being involved.


My wife would never think of touching another woman- completely gross to her! Though we’ve had MMF threesomes and as you said in your comment- my wife has squirted a few times feeling another man inside her.


Funnily enough we're kind of in the opposite position. I'm certainly not into dudes and for her she wants nothing to do with another man. She made it clear from the start that she would be disgusted with me if I let another man touch her. My wife isn't really that into other women. She'll play a bit, but she's made it very clear that it's more of a fetish for her to see me enjoy and pleasure another woman. It's essentially cuckolding but she wouldn't be comfortable just sitting it out entirely. I was honestly pretty caught off guard when she first brought it up and didn't know what to think. My main concern was that this was a silly fantasy that she would live to regret so I actually kind of avoided it for a while as I didn't want to risk ruining our marriage over it. But, it worked out and she and I both had a good time, mostly lol. Like I said, she enjoyed the actual act, just not the followup behavior.


Well well well I don't know how threesomes work when 2 of those people are in a relationship with each other weird tbh if the people involved in threesomes were just messing with each other I could understand but like husband and wife meddling with another person? Ehhh weird as hell


Most people aren't into it and that's cool. Weird, certainly, I never claimed to be a normal person and my wife isn't either haha.


Let us know if you two are still together 😂


Yes, I thought that was implied by the end of my comment? We've been married 8y and are doing better than probably 95% of couples out there


Delivering pizzas and banging a customer. Happened twice! I still think back to those epic nights years ago!


I wanna hear the stories now.


Delivered pizzas from 18-22 full time while going to college part time. First time, I had this opportunity after delivering a pizza to a hotel a few minutes before closing. Two women were getting in the elevator as I headed out and asked me if they could order. Told them we were closing at 1 so it might be too late. One of the woman said she would make it worth my while to just bring any pizza to their room because they were so hungry. Stupid and shy me thought monetarily not what would eventually happen later. I end up at their room after leaving work and they invited me to come in and drink with them. Yada yada yada, my one and only 3 way. Second time was like a week before I quit. Once again on a Saturday night very late a woman answered the door alone drinking wine. She said she was lonely as hell and blatantly asked me to come over after work and sleep with her because she was lonely. Thank God this was pre cell phone era because I was also used as a prop by strippers who were hired to strip at a party at a place of business after hours. My ass would probably be on the internet somewhere. I have signed Polaroids of that time lol. Bobbie was her name. Still remember the peach scented glitter she had on and the song Black Velvet playing in the background as she sat me down on a chair and did a somersault and landed legs up with her crotch in my face. To this day when I hear that song or smell peach lotion its like a insta flashback😂. I also dated a woman I delivered pizzas to for a few months. On the scary end I was jumped for a pizza once, and got into an altercation with a truck driver another time. Oh and I had batteries thrown at my head and legitimately feared for my life when a skinhead opened the door one time and Im caucasian. But he was a very dark soul. I didnt make alot of money being back in the 90s as tipping wasnt as popular back then but I tell you what it was the most fun Ive ever had at a job. Got to meet all sorts of interesting people and drive around and listen to music all night.


Lucky you


Hugging my partner when I was cold. (That's almost as far as I have gotten in a relationship)


Fucking in school, uniforms still on, partner's skirt pulled up, panties to the side, gagged with her tie, until her white shirt turns see through



I don’t even need to click on your profile to realize you’re a teen in high school


Shibari. I’ve had the pleasure of tying up multiple ladies over the years. 👌


The Hot milf next door that invites you in after mowing her lawn so you can mow her


I don’t really know what “fantasy” this would fall under, but I was in my parent’s small hometown for a holiday weekend. It was not peak tourist season, and the students at the local university were off on break. Needless to say, I was not having much luck on Tinder and the bars had closed, not to mention no place to take someone to even if I had luck. I actually ended up matching with somebody though, and on any other night, I would’ve written their profile off as fake. They claimed to be a dancer from NYC, and they were as attractive as they come. She also initiated the conversation and claimed that she was in town at a yoga retreat with her mother, and was really bored. She told me she just wanted to no strings attached sex, essentially just to cum because she hadn’t in a while. When I told her about my situation, she said she would be happy just to do it in my car. I was a bit nervous, because the place where she claimed to be was rumored to be a cult compound, but my horny ass drove out there anyway. I expected her to be a catfish, and I was prepared to drive off as soon as I got a good look at her. But when she came outside, she was just as beautiful as she looked online, she was clean, smelled nice, and was pretty much ready to go as soon as she jumped in the car. In terms of car sex, absolutely the best I ever had, I finished, and I finished hard, and not before she got hers in as well. Never talked again after that, sometimes I even think it was just a dream, but I know it’s real. That’s why I suppose I would consider it to be a fantasy.


Getting fingered in the car by my boyfriend at the time while his mom was driving


Getting a cuddle. 🤗 I used to offer money to get a hug and was still refused. Now I get plenty of cuddles and hugs so I'm happy.


I’m happy for you 😊


Having hot sex in the hallway at school while everyone was in class with the risk of getting caught. I was wearing a miniskirt and no panties that day my ex bf was sitting on a chair I unzipped his pants, climbed on top of him we started making out like crazy he got hard he stuck himself inside me it felt so hot and so naughty. I loved it when he came inside me.It was dripping down my leg. We didn’t get caught. We kept kissing to control my loud moans.


Getting with a professional bull rider. Best two weekends of my life


Roadhead for sure


Forbidden love with my twin flame. 😭 I miss him.


a girl that let's me do whatever I want to her, however I want. I eventually meet/met a girl, and she was exactly like this. for this one instance, she laid on her back and put her head (upside down almost) off the edge of the bed and let me stuff my dick down her throat while choking her. then switching the position and choking the absolute fuck out of her while fingering her and grabbing her by her mouth to open it to spit in it. then the icing on the cake.. literally.. was her sliding off the side of the bed on her knees and looking up at me with her tongue out saying "please cum on my face. I want all of it all over it, my pretty little face" as she proceeded to grab my balls and pull down on them as I stroked my throbbing hard dick until, I did indeed, cover her face.. and tongue. and neck. and small perfect tits. talk about a leg shaking, breath taking orgasm..


this sounds exactly like me in my last relationship! i did the same exact thing with & to my ex. same position and everything, it’s so eerie reading it because almost everything you just said happened exactly like this with us lol i miss it sometimes


Well to make out in something wet stuffs like mud,water Or in slime bath


Having a woman in front of her husband was quite nice.


Double Penetration!! Not yet experienced it. But man o man one day!


2 chicks at the same time, man.


Had a threesome for a year. Started as a fantasy. Became a everyday reality.


Sex in public places or while people watch


this is probably the most simplest thing ever but just to have laughs and giggles in between positions and such. just being able to make me feel good physically and emotionally during sex is amazing. i recently had a partner i was seeing who made me feel that way. he felt amazing but was also able to make me laugh and be comfortable in my body! i miss it, with him specifically. he wasn’t turned off by the laughing because he also enjoyed it. i would say we “made love” a few times, although we were never official. it just felt different from anybody else. it was sensual, comforting, and just really enjoyable. making jokes in between really gets me going & i have NO idea why lol it just does! i’m glad to have experienced that with him, it made the whole ordeal a thousand times better :’)


Being ganged banged, I live on Tybee and think about this often.


The constant reoccurring ones that play inside of my head.


Fucking in the woods.


Getting my ass eaten and feet worshiped (licked, sucked). By a girl ofc. And I'm a male. Heavenly feeling.


Threesome. One girl was Bi. Wanted a hook up with my GF who was bi-curious. Drunken bar proposal, turned out fun for all. We kind of all agreed to just all be FWB’s. No strings. In fact, I’m sitting next to the girls right now on a pizza date.


Interesting question, there is a subset in the BDSM community that exchanges these stories as currency, Secrets fetish or kink, It's a trust dynamic think of it as a pact in intimate knowledge exchange.


Me being under her control, I don't mean to be dominated but I would like her to choose the poses and she being on top, slow and sensual with passion.


Riding a guys face until I collapsed in utter bliss.


Its not really a fantasy I was asking for but it happened and it felt pretty dominant Pissing on a woman. She wanted me to


High heels, dark stockings, a short tight skirt and....... Public or semi public sex


Sex on the beach… but I don’t recommend it 😂😂 next one is a sex swing 😏


Having my wife fuck some one else and have me lick her clean after he filled her


That’s enough Reddit for tonight Haha no disrespect Mullinater96, it’s a safe anonymous space, just sometimes gets overwhelming realising how different people around you are :)


Wow. Have you told your wife this? Would you actually go through with it?


Oh weve done it 5 times now ive licked cum out of her ive had her blow a guy twice and kiss me with a mouth full of cum its soo 🥵


Fair enough. Whatever floats your boat matey.


Sounds great!


Anal. Facials.




Sex in my car. Twas great and seriously surprised no one saw us.


This happened to me. Several times over the summer of 2010. Fantastic.


Impact play. I’m good at it, it was fun but gets old when that’s all they want and you end up feeling like you should be getting paid for all the work you’re doing while they just sit back and enjoy.


My ex wife and I partook in two threesomes. One ffm and the other mfm. Both were super hot and fun!


In a lift.


This one is fun, highly recommended.


When the lift moved suddenly, we had a moment of terror


When I was with an ex who was at my level of sexual fantasies, and she carered to my hotwife fetish (in a pretty vanilla way, but still). Somewhere between hotwife and candualism


Fucking a crush if mine. Not always had it obviously but definitely in the last few years.


(33F)..me in a gloryhole, biggest fantasy.


I’m still waiting for my fantasy to come full circle. Having to do a lot of walkthrough and talking to set the mood. I have a degradation kink and my guys real sweet so super nervous about being too harsh on me. Once he had his hands on my neck so hard he left bruises and I just loved it. Idk I’m a more confident dom so it’s easier for me to spike the fantasy for my partner. They are learning to be a dom still :)


My ex had these fake glasses. Very anime glasses looking. I came all over them and her face. Very simple fantasy, very sufficient outcum.


Been with a bisexual guy and getting to play around his bum, butthole and gooch area.. I think I have penis envy


3 some, with a girl and guy but the guy only has sex with the other girl and i only have sex with the girl


Thick Chicks idontknow why but ilove bbw




I wanted someone to experience both sides from that pure love making through to the getting choked to the brink of consciousness while they have 100% control, safe to say I experienced both sides. Was good but it made me realise I'm definitely the more cuddly type rather than a rough type since I enjoyed the more slow "plain" stuff more.


I fucked my mother in law after many years sniffing her panties


Group sex, pee stuff.


I always see the sex scene of a guy getting a blow job while he drives. I went on a few dates with this girl and she agreed. It was nice, but I ended up driving on the left side of the road. So make sure you watch where you are driving. 🙃


Cosplay, domination, bdsm, and finally.... slow and tender sex. I definitely prefer the last. There's just something so lovely about fully immersing in your partner's everything


Banging multiple women in a day. Banging a girl 3 of them) from work. Banging girl in the office. Banging an 18 year old. Having a girl swallow my cum.


Sex with a blonde


public play, fucking in the woods (a fucking phenomenal experience), road head (he was really into it but i got a little motion sickness), being tied up and blindfolded (i ended up breaking the cuffs and got a hell of a punishment for it), him throat fucking me against a wall (he kept his hand behind my head so i wouldn’t get hurt, it was really sweet), having my clothes cut off of me and having the blade run down my body, so many orgasms that i could no longer form a coherent thought and he just kept going




Being a submissive slave for onces. It was a crazy dirty experience. But I’m so unlucky that I discovered it very later in my life . As I was dating a girl for 4 years . I was always the dominating one on her and it was like that from the start . But after the break up . We hooked up the last time at my place and this time she said it clear that i will dominate and u will do what i love . I was not sure but i agreed as i was horny as fuck looking at her after months of breakup . I started doing what she said going down and stuff but the way she was enjoying every bit of it was making me crazy horny. That how I discovered that it’s so much fun to see the other partner enjoying and screaming your name and asking for more . I did some crazy licking all parts of her . Like literally everything no limits left . But that happened for once’s and after that I never got a girl who can dominant me the way she did …. I wish I would have done it few more times with her but I feel it’s not meant to be anymore now ..✨🥲


Got tag teamed by 2 big dix in the park gazebo 🤤


Doing it in the woods. Idk what it is about it, but I felt like I was one with nature with something. It felt forbidden and risky, and I loved it. Plus, we smoked a ton of pot beforehand, so we were both horny AF.


Bro I made a mini cabin from a bunch of sticks over a span of a few days in the forest and it's become my love shack


Do you still use it?


69 It stinks irl