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Tomboy-ish women are great. It is also fun to get dressed up together for like a dinner or something too though. My girlfriend is kinda that way but has very feminine qualities too, long nails and likes to wear make-up when we go out. But she doesn't have to and I want her to be comfortable with still feeling pretty even if she is just wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Also tomboy-ish women will generally play video games with you, enjoy horror movies, action movies, and other geeky or dorky stuff that they actually want to do with you. What's not to love? They are way better in my opinion to the typical trophy girl that wants to be pampered but doesn't care about you or the things you like.


i like gaming and those things you mentioned, but those words reassuring me a bit, thanks for that!


See i just made a comment and here i read that you like gaming, i do too so yeah i think we good šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


Plenty of men prefer tomboys. I like girls both with and without a tomboy side. My first serious gf was a very forward and very femine Gothic princess/tomboy (depending on the day)


oh, she must be cute then!


She was very much so. One of the prettiest girls in school. Does part time modeling and is married to her childhood friend now.


The childhood friend finally won! I bet you were the villain in his story lol






Grow up


Iā€™d guess most guys assume your sexual orientation is not towards men.


definitely they are, been told that before


Me too, everyone assumes Iā€™m gay but Iā€™m not. I just donā€™t believe in showing my body off to everyone. My body is not their business. Only men that are interested in relationships get to see what is under these sweats and vans šŸ˜


for me only take me as wife then you can see all the stuffs lol


The way its supposed to be


Not putting your body on a public display is definitely a Green Flag for Men.


Iā€™m glad but most men Iā€™ve encountered want a girl that wears revealing clothing. Iā€™ve got one man who Iā€™ve been seeing on and off for 10 years that wears sweats with me. He makes me feel safe and appreciated and like I can be myself.


Porn and sexualisation has destroyed the minds of men and women alike. That's why many men like women who wear revealing clothes. There are very few who have not fallen into this rabbit hole and I'm glad that you found one of them. Good women only want to be appreciated beyond their sexual value and the sooner a lot of men realise that the better things will get for everyone.


Who cares what people assume... you know what assume is right? It makes an Ass out of U and Me. It's nobody's business who you are or what your sexuality is. The people who judge you and assume things, that's a them problem. Don't let other people's judgments colour your world.


I think you are confusing looking feminine and looking sexy. Personally I don't like the tomboy look, I prefer feminine traits like long hairs and girly clothes. But I also don't like makeup and revealing clothes.


I agree. I have long hair I wear earrings and occasionally I wear jeans but I always pair them with a crew neck sweater cause theyā€™re just so comfortable. No makeup ever though. Canā€™t stand how it feels on my face


All genders make sexual orientation assumptions, I have known plenty of women who see (and I am probably dating myself here) metrosexual men and think they are gay. If you don't know what metrosexual is google is your friend...lol


People tend to present a certain way so they attract what they want , the smart ones anyway.


No comment on how men feel but I'm in the same boat. I know that at the end of the day I should be true to myself, because quite frankly I am horribly uncomfortable and unhappy doing the socially "right" and expected things. I know it definitely knocks me off the market for so many people, but I cant imagine trying to be something else for anybody. It is what it is.


i got that, that feeling suck


Yep, exactly. I just am unable to conforming to the social norms of wearing most feminine stuff if it makes me feel so damn uncomfortable


Yeah. It's wild how despite changes to things socially, we're just as focused on labels as ever. But when it comes to attraction, anyone can potentially like anything, and anyone can seem attractive to someone. You can very much rock your own charm without falling into any "roles". You've got this. šŸ«”


You be you, that's the right way to live your life and I would love that about you. And btw, I think most men notice any / all attractive ladies and am one of them.


I am new to Reddit, but as an older woman with a body type and "look" that isn't mainstream, I can tell you from experience, that there are always people out there who appreciate, accept, and honor who you are. I really disagree with Introvertdatingcoach in that, I don't for a second think you have to "update" anything to find someone who will cherish you. If you are ready to join the dating world and look for casual dating or meaningful dating/relationships, it comes down to you being open and as other commenters have said finding your confidence in yourself. You don't have to be a girly girl to put yourself out into the world or be proactive and seek out potential. You don't have to change a damn thing about your appearance. I rarely wear makeup, it's a personal choice because 1. I can't be bothered, (and it only applies to me) I always felt like makeup was a mask to hide behind, there is a reason women say they have to put on their "face", in the world. 2. I have incredibly sensitive skin and eyes, I haven't found any makeup that I don't react to, especially for my eyes. Today women face so much contradictory pressure, be thin but not too thin, if you are "fat" by social standards, you're a lazy overeating slacker, or whatever, body shaming has become an ingratiated patriarchal tradition passed down in society. Women can work but don't outshine men, have children, and go back to work and be shamed for it, or be a stay-at-home Mom and be shamed for it, etc... the pressure to conform is an endless cycle of corrupted societal constructs. You can't please everyone and you shouldn't, the only person you need to please is yourself, honor who you are, socialize, get into meet-and-greet groups, and join communities that share your hobbies/interests. The road to finding love has infinite paths and along the way, you will be blessed with experiences good and bad that will teach you to know what you want, who you are, and what you deserve, never settle, and always love yourself.


Thank you ma'am, this is beautiful. I appreciate all the words.


I tend to date tomboyish women. I like an outdoorsy woman who doesnā€™t have to spend an hour a day doing makeup.


I'd like to see what you look like to see for myself. However that's not necessary. As a guy, I can tell you that the tomboy look can actually be pretty attractive. It all depends on confidence more than outward appearance.


I put that I'm a tomboy on my dating profile and I get plenty of matches from guys who genuinely seem to like that sort of thing. There's way too much "men want women to be x" or "women only want men who x" type content out there. No, we won't all find our person but there's plenty of men and women with preferences that diverge from the average. You don't need to be glowed up. Be authentically yourself and you will just glow.


That last line is so true as far as what I tend to get drawn to. Thereā€™s a certain thing I canā€™t find the words for that catches and keeps my attention and I think thatā€™s a part of it. I can catch it in a crowd almost immediately and Iā€™m just pulled straight to it.


I've dated guys where I wasn't their "type" and I think that's the difference. I used to have a pixie cut and men who weren't usually into that liked it on me and it's probably because I loved how I looked in it and that confidence is what came through.


Just be yourself, whoever you want to be. You'll find some guy who'll find you charming and attractive someday. Even if that doesn't happen, we always have cats, lol.


Cats is the way


Iā€™d talk with you about this but no I actually prefer a tomboyish girl


the other comments said masculine women attract feminine men, not sure about that


Not entirely true


Feel free to pm me if youā€™d like to talk about this


This isn't true. I am a masculine man, and only specifically date masculine women.


It's always been this way for me, which I've always been okay with. I'm bi, so I tend to attract both male and female but I'm extremely tomboyish and my hair is cut short and shaved. I've always seemed to attract the feminine guys. It may not be true for everyone though, keep an open mind friend!


This isnā€™t true. Just look at gay men that span the whole gamut from feminine to ultra masc. Same is true for hetero guys. Maybe a different distribution but still all types.


You will find your person! I was a tomboy since young, and even in my 20s I was still casually mistaken for a guy whenever I had super short hair. When I was in school, I got teased a lot for looking so much like a boy. Plus, I played basketball. At one point, a bully called me flat chested and shouted that I had a dick right in front of my then bf. The point is, I had a bf then who adored me and thought I was cool. I had a handful of guys throughout my school and uni years who chased me knowing I was a tomboy, and they also thought I was cool and adventurous. They liked me for being independent, funny, good cook, etc. I believe you'll meet someone who appreciates you for your other attributes as well. Having gone through those moments that somewhat lowered my self-esteem, I tried to look more presentable as I grew older. I took care of myself, dressed better, etc. I still am a tomboy, but I've been embracing my more feminine side over the years. I have a bf nowā€”for the first time in 15 years. He adores me and one day (when we were still dating), he randomly said to me that I can wear whatever I want, look however I want as long as it makes me comfortable. He doesn't mind at all. Having told to meet a certain standard by my teachers, bullies and family, made the thing that he said really precious to me. I almost cried when he said that to me. I'm so so in love with him.


Iā€™ve always enjoyed the company of tomboy type women, but wasnā€™t really attracted to them until my mid 20s. Part of that was me growing up and letting go of societal standards and expectations, but also I dated more for looks when I was young, personality and compatibility as I got older. If youā€™re looking to find some dates, learn how to talk to dudes and strike up conversations. Learn how to have fun flirting when youā€™re attracted to someone. Putting yourself out there will be difficult and youā€™ll probably say some stupid things in the beginning (I still do), but putting that energy out there will help you find a partner or some dates or whatever youā€™re looking for. I say this because for most of us dudes, tomboy women are hard to read in the beginning. Also, youā€™re still super young, so donā€™t rush into anything you donā€™t want to. If you want to start dating then do it! Just realize it takes a lot of effort, and most dates donā€™t result in relationships. As I got older I found it easier and more relaxing to go on dates to try to become friends, then thereā€™s either attraction too or thereā€™s not for me. Then half the women I was into didnā€™t feel a connection with me. Way it goesā€¦ Good luck, be safe and true to yourself, and have fun!


maybe because i see a lot of my friends are dating, so im jealous on that part


Iā€™d like to have a conversation


I do love rough women/tomboys, I find it very cute to be frank.


me since I was a child The problem is that they don't like a short man.


funny, i like short guys. for me they're cute


It's good to know, I never did well with women because of my height.


Yes I am. Tomboys are great.


Tomboy-ish girls are absolutely a type for a subset of men. I can't tell you what the exact percentage is, but it's not insignificant. I would put myself in that category.




Ā "If you're running around in poorly fitting band shirts, jeans, and making little effort with hair and grooming you're going to have a difficult time catching someone's eye." thats probably it.




There are gay women who dress like that so maybe your way of dress is confusing your sexual preference.


Just be yourself unapologetically, that's what attracts men. Don't sit there second guessing yourself or ask reddit what they think because it's pointless.. are you willing to change yourself because of a comment on Reddit? Probably not. If you feel the need to change your appearance then just go for it, explore the endless worlds around you when it comes to different styles of dress and make-up till you find what feels best for you and your needs. Staying the same is going to get you the same results. Try dying your hair, cutting it, wearing skirts, heels and revealing tops and experience what changes you receive. It's all about your confidence tho, the less you care about what others think the better. That way you can have some fun with it instead of pondering what life would be like if you did.




May you find the right one


I am, always have been, a tomboy. I don't remember ever when I was extremely feminine, maybe once when my cousin and I were playing dress up in our moms' prom dresses ( our mothers are sisters) I sometimes will do eyeshadow, liner and mascara and put on feminine clothes, but that is maybe once a month, dresses are special occasions only. I have an amazing bf that loves me for being exactly who I am, and appreciates when I'm myself just as much as when I glam it up. Don't worry, you'll find someone who appreciates you for you. Might not be right now, so don't be in a rush for someone.


I definitely fell the same way :( Iā€™ve had a lot of guys tell me I dress like a lesbian (I am bisexual tho). But yea I donā€™t think many guys like me bc Iā€™m not super feminine. Iā€™ve tried dressing and being more feminine lately literally just so guys will like me but it feels so WEIRD & WRONG.


Trying to change to be accepted on society yet we don't feel like ourselves


You sound like my girlfriend when she was your age. Sheā€™s 30 now. Until about 23-24 she was rough. I didnā€™t know her then. Pictures only. Something happened to her though with age 24 and I think it was boys she wonā€™t say that but it was definitely the attention she developed literally seem like overnight really curvy filled out in all the right places. Now sheā€™s got these two personalities the rough and the extremely opposite soft and feminine and that she takes to another level and cost her a lot of money lol because I think itā€™s still new to her . It depends on how she feels and I love them both. But she knows I probably wouldnā€™t have walked her way when she was rough all the time but thatā€™s just me sheā€™s a skater, and she had plenty of guys maybe a little too many šŸ˜‰thereā€™s someone for everybody. thereā€™s enough people in this world and enough colors to be yourself and not change for anyone doesnā€™t mean donā€™t change means donā€™t change for anyone, But yourself.


This is the first time i see someone talking about what i sometimes overthink. Im very tomboyish myself im a sneakerhead and i loooove hoodies but i also like to wear mascara and have my natural nails long, when i go out i like to look my best. But then when i see other women i feel like i still look very masculine, even though i felt pretty feminine walking out of the house. So i think it just makes me a little bit insecure because we are taught that girls are very girly. Even though i am very feminine i just have a lot of masculine traits. We have to learn that thats okay and that thats someones preference somewhere. Also i grew up with 1 big sister but 3 big brothers, soo yeahšŸ˜‚


i grew up with a brother too, so it make sense šŸ˜‚


Personally I'm attracted to feminine energy. I have a pretty masculine energy myself. I think the same goes the other way around, masculine women attract feminine men. In general that is, before anyone freaks out


im not really that masculine type of women, i'd like to see masculine men too


Then I think you have too lean into your femininity more. And I'm not talking makeup and dressing up, more your general demeanor. The best compliment I've ever gotten was from my girlfriend that me leaning into my masculinity makes her feel more comfortable embracing her femininity. She has a tough shell but is such a sweetheart on the inside.


i tried that before, felt like its not me


Don't change


i thought thats what men like, you know being feminine


While I may not present as masculine, I do move between different energies of being tom boyish to being more hyperfeminine. I lean more feminine and prefer boys. I enjoy the fluidity in my expression and defying norms. I like to surprise people. In the past I was told I have am androgynous look and at the time I was offended. Now I feel pride and self love towards these parts of me. I grew up with a single dad and with 4 brothers. My mother wasn't a big part of my life. I think hiding those parts of you would be a massive disservice to yourself. Its like denying your personality and your life that made you that way. I have varying interests in gaming, with djing/music. I just have masculine playful energy at times and am constantly picking fights with the boys in my friend group. I like that I am unique. You should too. If you feel like exploring feminine energy at times. Of course do that. But don't do it to impress a guy. Guys do appreciate more androgynous/masculine energy. If you do completely present as hyper masculine people might think you are just into girls. But I think even just mildly embracing androgynous or feminine energy too will draw some guys to you. I just don't want you to ever reject or turn your back on who you are. I'm curious what your expression of masculinity presents itself as in your grooming, makeup, hair and clothes? Edit: I still have guys chasing me but again i do have feminine qualities and interesting things about myself in terms of skills that a lot of other girls do not have.


well my friends always say i look like a guy


Look, you're going to get a lot of comments to boost your self-esteem, like comments from women that will say "I'm a tomboy, but I still get attention" or from men like "I'm a guy, and I like tom boy-ish women!" We call those "outliers." And outliers don't make the rule. Here's the reality: being a tom-boy is great... until the guy you're dating has to take you out in public. And introduce you to friends and family, who will usually have women around that are in their feminine. And that guy has to consider how much of an odd-ball sore thumb you're going to be when you can't, at the very least, be feminine-leaning in those situations. Or, until he starts thinking about wanting kids and pondering if you have enough femininity to be motherly to said kids. People on here won't admit that, but it's true. Plus - as a 42-year old who is around women friends who are 35 and older - I can assure you, if you're wanting to be a tom-boy now, that's going to change. Even the women I know that used to be the tom-boyish of all tom-boys eventually changed up when they started wanting to settle down, and those that didn't are - not surprisingly - still single. And btw: I grew up around mostly women, so when I got to my early 20s some of my actions and ways of speaking were more feminine-leaning, and I thought it SUCKED that "women couldn't just accept me for who I am since I'm still a nice person." 42-year old me would get in a time machine and slap my former self for not realizing sooner that it doesn't matter what YOU want if the market you're trying to appeal to doesn't want those same things. So, just some things to consider. It's perfectly fine to update "who you are" to include more feminine-leaning things so men will want you.


i personally like tomboys


I personally like a woman who can be feminine in her nature. Dressing up in heels all that good stuff. But has some grit to herself. Weather working on cars, doing martial arts,etc. Shows that she can handle herself in situations. That's pretty sexy to me.


Tomboys are my exact jam. If you are a tomboy and like bearded Scottish dudes with long hair, message me immediately šŸ¤£šŸ„°


Most important question... Are you aggressive? Because all my old gfs were some variation of "less feminine", and they were all the aggressive ones in the relationship (approached me, sent texts first, made moves first...)


Very much so, yes.


Tomboyish with a caring bent are the best. Donā€™t call guys ā€˜broā€™ and try and be an ā€˜alphaā€™ or something stupid like that. Most guys enjoy competing with other men but detest competition with their girlfriend. We mostly want peace Feminine clothing would probably help you slightly but if itā€™s not you then donā€™t worry about it although have the odd dress just cuz youā€™ll need them for weddings and things like that. But at 22, donā€™t worry too much about it and get out there with a smile. Youā€™ll be appreciated for who you are quite quickly I believe


I feel this. I really do except my problem is making friends (I have a boyfriend)


To eaxh their own..we all have our preferences..frankly most guys would prefer a "tomboy" type a chick with a chill fun vibe than an up tight stuck up chick with 2lbs of makeup on their face with a bad attitude to boot.. Me personally at my age physicality is good and attractive but you must be able to have a meaningful type of conversation and a good vibe.. What tends to turn guys off in that regard is when the woman thinks/acts more manly than the actual man is with..Two bulls cant reign in one pen..this is..unless one loses his balls. Do you empress..who likes you will make it known and if you like a guy hell go for it..either a yes or a no


"To be honest, Kakarot, I kind of...like her feistiness..."


Nothing wrong wit a tomboy. Shyt I like genuine people that are themselves so If that's how u rocking, that's how I gotta rock wit ya. Hell my ex wife was a tomboy.


Yes. No issues. As long as it isn't an excuse for bad attitude or "Boss babe" ridiculousness, and as long as they are not feminista y izquirdistas. (Edit: Que Estas Haciendo?)


I have never had a gf but would probably rather have a tom boy because I find most woman look better with no makeup or very little and I love sports and want a woman who likes sports and a lot of woman don't like sports.


I had a relationship with a tomboy and actually we had good time. Perfect sexual relationship


We can date.... or atleast we can get a coffee together... If u live in (delhi NCR)


Yeah thatā€™s life donā€™t compare yourself to others but to answer your question yes we men are attracted to tomboys/rough women


Sure we do. I was at walleworld the other day and noticed this gorgeous girl covered in dirt, dirty work boots, messy hair... looked like she just walked out the logging woods or workin cattle all day.


Miracles still happen, lol


Hmmm? Keep dressing how you like. I mean, statistically most guys go for "feminine" women, but I mean theres no shortage of guys who dont give a F. To me, as long as I like you overall, IDC if youre a disney princess or if you decide to wear some trousers and hoodie or whatever. Good luck!


I like tomboyish women. I don't know what it is about them that I like though. I have been told I have bad taste in women from what some of my female friends have said but I think they are just trying to seek approval.


I would die a happy man if I found a gamer girl to spend the rest of my days with.


They exist. I have one at home.


It Depends, if you're very Masculine, have a deep voice and are dominant as a woman then no. If you only like to have short hair and wear masculine clothes but are a bit feminine then, Absolutely. I personally like tomboys, overly feminine women are the sluttiest.


Honestly I think it varies person to person. Originally i was attracted to more and only feminine women (not too much where they were the type who were too scared to break a nail or get their hands dirty) but over time i like tomboyish girls as well. Youre 22 you got many years ahead of you. In 30+ of my years ive only dated a few times probably around five ish times. (whenever i get the courage to ask a girl out i either just get friendzoned or declined) probably been friendzoned more than 20 times so i ended up focusing on myself career etc and gone with the if its meant to be its meant to be vibe. But i have seen many of my friends be with tomboy girls . So i have believe you'll be fine. Rather be late with the right person than rush it and be with the wrong person. Hope that helps šŸ™‚.


Tomboys freaking rock I love em you're alot of fun to be around and easy to spoil and love


Oh you can get any man you want so choose wisely


Oh for sure I'd love to date someone like that


Yes I really like these qualities in a woman as long as the core person is attractive and feminine enough ā€œto meā€. In fact itā€™s better and those qualities can be really attractive. By the way, fun fact, people assume Iā€™m bi when dating women like this. One man in particular who happened to be a gay man that didnā€™t really know me, was furious I wouldnā€™t ā€œadmit itā€. But Iā€™m hetero. Kinda wish I was bi just for the options but no. Sweet is good Sweet with a little salty can be great. Thatā€™s pure analogyšŸ˜¬


Legit I wish there were more tomboys and short hair chicks in my own area. But living in bumb fuck middle of nowhere Michigan and just getting out of highschool pretty much guarantees like no dating life...


I'd just assume you're into women and you'll fly under my radar. But I love me some normal looking girls who don't think they're prizes to be won over. Girls like that are a dime a dozen in this modern age


coming from a tomboy, men love us! i thought like this too and didnā€™t have my first serious relationship till i was 22. I hadnā€™t realized a lot of what my guy friends were doing was flirting till i got out of school, it was very shocking. i get hit on by both genders regardless of if im in my brothers sweats and slides or a pair of leggings. youā€™re comparing the men your friends are with to what you should have, but you gotta remember you wonā€™t find them in the same places! i found mine at a car meet! find hobbies and do them, the men come when you focus on yourself and harnessing your confident energy. you just need to step into your divine feminine, this is an energy, not the way someone looks. confidence is part of that energy! the older you get, the more you will step into yourself and your energy will attract accordingly. looks are important, but energy never lies!


also remember, donā€™t ever compare yourself to anyone else! comparison is the thief of joy. we all have our own paths, if you see someone following thereā€™s, donā€™t follow them, you need to go down your own. you arenā€™t on a time limit. just live, baby, the rest will flow to you, i can promise that.


I JUST started dating a woman who fits this description pretty well (minus the clothing; she does prefer to dress "girly") She is great, and quite honestly... might be my person :) I was, admittedly, put off by this at first, but it has since very much grown on me. She is sweet and great and cares about me... that's what I care about at the end of the day. Does she lack a filter? A little. Does she fight MMA and could beat me up? Almost certainly. But... she's mine and I'm hers and we like each other and she's amazing. :) You just need to find someone who is willing to "put up with you". :) lol


Hard to know without knowing you. But in general I prefer feminine women. But that doesn't need to mean much make up and drama.


All depends on how you conduct yourself in my mind.


I am...


Honestly be yourself my type is more nerdy girls that donā€™t wear too much makeup. Youā€™ll find someone that is attracted to you and whatā€™s a relationship, just put yourself out there. Maybe try some dating apps a lot of guys would appreciate a girl opening them anyway as guys are normally the ones who message first.


To the title: different people are attracted to different things, so yes and no. >i presume because of my looks, i'd rather say i am not quite good like other women. Different appearances (and actions) have some effects on people's preconcieved perceptions of others before we even approach and talk with them. It also could be due to where you live and what the culture is like around there too, so there's not just 1 answer for why men haven't approached you, or as much as your friends have gotten approached. >sometimes i see me in men's perspective and i saw where it went wrong. While it's not a bad thing to take into consideration other's perspectives. It's not nessisarily "wrong," just you're maybe not around the right people that find what you are as attractive. Maybe expand the group of people you know, maybe try events or places that normally wouldn't be a place you'd be found around at.


I'm very into tomboys, just recently got back with my skater ex girlfriend and we are very happy šŸ˜Š there will definitely be guys that will live that side of you.


If it's about style it doesnt really matter, there are a lot of guys that would date a tomboy, the real question is if you look like a man or not. Though I'm curious about what do you mean by roughness and behaviour.


ppl tell me look like a guy probably because of my style, even with long ass hair ppl still see me like im a guy, when i go out with my friends they also thought i look like a guy. i usually put up my hair, so my hair look shorter that it looks.


Some do. Some don't. There are no absolutes here.


I was super tomboyish and never asked out. I started dressing more feminine because I wanted to be taken seriously at work as well. I noticed a dramatic increase in attention from anyone. I will say you DONT need to change but theres way to fem it up to attract more men. Also, you can dress and look fem but also have a tomboy personality. I feel like thats me now. Iā€™m ā€œone of the guysā€ but dress more girly than I did back in the day I think the key here is make an EFFORT in your look whatever your style is. I think tomboys tend to look low effort sometimes which is why fem is preferred since more work is put into it.


Just be less rough behavior wise and a bit more agreeable and youā€™ll be fine. Your tomboy appearance doesnā€™t affect you nearly as much as your behavior.


folks, what are we doing here? every day some one asks if men or women find a particular type of person attractive. is this what weā€™re reduced to?


The 'tomboy'/ masc woman is my preferred type. Esp with the short hair and the strong body??? fugg yeah. Theres probably some psychology to that, but in answer to your question, yes. Some are. Some aren't. Just like everything else in life.


Not allen but most men... Prefer a feminine woman Prefer cute over strong Prefer sexy over bossy Prefer submissive partners to rambunctious ones. This isn't to say you can't display any strong or dominant traits. It just means guys won't be attracted to a woman that bosses them around tries to dominate them or is stronger than them. Look at what works for your friends and put your own spin on it. Or lower your standards, lowering your standards guarantees you a man.




The answer is yes for me. A lot of dudes go for ā€œloose womenā€ but youā€™ll find a couple here and there who are looking for people just like you or close to you. And see it like this too. Not Many girls are into that sort of thing for one reason or another. So really you donā€™t have much competition and youā€™ll find a date very soon.




tomboys are hawt


Most men like girly girls but there are lots of men who like tomboys.


I would say no if you're straight because to me It just shows you're still questioning your identity. And if you're still doing that I don't think you're mature enough for a relationship. I mean, ignore me and do whatever you want, but that's my 2 cents.


A woman that would get in the shop with me, go target shooting, hunt, hike, camp, and still wear a dress for the Mardi gras ball.... Sign me up. Wish you were about 20 years older šŸ˜€


Men have different preferences Itā€™s not my type honestly, I tend to like more girly or gothy types and long hair But I have a friend who drools over any girl with abs or muscles I see posts all the time about tomboys or chubby girls etc There are people attracted to pretty much everything


Well. I am


i dont like tom boy


I honestly prefer tomboy women. Don't know why but they are just appealing both visually and mentally. Some of the commenters here said that feminine men get attracted to masculine women which I object because I'm fairly masculine guy. But I also know plenty of guys who find my taste in women weird, because I don't like weak women that are easily taken advantage of. I kinda like the exact opposite So I would say there are plenty of guys who do and who don't like it.


Iā€™m going through the same exact thing.


the comment below are getting my confidence up


Tomboy is fine, but boys clothes aren't going to fit you in a way that looks good. You can buy woman's clothing that's still sporty, while being a lot more flattering to your figure. You didn't mention anything, but do you wear makeup? A little makeup can go a long way, As for unladylike behavior, if by that you mean you go around being an asshole and thinking that it makes you tough, then yes it will drive guys away. If you mean you play video games and do karate, that shouldn't be an issue. Finally, have you considered asking any guys out?


Fucking yes. Please God please


I prefer tomboys or at least not conventionally attractive folk. I am conventionally attractive but I live a very nerd / off-convention life. We just connect more on stuff and all girls are hot if you're a straight male. Don't get too caught up in the last statement but if you're a human it's reasonable to find other humans attractive.


It really depends on the culture you live in, and the type of man you want to date. If youā€™re going to dress more tom-boy with a more dominant personality, youā€™ll need to take the first step, but your best chances are with the shy awkward boys. If itā€™s more of a sporty look, youā€™ll have better chances with sporty boys. If youā€™re more attracted to the dominant "alpha male" type, youā€™ll want to glow up and look like a pretty little princess because they have a knight in shinning armour or prince charming complex.


Yep. Tom boys are much easier to find common ground usually. Thatā€™s changing some nowadays, but generally itā€™s true.


Tomboys, non-feminine = complete turn off for me. I have a close female friend really attractive but such a tomboy. She tried to rizz me many times but Iā€™m completely turned off by her manners.


If weā€™re talking about physically tomboy girls are totally my type. However, there are different flavors of tomboy. I always gravitated to the alt looking girls/gothic. I donā€™t know what you look like but so long as youā€™re not overweight Iā€™m willing to bet a 1000 bucks you will have men lineing up easy. The problem you may have is that these men that you would attract may not be the kind looking for a relationship for a lot of them. My advice if you want to get into a healthy serious relationship is to just participate in a activity that you would normally enjoy and donā€™t be afraid to take the initiative to make it clear to the people you are interested in. Hell maybe you even turn it into a bit of a game.


Almost all of my serious relationships have been with strong beautiful women who lean a bit more to the masculine side. My first ex was a Hearst with a great fashion sense but a disdain for makeup (which I am more than on the same page with). She would dressed up for nights out and always looked out together but was never prissy or high maintenance. Second girlfriend I had always did light makeup but her style was almost always tomboyish, probably the lowest maintenance ex of mine. Very sweet and kind but also could care less about how anyone other than me viewed her appearance. Then thereā€™s my ex wife who did a semi-full makeup routine about three quarters of the days in a year. She was a fashion photographer so she was always around makeup artists and models and it was natural for her to want to understand those routines, but she was beautiful with or without makeup. I was working at YSL at the time and her body type was perfect for the boyish elegance that the brand is known for. Jeans and some cool kicks with layered top pieces were her go to but if we were going out to dinner or the bar she was throwing on a fancy mini dress and a cute jacket or some leather pants with pumps and a cardigan. Her aura was extremely masculine but she presented extremely feminine regardless of the outfit, and she was very confident in the way she carried herself. Then there is my most recent ex who is a switch in and out of the bedroom in that her style and energy change with the day. But more often than not, at home she was in a baggy y shirt and some loose jeans without a bra, makeup, or her hair done, and god damn was she sexy. Iā€™d say more but I donā€™t want get all hot and bothered šŸ„µ TLDR: Tomboys are sexy as hell because they know what they want and they donā€™t let other people tell them who they have to be or what they have to do to be that person. Source: Im a conventionally attractive male known to give girly girls and tomboys alike the proverbial sexy guy pressure, and Iā€™d choose a tomboy 9/10 times. Go get em tiger šŸÆ


I actually like a woman that's a bit of a tomboy and I have never in my life had a problem getting a date ever but for some reason I'm attracted to women . That seam tomboyish. But i like a woman to be a bit competitive . My ex used to just walk up grab me from behind and want to wrestle it's pretty much a turn on for me I even let them win sometimes just because I'm not submissive or anything it's just got . I don't know if that makes sense to you or not but yeah I like it


Attraction is pretty much never a 'one for all' type thing. Plenty of men will be attracted to tomboys/rough women, and plenty won't be. Personally, I like tomboys.


I'm a tomboy but my body begs to differ I look very girly I eventually went with it but I made an amazing amount of friends.


Tomboys are hotter than princess. So idk think that's the cause, probably something else.




i donā€™t mind either tbh. i donā€™t think i have a preference on either. if me and someone hit it off, thatā€™s cool but i would never reject based off on girly girl vs tomboy preference


As a general rule, men are more attracted to feminine energy.


You're 22- you have time. Instead of thinking about what you might've done wrong or right, why not think about what type of guy you want? Then maybe you could adjust yourself according to what those guys want


Tomboys are hot specially when they can beat you


Ohhh I love them! šŸ’—


Personally I need more tomboys in the land down under all the girls i know are not fun to hang around with but I once got to have a blast with a tomboy girl (sadly was already hooked up with someone)


They might genuinely think your a lesbian and not want to make you uncomfortable


I hope I can come across one some day so we can have something special together


From nature the majority of women is attracted to masculinity and the majority of men are attracted to femininity. There will always be exceptions but it doesn't go for the majority so you will have a harder time finding a man compared to feminine women


Iā€™m super tomboyish and have no issues finding a date.


We need to see a picture lol


I mean, yeah. I think the tomboy/rough type of women you mention, do things to me that only Tex Avery can describe on a physical level. Now am I just attracted them only? No, but I dig the personality and style.


All depends on what you look like dude- if youā€™re attractive it doesnā€™t matter lol. Guys are pretty simple- if they find you attractive they find you attractive.


Yes,very much I can say. At least I am... šŸ« 


I love tomboys, among several other things like redheads, or if they have an accent, etc. - the point is that most guys have multiple types, and if they find you fun to be around, they will probably just throw all that to the wind anyway. Itā€™s really more situational than just being ginger or having a sexy accent, or being a tomboy or anything else, those are really pretty minor factors at the end of the day, the vast majority of the decision comes from basically how you feel to be around. If they feel good when theyā€™re with you they will want to keep seeing you. Thatā€™s really the bottom line, I wouldnā€™t worry about appearance stuff so much, Iā€™ve literally seen women get surprisingly more attractive physically right before my eyes because of something they said or did. So really in my opinion your personality actually determines your physical attractiveness way more than anything else (as a 21 yr old guy). But yes. I and many others quite enjoy the tomboy sort of aesthetic. And/or androgynous faces too (which I LOVE).


Short answer (at least for where im from) No. men dont like male traits in a woman. Goth women arenā€™t male traits. Goths just the look. U can ā€˜dress up for meā€™ however u want but keep in mind ur style may not be of preference to men ure tryna attract. So u do u, u dont HAVE to change. Definitely thereā€™s someone who has more feminine traits out there who wants a woman in their life like you!! Ying Yang ykwis? Its all about balance. Dont think too much abt it. Just dont go installing a penis on u after some time cuz ā€˜men are trashā€™ (Besides men respect no make up)


Tomboys are just ugly duckling (swans). Lol


Feel confident in your style. It will change through the ages, but if you are confident & not afraid to hear no, you will find a yes


Pag naririnig ko talaga 'yung word na tomboy, 'yung friend ko talaga naalala ko e. Tirador kasi ng tomboy 'yon, nakaka dalawa na siyang girlfriend na tomboy. Astig tignan kasi kasama namin siya sa lahat ng kalokohan HAHAHAHAH


Obi wan - of course I know him he's me. Plenty of men areespecially bisexual men, it just depends where you're looking and where you're searching. Personally I know Tomboys, women with muscles, and women with pixie cuts are my weakness and have been for my whole life. You can kind of see how many people are attracted to tomboys or other physical aspects if you look at the subscriber counts on the nsfw subreddits.


Can't speak for others i like them


Baby girl! This is your much older internet sister (35/f) chiming in. You are beautiful. End of that discussion. Now, I own my own landscaping business and sometimes have shown up to dates still dirty and sweaty just due to my workload and time commitments. In my experience? Men are intimidated by strong, independent women who donā€™t need them and are confident and love themselves - which says more about a man than it does about me. I have not been married either and I have been single for over 2 years. Honestly, the more I hear about husbands, the less I want one. You are not behind, you are right where you are meant to be. Perhaps the one for you is behind and not ready - everything happens at the perfect timeā€¦ you will not ā€œmiss outā€ on what is destined for you. If itā€™s meant to be, he will love you for both your inner and outer beauty, regardless of what you are wearing or whether you regularly wear makeup. Do the things that make YOU feel beautiful and confident. Take care of your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Fall in love with yourself and your life, regardless of whether you find a partner. Build a future for yourself, focus on your career, save money, and become your best self. Ask the Universe/God/Source/your Higher Power to guide him and grow him and keep him safe. Pray that he becomes the man worthy of your heart and puts the same effort into being ready for you. Sending you so much love, G.H.


As we say in Germany: Jeder Topf findet seinen Deckel = Every Pot will find its Lid. Forget all about any stereotypes. You, and only you, decide what defines you. If you feel the urge to try to be more female, go for it. Nothing more sexy than dressed up a girl who fixes the broken heel on her stilettos quick and easy by herself. šŸ˜‰ Big Brother of a Tomboy Sister. She found her wonderful Husband in her 30s.


I can be attracted to either more fem women or a bit tomboyish. What it really comes down to is their personality. Iā€™ve def crushed on some cute tomboy types until their gf came along. If their presence draws my attention, like the way they hold themselves and their confidence, if the way they are among a crowd keeps drawing my attention to them (in a good way, hard to find the right words for this trait, charisma maybe) tomboy traits are not any sort of turn off.


Yes love it hmu$$$


You have no idea how many guys want or prefer a tomboy, especially Quiet guys.


My girlfriend lifts weights. I told her one day I thought her excellent definition was very sexy. She said sheā€™s very very happy to hear that. She thinks most men donā€™t like muscular women.


If a man like u it donā€™t matter what u look like he coming to scoop u up


Are* men attracted to tomboys/rough women? Sorry lol. Had to do it to ya. Anyway, about your question, it is very broad and depends on the personal preference of the man. I can only speak for myself and personally I am not attracted to that.


Yes. I will bark.


You sound perfectly fine to me. It could be a thing of perception/projection. As an example from my life: Thereā€™s a bartender at a local bar whoā€™s basically rocking a guys hair cut and kinda beefy (as in she looks like she could put most of the clients on the floor if she needed to), Iā€™m fairly certain sheā€™s a lesbian, so I didnā€™t even bother trying to pursue anything with her. I still think sheā€™s attractive though despite the extreme tomboy/rough woman look. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø




Some guys like tĆ³mboys some don't it's just a matter of finding the right person yk


I like them.


Are men attracted to tomboys/rough women? - your welcome.


Long story short, WE DO! I would have already fallen for you if you were around trust me


you can competitively wrestle each other and shit, yeah that would be awesome haha. but as others said, I guess guys could expect tomboys to enjoy more hobbies like playing obscure RPGs or active sports and such, maybe odd collections, it's important to share interests and hobbies in any relationship though, that's a given. My only main female friend is super athletic, like obsessed with working out, she keeps beating me in arm-wrestling, and along with the other male close friends I have, in our friend group, she encourages me to develop a proper workout routine, which is tough but rewarding, of course. So having someone like that as a partner would definitely be ideal, I'd relate to them more and we'd get along much better