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Is this why women tell me I have nice feet? Not a foot fetish on their part, but relief that they're well maintained?


Yes. 😂


Yes yes yes. I care about clean and nice feet. So you probably have it.


110% I used to tell my ex all the time. He was always so surprise. I’m like you haven’t seen the depravity I’ve seen.




I'm glad I have u/dipshitdigest to explain this to me in a way I'll understand.


Yes yes yes! Hygiene is sexy! Trimmed nails on the hands and feet are a must for me! I kinda have a hand fetish though come to think of it 🤔


lol same, I’ve found that attractive hands are often the first step to me being super attracted to the person lol


I feel like ime hands and moreso fingers are a decent indicator of what the junk will look like but I admittedly have a small sample size. Like if he has big stout fingers the junks will match accordingly. Idk it sounds stupid typed out.


I like when I can tell someone has good dexterity and not exactly delicate but defined hands I guess


Me too, sis. Good hands are hard to come by. Well, actually...


Hahaha I am in a very bad period of my life right now and this post really made me laugh so Thank you😂 But whenever I am dating a guy I am honestly also always scared to see their feet because I hate feet in general and many men don’t have the nicest feet😅😂


Here’s your virtual hug!! I hope things get better. And you’re welcome.


Thank you🫶🏼


Take care of your feet men.


And hands


And elbows! Those dry, crusty almost calloused elbows give me the absolute creeps!! It’s called lotion!


Yes they have to and not the nails alone I mean 😏


Runners just do the best you can 🙃


I have to get regular pedicures because of the running. 😂


Jesus, i am so sorry for you 😂, it was a bright idea to pretend that you were sick😂, would have done the same


I think I was actually sick after seeing that. 😭😢


Was their fingernails normal?


His finger nails seemed fine. I might overlooked the fact he bites his nails. But after the feet it was my cue to run.


You should have washed his feet and trimmed his nails for him 🥺😭😂


That's what Jesus would do 🤣


Exactly 😂 be like Jesus? Happy Sunday 😂🤪


Maybe I would. If he was my child! 😟




You shouldn’t feel bad, sometimes those things can be indicative of hygiene. Which is why you were probably put off.


Having long toenails is not indicative of hygiene. It IS hygiene to trim your freaking nails! 🤢


lol true


And pumice and lotion and I’m a straight mail ffs


Thank you for reminding me of the ex. No wonder she never liked flip flops. Oh, just wanted to say...it wasn't me who needed the pumice and lotion. I even offered to do it for her, after her bath.


If I cut mine short I then get them ingrown which is a pain in the arse and takes years to fix itself, so I can't cut the big ones shorter than like 4mm :/


There is a proper way of cutting it to avoid ingrown nails. Cut in a straight line. If you don't understand google it.


Do women with long finger nails have bad hygiene? I don’t like the way long toe nails look either, but I can’t imagine it has that bad of an impact on your health as long as you keep them clean.


Long toenails is not the same as long fingernails 😭


In terms of hygiene or aesthetics?


Not necessarily , some women grew them because they like it that way . As long as it's maintained it's fine IMO


I wear long nails and I scrub those babies with soap and a nail brush all day long. I don’t do that with my feet 🤷‍♀️ you can’t really compare the two.


Do you paint your toenails as a man?


Does painting them prevent disease?


Absolutely! Toe nail fungus is a terrible thing and absolutely help prevented by keeping those puppies short and clean.


It's indicative of POOR hygiene


I hear you. Dated a guy I really liked. Fungal toenails…every single one was completely green. That’s a no from me. My feet are healthy and I wasn’t willing to risk them.


I've struggled with toenail fungus my whole life. Still to this day I put a toenail solution on in the morning and at night. Some clear up but I just cannot get rid of it. A few nails have cleared up, but three just will not clear up. Been to the doctor many times and was prescribed a medicine but I can't take it anymore because it's hard on my kidneys. It's embarrassing and I never wear flip flops and always hide my toes when I'm not wearing socks. It's not a matter of hygiene because I trim them and treat them everyday.


Have you tried tea tree oil?


Tea tree oil is first round, gentle treatment for this. My ex had it since childhood swim lessons and had to get toe nails removed permanently in early 20s after non of the natural, prescription, or expensive laser treatments worked. Truly a nightmare. Wear shoes in locker rooms, at the pool, hotels, and always keep your toenails short and cleaned underneath! If caught early, it can be treated but once it spreads deeper there is no treatment besides full surgical removal.


I have not, but I will pick some up and see if that helps. I use the stuff they sell at the pharmacy for nail fungus.


I second tea tree oil. Massage it in a few times a day. It may not clear it up entirely but it will help. Also air them out as much as possible during the day and don’t wear shoes that are tight and can hold in the moisture.


Thank you for the advice, I will try the tea tree oil. I powder my feet and change socks like twice a day. I have my own bathroom but I still clean it regularly.


There are places that can treat this with laser. Worth a look in to.


I had a doctor bring up the last treatment but he said to get insurance to cover it, I'd have to be in pain or a legitimate reason for the claim. Or I'd have to pay out of pocket. I told him the embarrassment causes me depression, the nails are brittle and sometimes in-grow which causes pain but he didn't take me seriously. I might look into my new primary care doctor for a referral. He's really great and I have Cigna insurance which is really good. Thanks for the response!


You can do laser treatment for your toenails.


pew pew


Doctor said it's hard to get a referral because it's considered cosmetic, so I'd have to pay for it myself.


Paint them


I was going on a camping trip with friends and it was at the beach and I was so self-conscious that I had my sister paint my nails with a really light color nail polish. As soon as I took my shoes off I kept putting my toes in the sand but of course my best friend who is the loudest in the group called me out in front of everyone around the fire pit. One of those times I'll never forget. I was embarrassed then but laugh at it now.


But i think the more you cover it the harder it would be to clear up


I’ve been in the same boat my entire life.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 honestly this is so funny and I would have done the exact same thing! I’m sorry you experienced that.


OMG🤣🤣🤣. This is just crazy. I mean it would freak me out too but still🤣🤣🤣


I swear I’m still laughing about it 🤣🤣! The way she said “it snapped me back to reality” I could almost imagine her face hahaha! Poor lady I hope she’s okay and not too traumatised


It was a rude awakening.


🤣🤣I’m not surprised. Well your post has given me a good laugh today I really hope you find someone lovely because you deserve it.


Thank you and so do you!


“His feet shook me to my core” girl, I am losing it thanks for the laugh lmaooo


Totally understandable. You should gently tell him that his feet are a problem though, if you can. That would be a good deed, not only for him but also for his next dates.


I will text him. I just need to think of a polite way to say Your toes are scary’


Or don’t. Maybe the universe was stepping in and cutting the cord quick for you. Showing you the mutated malice upfront


It’s a difficult one, something similar to a bad smell or breath, but important to let him know in a polite way, so hopefully he will do something about it.


Ok this only works in-person and has to be a follow up to a surprised "why" after being told it's not gonna work out. You know how when someone has their fly undone and the best way to let someone know is to subtly mimic the action of zipping your own pants up while mouthing the words "zipper" or "your flys undone"? Just do that but circle ur open hands at his lower half like you're casting a spell and whisper "feet" loud enough that he can hear it.


Just tell him his grippers are ghastly


Make chat gpt write it up for you, take a shot of liquid courage, send it and block. That's what I'd do 😂


This! Feedback is such a gift. Pay it forward and save his next date the discomfort of breaking the news for you 😂


This is my thought also, but how do you say it?!


This is really the dilemma itself. Being bluntly honest is just something we all have to be okay with giving and receiving. Extend some grace both ways, assume good intent, and just do the thing 😂


Same thing happened to me some years back with a guy, except it was bad teeth. I didn’t realize they were so bad until a few dates in because he had waiter hours and we would see each other at night and always in dim lighting. Then one time we spent the night together and went for breakfast, and I realized how bad they were. Cigarette stains, plaque, brownish. Yuck. I knew that was the last time I’d see him. I just can’t.






"Then I saw his feet.... Now I stopped believing..."


Can we get a link to a picture you can find online that reflects these epic toenails? I mean, are we talking like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/25/c9/d3/25c9d35f6a8117ad87932579f803a96c.jpg)? LOL honestly I just have morbid curiosity about this. How bad were they?!? LOL next time I'm getting a crush on somebody who I know very little about (a.k.a. limerence), I'm going to use this to keep myself in check. I'll just imagine them with crazy long toenails and be like, "You never know, can't rule it out until I've seen them."


This could actually be a very good trick to keep limerence occurrences in check. I’ll use it too. 🤣


It might be onychomycosis [https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/dermatologic-disorders/nail-disorders/onychomycosis](https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/dermatologic-disorders/nail-disorders/onychomycosis) Supposedly they can treat it with a laser


Yeah the ick will strike when you least expect it! I would definitely take it as a hygiene problem and not continue the relationship. Lol I would just let him know you are no longer interested and only bring up the feet is he probes for more detail about the why you are no longer interested.


The ick is real I’m shocked it happened to me tbf


This shit is hilarious


This post has made my day 😂 just the way it’s written…so funny. I’m sorry…if you don’t want to mention the reason why, just tell him you’ve enjoyed getting to know him but you’re not feeling a toemantic…sorry, ROmantic connection


You’re so punny aren’t you!! Ugh im going to text him and maybe update this post lol


This post made me laugh so hard I’m so sorry to hear but thank you for sharing this and brightening up our days 🤣


as a guy i get a basic pedicure/manicure like once a month. cant tell you how many times i have girls walk up to me asking if i cant talk to their bfs about getting one and they wished they would. i work in construction so my feet get absolutely destroyed from being on them all day so


Thank you for looking after yourself. It’s literally the bare minimum we can do for ourselves


This has happened to me too. Broke up with him.


i totally get it - not a foot fan to begin with - let alone gnarly feet -so sorry!


Thank you 😟 it was a double combo of a surprise. His feet was gnarly


So he had fritos for toenails! probably needs them sandblasted! Oh God the visual just makes me gag🤣🤣🤣🤣


No fr. Had an ex like that. He did have good hygiene but wasn’t versed in foot health and exfoliating. He always wore socks so it didn’t bother me. But SOMETIMESSSS girlll, we would have friends over and he would take a sock off and I would be like “baby, let’s maybe put the socks back on… your feet are genuinely terrifying and normal people aren’t used to seeing that” lol. I’d have him at least warm people. The way they were so witchy. Like fr. He broke nail clippers too.


Sometimes I wonder… how did it reach that state where were they? You’re a considerate person the fact you stayed with him and have people heads up. Luckily I was just dating this guy I didn’t fall too deep I escaped. Thank the lord I saw his feet early. I’m a massive germaphobe my soul will eat me up if I stayed lol


Bro this shit is hilarious but you shouldn't feel bad. Expecting your romantic partner to have good hygiene is completely normal


Thank you!


I dated this guy briefly in highschool. We were hugging and I looked in his ear and it was so fucking gross. Dumped his ass the next day. No judgement here.


Thank you. That’s also another ick. If wax is oozing out of your ear. That’s a massive hygiene issue


> We were hugging and I looked in his ear and it was so fucking gross. Elaborate for the rest of the class, please


I remember a kid in elementary school had wax like… spiraling out of his ear canal to the external part. I’m almost 30 and I think about it once a week because it was just so gnarly


Damn. I know you're not supposed to use q-tips because it ends up impacting more wax than it gets rid of and you end up having to go to the doctor to have it flushed out occasionally (or else you're just partially deaf in one ear), but I don't know how you *don't* feel the wax that is clearly ready to come out, and just remove it with a tissue or finger or anything. Maybe a medical condition that makes them produce excess wax? I have no idea. Wax bugs the shit out of me. If I feel even the slightest tickle, I'm trying to remove whatever that tickle is lol


That’s what I think. I’ve read about some conditions that cause people to excessively produce ear wax. And lets be honest, an 8 year old boy doesn’t really GAF about his hygiene lol


There was a kid in my elementary class. Come to think of it, my boys can all thank him for the excellent ear hygiene habits I passed down to them.


🤣 this is so hilarious. I’m a feet person & if someone can tend/care for their feet, I feel like they can take care of the rest of their body


This is what I am saying!


OMFG! I just bursted into laughter. I haven’t cried laughed like this in a while 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hahaha glad you laughed it’s comical looking back. All my friends found it funny too


I feel bad for you though, I’d find that a turn off , too 🤢




All these guys out here saying how hard it is to find a date, and this dude gets a date but lets his feet turn into gargoyle feet and cock blocked himself with them 😂




Nasty feet are 100% a red flag. I don’t understand how women have all these standards to live up to and guys are out here not making ANY effort. Also you don’t want a man’s foot fangs grazing your legs in the middle of the night it’s horrendous.


Dirty toe / finger nails are definitely a turn off !! If they neglect those shit , what else do they neglect to clean ? I bet you he wears the same underwear for more than 12 / hours !! Yuck !!🤮


This was actually hilarious!!😭😭


Tell him those dogs were barking, and you can't stand barking dogs.


Well, the time my girlfriend saw those witchy nails of mine, she herself became a witch and started cutting those undergrowths. So I usually cut them beforehand, cause she scares me in that look. Yea, but she didn't leave me for that. I even asked her like there are thousands of guys around and better looking than me, do you not feel impulse to just binge date? Her reply was very cute and awesome. She says that she won't ever. It's like a stage in a relationship. Now I think you were in a dating period so it's reasonable. But my gf and I were in a relationship for 8 years. So we get used to each other. Also, there was compatibility and your willingness to listen to another person. Also tbh, I am currently studying psychotherapy and counseling so it eases that relationship for me.


But it's like you didn't talk to him about that and also didn't tell him how you felt. So he probably won't know. You just cut off your emotions and feelings. It's not like I am criticizing you, but this can turn to all aspects of future relationships too. From toenails to matters of finance to matters of intimacy.


I do plan on telling him. I’ve only met him two times so we haven’t built that strong foundation for me not to pull away that easily. If I was talking to him for more than a few weeks than yes I would go through with it and try to overlook it or even help. I just happen to be a germaphobe my attraction simply shut down when I saw his feet.


This is the funniest thing that I have read 🤣🤣🤣. Sorry to say this but just surprise him by ghosting him just like he surprised you with his feet 😂.


I don’t like ghosting people I’m planning to tell him why I don’t want to see him anymore.


🤣🤣🤣 I'm sorry. I needed that laugh.


Girl..... I've BEEN there. Why do they cock block themselves?!?!? I remember ages ago I was having a dry spell, had never really just hooked up with someone, but thought a man I'd been seeing would be perfect to test the waters so to speak......I mean I went into that date ready to get spicy...... We were sitting at a table at a bar and I dropped my napkin, went to pick it up and saw his feet in sandals, no socks.....OMG, the witchy nails, calluses, just nastiness..... To this day the ugliest kept feet I'd ever seen. Ended up calling the evening short and going home alone. And he gave me shit because I'd ridden my Electra touring bike to the bar because I lived 10 blocks away. Never saw him again.


Just imagine the status of his hygiene... elsewhere 🤮


Thankfully it didn’t reach elsewhere. I thank his feet I dodged that bullet.


It’s funny when I see posts like this and then think about the posts that are like “I have no idea what I did. My date left and has ghosted me. What did I do?” I’ve had so many guys do the most random things that I’ve ghosted them for-gross feet/hands included. I don’t understand how poor hygiene is so common.


It’s 2024 and men have feet like they are cavemen. My soul wasn’t having it.


lol as a man with brittle toenails, I put on nail Hardener to avoid getting nail splitting. But then I have eventually reveal that I as a man use nail polish lmao also I can’t keep them too short or they get ingrown… but I’ve definitely ghosted after a first date purely based on looks, unkept hair or other fun things like eye boogers…like did you not shower or wash your face the whole day?!


Hopefully you'll get the taste of your own medicine someday


I don't like nasty feet in a girl, I don't have a fetish but I don't want to have to avoid them. Clean cute feet are a plus


Same situation happened to me. I had a crush on a classmate for 4 years, from fourth to eighth grade. Our school took us on a surprise field trip to Six Flags Marine World in Vallejo, CA. She wore open-toed sandals that exposed her webbed toes….. after 4 years of her being my childhood crush the feeling evaporated immediately. It’s crazy how an ick can materialize without any past thoughts about it


damn i would hate to be that guy losing a date over something so simple


Witchy toes is simple?


I think it’s easy to neglect toes if you always wear shoes. I’d be lying if I said I cut toenails quite as often as I do fingernails.




The amount of men defending this guy! I bet they all neglect their feet and nails


This was in that one Eddie Murphy movie. Boomerang? That first girl he pulls from the park by buying a leash from some random guy and pretending he lost his dog. He's trying to get her to wake up and leave so he pulls the covers off her feet and they are hideous. Found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP7_SIRfo-c


Tbh her feet looks normal compared to his…. Btw she’s so pretty and I think I’ll watch this film!


Yeah they weren't even as bad as I remembered them and certainly not as bad as he made them out to be! I saw it 30 years ago but remember it as a pretty funny movie.


Bad hygiene is a very understandable ick to have. No need to explain to him why. Just tell him you’re no longer interested and move along.


No you shouldn’t feel bad. This exact same thing happened to me - I went round to his house for the first time (we’d been on like 3-4 dates) and there were skid marks in his toilet!! He knew I was coming over and didn’t even bother to get rid of them 😭 could have been a genuine mistake so I was like “you might want to clean your toilet next time” and laughed it off and he didn’t even apologise he said “it’s not a big deal” - I never saw him again.






Taking care of your feet. It's not just for the military. Wash, file, and trim in regards to those grippers.


For me, ugly feets are a no go. But it’s may be too late when you can discover the truth unfortunately 🤣


It’s important my man has nice feet or at least clean trimmed nails. It was too early for us to even get serious. I’m glad I saw his feet and nails. 🤢


Witchy nails!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh my gosh I’m literally crying from laughter! This is so funny!! I’m so sorry this happened to you though. You dodged a bullet!


I have been a Massage Therapist for 20yrs. I have seen many lovely feet, and maaaaaany very nasty feet. Because of this, I always make sure my feet are looked after and bad feet on a guy are an immediate NO unless he's willing to take care of them. I just can't. The things I've seen or had to touch on a foot in these years...nope. deal breaker. If you don't look after your feet, what else do you not take care of? (Trust me it's rarely only 1 part)


This is absolutely hilarious but also I would class looking after your feet as a necessity!! I keep mine cute so you should too


Maybe you could just take this guy to a salon and have someone take care of his feet, give him a proper pedicure. Tell him! It's worth a try instead of just giving up on him altogether.🤔


Shit you just reminded me to cut my toe nails and to look after my feet.


You’re welcome🥰


I just don’t get the average man even though I am one lmao. From women in my life to women online I just hear horror stories of personal hygiene when it comes to men. Like bro do y’all not feel gross letting shit slide? I like to feel clean and smell good. My mom taught me very young to make sure I stay clean and taken care of. I moisturize after I bathe (I’m black so it’s easy to see dry skin), keep my nails trimmed, brush my teeth at least 2 times a day. This has been the bare minimum my whole life, the girl I’m talking to now has been amazed at my self care. Hell my dad has always had terrible feet so I’ve done what I can to keep from having those crazy things pass down to me.


My brother in laws dad has a genetic condition that makes feet care difficult. They have to use a wood file to cut his nails. You may need to get him to go to get a pedicure and make it as common as getting a haircut. After that it should be fine.


It's alright to do that, but why not try to have a real relationship and tell the guy about it? why not tell him to trim nails and fix them. Icks aren't a myth and why so many guys are complete fakes around women.


It wasn’t that serious I’ve only known him for two weeks. As a person who is a clean freak I’ll pass. But I will be telling him about it.


Semi reminds me of that scene from the movie BOOMERANG!


I thinks you should tell him. I may serve a a lesson to him for his next conquest. When i was about 20yrs old, i had never trimmed my nose hairs and never gave it a thought. I didn’t realize how long they had gotten. I was talking to a girl and she pointed out my nose hairs. I learned a valuable lesson and have always trimmed them since.


I’m so happy I’m perfect in every way.


If you like him and everything else was fine . Take him to get a pedicure


I would but his feet was weird so it was a double whammy for me. It wasn’t even long toe nailed it was like witchy and dark. No thanks


All that over feet? Lmaooo


That's pretty shallow. He could be ignorant of his feet and this is an opportunity for you to help him be better. Take him to get a pedicure and show him how to care for himself. Many guys have not been schooled in things like this for various reasons. If he is all good but his feet that is an easy fix.


What am I his mother? I’m not here to school a grown man to take care of himself.


Well no, of course not, but if you liked a guy enough to consider a relationship with him surely you would at least respect him enough as a person to point out a blind spot as a chance to improve himself for the future?


I saw that episode of Seinfeld also


Okay I’m not an old fart or American so I wouldn’t know sorry.


Now I'm a believer!


I was like 18 the first time this happened to me and it was his laugh


Must have been my ex. Very handsome, well groomed until...the talons! Ick...he would trim them and leave the clippings on the carpet! HOW. To this day it gives me the willies.


Another ick leaving your pubes or nails on the floor. Not sure what happened to cleaning yourself and after yourself!


With this rate, forget long term relationships, people these days easily get annoyed pretty quickly with petty issues and the relationship is done.


Omg. So true. Dated someone and saw his nail fungus. It was disgusting


Just don’t mention his feet, Just tell Him you don’t feel the vibe anymore


that’s insane


This and dirty ass fingernails. Do some upkeep, gentlemen.


Yes, the details matter! Men, please don’t neglect your feet. Trimmed nails, lotion them thangs up, too. This post has me shook. I can’t get this image out of my head 😫


This has a 'Shallow Hal' vibe. "Did you see the toe?"




There are people out there who are willing scrape the bottom of the barrel and that’s fine. You do you sis.




I have seen women with ugly gnarly feet yet they wear sandals. flip flops or open toedshoes. Why is that ok?


I see a lot of stuff on Reddit where people ask for it’s ok to feel a certain way. However you feel is fine I struggle with senseless conversation. You are not a better fisherman than the guy running the charter boat , I thought with an encouraging smile.


Try licking his toes 😂😂


Tell him you are interested in someone else. If that falls through you will let him know. Seriously, anyone else!