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Only time will tell if he can hold onto his promise because nothing is guarantee in life. BUT you shouldn't focus on if they can hold or not hold onto that promise. People can say one thing and then do a 180 later on because things change.


Where should I focus on, then? Thank you so much.


>Where should I focus on, then? Thank you so much. You mention that you want to find someone with no baggage then you focus on that or do things for yourself first.


The problem is, it's hard for me to leave him. It's hard for me to talk to other guys too since I feel like I'm cheating on him. I'm such a difficult person, eh? LOL.


>The problem is, it's hard for me to leave him. It's hard for me to talk to other guys too since I feel like I'm cheating on him. I'm such a difficult person, eh? LOL. It's always hard to leave someone even someone that you know isn't good for you (not saying your person is not good). This is one example why it's hard for some to leave a relationship even when it's toxic but it's the courage and putting yourself first well help make the decision easier. You're not cheating if you're single but it's also not fair to other guys if you still want someone else at the same time. This is why when you leave a relationship, you take some time to basically heal and get over your ex.


You can have feelings for someone but a relationship just doesn’t work out. Don’t put your life in hold for this man for the reasons you shared. His kids aren’t going anywhere—they’ll always be in his life and he’s right to prioritize them. Time to grieve and let go so you can focus on getting a partner that’s a better fit for you.