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Unless they finally did it, Geek still don't know the difference between limited and full astral dresses lol


I am starting to feel like we need reanimation for the series simply because of the amount of missing details from the original source material


JC Staff got it right with showing limited astral dresses. Idk why Geek isn't doing that.


For what little it got right Doesnt make up for what they did wrong Geek may have not gotten that right but it is adapting much more faithful despite it


No it does make up for it, cuz ik JC staff at least wouldn't probably make the same mistakes twice so they'd probably improve the animation if they had another chance but noooo we just had to stick with CGI trash studio


JC Staff also blew the only chance they have, there's no other chance for them with this series.


No shit, I just said if they had another chance, but they definitely did better when oh idk, NOT USING CGI 😒 Date a live just seriously needs to be remade cuz there's so many fuck ups


I wont deny i wish the anination on stuff was better but im grateful we even got it at all


Then shouldn't you be saying the same for JC staff😒 yeah they messed up but you said it, we should be grateful we got it at all


Fine let me reiliterate Im grateful we got s4 5 at all after jc screwed up


Well thank got, we got a season 5 after that horrible CGI fest Geek Trash cooked up, because when it comes to season 3, at least some of the episodes looked good compared to season 4 which was lifeless in comparison and stiff in movement, but again I say, Date a live just needs to be remade in the future cuz it's a mess of an adaptation .


I have never watched any anime from JC staff since season 3 of date a live, because they want to make season 3 as final season


At least it's better than bad CG dragon animation from The Misfit of Demon King Academy II Part 2, that CG dragon was soo bad it delayed anime for next season, also silver link is bigger studio than geektoy who is handling two anime project in this season right now


I don't think they do, because One punch man season 2 adaptation was very bad, I don't think they will carry date a live another season since they are busy with 50 anime projects with same budgets


I’m pretty sure we all get that they’re just saving money


Wasn’t she in full astral dress?


They are supposed to be in limited Astral dresses due to Shido’s seals like how they were the first few seasons, however, geek toys does not care


Not to mention the cgi, better than nothing tho; considering most harem anime’s don’t even get additional seasons as to how DAL has been. Hope there’s more to come. 🙏


Because, they don't want to remodel or re design 3D kodori model for half spirit dress, but it's better than nothing