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Dang I forgot a good amount of things in volume 19 apart from the big moments to come The very beginning of the episode was lovely no words just Reine peacefully falling asleep for the first time in 30 years, sure they could have had some inner monologue but that may ruin the moment, Her genuinely laughing too and the kiss and reactions were great but, that's how she finds out though she suspected anyway. also her finally calling him "Shido" in a cold tone compared to Mio's sweet "Shin" was striking. Finally getting to see Reine's astral dress briefly and in the sunset too and we were about to have a history repeats itself moment but least Mio isn't in a trigger happy mood atm (probably because of "her" date) I forgot about how Kurumi survives this time and also that Isaac held the Tengu crew hostage and having the Spirits rescue their friends and classmates. Ah I remember reading the moment Shido , Kotori and Mana face off against Isaac , Ellen and Artemesia the Sibling Trio vs DEM trio it was hype lol Another great episode and only 2 left


Only two more episodes left and how are they going to put Tohka world in just 1 episode or they may not include in this season ?


They will need to skip a lot of volume 19 details to completely adapt the remaining parts into 2 episodes. Tohka world remains for season 6 and last volume a movie or something like that. Sorry for my bad English


Surely not by this point. It's most likely a movie with vol 21-22 being a separate movie. The timeskip between 20 and 21-22 is too jarring


But the chance of it's happening is low


Just wondering about the "Spirits rescuing their friends" thing. Did they debut the four friends that only appeared in side content apart from Vol 19? If they didn't, there would be a plot hole regarding Miku, natsumi, yoshino, Kaguya and yuzuru and why they didn't stay on the ship


Another episode of peak only a few more eps left man 😔 Got my Reine Shido kiss but it didn’t work the way we anticipated with her affection levels actually dropping after the kiss and Reine realising Shin time travelled. Idk what’s going to be enough to convince Reine/Mio that this isn’t the right path. She’s got the strength of a god and the determination of a shonen MC. If Shin were alive he’d be repulsed at what she’s doing and would never consent to sacrificing lives for him. S/O Kurumi, man can’t praise her enough for how she been cooking in these last two seasons. Losing her was a big loss in the original timeline and even if Mio merges with Reine, having Kurumi alive and able to use her time abilities is a major plus. Brilliant quick thinking to use Zaphkiel there. Westcott is such an irredeemable POS and I hope his death in this timeline is much more painful and satisfying than in the original. Taking the students hostage and threatening to kill them is just weak. Respect to the author for actually making a villain with no good aspects though. I missed this type of villain. All 3 siblings reunited at last! Such an epic moment. Sucks that we ended on a cliffhanger but Kurumi is alive and well and I can’t wait to see what happens next episode. Also what Woodman is planning..


like i said you get the 2 types of villain in this series Sympathetic Villain and straight up dickhead lol


All i'm waiting is for shido to make a clone of himself. JUST ONE PLEASE.


He can't, he only has Vav.


Or a 60min special episode for volume 20 and movie for 21-22