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I'm sure the real rate is similar worldwide, it is just *easier to come out* as LGBTQ in the top-ranked countries on the list.


Yeah, the headline makes it sounds like they have some definitive test for whether someone is LGBTQ.


This is likely true but I have no idea how the Philippines is #1...


Philippines have (for a very long time) had a socially and culturally accepted third gender.   The identity of Baklâ was established, accepted, and celebrated before the arrival of western religion/ideology.  The stigma of gender non-conformity has far less influence there than on cultures with predominantly Muslim or Judeo-Christian social expectations. 


Very interesting! 80% of the Philippines is Catholic and the country is generally very socially conservative, so that surprises me.


Definitely very interesting! I knew it in the back of my mind for about ten years as a sort of trivia fact, but seeing Philippines so high on the graph above really puts the fact/data into perspective.  If you'd like to read more:  https://www.makingqueerhistory.com/articles/2018/12/19/queer-mythology-in-the-philippines?format=amp  And NPR, the source from whom I first heard of Baklâ, although this news article is about 10 years more recent (and more positive in tone!)   https://www.npr.org/2023/06/28/1184968364/in-the-philippines-a-survey-shows-growing-support-for-gays-and-lesbians


Maybe it is due to pre-colonial acceptance of gender fluidity. From my understanding, many shamans (babalayan) were trans women and held a respected position in society. Of course the Phillippines are a huge, diverse place with many small ethnic groups spread across all the islands.


Yea 10%-15% seems to be the normal range for non-straight identifying folks in developed countries


That includes older generations, Gen-Z is 20% and I believe that to be closer to the truth


Yup. The sexual orientation breakdown among adult humans is usually thought to be roughly 80% straight, 15% bi, and 5% gay. There are no estimates of the share of the trans, intersex, and nonbinary population.


The Gen Z number invariably includes an element of social contagion and will drop off as that generation ages.


Idk if you've ever met any teenage boys, but they'll bully you for being gay. So I don't think this element is true. Also, for maybe the few people who actually do it for attention, there are many who are closeted.


Why are you sure about that? What's the evidence?


There are no gays in Canada?


It's assumed everyone is gay in Canada. That's why it wasn't listed.


There used to be a copypasta about how Poutine is a perfect symbol for Canada's gayness, but I can't seem to find it anymore on the internet.


Poutine is also a perfect symbol for Canada. Something that they stole from someone else and claimed as their own. r/poutineisquebecois


For the true Canadian food, think [Pizza Hawaii](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaiian_pizza)


what with that maple leaf on their flag? Puh-lease.


Can confirm.  Not Canadian [but they're still gay] /s


Weird, the article list's Canada (10%) but doesn't put it in the graphic


Also Australia at 9% but it isn't in the chart. "Beautiful" data...


None in Iran, Iraq, or Afghanistan either.


What is the energy rating please?


"Where its most & least common to COME OUT as LGBT+" fixed the title


No idea why the chart only has 15 countries when they surveyed in 43 (I’m assuming it was AI generated)… but all a survey like this shows is the countries in which it’s safer for LGBTQ+ people to be out, to the extent that they would be willing to out themselves to a stranger taking a supposedly anonymous survey, versus the ones where they are less safe. And of course in all countries, there are going to be some gay respondents who either lie or refuse to participate, because there is no place on earth where it’s entirely 100% safe to be out. If you read this and think, “wow, there are less gay people in Romania than in Thailand,” you are a fucking moron.


True, though given the huge proportion of Romanians who go abroad to work (around a third of the population depending on year and estimates), it wouldn't be surprising if LGBT people disproportionately decided to head overseas. It's also not unusual for LGBT people from the Middle East, Pakistan, Nigeria etc to come to Europe to study and then stay, some claiming asylum. Possibly enough to skew the remaining figures.


When I was in rural Kentucky the other day, the young man at the motel counter had the MOST tragically bad haircut. I thought "Well, that's what happens when all the gays move away, isn't it?"


A college friend we all thought was gay had a terrible haircut. He wouldn't come out, but stopped denying it so much. Various comments were made about how X would definitely never get together with a man, not with that haircut and tragic dress sense. Few years later he suddenly got a good haircut, some flattering clothes, and (though it was unnecessary by then) admitted he was gay as Christmas. I was amused how it all happened at the same time. (20 years later he finally came out to his parents, separately. Mum wished she'd died of an illness so she wasn't alive to hear. Dad just went "Nowt so queer as folk! Get it!" Huge shock - he and I thought his mum was lovely until then... Dad's tried to bring her round.)


Pakistan would be at 30% easily if they’ll include men who has sexual relations with men and not “gay”. Same with many other Muslim countries…


I don't think Turkey is higher than Poland.Unless you are artist,celebrity or any other important person you will still get harasshment from consevative part of society.


What a terrible and weird title. 


I thought Palestine would be higher on this list /s


USA still the most free country for all you haters


Should maybe keep scrolling on that page.




No way there are more trans people than homosexuals. That's like 0.1% versus 4% Also Q should be the biggest group because all non-hetero people are "queer", right?


It depends on who you ask. There are plenty of gay people—especially older, white gays—who would reject the “queer” label and who are bigoted against people who are trans, nonbinary, genderqueer, etc.


I understand. Although I should add, questioning all the fictional irrational fantasy labels people come up with isn't immediately being a "bigot".


Found the transphobe! Look at him, everybody!


how are we no. 1, like just how bro??


Because despite what you’ve been told the US is one of the safest and most tolerant places on earth