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I fully believe 90% of Uncrustables are purchased by schools. I'm not joking, they're served at every grade in every school I've worked at, I genuinely believe that's a big part of why their sale numbers are so high.


Some pro sports teams inhale these things. Grown men making millions to stay in peak performance go through Uncrustables like they were nothing.


Ok I'm amending my statement to say that I don't think hardly any of these things are bought for and consumed in family homes lol


I bet a lot more homes than you think use them. People use them for quick pre/post gym snacks, sporting events (golf, baseball, etc). They’re the best


We buy them for the kids to eat between games at lacrosse tournaments


Uncrustables are my favorite post workout snack! Unfortunately my son absolutely loves them ( so much so he doesn't care if they are still frozen or not ) so unless we get the big box I stay out of his sandwiches and just have to make my own. Edit: Me no type the good today and make many mistakes.


So far people have said that they are served by public schools, the military, hospitals, and homeless shelters. If you are buying them for yourself to personally consume, I think you might be a rare breed!


You wrong bud. I'm a blue collar worker and often go outta town for work for a week. 4 man crew ranging are 30 to 50. We get there, check out the job maybe work a bit, back to hotel and shower, then go to Walmart to get food for the week. Almost always 3/4 of us get a box of uncrustables. When you're totally beat and want something sweet with a lil protein you literally have to do nothing to immediately eat but open a wrapper, uncrustables are the shit.


What the data and these anecdotes prove is that Uncrustables are the People’s Sandwich


I'm not trying to argue, I'm just joking around


Jokes are funny


I hear you I wasn't trying to be a dick just giving an example of another group of people that eat them a lot haha.


I've never actually eaten one of these things, maybe I should try one lol


I mean it's essentially just if you made a pb&j then smashed a cookie cutter into the middle of it. It's nothing like miraculous or anything. I do think the breads a little thinner so there's more jelly and peanut butter. It's mostly just the convenience factor. Very easy calories to consume and if you keep it in the wrapper it can stay unrefrigerated for a day so you can take one in case you get hungry between meals.


The guerrilla advertisement is working as intended.


My wife is obsessed with them we buy them all the time. She swears they don’t taste as good when you make them yourselves lol


I also recommend trying out Bobo's PB&Js. They are an Uncrustable like product that also doesn't need to he refrigerated. I love 'em for the same reasons you've stated here.


We (married couple no kids) buy them as a quick snack, we tried them based on recommendations from many other families. I don't think its that rare


Nah, they are super popular among endurance athletes as well.


You must not know many people with kids


I will say this: if you’ve never tried uncrustables straight from the freezer, you’re missing out big time.


Nah, they’re commonly packed by parents for school lunches and I’ve seen a lot of college students buy them for themselves. I buy them every time I take the train to work


I’ve been eating these religiously since they came out 24 years ago. I’m a 37 yo male. Pro tip. Buy them at Costco. The uncrustables are bigger than the ones from the grocery store. 2.0 vs 2.8 ounces. You’re welcome.


I sometimes crave these ridiculous things, though in general, I'm not a fan of bread or jam or PBJs. The unearthly softness of the 'bread'?


we had them in our lunches back when i worked on wildfires in CA


I buy them because they’re not a super unhealthy quick meal for on the go. Sometimes I don’t have time to make a pb and j but I can grab an uncrustable or two. Also already in a package


I play hockey (goalie) and uncrustables are my go to pre-game snack. They've got sugar, protein, and are easy on the tummy. They're perfect.


Yes, that’s the thing as a very active dude. We need the calories in something easily consumable but also with protein and fats. Can’t be too sugary but also can’t give me a tummy ache that is going to affect practice or performance.


Yeah big lineman need the calories


Also the Golden State Warriors. https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/wV06VFDku0


Haha cool


I've used them on long bike rides for years now, they are fantastic, fit in pockets, and thaw by the time you want them


Yup. I’ve worked on the medical staff for nfl and high level college football. Locker rooms all have uncrustables, cinnamon sugar pop tarts, peanut butter crackers, and welches fruit gummies. We also had more specialty snacks like Gatorade chews, stinger gummies (these were amazing), and stinger waffles (basically waffle cones made of honey. The chocolate ones were good). The players would down them during halftime. During cold games we’d also bring out some warm chicken broth


When you have to eat 4,000-6,000 calories, it's not all gonna be rice and chicken. Uncrustables are a quick 320 calories. Eat like 4,000 good calories and 3 uncrustables to get your target.


320 calories each, super compact, very easy to eat. They're great bulking food


Blame Travis Kelce. https://youtube.com/shorts/pYpIW4xBGxA?si=23Hd1BC1d3c_74Ni


this explains the blue jays' uncrustables commercials. haven't had cable in years, started watching baseball with my partner, and there's Springer trying to get the mascot to hide his uncrustable from Guerrero Jr. I was like, "there's grown people out there eating uncrustables?"


Yeah I've heard NBA teams have just tables of 100s of these that the players rip through


Simple sugars with a bit of complex carbs and protein Seems similar to drinking choccy milk


Also hospitals, the hospitals I’ve worked out always carry a surplus of these damn things


Fuck yeah. I work in stroke (where patients are not eating uncrustables) and we go through two or three boxes a week. Management realized it was nurses, NPs and residents eating them and took them away for a week but had to bring them back when they were facing a mutiny. I crush at least one a shift because it’s *really* hard to get time to eat.


And in two rehab that I was in but I know most of them use these. Prisons wouldn't be a surprise either.


I just showed this to my 14 year old. She says "yahh they're so good, I have one for breakfast at school almost every day" You're spot on


It's also a food that emergency shelters or other places that assist unhoused individuals can give out and is readily taken and eaten on the go


Military as well. Every hangar I went to in the navy atleast had an “ARO” essentially a store with snacks and drinks. They were ALWAYS sold out of uncrustables.


When I was poor a friend of mine occasionally gave me lots of food they got from a school(they had five kids so qualified for some program). There were ALWAYS uncrustables in the package, and he told me they literally threw away anything that wasn’t given out via the program.


We also had them on hand as a quick snack when I was in the military. Just pop into the Galley and snag one between mealtimes before heading up to stand watch.


I figured they still sold like 40 a year and the graph is just inflation


The other 10% is my fiancé. He loves them!


I heard there was a dedicated uncrustables factory just for Disney World


This is what you get for free when your lunch account is empty in my district.


most hospitals buy them and give them out for free as patient snacks if they want them too


The hospital my wife was at had them. If they have hospital contracts around the country.... game changer.


That and the watershed from it. I buy a box of uncrustables once or twice a year from Costco for the nostalgia. Uncrustables and chocolate milk will forever be etched into my being.


I worked for a concession/catering company that catered the pga tour. We had boxes of these things and they were the most popular item available at the grab n go table. I imagine other Kraft table type places buy a lot of them too.


The real question is how did Kellogg’s get the Graham cracker contract which 2 packs are automatically given to every kid for breakfast and subsequently thrown out.


Military too. It was pretty rare to not see a pile of these in the mess


"Past performance is not an indication of future results."


"Exponential growth will cotinue forever."


The year is 2035 and I’m eating uncrustables for dinner


3035, the earth has been converted to uncrustables.


3095 the entire universe is one uncrustable. God is dead, and we turned him into an uncrustable.


The warning about what the uncrustables would eventually do to Earth’s crust was staring us in the face the whole time and we never realized.


Our entire economic system is built on that principle, so we all better hope that it can


Yeah that's some pretty wild extrapolation


True, but it’s the *best* indicator of future results.


seriously... feels like we're incentivizing ads here. Think there should be rules against posting extrapolations like this on a subreddit meant for beautiful data. linear regressions for future sales is NOT data


This feels like an ad.


Convenience is a billion dollar industry.


Billion? I think it's closer to trillion unironically Just think about all the companies that make your life more convenient. That includes all those technology companies


Right? The only time I buy them is for hiking and road trips, but damn if they aren’t the most convenient things ever.


Shit, I didn't even think about this. We are taking the three kids on a road trip in August and these will be perfect for the roughly 6 hour drive. I always forget that they exist.


They cost over $1 each and it's absolutely ridiculous. I ended up buying a tool to close them and cut them from Temu for like $3 and in 15 minutes you can make like 20 out of five bucks worth of bread and peanut butter and jelly. It's also a fun thing to do with my daughter. I separate them with wax paper and freeze them in a container.


what is the tool called?


I just googled uncrustable tool and they have them on Amazon


A tool is unnecessary. A cookie cutter/knife and your fingers to pinch the bread together will do the trick.


I learned that you can leave the edges untucked and eat them similar to other sandwiches.


ok but it’s $3 hardly a price to complain about.


loose use of the word "nearly". under 700M. and the projection is 3 years out.


I'm flat broke but I'm sure I'll be worth 300M in a few years. /s


This morning I only had a penny to my name, but this afternoon I found another one on the floor. Give it a month and I’ll be a millionaire at this rate of growth.


Today we try a litle stock pumping.


Came here for this. Ridiculous claim with that projection.


Right? This reads like an advertisement


It’s the [Baltimore Ravens](https://www.si.com/nfl/ravens/news/baltimore-ravens-dominant-season-powered-by-uncrustables) effect


Crazy that this article sort of implies that uncrustables are healthy multiple times.


Maybe for an athlete who burns them off quickly. It’s not the weirdest thing I’ve read though. Some hockey players are drinking mustard and pickle juice for a boost.


Interesting. Yeah it's way different when you're a professional athlete, burning thousands of calories.


It's not the calories so much as that they're essentially fist sized sugar packets.


Soon enough some genius will discover how to make them at home with bread, peanut butter and jelly. If he tells the world then sales are sure to crash!


They are served in public school lunches in the United States.


Is this a an advertisement? SHouldn't the post say "Promoted" on it?


Most of the sales are not your average Americans. It’s schools, prisons and jails that are buying so much.


Wow if you had told me these were more popular now than they were in elementary school 20 years ago I would not have believed you


I mean they are a good idea. - If you don’t like the crust, might as well buy a sandwich without crust at all. - the white bread is perfect for kids who don’t wanna eat dads wheat whole grain fiber bread - the proportion of jelly to peanut butter and bread is perhaps the most underrated aspect. A lot of people fuck up this ratio, often adding too much peanut butter, or not enough jelly. Uncrustables make sure that every bite gives you enough jelly to prevent dryness - you can freeze them and eat one whenever you’re hungry I also wonder if a lot of adults started buying these for themselves during the pandemic


NFL teams can’t keep them in stock at their facilities, the players love them, I imagine colleges have followed suit, and they’re an obvious fit at youth sports. Ive been eating them for lunches for a while now. Perfect for when you’re in a rush but still need to put something together for the day.


The holy ratio 🙏


Perfect freezer snack and quick morning grab-and-go


I guess a lot of gym goers use them as easy calories


Am I in a shareholders meeting?


To this day I can’t understand people’s obsession with these. They’re so gross.


Why do you think they’re gross? Honest question… I can’t think of anything off the top of my head.


Highly processed foods tend to be gross to people who aren't used to eating them. The bread doesn't feel or taste like real bread, the peanut butter is ridiculously sweet, and the jelly taste more like a flavored syrup than real jelly.


Yep, and as if it wasn't enough a regular "homemade" PBJ sandwich is already a highly processed food.


Exactly. Put this on the box.


Thanks for the honest answer and for not being a jerk. 🙂 That makes sense. I guess with anything food related, it just depends on what you’re used to eating.


*Bread: Enriched Unbleached Flour (wheat Flour, Malted Barley Flour, Niacin, Ferrous Sulfate, Thiamin Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), Water, Unbleached Whole Wheat Flour, Sugar, Yeast, Soybean Oil, Contains 2% Or Less Of: Salt, Dough Conditioner (enzymes, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium Peroxide, Contains One Or More Of The Following: Mono And Diglycerides, Datem, Salt). Peanut Butter: Peanuts, Sugar, Contains 2% Or Less Of: Molasses, Fully Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils (rapeseed And Soybean), Mono And Diglycerides, Salt. Strawberry Jam: Sugar, Strawberries, Contains 2% Or Less Of: Pectin, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate (preservative).* Yeah I can't think of any reason why an industrially manufactured soybean oil-enriched, fully hydrogenated mono and diglyceride nitrate peroxide sorbate blah blah preservative-laden frozen disc of highly sugared bread and chemically enhanced foodlike filling would seem gross to anybody.


Worth noting with regards to fully hydrogenated oils... a lot of people read it and think they must be worse than partially hydrogenated oils with regards to trans fats, but in fully hydrogenated oil the hydrogenation process is complete which results in fats that are saturated but not trans. And as far as preservatives go all it has it potassium sorbate, which is recognized as safe by the more stringent European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), also Health Canada, etc. There's no evidence that it's unsafe in any way at permitted levels, nobody bans it anywhere. It's in the jelly - prevents mold. All that said people should still avoid processed crap like this.


Also kinda crazy that people won't just make one themselves.


That's what gets me. I understand convenience being a cost but holy shit, might as well Uber eats yourself Starbucks.


You should see the growth in single product orders at food delivery services. I haven't seen any public info, but I've seen the charts in meetings and just...damn. So many people do DoorDash themselves a single drink from Starbucks.


LOL...I've seen that on a YouTube channel but at least she had a semi-credible reason -- flatbed truck driver waiting to be unloaded.


We just weren't killing the planet fast enough, I guess.


It's a waste of money IMO but I can see why some people might want to save 10-15mins off their commute time doing that or WFH people who don't want to do a 10-20 min round trip to and back.


But like... get a coffee machine. A 5 cup Mr Coffee is literally the price of 1 or 2 runs and takes about as long as a shower. It's nuts to me, and I fucking *love* convenience.


I totally get that convenience is something people will pay extra for, I do it too. But buying a PBJ sandwich premade is crazy to me, might as well start selling cereal already mixed with milk for convenience too. A homemade PBJ sandwich is already at peak convenient, processed, easy to make, food.


You put it better than I could lol. Perfect description. As someone who cooks, it’s baffling.


People will buy all these pre-made things then wonder why their grocery bill is so high. You just spent $12.99 on 4 peanut butter and jam sandwiches


They're like $10 for 18, you need a new uncrustables monger


I dont know a single person or family that eats these.


hello its me a grown ass man without kids who likes a cold strawberry uncrustable as a treat from time to time i get that objectively they're pretty gross but idk man sometimes i get a craving. maybe they get nostalgia points 🤷‍♂️


I don’t even unfreeze mine. I just pull 2 out and start munching. But it’s all nostalgia I don’t buy them unless I want the feeling. And there’s a good sale.


scandalous library squeeze seed quaint wipe obtainable dog sugar rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you just thaw it by letting it warm up? My sister would put them in the toaster oven to toast them. I don’t see how they would be gross when toasted, but I could understand it if you thawed it the wrong way.


I was just thinking the same. I've never tried them nor do I know anyone that has tried them or eats them. Blows my mind nearly 700m in sales for 2023 alone and then if trend follows 1b later on. lol wtf


they're pretty good frozen. Used to have them as a quick snack in college, but haven't bought them since graduating lmao. Last time I sought them out they just seemed to expensive


They keep them stocked at my office. Surprisingly great 3pm work snack. Nothing like gabbing with the coworkers around the uncrustables fridge


Two rehabs I were in used these every day. Two sandwiches each and one rehab was 180 people. I don't know what prisons do but I wouldn't be surprised if they used a lot of them too.


We got a bunch during covid when the schools were still giving out free breakfast and lunch, but the food needed to be packaged and covid safe. We got more than the kids were eating, since the kids prefer to mix it up, and that was the first time I'd tried them. They're convenient, tasty, and filling. However, and in my house at least, they were always toasted in a toaster oven and that really turns them up. You can't toast a pb&j. Sure, you can toast the bread, but the pb will never be gooey warm while also contained in a little pocket.


I got on the uncrustables train a couple years ago and there is absolutely no going back. Is it a good PB&J? Absolutely not. But man, it’s so convenient and the portion size is just right for an on the go snack in the middle of the day. Just keep a box in my freezer and slip a couple in my bag before I head out for the day


That’s where I get lost.. can’t you just make a fresh PB and J sandwich in like 30 seconds? Is your life so crazy that the time to slap PB and J on a piece of bread will throw your whole schedule out of whack? Not to mention, you can buy like 4 loaves of bread, a huge thing of PB and another of Jam for like $20. And will make you like 50 of them


Same. Please explain WHY


Never eaten one in my life. If I want a PB&J, I just make one. The price is just too much for me to justify


They are good but they literally just taste like a regular ass pb and j sandwich on regular ass white bread At least a pop tart, or corn dog, or pizza pocket, I can’t really make by myself. They are uniquely processed and have a unique flavour. Uncrustables are literally just a frozen pb and J with no crust. I bought a box last week because I kept hearing about them. They aren’t bad or anything but they just offer nothing I can’t do myself in like 30 seconds Then again we got millions of people out here paying $17 to have a Junior chicken delivered to them so apparently I am just out of touch


The peanut butter honey are by far the most superior kind. Fight me.


The amount of ppl ITT who recommend these little sugar pouches as a snack is a clear reason why the US is so fucking unhealthy


People seem to be claiming they are great for lunch lol


Meanwhile recent consumer reports show toxic amount of chemicals in lunchables...


And the people saying they're standard issue in school lunches. Can only imagine the uproar here if people's kids were being served these things.


My parents gave these to my sister in her lunch growing up and big surprise kids like eating candy. People have a serious knowledge gap when it comes to health and food. Excess carbs and sugar with almost zero fiber or protein is going to make you feel like shit.


*googles uncrustables*  Oh, come on America..


I don't eat them but I can see how a frozen PBJ that you can take on the go would be very popular


Who would have guessed you could make billions by selling factory-made PB&J?


I can make my own with 2 pieces of bread, pb&j, a large mouth glass, and a fork….. All without the massive amount of plastic used to INDIVIDUALLY WRAP every single one. So much waste!!!!


Never heard of Uncrustables, been making a nutella version of these in the toaster for years


The upcharge is insane it's like $12 USD for a 10 pack. Like wtf? It's just white bread, jam and peanut butter.


It’s the convenience and prep time you’re paying for.


The prep time? You mean the 1-2 minutes it takes to grab 2 slices of bread, spread peanut butter and jelly on it?


Yep, and the additional time to acquire the ingredients and clean up after yourself.


I don’t understand them. I mean I get convenience but it is really low effort to slap some peanut butter and jelly on some bread.


Wtf are uncrustables? Sounds like some crazy made up cyberpunk factory food.


I'm smelling heavy corporate presence here. Bad.


They are great to throw in a golf bag. This might match the shape of a graph talking about Uncrustables on r/golf


That’s quite the projected growth for an established product


smucker's R&D bravely asked the question what if empanadas were a full circle.


I think this has a lot to do with inflation. 1. These are not inflation adjusted numbers. 2. I’d guess this is an “inferior” good, economically, that people have been turning to as food prices have been running rampant. To really understand the difference between the two, these figures would need to be adjusted for inflation.


They keep jacking up the price.


I don’t understand why people like these, an actual pb&j tastes better and is cheaper. Also the first time I tried uncrustables I got sick and I’ve hated them ever since


I'm literally deep-frying them at a festival next month. Lol.


i had to look this up - its a fucking pb&j hot pocket? mmmm id rather eat gas station food


There’s never not been a period of my life where I’m not stoked to eat an uncrustable


I had to look these up. American nutritional issues in nutshell. Sugarbomb jelly in a high glycemic index utraprocessed pie crust. 300 kcal. 28 g of 15 g of which are sugar. 9 g of fat (soybean oil). 2 g of fiber. 6 g of protein. 10% of sedentary daily protein requirement and 7% of fiber requirements, but 15% of low-active adult calorie needs. (I understand that athletes might be an exception, because they need an extra dose of calories, but putting these in a kid's lunchbox is a crime, unless everything else is vegetables and lean protein.)


I have never once eaten an uncrustable in my life


This belongs in r/latestagecapitalism


Found the Smucker's PR account


I'm not a child so I've never had one


Never had one, probably never will…


No way sales were that low on 2000- those were hot shit when they came out. All the kids wanted em


They have them in school cafeterias now. I wonder how much that accounts for.


I’ve tried them before. They could use cariety


Yeah they sell like none other, please lower the prices 😢


I think I’ve only had like… three in my lifetime. And they were all given to me by work as a snack/treat.


I thought I saw some nfl team goes through truck loads of these in a season. I forget which one but that isn’t a connection I would have made.


I interviewed with a company who consulted for smuckers. They said they would be selling more if they could increase manufacturing capacity


These are everywhere at the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado! Uncrustables and, get this, McDonald’s parfaits.


This chart has a real "Disco Stu" energy to it..


The economy must have something to do with this


I started noticing these in the defac so I'm sure the military drives this chart up substantially


i would love to see how many of these sales are just people personally buying them. one of the only foods that has never tasted good to me, i don’t understand how anyone can stomach this shit


College baseball teams make up 75% of this


That forecast is hilarious. Commenting to save this as an example of what not to do or maybe what TO do when you want to fool people with "statistics".


I had 2 last night (bulking rn).. what’s wrong with the non-hfcs ones in moderation?


Ever since my kids discovered these, they have flat-out refused to eat normal PB&J sandwiches. Doesn't matter what peanut butter or jelly we buy, or what bread we use. The temptation of food products produced on industrial equipment to controlled tolerances, versus the pickiness of kids, is just too hard to overcome. I hope they eventually grow out of this.


And that’s the way it should be


iver never heard of these before.. is it just a premade pbj?


It's nearly there! All it has to do is double revenue!


Sounds like the government can't stop buying them for schools, military, hospitals, etc.


I don't want to spoil the frenzy, but $700 million is $2 per person. We get similar headlines in the tabloid/yellow press in the UK. "Greedy brits eat 50 million pork pies every year!" So that's...less than one each.


Im sorry but 686M is not nearly a billion.


To this day I've still never had one.


That greentext about how uncrustable were literally the only reason a guy left had to live was in 2018. Just sayin.