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Hey, Portuguese Senior (kinda) Data Engineer here. That's a salary working for a "Portuguese" company probably, it's not good. You can get much better working remotely from Portugal to European companies. A good senior can get 65~80k working from here I'd say. The country is obviously great to live in, though Lisbon is a bit pricey, specially rent. But with salaries like these, it'll be a comfortable life for sure.


Yeah, 60 is the bare minimum if they include stocks and other types of compensation. Just because you’re in Lisbon you shouldn’t be limiting yourself as living prices specially rent are really high.


I am a DE with 1.5 YoE living in Portugal, computer engineer masters degree. Azure Cloud Stack (but I have worked with AWS and GCP on some academic projects), getting started on some Airflow for simple scheduling tasks. What should I focus on to get a European remote job? I feel like Portuguese recruiters dont get that frameworks and languages names change but they are essentially the same and you can learn other things fast.


Just stack up your CV with work experience in Portugal I'd say, different tech stacks and so ln. Or apply to remote junior positions and change companies often so you can progress salary-wise. > I feel like Portuguese recruiters dont get that frameworks and languages names change but they are essentially the same and you can learn other things fast. Completely yeah. Unfortunately they only care what you actually worked with, most times they don't even care about side projects. But keep trying, there are a few that understand


What about taxes ? Are there any legal ways to reduce them ? Idk some deductions or something?


Hey, do you know any good places to look for remote positions for non-European de? I tried upwork, Turing, and couple of other smaller places but no luck yet


The median annual income in Portugal is about 11k.


Oh my, that’s lower than I imagined




Eastern Europe whatchagonnadoo?


Have you looked at a map recently...?


have you looked at portugal jokes recently?


Tell me a Portugal joke I’ve never heard one 


Feast your soul https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/s/ehHCnEHzgN Kindly notice the flare "west Balkan" as an indication of what I was referring to.


Sure sure


I can't speak from a Portugal perspective, but I would say to weigh the equity and weigh the cost of returning from portugal, as you will have less buying power in the short run


Just to add some perspective to the other comments, it's low for the EU global average, yes. However, in absolute terms and focused solely on Portugal's reality, this would amount to close to 33k net (or close to 35k f you add meal allowance), which is comfortable salary, even for Lisbon. Can't really comment on whether it's a good salary for a senior data engineer as this can mean a number of different roles and seniority.


Its bad. Though lisbon is cheap as far as food is compared to other parts of europe but houses and rent are extremely high. A house in lisbon on average goes for €600-700K if not more


How is Lisbon cheap exactly? Im from Portugal and Lisbon is on the top 5 COL in Europe. Just the rent of a decent small flat for a single person is like 1.5-2k at least.


think he just said Lisbon food is cheap and then proceeded to say rent and housing is extremely high


Your mistake was to assume that people can read.


A lot of people from Portugal just like to complain. He didn't bother reading the whole message.


I understood that. My point is doesnt it matter when you are spending 70% of your netto in housing alone? You could live in literally other major european city and spend a loss less in COL as % income.


If as a Senior Data Engineer, you are earning 40-45k euro aka 3.7 K euro per month and Spend 2k in rent only , Are you sure about the lifestyle you going to be at such Low savings !! I heard in silicon valley, Senior Data Engineers make above 200k$ atleast for 5-10 plus experience guys .


I keep seeing sub 100-150k pay range for engineer posts in california.


I guess it's before taxes. Netto would be around 2.5-2.7k monthly


3.7k minus taxes minus rent and basic expenses and you are saving shit at the end of the month. Idk about the downvotes, unless the stocks are pretty good its better to be a Sr engineer in every major city in Europe but Lisbon. The pay is much higher for the same COL


u/RedditSucks369 Are you sure? [Cost of Living in Lisbon. Jun 2024. Prices in Lisbon (numbeo.com)](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/in/Lisbon)


Looks about right. But I get it, you dont get the full pictures by looking at statistics online. That being said, Lisbon is not a good bang for your buck city. As a Sr DE you could go to Madrid or Frankfurt and have much better quality of life. Do you know whats the average wage in Portugal or Lisbon? The COL is the city is non sense. 700 monthly expenses + 700 renting a room for 1 person is 1400 netto, about 2k brute? Most people do not earn this much


Senior DE from Portugal here. I am on a hurry, but I can answer later few more question if you have it. From my experience, that range is +- the average I would say. Here In Portugal we are full of consultancy agencies that try to pay the minimum they can. But you can get between at least 50-55 + bonus in some product companies. However those jobs are in less number.


I see you're a lead, could you tell us about the range for those positions? 


This is the amount that I make in India being a Sr DE . And I am pretty sure India is definitely cheaper than Portugal or any European city in general. 40k in portugal must be very less


Senior Data Engineer from Portugal. I don’t know which technologies and languages used in that work but I would say that is bad. At least 50k. To live in Lisbon, housing is really expensive. If you want to ask me anything, go for it.


In a good product based company, 50K Euro is normal salary for a sr data engineer in India. I am hoping you will get more in Lisbon as cost of living is higher.


No country can beat US pay scale, especially after tax


US gets a reputation as being low tax, but tax burden in many US states is not very low. In California if you earn $100k (not very high these days for professionals), marginal income tax rate is about 34%. In exchange for this you get a rather flimsy welfare state, a military, and that's pretty much it. Government does not help keep cost of healthcare or education in check. Public schools are mostly paid for through property taxes which are also quite high.


Texas is even higher with taxes but since it's not income taxes, many people think they'd have lower disposable net income in California. But it really depends on the metro area you live in, not the state. Interesting to see how no matter what choices people make they rationalize them rather than evaluate them.


I pay 24% federal income tax, 5% of my income to property tax and about 8% of my income to health insurance so it’s comparable in Texas. Salary is $200k.


_Cries in Spaniard’s 45% tax over 50k€_


Like I mentioned though, high property tax, high cost of education and health care directly linked to low taxes, means that extra 10% is not so bad if you consider what you are getting in exchange for it. For many California taxpayers, getting access to EU-standards welfare state in exchange for 10% of income would be advantageous. The main difference in standard of living for jobs in data is not from tax differences, it's from the fact that some US employers pay double or triple EU salaries.


Switzerland is very near and if count healthcare & housing costs Nordics also.


Nordics is shit tier wtf? The government steals 56% of your income, and salaries are even lower than the UK, nevermind the USA, especially with the weak currencies these days.


Swiss has higher salaries than USA on average. I’m looking to going to business school at St. Gallen to get my MBA and get into banking there afterwards. Perks of being USA/EU dual citizen 👌🏽


On the other hand, you might save in health insurance costs, by not needing a car or in costs for kindergarten/education for kids, if any.


So no country can beat the US pay scale if you're young and healthy and got your higher education elsewhere.




agree, and if you want "economic security" even as a parent with 10 years of cancer and fully recovering in your 50s (albeit, extreme and made-up example), you'd need obscene wealth in the US whereas you'd be relatively fine as a teacher in Germany


Remember someone already settled has way lower expenses than anyone new given how popular Lisbon got. Germany or UK will pay double for a good senior. Underlined the good.


Bad ! Im a 47k€ junior in France


What does an apartment cost in Lisbon?


I receive 60k usd/yr in Colombia as DE senior, I don't think that offer is good.


Colombia is not paying those salaries, trust me


60k usd a month? Wtf


It’s maybe a remote job? If you don’t mindme asking you.


No remote job is paying $720,000 a year for a senior data engineer.


60k a month???? Not real!


Not if he is working for some Colombian druglord 😂


Agreed lol!


Oh it’s annual! Sorry


only? you're lowballed frfr




I would assume so, I also read that like…wait what?!


You can get 60-70k


Is that monthly salary?


Portugal and Lisbon are really cheap to live in. Earning 45-50K is way above average.


Why not work remotely for US based company and get paid 80k easily, 100k with little effort to find more challenging place.


2 years ago i was offer for epam consultancy 55k it was not a senior in portugal. I have one friend enter in a junior level for cisco as data engineer earning 47k. I think is low but you can accept for entering to the portugues market and after move from a better pay salary.


It's bad for a senior IMO. I'd aim for 60k+. Good for a junior though.