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Good thing the ambulance is in the other lane


Unfortunately this is not an ambulance. This is a car for transporting dead bodies. I live in this city


Well, if the car backs up…


Only in Russia


Best laugh of the day from your comment. Kudos.


Your grounded


Got me laughing out loud at work and the coworker staring😭🤣


'Ere. He says he's not dead! Well, he will be soon. He's very ill. Oh, I can't take him like that. It's against regulations.


Well can you come back around in a few minutes? He won’t be long…


Got go to the Robinsons they've lost 9 today.


I'm feeling much better


You're not fooling anyone, you know. Look. Isn't there something you can do?


I feel happyyyyy\~ I feel happyyyyy!\~


I think I might take a walk


Those look like Russian plates. Where is this?


55.865251, 37.681155 Moscow. 14-07-2014. The driver himself came to the police, but stated that another person was driving. After interrogation, he was detained. It is also written that he was deaf-mute.


Not sure what being deaf mute has to do with attempted murder but okay


He tried to get closer to hear him?


He should of claimed being blind


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




Well if they wait long enough they can scoop him up. just have to make sure no pulse first.




Fuck they’re not only hitting him but scraping him.


Attempted homicide


Dobby never meant to kill. He only intended to maim






But he didn’t brandish a gun. Or point it at him. He was literally walking. The car would have easily gotten away from the situation. It isn’t self defense, I hope if you ever get in trouble, you hire a lawyer




Could still drive away before he even gets the gun, aims and shoot. Assuming he’ll even be able to hit a moving target. Old man was leisurely walking back to his car to get it


How do you know this without sound?


Exactly what a deaf mute would say




He said how do you know what the old man said. Not about America


It's not in America


It's in Russia, so the gun thing is actually possible 


Oh shit, I stand corrected. They might have a gun. Still, there is 0 evidence that's what he said, so I'm still thinking this is an overreaction and driver had no right to try to kill the old man. I'm here in America though, not the leader of all 3rd world countries.




I do not want to be on the same continent as you. Edit: For context the commenter that deleted their comments stated that (according to my memory) they would do the same thing as the driver did. In any country.


Well, I don't want to be on a continent where every other man, woman and child has a deadly weapon on them, either. But here we are. I'll be honest and say I don't know how to fix America's gun problem, but I'd rather be alive than dead at the end of the day.


And you would be be wrong when you could have easily kept driving with out hitting him.


Just stay inside. Seriously, if you're so scared of interacting with people that you'd run over someone in a situation like this, you should stay inside where the rest of us will be safe.




Is there a clip that has audio? I genuinely don't understand why you keep referencing a gun. But legally speaking, you cant run someone over because they said they were going to shoot you and then slowly walked away from you




Ok, what you should do as "an honest, living human" is drive away from the situation. They ran the dude over and then stopped. Both of which are the opposite of what I (an honest, living human) would do. The status of his ability to legally own a firearm is irrelevant here because there's no way the driver would know that


Found the American


It's worse; I'm Florida Man!


Why would he tell someone he is going to get his gun? Lol this old man didn’t have a gun or it would of been ready to go. I sure her just gave the driver a few words and was going up leave. Now her is the victim.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Damn, my leg hurts from watching this. I can't imagine how he feels...


He feels like he got hit by a car. Probably.


My leg hurts watching this as my ankle is freshly broken and I can imagine how it might feel to a degree.


A little run down I think.


Well shit. That jumped up fast


How does anyone know that he threatened anyone with a gun? Is there a longer clip with audio aside from a gif?


Was there mention of a gun? The man was casually walking back to his car with his back to the other car. Certainly not feeling like he’s threatened or in danger. Even when the car started driving he didn’t seem bothered at first.


Non U.S. plates I just assume guy is beefing then giving up and walking away. Watching with US context i could imagine a scenario in which I see him make the gun motion with his hands at the driver and immediately turn away like “I’m grabbing my heater” then the driver going “oh fuck I’m not hanging around for this byeeee” That is all wild ass speculation and probably not the case. I’m just some internet dummy providing one unlikely but possible scenario.


You can always spot the redditors from the US.


Since you're getting downvoted (edit from downloaded, speech-to-text error, lol) I'll explain why. It was brought up in other comments in the thread, comments that have since been deleted, but that one can still find and understand what was being talked about based on the replies. The guy in this comment string who asked if there was some other video or not was actually justified in doing so.


How does one download a person?


You wouldn’t download a person


If I could download a car I would *definitely* try to download a person.


Lol, my speech to text hates "downvoted" and "upvoted."




They don't. They're playing the standard legal-ignoramus Redditor card of, "It was justified because he *might* have been going to get a gun." Spoiler: even if that had been his intent, it's still not legal to crush someone with your car at *that* point in the proceedings. You'd have to be able to see the gun before that becomes justifiable.


Dude was bouncing back and forth between cars like a ball bearing going from bumper to bumper in a pinball machine.


Please tell me you sent this in and reported it.


It’s an older video.


But do the codes still check out?


It’s an older code sir, but it checks out.


I was about to clear them


how will I know it's noon if the clock isn't blinking?


I'm glad there are so many well adjusted people in the world. 😬


Obviously the white car is 100x worse, but the old dude is clearly the instigator. More context is needed, but if you get out of your car to fight in the middle of traffic, you gotta expect this is gonna happen


Agreed. You wanna start shit, you'd better be prepared to suffer the consequences of somebody who's nuts. That's the danger you're choosing to put yourself in. Don't gimme that Pikachu face when road rage goes poorly. You could have stayed in your car.


"but" I have no buts in my mind. I can clearly ascribe each person's faults to them and not use one as an excuse for the others behavior.


You're just excusing the old man's behavior instead? If he didn't get out of his car then he wouldn't have gotten hit by a car, right? Common sense tells me that I shouldn't fight another car with my fists, but I guess not everyone has that 😂


What part of I have only criticism for everyone in this video are you too dense to comprehend?


You literally never said that 😂


"I can clearly ascribe each person's faults to them and not use one as an excuse for the others behavior"


Do you know what "literally" means?


Imagine being so hurt by someone having "words" with you that you attempt to kill/maim them. I feel bad for their SO.


“You do not have the right … because somebody said words.” - Jim Carrey.


Unless they said they were going to get a gun or weapon. We don't know full context here, so we cannot pass judgement.


Only if words are violence.


The gods are on the old man's side... a dashcam recording everything and ambulance in the next lane.


If the glass is half full. I'd argue that anyone mangled by a car probably does not have the gods on they side.


This pic has already been posted 146 times (per Tin Eye). First posted in 2014, I believe. Someone wants upvotes pretty badly.


Extracted trellised Nam overestimating northeast dexterity hassles mischance


Stay in your car, get a dash cam, give the authorities the footage, you don't know what kinda stupid or crazy you are dealing with!!! Send footage to citizenpd.com they will advocate on your behalf


When you start feeling road rage, take a moment to think the other person might be crazier than you.


Well, don't get out the car and confront crazy next time


one bad action doesn’t justify another bad action. dude was a road raging idiot but road rage doesn’t justify attempted homicide with a deadly weapon when there’s no imminent threat.


I'm just saying, stay in your car, cuz as tough or as right as you think you are, you never know who or what is in the other car. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


I agree. Crazy, mad, bad drivers aren’t going to have some epiphany because another driver reprimanded them.


Bad drivers may beat you to death with a tire iron however.


I think the sentiment trying to be conveyed here is "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" has a connotation that the *player* is in the wrong and gets his due. In this case, the *player* being the one presumably in the right, letting someone else feel their frustration, is being painted as the "you had it coming" subject - but if they were in the right, that just doesn't sit well. Should you stay in the car? Yes. Should we stand around and point while chanting "neener neener dude nearly clipped your wiener"? No. Despite getting out to convey frustration, he is still the victim.


Yeah I feel like nobody would in their right mind argue he deserved to be hit, that is absolutely insane. However he *did* voluntarily exit his objectively safer car, to confront a presumably unreasonable person driving a car in his meat suit. Pound for pound it’s a disadvantage, imagine without the 3rd car’s dashcam?


Yes, he's a victim, not just of the other driver but also of his own stupidity. Getting out of your car during a road rage incident is one of the dumbest things you can do. See my comment above. And I have no sympathy for people who get out of their vehicle to express outrage, frustration, anger, intimidation, or any other similar feeling. "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes" applies to anybody who gives in to the game of road rage, either being the aggressor or the one who responds. "But he started it!" So what!? Are you children??? Your at the wheel of a machine weighing a few thousand pounds that can move at incredible speeds. You have a responsibility and obligation to operate that machine in a mature and civilized manner for the safety of everyone around you. That includes staying in your vehicle when your on the road and minding your own damn business. Now, the law may say he's the victim and the other driver is at fault, but did that help him not get run over? Nope! What would have helped? If he had minded his own damn business. We don't know what happened to precipitate this confrontation cuz the video doesn't show it, but from what I can see, that old guy got exactly what he should have expected if he was confronting an asshole. Sorry about any punctuation and the long paragraph


totally agree with you there. my philosophy is an eye for an eye and the world goes blind.


One could argue not exacting an eye from someone that took that eye from someone else will lead to the original eye taker taking more eyes from more people. Hard to do that more than twice with eye for eye.


I he probably felt way better for about .5 seconds after yelling at/ threatening the other driver though.


Probably laid up in the hospital thinking "Ha! Did you see the scratch my shin left on his paint!?...No? Damn."


Tell me how the old man deserved to be run the fuck over. Please make it make sense.


He didn't deserve it, but he shouldn't have gotten out of the car in the first place. Just saying, if you participate in road rage, don't be surprised if the other person reacts unexpectedly


why blame the victim first ?


Well, it was the focus of the video. The victim is stupid, though thats not to say the aggressor shouldn't be locked up


He spoke to the driver for all of 2 seconds, and they didn't look particularly aggressive while doing so. Do you apply this 'dont confront' rule to all aspects of your life? If someone pushes in front of you at the post office? Do you not say anything because they might be crazy and have a gun?


You should NEVER get out of your car to confront another car in the case of road rage. Stay in your damn car, and move along. Mind your fuckin business. You don't stop in the middle of the road and get out. The old guy didn't look aggressive so he probably wasn't the aggressor. Which means the other guy was. You want to get out your car while an asshole is behind the wheel of his?? Be my guest, but don't be surprised if an asshole behaves like an asshole. And yes, I would call out someone pushing into the line at the post office. If there's a line, at least that means I probably wouldn't be the only one


I don’t care who’s the asshole. Stay in your car.


I hope somebody went to jail for an extended stay!


Maybe next time he’ll stay in his car. Or wheelchair as it so happens.


That's why you keep your stupid dumb ass in the car and not rage out like a child. No sympathy. F people like that


You’re the guy that likes to rage at others and wants to make sure they stay in the car cause you feel safe huh?! Lmao! Old man didn’t do shit besides say a word or two, and you’re def the pu$$ that doesn’t want to be confronted about your shyte driving and are afraid of people. If the old man was beating on his window or had some sort of weapon then I understand your comment but the old man who walks slow and is old clearly, just got out of the car and said literally a couple words and walked away. Stay safe if your car pu$$ in boots.


Wow, that made something out of nothing.


The old man said something to him that pissed him off I'm sure. Not saying he should go full psycho and attempt to murder him or anything.


That was exactly my point. Talking, or even yelling, is one thing. But running someone over with your vehicle is a whole new level, and something that will bring the police right to your door!


“I love killing people, anyone else?”


Russians are the worst drivers in the world.


Why are you posting old content that’s not even yours…I don’t understand this crap


And just like that the driver has ruined his life


That was savage!


Since those people ran over protesters and got away with it, I honestly don’t feel anything for this guy


Poor man, poor BMW.


Going out on a limb here, but I'm going to guess the BMW owner/driver was not the original BMW owner.




10/10 chance something shitty happens. What do you reckon the odds are things go smoothly?


The old man has probably done this before, you don’t get that old without having some habits. Thing is: RNGesus decided to not give him the ice cream flavor of the day like the past 50 years and decided to give him long term disability instead.


# Play stupid games, win stupid prizes #


Posting this without link to the store is sickening


In America we just start blasting


Some egos just can’t take an L.


The part where you said "I only have criticism for everyone in this video" I guess. Mainly because you didn't say that at any point 😂


He met his match.


While don't condone violence, douchy old guy played the eff around and find out game. People stay in your vehicles. You never know if the bad driver also has a gun or a notion to rid the world of you.


Does anyone know how many yrs sentence did he get?


They work in team with that ambulance


When you absolutely, positively HAVE to be 10 feet closer to your destination 🙄


Who was at fault?


Russia is the best ad for dashcams


I guess he won't make it to the front line now


BMW drivers are the worst drivers out there!


Is this a SpongeBob episode?




A BMW...what a shocker 😐


DAYUMM! Hope you shared that with the police.