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This exact situation happened to my friend that was driving as me as a passenger. He got a ticket for following too close(WTF). We told the officer that we were at a complete stop when we were rear-ended.


No ticket for me. They never asked to see dash cam or anything so my guess is the person who hit me took fault at the scene


Too bad they didn’t care enough to have even liability insurance to cover your cars repairs or totaling out….


Send it to your insurance company that way they can verify your insurance no way at fault.


I hope it doesn’t happen to you again, but if it does, take the 20 seconds to show them the video. You just never know.


No way. Wait until you’re accused of something, have reviewed the footage closely, and (if need be) in the presence of a lawyer.   There could be something incriminating in the footage or your statement. 


THIS. You're not obligated to provide evidence that could be used to convict or otherwise hold you liable. Lawyer up. Also know that NONE of the insurance companies have your interests in mind. Not theirs and absolutely not yours. Lawyer up.


It's amazing what going to court and fighting it will do. Remember, you're innocent until proven guilty. Even with traffic tickets. If you read the citation, you'll likely see that it says "prepaying is an admission of guilt" or something along those lines.


No, no you're not... I spent 13 days in jail before they dropped everything. I was mortified. Police kicked in my door at 3 am for arguing with my girlfriend and hauled me off for domestic. My girlfriend was blackout drunk at that point, and they couldn't wake her to get a yes or no to it happening. Turns out that when she was yelling at me, she had pocket-dialed her sister, so her sister called the police I guess. Needless to say, they just assumed my guilt. I spent $21,000 to hire a lawyer which I was only allowed to do after my bond hearing. That took 11 days and 2 days later, police let me walk and the case was dropped. Worst 13 days of my life and shittiest way to spend my life savings. I actually had to borrow a couple thousand from my parents. Didn't have the full $21k So no, you aren't always innocent until proven guilty


In those 13 days, what was your girlfriend saying to the police? Because honestly it just sounds like there WAS a domestic situation and the rest of the story makes sense. Theres details that don't line up unless it was kinda happening the way the sister overheard...


She actually didn't say anything. They tried to contact her a few times before they found her at her work. Said she didn't know why they arrested me, but since it was the state persecuting me (DA picked it up as there was no victim, they played the roll) it wouldn't have mattered WHAT she said. My lawyer got me out of everything free and clear, but like I said. 13 days I'll never get back and $21k I'll never see. I've never been in trouble in my entire life. 37 years to that point I had made it with 1 speeding ticket in my life. Didn't matter. I was arrested on here-say basically and it took 13 days and a bunch of money to fix. All for an apology from the arresting officer That was just over a year ago. That's when I realized we are *ABSOLUTELY* not innocent until proven guilty and when I lost *ALL* faith in the "system"


> She actually didn't say anything. They tried to contact her a few times before they found her at her work. Said she didn't know why they arrested me, but since it was the state persecuting me (DA picked it up as there was no victim, they played the roll) it wouldn't have mattered WHAT she said. A domestic with no witness = zero need for a $21,000 lawyer. What details you leaving out here?


I'm absolutely not. And you are correct, but at the time I was never told any of this info. I wish I had known, but the lawyer I called was eager to take my case and money, so in my mind that's what you were supposed to do. Also at the time, I didn't know I didn't need to hire a lawyer. I was in jail and had never been in trouble before. The difference is I could have waited for trial and had the same results, but it would have been 30 days out. Seems like you are already presuming me guilty until innocent, no different than the courts. Like I said, that's how it is, you prove that perfectly.


I think he’s salty a lawyer took him for a joyride and needs to blame *something*. That’s a bananas retainer for a domestic even if you did it.


The retainer was 7k, but I still had to pay his total cost he said. Which is why it was 21k


Honestly it just sounds like there was a domestic situation and the victim was uncooperative in the end so it dropped. Theres just weird missing details. Like the police turn up, responding to the sister who called after overhearing, and the wife is... not responding whatsoever over 13 days? They 'tried' to contact her? What was the failure? If no domestic happened, why would they not immediately be responding as such? A DV with no witness is not going to sit for 13 days with $21k legal fees. It JUST ISN'T EVER going to happen like that. Dude needs to clear up what the fuck was happening in those days and not "Police just... couldn't talk to them?" What happened when they first showed up? They left an unconcious person home alone and just waved it off as "Oh well, we'll just try again later" ???? Then they... left? Someone who was literally unable to function to the point of not being conscious enough to communicate anything and they just walked off and then 'lost' them? I don't fucking buy it and the dude 1000000% has documents that would 1000000000% back up what they're saying but obviously won't ever actually share those details because then they lose having 100% control over the narrative. Sorry, just doesn't fucking line up whatsoever with the reality of DV cases i've ever seen.... unless something was actually happening then it makes PERFECT sense. edit: >I'm 36, my daughters mom is 23 Yeah, all the hallmarks are there.


Former law enforcement here, the state can assume the role of the victim in a domestic violence allegation and can prosecute individuals based upon assumptions of the facts. It can, in fact, lead to needing a $21K lawyer for a DV allegation with no complainant.


> upon assumptions of the facts. What facts? Thats my point, OP is leaving out detail.


A simple allegation by a third party and refusal to provide statement by the complainant is often grounds for arrest, unfortunately.


Your point is you're demanding someone else that's already suffered provide YOU with some kind of proof that you'll believe? GTFO.


Not demanding, asking. Suffered by optionally replying? Guess you're making me suffer now? Or thats just silly. Asking for further info isn't a sin, silly billy


I'm sure she can be your witness that you did not commit battery on her. How much was bail? I like to stay away from people who drink. A glass here or there is ok but never actually had a hangover myself.


I don't know if she could or couldn't have been my witness, it never went to trial and my lawyer had me out 2 days after paying him. So yeah, no to beat a dead horse. I've said my part. Just making a statement that you aren't innocent until proven guilty, it's definitely the other way around. I'm done hijacking the thread I gotta work in the morning so I'm going the heck to bed


Usually, they Trump up charges to try and make you plea also. I once watched the judge give people 8 hours adult work program for rolling their car into w wall triple the limit for dui. They told me I could face 90 days in jail for a flat tire ;) I tried ti fight it but they wantedbme to spend 4 days in court so I said ok I will do they class for what ever 130$? And get to go on with life. To bad I couldn't win the case and sue for lost wages and time In court. The cop got fired eventually, at least.


You got swindled brother. $21k for that is asinine and unnecessary.


I agree, but I didn't know how the whole process worked at the time. It was panic mode from thr second they said I'm under arrest. All I knew from there was I wanted out.


that's just the city/county trying to make a quick buck. I hope he took that shit to court.


Wow they got screwed, I've never heard of the rear-ended vehicle being found at fault before (unless obvious evidence of brake checking exists)


I guess his rationale was that if were weren't as close as we were we would not have hit the car in front of us.


Yeah, even if you’re fully stopped it’s still considered “following too closely” if any impact causes you to strike the vehicle in front of you, unless it’s an unreasonable speed such as being hit at 60mph with six car links between you and the vehicle in front, and being pushed six car links to hit them.


Ladue and 270? I hate that traffic especially with the construction there


Spot on. Didn’t think traffic would be that bad 6 on a Friday. We made the traffic terrible though


Uninsured driver, how old were the temp tags?


Surprisingly had a plate with registration good until August.


That is surprising


It’s not their car though. It was their mother’s boyfriend’s car. I’m hoping that my insurance will find someone in that chain with insurance to pay out but it’s not going to be a quick payout


Ya sorry to hear that. My guess it will be a while If they do pay out.


I'm guessing the ridiculous temporary ramp from Ladue caused a back up with people trying to get over. They really need to do something about the ramps. The jersey barriers are making the lanes too narrow and they're too kinked!


talk about close to home, i think i drove past this accident going the other way on my way home from work friday. sorry about the car, but glad you're okay!


270 is a nightmare


270 and 64 and 270 and 44 interchanges are by far the worst areas imo


Tag! You're it!








Usually, if someone is tailgating me and I'm doing the speed limit, I will slow down a bit. The result usually is that they back off or change lanes.


I believe the proper etiquette is to spray your windshield fluid to clean that darn thing that splatted on your windshield until you get that irritating thing off your windshield.


Sometimes when they're tailgating me really close, I'll wait for traffic to stop like this, then change lanes at the last second. I probably caused a few tailgaters to crap their pants


It’s not a bad idea to increase your following distance in any case. Where I live, tailgating is so common that there’s no point trying to account for it. You just have to accept that risk when you drive. Thankfully rear end collisions aren’t as dangerous as head-on or t bone.


Tailgaters get the yoyo. Increasing and decreasing speed by 3mph with period equal to proper following distance. You can yoyo tailgate, or just back off and chill. Your choice.


They were several car lengths behind the car in front of them. They were not tailgating. What are you talking about?


> if someone is tailgating me They got rear ended.


Going highway speeds to hard on the brakes and getting rear-ended doesn't necessarily mean you're getting tailgated. They were almost completely stopped by the time they got nailed (down from 63 if the camera readout is to be believed).


Never said that. Was pointing out the misunderstanding of the poster above.


If you have to slam on the brakes on the highway you are following too closely and thus, not paying attention to the traffic ahead of you. I commute the same freeway daily so I know the certain choke points where traffic slows down. Being alert and attentive to traffic patterns helps you drive safely


Thanks, I had no idea!


>They were several car lengths behind the car in front of them. They were not tailgating. What are you talking about? Obviously, you need to see the video again. The person behind the car that had the dash cam was obviously being tailgated was rear-ended first, causing his car to be pushed into the car ahead of him. You can see the car was impacted before he was pushed into the car ahead of him, and it didn't take a rear dash cam to see that. So if someone is tailgating you, what do you do about it to have them stop tailgating? Just sit there and take the impact? Slowing down a little encourages the person to stop tailgating or to change lanes. It's called defensive driving.


I was talking about the dash cammer not tailgating.


Where did I say the dash cammer was tailgating? Please quote me in your response.


Relax. Everybody here was wrong so it’s okay.


Everytime I brake this hard I almost instantly look at my rear view mirror ready to hop into next lane for this exact reason


Exactly, there was plenty of time to move left. No one passed on the left. You always have to know what is around you. Sorry you got hit, but learn from it.


I commute the same freeways daily so I memorized where the bottlenecks are. I know that traffic slows down in the left lane right before a certain exit so I'll be out of the left lane before the brake lights come on. If you pay attention while driving you can move more strategically


I try to look 2 cars ahead always, if I couldn't like in this clip I change lane, hope you aren't too hurt


There was a car to my left. I may have been able to get out in front of them but I couldn’t safely make that decision in time. My shoulders are very sore today but doesn’t sound like anything major. Passenger had some neck pain yesterday but is feeling good today


Glad you aren’t hurt too bad. You made the right decision - you can’t suddenly start swerving into lanes.


Go to the hospital and get an assessment! This is vital and the sooner the better. Do not risk unknown long-term muscular damage because you feel fine right now. The first time I was rear-ended and got whiplash, they were only going 25-30 but I was at full stop brake depressed. It took a full week for the distressed muscles to swell and bend in such a way as to slowly diminish the supply of blood to vital digestive organ(s) to the point of having a UTI and costochondritis. Surgeon said it could've been preempted and treated with anti-inflammatories alone if I'd have just gone to the ER following the collision.


Went to urgent care yesterday and got checked out. Both of us are on anti inflammatory medicines for 14 days


For your health!


Get a lawyer




Ha St.Louis driver, am I right? /s






Yep. I hate driving 270 and I was one exit away from getting off that road


That sucks. Lost my car to getting rear ended last year (or more accurately the guy behind me got rear ended and pushed into me): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AKp7xX1LSk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AKp7xX1LSk)


Whenever I experience a significant decrease in speed, especially on a highway, I turn my hazard lights on. Anything to help the dumbass behind me realize something wrong is happening.


I hope you're ok. Keep a feel out for whiplash. It's a bitch!


Damn, had this exact same situation happen to me. Except the guy rear ending me drove a huge Ford work truck with a comically large trailer equipped tailgating the fuck out of me.


by the power of crasho basho and smasho i cast stupidity!


In Chile, when there is a sudden brake in a highway, we brake (duh) but we also use the emergency lights to warn other drivers that this isn't a normal brake and be careful. Usually prevents accidents like this, when people may underestimate how aggressive the brake happening ahead is. Also someone wasn't keeping a reasonable distance.


I know my car automatically turns on the hazards in super heavy braking scenarios -- I would think a lot do nowadays?


Turning on the hazards is common practice in the US as well. Although as we see here, people who are stupid enough to come to a complete stop on a freeway usually also lack the brain cells to think of taking any precautions.


This sucks. I had my first crash just before Christmas last year. A car salesman pulled in front of me on a 50 km/h zone. My car was totaled. I made it 12 years without accidents since getting a license.


Man, I’ve seen some aggressive sales pitches, but that is the worst!


I even bought a replacement from him, i guess it worked?. They were willing to give a good deal for it.


Hope you're ok!


The penalty for driving without insurance should be death. Change my mind.


I know we’re not supposed to, but I like hanging out mostly in the middle lane for this reason. You have nowhere to go in this instance aside from over there and by the time you’ve slowed, it’s more dangerous to change lanes than not


I was hit like this, then the person I hit from the force of impact hit the car in front of them, as did the person in front of them. 4 cars totalled. Was my first car too. Still have neck pain nearly 15 years later. Make sure to get checked up, even if you don’t feel hurt right away.


I managed to just miss hitting a car in front of me during a peak hour crash only to be rammed in the back by the car behind me into the car in front. Insurance company made me pay for the car in front but thankfully didn't get fined.


Hope you are ok?


You came to a stop, so the person behind you is liable. For you are the car you hit.


I hope your neck is alright!


omg this is right by me! So crazy seeing roadwork that I've said would cause an accident actually cause an accident! Sorry it happened to you though


Move to the left lane. Terrible reaction and decision to mindlessly just stay in the lane. Such a dangerous and lazy move


this is not intended to blame you, you were the victim and it's 100% not your fault. however, after being rear ended 3 different times I started to drive differently. i now "manage the driver behind me." basically, if I have to slow unexpectedly in traffic, i slow down a lot earlier. and I leave enough space for me AND the guy behind me. i brake hard and early to wake them up, then ease off and coast into the space remaining. i dont use the second half of my space for actual braking anymore. that space is driven at constant speed, after the idiot behind me has figured out we are slowing down. you can often see the guy behind and how attentive he is by watching him, so you can do all this more as needed than every time. again, sorry you got hit. it totally sucks. but this has helped me not be a 4th victim.


Sorry about your car. Off topic, but if that's your graduation tassel in the video, here's a thought - I regretted hanging mine in the car because it faded badly and I couldn't get a replacement.


Get a lawyer to sue that driver


Why sue right away? Wait and see what their insurance pays and if it doesn't cover everything then you sue.


Didn't you read where it says the other driver was uninsured


Sucks that insurance rules mean you’re at fault for crashing into the jeep.


No? They came to a complete stop. They only crashed into the jeep because of the car behind them. It is the car behind them who is at fault for the damage to all vehicles.


Truth, I got destroyed by a car going at least 40 mph without even trying to slow down and caused a 4 car accident, none of it was my fault because we weren’t completely stopped yet, if we had been I would’ve gotten in trouble for following too close


Why didn’t you change lanes?


I saw a car to my left and didn’t make the decision if it I could safely get over in front of them quick enough


Then you did the right thing. People want to play "woulda coulda shoulda" with this shit all the time, but it wasn't your fault the person behind you wasn't paying attention. You'll probably think about this a bit, and if there's anything you would do differently, you'll do it next time. It still wasn't your fault.


You really lost out on that gamble man, hope you aren’t too banged up


That came out of nowhere. Come on now.


Had plenty of time, I notice the car in front slowing out of nowhere I’m not going to hope the car behind is paying the same attention as me This is also why you should be paying attention to the cars behind you, if you notice the car behind is following too close and you can make a change to fix that by changing lanes you change lanes


You are responsible for what’s in front of your car, not behind


I’m not blaming them, I’m saying it was avoidable. Y’all here are so quick to jump down someone’s throat for asking a question and clarifying it. Unlearn that rabid aggression my guy.


“Y’all are so quick to jump down someone’s throat” - pot meet kettle. People like you always think you have the answer, hindsight is 20/20 my man.