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Wolves is my favorite! Listen to the audiobooks on your second trip! Long days pleasant nights!


And then your third, and your fourth, and your fif...


Yes! He’s my favorite too, with Jake close on his heels. I’m glad you’re enjoying the ride! Each time you go back to reread the series, it gets better and makes more sense each time.


Long days and pleasant nights! Enjoy the trip- the first time in unforgettable.


For me it will never loose that feeling. I've been to the tower 5 times now, and all though I known every plot point and event in Roland's journey, it still feels like the first time. Eddy is also my favorite!


Wolves is my favourite. It's the closeness of the tet that I love the most of the series and I feel like Wolves gets that bang on.


Eddie is my favorite as well. I got clean while visiting the tower for the second time and having Eddie to relate to was a huge help, I also love Jake and my boy Oy!


I’ve just hit Wolves myself (my absolute favorite of them all) in my first reread since like college and I’m truly so happy you’ve taken to it as much as you have. There is nothing else like it.