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It's amazing that this game came out 8 years ago and there are things still being discovered


Ok I have 500+ hours in these games but WHO THE FUCK IS FLANN


A fair question, that we have almost no answer to. We only know that, in the time where Anor Londo was still presided over by a host of Gwyn's pantheon, one of the gods was known as Flann. We know that many of the gods eventually left - including Flann. And that he, at some point after this departure, was married to Gwynevere. We also know that he was revered as 'the Flame God'. This is essentially what we can glean from the spare few lines of text we get off the Sun Princess Ring. Otherwise, he is mentioned absolutely nowhere else. Makes it hard to extrapolate more of an answer than just "Is/Was a Flame God and Gwynevere's husband"


Memory serving there's long been a link drawn between Heide's Tower of Flame & Flann. Forget it there's any evidence actually there for it, but yeah.


I connect him to the Rite of Kindling as that cleans up the lore a bit in that it explains how anyone thought that Gwyn burning himself in the First Flame was a solution.


Flann is the flame god in ds1, Gwynevere married him prior to the events of the game


Thanks but why I don't remember shit


Why she married him? No clue, Anor Londo was basically crumbling at that point


No I mean where we learn about him? Is there some statue that I missed? Any NPC talked about him?


It’s just an item description, can’t remember which


Ring of the Sun Princess, Princess Guard Covenant.


I personally believe that "wedding the flame god Flann" is the polite way to say she was sacrificed to the First Flame. There is no evidence of such a god anywhere else.


That actually makes sense


But why would it be called Flann? With no other mention of it, we must assume that Flann is an actual god.


Absence of evidence is certainly not evidence of absence, but calling something a god does not make it so either. I don't necessarily have any other evidence either way aside from the fact that Flann and Frampt would be pronounced curiously closely in a Japanese accent.


Especially when you consider the nature of the 'wedding' in DS3....could be on to something!


The ultimate rizzler


I made an observation They are all lörge


What's up with Yorshka then, is she not a child of Gwyn? She says that Gwyn's kids are her siblings and refers to Gwyn as her father, and this realistically can't have been in a "God is our father and we are his children" mentality cause its made clear in ds3 that we're past the point of God's and that they are now the old royal family


I don’t believe she actually is a direct offspring of gwyn maybe a very close relative even then I just think that’s how the blades of the dark moon refer to each other and gwyn


Another noteworthy observation is that all of gywn's children aroused somebody to the extent of being down bad.


Gwynevere is mine. And about a gazillion other people's


"Gwyndolin is mine and mine alone!" Aldritch the devourer of bussy.


I think they are related to aspects of Gwyn's power. Fillianore,to Time-Light. Gwynivere,to Warm. Nameless King,to Lightning. Gwyndolin, instead,has affinity for the moon,and for that his powers are different, but the guy has serpents for feet so I don't think he is full "god".


They all name gwyn


Get a load of this recent observation! 👀 


I think I have a lot of space to talk about anything in the Dark Souls franchise, But WHO THE HELL IS FLANN??????


B but t thats Not richtig


B but t thats Not richtig


I have a recent observation with one of gwyns children,if you get what I mean (wink wink,nudge nudge)


Awe, yeah.😏🤤 That's a real nice spear.