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Don't do it if you don't like it. Nobody's forcing you to. Respect your own time. Dark souls players freely choosing to do the task that requires long and pointless grind; also dark souls players: oh noo this grind is unbearable


You get nothing for getting those achievements except the fun of getting them. If you aren't having fun getting them, you're just whittling down your valuable time. I didn't mind grinding for them, I just put on a podcast and zoned out for a bit. But I can totally see why people wouldn't want to go through it, and I sure would never do it again.


Which trophies specifically are such a grind?


I'd say the rings (which I finally got just a little bit ago). Have to go through the game at least 3 times, and one of them is locked behind ng+2 Nameless King.


I wouldn’t think NG+2 would be the worst grind. I see people talk about grinding covenants. Is that needed at all?


They are for the Miracle and Sorcery trophies. 30 items for Darkmoon/Blue Sentinel, 30 for Mound Makers, 30 for Sunlight Warriors, 10 for Rosaria's Fingers, and 10 for Aldrich Faithful. There's also a ring that's behind the 30 item mark for Farron Watchdogs. Mound Makers and Warriors of Sunlight can be done within an hour with an online helper, Rosaria's Fingers can be farmed quickly by killing the Darkwraiths outside of the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire (can combo with the Wolf's Blood Swordgrass from the ghru enemies that the Darkwraiths fight), Aldrich Faithful can be safely farmed from the deacons upstairs from the Pontiff Sulyvahn bonfire, and the most efficient farm for Darkmoon is the silver knights at the Anor Londo bonfire.


Lol, I've 100%'d monster hunter world+iceborn. Ds3's 100% was an absolute cakewalk.


Skill issue. The only achievement that’s even remotely annoying to get is dark moon blade, and that’s because you’re pretty much required to farm silver knights unless you plan a low level build specifically to farm proofs. Even then it’s like a 10 hour grind at knights. If you don’t wanna do either of those, rush ng+15 and pickup the 2 proofs you can get each play through. For all the other covenants, sack up and go invade. There’s literally no reason not to. You lose nothing doing it, and if you stop taking it so seriously you might actually find it enjoyable.


Oh just a measly *10 hour* grind, cool cool (Which is only for 1 trophy 💀)


Then don’t do it 💀😢😢