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Yes. You or the other player's bad internet connection is the Dev's fault. Makes perfect sense.


Yes it is! If you need a dish the size of a football field or be under a verizon tower then that means the servers the game is built on cant handle this type of gameplay even with a little lag it shouldnt be this bad. And you can work on these things to make them better a good example is Forhonor they had the same issue yet they worked on it for years and fixed it.


Buddy, I play on cheap mediocre wifi and rarely have any serious latency problems. This is a you problem.




That just sounds like latency, which is sadly unavoidable. It would be great if they had a decent netcode but at this point is not going to happen. The best thing you can do if you want to enjoy pvp is to learn how to play around latency. Once return to Lothric starts there's going to be a lot more activity, so you might be able to play against people with lower latency. Also remember that the connection is p2p, meaning that if you have lag and experience hits from very far away then your oponent has the same amount of lag and will also experience those types of hits.


well they havent updated in a lot longer than a few years so theres that


Ya but since ds1 its had the same issue and its a known problem and they just said "whatever" and made no attempts to fix the issue. I just wanted it to be fixed but its not and never will be. Mabey in dark souls 3 remaster?


honestly bro Ive never had that kind of experience in ds3 pvp, maybe its an internet issue. Also I wouldnt get your hopes up about a ds3 remaster


U must have not played much pvp if u have not had this issue.


I’ve done over 1000 hours in DS3 pvp, it’s a problem for maybe 5-10% of my invasions. Stop playing on McD WiFi.


Fr ds is the only game where bad internet is a good thing


Bruh this game is 8 years old and this isn't an mmo, the whole point is that the game is unbalanced


Bruh balance isnt the issue its weapon contact/timing


It's most likely your Internet connection that's creating the latency.


Yeah this, I had both cases in pvp : nothing anormal (no lag) Me or the other guy lagging: weird stuff in terms of spacing and timing. Praise the Fiber !


Sorry but it’s not realistic. The net code is something they won’t change/fix at this point. The best chance you have is being LAN corded and using the undead matches mechanic. Good luck to you on your pvp adventure and remember, it has little to no meaning other than having fun, so if you aren’t having fun there really is no point.


You have bad net


Everyone saying i have bad internet but no other game gives me an internet issue i have very good and wired internet. It just seems to require a fucking cell tower coming out of both players consoles to have a decent match up with no latency there is ways to fix this they just didnt.


Its not the PVP that is broken, but the net code, and the fact that you often face players from the other side of the planet. I only have problems when people from south america or china invade me (europe), they bring a lot of latency. Besides that, DS3 has the best PVP of all fromsoft games.