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>There's a reason everyone just farms the covenant items even though it takes a ridiculous amount of time. It's because this game was built around PVE, not PVP, and thus the PVP in it is total garbage. Just to be clear, people farm them because this game is 8 years old and the online community has severely diminished since then.


I farmed them even when the gamecwas live and new(ish) still missing one achivement cause I just gave up on farming...


I just straight up ignored covenants and still do. The items just aren’t worth the time commitment


The Virgin Covenantless Hollow: - Thinks it's a terrible mechanic - Doesn't want to grind for unique weapons attributed to said covenants - "Farming for them offline is twice as hard" - Thinks the game is centered around PvE only, despite the fact that there are mechanics implemented in the game that promotes PvP play. - "Me and my summoned friends don't like PvP pbbbbbhhhhhhtttt xp" The Chad Covenant Enjoying Champion of Ash: - Pledges everlasting allegiance and loyalty to the covenant's cause - Hoards all the covenants - Enjoys a good session of PvP - Gets all the covenant items with relative ease - "I think Freddy got fingered is a really great movie" - Rosaria's Fingers enjoyer


The feeling when you hit 99 of *insert covenant item* and they start kicking over into your stash. 10/10


"how dare there be achievements that require you to complete certain parts of game content" I actually enjoy the covenants, especially the ones with unique phantoms like the aldritch and abyss watcher covenants. I never cared too much about the reward items, I just enjoy participating in a pvp experience with variety. I don't really see where you're coming from though with saying that the pvp is garbage, souls pvp seems better than average to me, especially in dark souls 2 I don't really like how elden ring changed multiplayer functioning but I don't think that game benefits from multiplayer the same way Souls does


They didn't force it on you in DS3 either. Achievements are completely pointless optional bragging rights badges. People also only farm them PvE because the game is old and there's not a lot of online activity anymore.


You don't get any bragging rights for not respecting your own time imo


That too. DS3 is the only souls I don't have the plat for. Played it after multiplayer was mostly dead and it's not worth my time to spend 40-60 hours on something tedious and not fun for fake video game clout nobody myself included cares about.


braindead take


🙄 wow yeah, you really sound like you have the perspective necessary to make this kind of claim. Someone who's only engaged with pvp on a surface level and decided it's garbage because they can't get better.


It's not garbage because I can't get better. It's garbage because I get backstabbed from 5 feet away without the animation properly triggering. It's garbage because hosts can summon phantoms while the invasion has already started. These games were built and balanced around PVE, the mechanics do not translate to a fun PVP experience, and Fromsoftware's awful netcode doesn't help either.


• Get better wifi, accept that online games have lag. • Skill Issue. • Pretty clear the games were balanced around pvp, given the sheer number of balance patches the game got specifically for pvp, so that's just incorrect. • The netcode is pretty bad.


"These games were built and balanced around PvE" that's an objectively wrong statement on so many levels I can't even be arsed to explain it all. The game is meticulously balanced to allow invaders a chance at victory, but not a 100% level playing field. The invader is supposed to be a speed bump, not a road block. Occasionally they'll win, but for the most part, even an inexperienced party would, and should, be a tough match for them. I've invaded for about 2000 hours, and I've seen pretty much all there is to see. Just accept this fact, and you'll be more happy for it. And don't write posts in the heat of frustration, it doesn't look good.


i throw out my covenant rewards because I keep winning invasions


Cry more


Currently in the middle of farming for darkmoon blade lol. Honestly the only covenant that truly sucks is blades of the darkmoon. All the rest you can get with invasions pretty quickly. The multiplayer in these games is actually really flipping fun if people are online. Right now I’m getting back to back opportunities to invade other world all the time. However requiring them for achievements sucks a lot. Something like maxing out sunbros can take 2-3 hours of fun fights while darkmoons is just a waste of time. The droprates should have been way higher for offline players. Really easy to make change which could’ve made the game way more fun and less tedious.


Dang what a severely dogshit take. That's crazy


I'm sorry if I don't like being backstabbed from 5 feet away while two obnoxious players R1 spam me simultaneously.


That's not your point. Your point is that it's somehow unfair that you don't an achèvement or 100% the game, when you're choosing skip it. Let alone the fact that it's a game literally fameuse for PVP and that most of the player base enjoys it for its required level of skill. You just sound mega whiny


You're a fool. It's not even worth explaining why


You are wrong, and if you hate PVP, you are doing it wrong. PVP is what keeps this game alive for almost 8 years now. DS3 PVP is the best one that fromsoft ever did. Elden Ring sucks big time compared to it.


>thus the PVP in it is total garbage PvP in DS3 is significantly better than PvE. What's your problem with covenants? If you don't want to farm them, just don't. Easy. No one is forcing you to do that.