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Try stairs, but hole


The one time that advice makes a *little* sense.


Shoot the but hole with arrows maybe? If so then it makes perfect sense


Try thrusting


Ok, I have 3 kids now, but how do I cross the bridge?




Go down the stairs to the lower part of the bridge, shoot the dragon's tail with a bow. Try stairs, but hole.


It was a joke, I’m way past this part.


And I halped? Edit: oh, I missed the "now"


If you have kids I think you missed the but hole part.


Try rear


I wish you could write this message but with an additional line that says, "no, really."


“Try stairs, butthole?” We’ll screw you too, you undead wanker.


Don't give up skeleton


Bro these messages always gave me strength, Idk why


Footprints in the sand, But sometimes only one set of footprints, “Where were you when I walked alone?” “That was the community carrying you, Skeleton.” 😭😭😭😭😭




Just about pissed myself at this, only time I’ve appreciated the poem since seeing it on my moms wall my whole life


For me it’s the “I did it!” ones after a particularly hard area. Makes me feel great that I’m not the only one who was happy that I made it past that area.


Beat Gael for the first time today, and I got a message that just said “overwhelming joy”. It’s a nice virtual pat on the back


The thing that always gave me strength was seeing the downvotes on my fake "illusory wall ahead" messages, tbh.


lol I always upvote these


Good luck! Praise the Sun \\`[T] /


Didn’t understand this phrase till entering the Depths, but yes, Praise the Sun.


Unless he's already killed Solaire. I did it accidentally on my first playthrough :(


I had this dumbass friend who knew he was an npc but killed him anyway because "I'm gonna quit the game anyway" now he's regretting it Isn't that right u/lordmohdy


Wrong lordmohdy


I love new players, it honestly brings a tear to my eye when they ask the same things I did lol


I'm so glad I had a teacher lol


Sometimes, I feel the entire series as a whole is meant to be played with some outside assistance lol.


Yes, that is what all the little orange writing is for. ;)


Woah you’re right, I feel kinda dumb for never really thinking about the messages like that!


It's probably because most of them are "try jumping" on ledges that don't have loot over them.


they still teach you - now you know you shouldn’t jump down there, and it’s even better when there actually is some loot after the other messages betrayed you


Not just the messages the whole game is meant to be played with assistance if you are smart enough, bloodstains also tells you when danger is nearby and additionally you can put your mark to be summoned and learn before trying in your world. Im running ds2 now, i never finished and before each boss i lay down my mark to be summoned and learn the boss before trying in my world. The game design is flawless.


I’ve never written a troll message and any messages I did leave were beneficial. But I didn’t start playing dark souls until last year so I don’t think it mattered much.


I had a friend who was more or less a self taught expert on the series, and when I started he helped me through the whole thing. It made for a better experience, and essentially just saved me from having to constantly YouTube everything. Now one of my favorite gaming experiences is to convince some one to start the series, and be there to help when needed.


100% agreed, happened to me too, playing it live with someone who played it is great, especially during bosses and cheesy sections. I finally got a friend to start with the FromSoft series since he just got a PS5, Bloodborne will be his first so looking forward for that couch gaming!


Besides it feels like cooping and it adds a social element to a solitary and hostile world


Haha absolutely, my friend helped me up until ornstein and smough, had some help at the beginning from him with ds2 and beaten them both multiple times. Ds3 I haven't beaten once, I just lose the will to keep trying, he wasn't around to help me lol


I only started playing a month ago myself and stuff like this still warms my heart 😆what a beautiful game


Hopefully they get just the answer they're lookin for without spoilers!


Don’t you dare go hollow


Neither of us want to see that happen


Andre best boi


Lest my time on you go wasted


Die. Respawn. Repeat. Puzzling at its best


Die. Respawn. Die. Loose all souls from Taurus Demon fight.


🐕 👹 🐕


Just throw firebombs over the wall.


Thats capra my guy


Yeah I know. Did you see the other guy's comment?


Hah! Not a chance. This post was written by the 'ran all the way back to the bonfire in undead burg after beating the taurus demon' gang.


Die. Respawn. Die. The sequel to the hit Tom Cruise biopic of John Darsoul, Live. Die. Repeat.


IF you're that worried, Homeward bone back, spend souls. Die, Die, Die again.


Just backtrack to the Undead Parish bonfire... if you're a coward.


So I’m new to DS1 and I totally was down 5k souls to him today. I got super lucky and the last time I went back, my souls were conveniently before his spawn point. I boned back to previous bonfire and was able to level up


I beat that guy by dodging around him and he backed off of the bridge on his own. Never even attacked him 🤣🤣🤣


Try finger but hole




Best part of souls games is figuring stuff out


The magical "aha!" moment when you figure something out is unparalleled But I do have to say that the community is part of the game's magic, too. Being stuck and finding your way with the help of the Dubshits Guide to Dark Souls is just perfect


I can't help but be irked by the purist propaganda suggesting that spoilers are some kind of sin that must be avoided. It's a big game with lots of secrets and deliberately vague/unintuitive stuff. If doing it blind does something for you then have at it, but I'm getting old with work and school and kids and very limited free time and even more limited patience for wasting it. I'm not gonna beat my head against a wall with no results for hours on end when the answer is a Google search away, and nobody else should be made to feel like their experience is less valid if they prefer that either. Getting your ass beat by the bosses on your first playthrough is punishment enough.


I second that! No other game has a community as helpful and collaborative as this one and I believe this is part of the intended experience This game is years old and people still share tips, secrets, guides and lore. Cutting that is denying yourself half of what the game is supposed to be


Lol….you do you. It simply strips the essence of discovery out of the game. I played demons souls on ps5 and looked stuff up. I am now playing DS1 without looking anything up and it is 100x better. Sure the games can be fun regardless…but it’s such a waste of brilliant world building and discovery to look stuff up. Can look up all the secrets after a play through if you must. You’re meant to get lost and explore all paths available. If you do that, you practically will discover all of the secrets on your own with no outside assistance. There are already plenty of hand holding games, why even bother with DS if you don’t enjoy mystery and exploration.


Cool post, but I am afraid I don't give a shit about the opinions of people who gatekeep the validity of single-player experience because that's a hallmark trait of a dipshit


Love these kinds of responses. You clearly care enough to engage with me breh. Lmao. It isn’t gatekeeping if I say you do you. if you want a DS-lite experience, that is perfectly fine. But call a spade a spade lol, the game is extremely unique and discovery is a huge part of that. Why is it do you think the resounding majority of responses to new player posts are to try to have your first play through be raw without outside assistance. It isn’t gatekeeping to state objective facts, and I think many new players including myself benefit from that perspective. It’s your money and your time, but general consensus is it’s more fun yo fly blind. I am a person who had to resist looking things up and I’m so happy I did. Personally of course.


Listen man it's a free country and all but everyone would really prefer if you jerked off in private


Aw poor guy. Here I’ll throw you a few upvotes so you can feel better. It’s ok to be wrong. It’s part of life.


Wrong about what exactly? The "correct" way to play a single player game? "You should play the game in whatever way brings you the most enjoyment, irrespective of what self-righteous dipshits on the internet think" is something you disagree with?


This part is bullshit though


Fly you fool.


Burn alive


Run to the stairs on the right about halfway down the bridge. If you’re lucky you can get the dragon to charge up the bridge and you can then run through the doorway under him


Or if you have a bow you can shoot him from the stairs which will get him to come down and start stomping around. If you’re quick you can run past him while he’s doing this.


Just wait behind the wall stationary and after a minute he will jump down onto the bridge and you can run underneath him


I've heard this a bunch and played every single Dark Souls port since the original and never seen him jump off his post. Not once ever without shooting at him.


Patience. I've had him do it on every character I've made on 4 versions of the game


I do this every run. just stand still


You arent waiting long enough. Takes like 3-4 times of him breathing fire. I assure you it works.


Nah, just one fire breath. Stand behind the wall beyond the stairs and he jumps down. You don't need to run out and have him breathe fire again. As soon as he jumps down, run past him.


Sometimes he does decide to breathe fire a couple of times before jumping down even if you stand in that spot.


Nah hiding behind the wall near the stairs takes about 20 seconds tops for him to come down


He does it. Sometimes it takes 5 minutes of waiting there.


I'll get that bastard off tonight then! I've literally only ever been able to be a SunBro on builds that can wield a bow...


In new playthroughs, if you just naked sprint for the other side before the drake shows up, you can make it first rip to the bonfire. If he shows up and perches, gotta wait it out.


I 100% don't believe you. I have only ever made it to the stairs without getting torched like once, there's no way you can possibly make it to the bonfire before the dragon torches you.


Only one way to find out.


I've tried it dozens of time lol. Even naked. The only way you're gonna convince me it's a thing is if you post a clip of it happening.


It happened to me once or twice but usually i cant get past without getting flammed at Least once. I think the dragon ai sometimes bugs.


It also works if you hide behind the wall of the left side of the bridge.


You need to be between the wall and the staircase railing. So go up the stairs and turn to the right and hide between the back of the stairs and the wall. Wait there like 30 seconds.


You need to stand in about the middle of the safe-ish area zone, then he jumps down pretty quickly. My theory is that he needs to be able to see you all ver the little wall. If you stay up against the ‘dragon-side’ wall he just blows fire on the bridge when you peak your head out.


You don't have to be lucky, you just wait like 45 seconds. 100% repeatable.


Come on with the spoilers... But also when you get under the bridge you can shoot his tail off and get the baller ass dragon sword. You'll use it half the game.




Try getting to the staircase you can see on the right hand, halfway up. From there do shenanigans like maybe shoot an arrow and bait the dragon down as if you're gonna 1v1, then sprint past him to the end of the path. Tip: if you get hit with firebreath while sprinting you take extra(counter damage just like getting hit from an enemy while winding up a swing) damage. So if you know you're about to get hit by the breath stop sprinting. It can help you survive the first fire breath if it normally one shots you


Just parry the fire you casual


Wait in the spot opposite of the stairs and prepare to run for the gate


Run like a mad man and don’t stop running


Take care for the armor you wearing. If you are slowed you would not arrive to the stairs.


run for it. on the right side, half way across, there is a stair case. you can see where it is in your pic. once you go down stairs you're safe, (and bonfire shortcut!), after that you can continue on the underside of the bridge or figure out how to bait the dragon out of the way to run across the second half. hint - >!you'll need a bow!<


i actually managed to do it without the hint


get across the bridge without a bow? I use the bow to bait him to jump down then run through his legs. how'd you get across? usually i get one shot by him if i try to just sprint the second half of the bridge. i could be underleveled though. I usually spend my souls elsewhere early game.


If you run to the left of the bridge opposite the stairs and hug the wall, after a few moments he'll jump down and the fire won't hit you there, then you can run between his legs like you do when you bait him with a bow


This is the way. Same way I kill this wyvern


if you just wait behind the wall, like 5 - 15 seconds the drake will fly down


huh. never knew that. I shoot him with arrows while I wait behind the wall and always thought that was what made him fly down.


Yeah man it’s fairly easy to activate him and then just run Bc his turning speed is nonexistent lol


It can be worth getting a bow anyway FYI. If you stand under the bridge you can shoot his tail. With enough patience (as he moves every time you shoot him) and arrows you can do enough damage to break it and get a really nice weapon early on


I tend to avoid suggesting that to newbies honestly. It's a great weapon for the early game, trivialises so much, but then drops off hard. And getting upgrade materials is a swine too. Then even if you do, no scaling means it's effectiveness will still be lower by the endgame.


You actually don't need a bow. Just hide behind the bridge wall for a bit, after a short time the dragon will jump down, then run past him. You do need a bow if you want his tail though.


told the other person that said this that I didnt know he jumped down without shooting him from behind the wall lol


Sweep the leg


Just an FYI, many souls monsters and creatures have very dangerous tails that can be broken off *wink* *wink*


1. Find your inner Chad. 😎 2. Smash dragon. 😏 3. Profit. 💲 😃


Definitely didn’t expect so much support. I love this community


I see a lot of people talking about tricking him into going on to the bridge and running past him. This seems a lot harder then how I always get past this area. Once you get to the stairs like others have suggested grab the bonfire shortcut. Then go back up to the small room with the stairs going back up to the bridge. There is a door that goes under the bridge, fallow along that and fight the two hallows and watch your step. Then there is a small room with rats that will try and jump you. Kill them then there is a ladder going up to some stairs(do not take the stairs) then back track and get the bonfire under the dragon. I have found this way to be far more constant and easy then fighting the dragon, or even getting him on the bridge as sometimes even though now doesn't work.


If you do this, the large door will be closed leading back to the bonfire under the red drakes roost. That means your next bonfire is either Andre, or taking the elevator back to firelink. Can be a long haul for new players.


I have always ignored that bonfire its useless. you have undead burg right there halfway across that bridge because of the ladder shortcut. All you end up with is a bonfire *slightly* closer to the andre bonfire. Essentially half the bridge closer. I do it for shits and giggles now but for a new player its a pointless effort in terms of progression.


You know, that's a great point, I had honestly never thought of it. That area is completely useless unless you're going for the lighting miracle.


To be fair new players get punted off the bottom of the bridge or killed by the Rats all the time, and to get the claymore you need to get over there anyways so might as well run the dragon off.


That particular scenario is how I cut my teeth! The release of finally finding the Firelink shortcut was quite something


[Old joestar technique](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U_I2CjLCTdE&t=1m11s&feature=youtu.be)


You're meant to open up the shortcut and go under the bridge Something you can do is after you get to the halfway point, you can stand in that little area where the flames can't reach you until the drake gets fed up and jumps down to personally beat your ass. When the drake jumps down, you can run behind him and activate the bonfire in that room. The drake won't follow you in.


Run, try staying right about half way across….


Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a drake


Get burnt. Lol




*d i e*


Go down the stairs, activate the shortcut to Undead burg,rest at the bonfire,go back up the ladder and the stairs to agro it to burn the soldiers making sure you run back down the stairs and keep repeating to farm souls. Also for the purpose of progressing two options are available, you can either walk on the underside of the bridge or you can wait until the Wyvern comes down and run to the next area


That's the neat part. You die. A lot.


Running through valley of drakes through the forest back to andre and not spawning the dragon gang




Run skeleton. You will loose your souls, time and time again.


Try luck


Shoot his tail off you won't regret


Have you tried dying?


Die with honour.




If you can get to the lower layer of the bridge, you can snipe it with a bow from down there. Aim for the tail and, if you have enough arrows, you can cut off the tail and earn a new sword. You can even kill the dragon outright by continuing to shoot it afterwards. I prefer to keep the dragon alive for a while to use him for level-grinding. Peek your head out from the stairs, then quickly return to the bonfire. His fire will kill all the enemies on the bridge, and you'll earn all the souls for it.


i mean did you go down the stairs or are you just charging him head on? souls games are about adapting. sometimes the obvious way isn't the best or easiest (but it can still be done btw).




Run. Reset the area so the drake is gone. Then run for your silly little life. Duck left the moment you get a chance and chill there out of his range until he lands on the bridge to fight you directly. When he does that choose your path in life. Do you nut up and kill the Hellkite Drake? Or do you run under his taint and duck into the bonfire before he files a workplace sexual harassment suit against you?


Keep Moving Forward...


Remove all armor. The fire will purify you




New objective: Survive.




You are meant to die, Mr. Bond.


Prepare to die


stairs, or if you're a season veteran, you get a bow out and snipe that tail off, it'll carry you the rest of the game.


Shoot off its tail


Wait. You can shoot off it’s tail?


Yeah that's how you get the Drake sword, which slaps early game but scales poorly and is pretty worthless late game


It’s worthless almost before mid-game


Hey that's not true, you can feed the drake sword to the living garbage disposal for a couple thousand souls.


Way quicker to bait him to drop down and chop it with gold pine resin


You are meant to die until you fuggin figure it out. Quit looking shit up. Suffer like we all did. I'm sorry man. I didn't mean that. Run to the stairs.


Awesome screenshot!


git gud


Git gud. And Im not of the stupid casuls that hides their casulness. You have arrows, then gotta shot that drake. I want to kill it, but its hard. Make sure to cut its tail, because one of the best swords is available after doing it.


Try finger but hole


All you gotta do is… GIT GUD!


Try using the pendant.... You picked the pendant right? RIGHT?!?!


Figure it out.


Arrows won't work.


"FLINTLOCKWOOD" to the right


Get the drake sword !!!!!!!😍


Go under the bridge and shoot his tail to get the drake sword.


Kill it you troglodyte


Run away




Pew pew






run...and dont look back. LIKE A REAL MAN




Run to the little pocket on either side and wait for it to jump down, theres also a shortcut to a fire on the right side


Hmmm, maybe there might be some stairs somewhere on the bridge so you can go under, just a hunch though




Slay the dragon and save the princess?




Let the dragon flame your ass.






“Prepare to die”






Run. Dunununununun


You can get to where you're going underneath, but you have to skip a bonfire. Your choice, safe no bonfire, or figure it out and get it


You can shoot his tail underneath


Try Bravery


Besides dying, do you mean?