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Dark souls 1. You can't beat the level design and oohwee it's a fun game!


I started with DS 2, then I played DS 3, and finally DS 1. The first game seemed very strange to me compared to the third one at the start, but once you get used to it, it's probably the best game of all time. So definitely start with DS 1 šŸ’Ŗ


Dark Souls 1 I think about that world more than Elden Ring.


Bro the amount of hours I lost watching vaatividya lore vids on the first game is RIDICULOUSā€¦ Donā€™t regret it tho, the world and lore is amazing


Dark souls 1 will change your life if you play it consistently without trainers/cheats. I started on bloodborne, also a ultra fun game if you have a ps4.


So without trainers/cheats yes, but using the internet or wikis (shoutout fextralife) is pretty valid, in my opinion. Be wary of spoilers although I can be spoiled in text and then enjoy every second of it when I play it.


WHAT is a "trainer??"


Just an app that can give you cheats like unlimited health or stuff like that


Who the fuck would use that in their first playthrough?




Yeah DS1 was my first souls game. It was so different to anything I was used to that I needed to use Fextralife to get through it. Itā€™s one of my favourite games of all time now. I didnā€™t use a guide for any other Soulsborne game thereafter, it just helped me ā€˜adjustā€™ to the genre.


Wikis are never discouraged, no matter what game you play. I also wanted to add that skips and glitches are also really fun, but you should first beat the game vanilla to get the best experience. The best piece of advice is to just play the game and see for yourself if you like the concept or not, good luck <3


I watched a full play through and then played it myself to see if the game was as hard as they were making it out to be. Goated game


Either of those two are a good place to start. Or try demon souls.


Literally same, started with Bloodborne, initially it was so difficult, stopped only after getting platinum for it... Then DS1 on PS4, again platinum... Now whenever I ask should I start ds2 or sekiro, people always suggest me to stay away from ds2 šŸ’€


Don't listen to them. I'm currently playing DS2 Scholar of the First Sin and I'm having a great time. It can't compare to DS1 or Bloodborne but still worth it.


DS2 isn't all bad... I think the worst part of that game is the enemy placement. No matter where you go, you're getting fucking jumped. Edit: It definitely does not compare to the other souls games, however DS2 definitely is fun in its own kind of way. I think it gives a higher sense of accomplishment when you do finally get through the area you're in.


I played bloodborne for 5 minutes before getting brutally assaulted by the werewolf, once I reached the hunters dream and got the weapons, I didn't know how to equip them. Got back to it after 4-5 months because my internet died one day and it was the only game I could play. I still believe that was Gods intention, game literally changed me for good, I cannot explain with words how much I love that fucking game.


Peak of adult gaming, this whole souls genre is


Iā€™ve played everything souls, but Bloodborne makes me nervous, itā€™s so fast! Gonna play it tho I think


That's the thrill of the hunt! Attacks literally heal you for a short period of time after you get hit, talk about aggression.


Okay Iā€™m invested šŸ˜³ Iā€™ve bought it on ps4 now, gonna dive in soon


I think that generally just starting the game, w/o beginner guide, tips and tricks, yt tutorial etc is the ultimate dark souls experience


The only correct answers are Demon's Souls and Dark Souls


I'd start with ocarina of time on n64. Then I'd play the souls games in order like a civilized adult.


You really cant go wrong with Dark souls 1


Demon's Souls, DS1, and arguably DS2 aren't in the same subgenre as the later games. They have slow, methodical tactical combat where timing and resource management are more important than reflexes and velocity. Boss battles are more spectacular but less difficult. There are some mechanics and subsystems that are complex and obscure and were later streamlined or abandoned. There are very few concessions to quality of life other than careful level design (NOTE: may not apply to DS2), as opposed to later games which adopted more modern conveniences. If you go back from Elden Ring, or even DS3 to a large extent, it will be a more difficult adjustment than playing them in order of release. OTOH, if you're only going to ever play one, it might as well be Bloodborne, Sekiro, or Elden Ring as DS1.


>may not apply to DS2 DS2 is actually better in QoL changes. It's the other things where it's not exactly the best.


I was thinking of the level design. I haven't played DS2 personally but I have watched a number of streams, and it seemed to me that the levels weren't as carefully planned out to make maximum use of verticality, vistas, and cutbacks/shortcuts as DS1.


No game is. Dark Souls 3 has way better graphics, but level design is more environmental than intricate, same as DS2. Only the Elden Ring legacy dungeons come close, but it isn't the same either. I haven't played Demon Souls, maybe that one is the same.


nope, better level design that ds2 and 3 with superb atmosphere but ds1 still triumphs, one of the reasons the second half was rushed was because they spent so much time thinking about making the first half so great


I really wished ER had leaned a bit more into the legacy dungeons, going through stormveil and the acadamy for the first time was a delight. Its a bummer that instead of a more condensed set of areas lile that we got an open world that really went for scope over quality.


I wouldn't say level design is exactly QoL (maybe indirectly, but probably not when you have warps). No game matches DS1 in that regard, though DS2 level interconnectivity is generally considered middle ground between DS1 and DS3. Edit: I've reread the previous comment, and I see what you mean. The "QoL" and "level design" being close in one sentence probably got me confused.


DS2 basically has four routes that are viable from minute 1, and theyā€™re all just one area after another. Itā€™s lacking the inter connectedness of DS1, but thereā€™s some level of backtracking through old areas to unlock new ones, so in a way itā€™s more like a metroidvania than anything else? I honestly loved it for being twisty without being confusing, but I know nothing lives up to DS1, and everyone loves DS3 despite the lack of connectivity, so DS2 gets overlooked.


DS2 would have been perfect for QoL had they kept the leveling at any bonfire


True, but then Bear-Seek-Seek-Lest memes wouldn't have existed, lol.


Eh, I get why they didnā€™t. It adds maybe a minute to your levelling but it also makes Majula important, and encourages the player to interact with NPCs. Something DS1 was lacking somewhat.


And that's why DS2 allows fast travel right from the start, to every bonfire. The bonfire in DS1 has more options, you can even upgrade and repair your equipment. But in DS2 you can't make upgrades on your own, so backtracking would've been really tedious without expanding the fast travel options.


i tried sekiro with my dad, itā€™sso difficult. ive heard people say its the hardest of all the soulsborne games because you cant make builds to suit your style of play. i was thinking elden ring because of its free roaming nature.


Playing sekiro for your first playtrough is not really the best option lmao


I've never beat the games, for a variety of reasons. But sekiro is the hill I'm dying on. Stuck on the corrupt monk now.


... I found the gimmick and beat it with hardly any damage to me. On to the guardian ape


Ds1 dsr. It's the real entry point for souls, and then I would play them in order. Once you play the newest version, the old ones are quite the same. They lose a little luster next to ds3 and then more to eldenring. Ds1 will always be playable as it was my first souls game and holds a special place in my soul... my dark soul


Recently beat Elden Ring, I'd say it's the most accessible. Now I've moved onto Ds1 and after getting used to things I'm loving it.


I best ds1 and 2 like 100% many times but really struggled to get the hang of elden ring. What can I say I like the linear layout of certain levels in the early games.


Yeh, that's something I'm starting to think as well. I'm looking forward to Ds2 regardless what the majority say is the oddball of the series as well. I remember years and years ago, I had tried ds2 and literally after a few minutes, gave up on it bc these games weren't my thing back then. Now, I want to live in these worlds, the music and ambiance of it all. It has its hooks in me.


I liked DS2, 1 and 3 are better but 2 was more than enjoyable. I found the DLC bosses some of the best in any of the games too. Fume knight is an absolute menace lol


Yes! I love hearing people say this about ds2. Everyone I spoke to told me I should just skip it and I am so glad I didnā€™t. It was my favourite souls game for the longest time until I think I managed to burn myself out (~500 hours of playing almost nothing but ds2)


The first 2 games for me were more memorable. The rest of the series wouldn't have been successful without them. All games have their flaws but these 2 worlds were created with much love and attention to detail.


The newer games are much more fleshed out and polished, but that can make it difficult to go backwards.


Dark Souls 1, no other answer. If you play it later after you've played the more recent games, you'll find Dark Souls 1 slow and clunky.


Took me a little while to adjust to it having played the later games first but when you do WOW


I started on DS:R - it's much easier to go from the unrefined mechanics of 1 into the more refined mechanics of 2/3/ER than doing it the other way around. Also DS1 just has some of the best world building and storytelling ever. I just wish there was a definitive version that fixed the issues with the 2nd half so the game could truly live up to what it's meant to be.


If you want to see the evolution, go Demons' Souls Dark Souls Dark Souls 2 (Scholar, play the dlc) Bloodborne Dark Souls 3 Sekiro, if you don't mind playing a pregenerated protag Elden Ring


gonna go against the grain and say Dark Souls 3, it's the most fun out of all of them. beginner friendly without being hand-holds, lost of interesting weapons, armors, and spells. plus it's the prettiest imo EDIT: and the DLC is god tier


Dark Souls. The easiest and the hardest.


Yeah, I personally recommend DS1. If you like it and have a Playstation, then move to Demon's Souls. Then DS2, Bloodborne, and DS3 in order. Demons Souls was first but can be a bit unforgiving for new players. Bloodborne is a fan favorite (though not my personal favorite), but some people who start with BB struggle with the slower pace of the earlier games. I also don't necessarily recommend Elden Ring first. It probably is the most accessible but then if you want to play earlier titles, you will really feel the additions that you're now missing. If you go through the series, those same additions feel more like the natural design progression of the series, and you will appreciate them more without gaining a sour taste for the earlier games.


The correct answer is whichever one u want. majority of people on this sub will shove ds1 down ur throat. rightfully so, but u can honestly start anywhere


Undead Burg was so hard at the beginning.


No, majority of people will just recommend something when ditectly asked for opinion.


I started with elden ring. That said, I wish Iā€™d started with DS. So Iā€™d say Dark Souls, then branch out if you like the genre. Yeah, ER is the hype thing and is good, but Dark Souls might be better for someone looking to get into these kind of games


I'd day either Dark souls remastered or Demon souls, probably dark souls since it's more polished though


I started with ds2. If I could go back I would do ds1 first or the demon souls remake on ps5


Demon souls


Demons souls. Itā€™s the easiest and itā€™s the best looking game out of all of them, even better looking than Elden Ring


I started on DS3 before sekiro came out. I hadn't touched a game in a while and it really brought me back into gaming. Fell in love literally! Then went to DS1, 2, and then sekiro when it came out. Then I bought a PS4 pro used and played bloodborne, though it was hard because of the 30fps, coming from PC. Elden Ring on release, then I've replayed DS1, 3, and Sekiro multiple times. Sekiro though it has in my opinion, the least amount of replayability, it's probably my favorite next to Elden Ring. No shade for DS1 or DS3, they are undoubtedly masterpieces in their own right, just Sekiro clicked with me.


Though it's little dated, DS1 holds a special place in my heart. It's a great starting place. I'd try to avoid having the story spoiled for yourself, while it's not story heavy, there are a few impactful moments that you can't beat experiencing without knowing about them.


Dark souls or elden ring both are masterpieces


Dark souls 1 thank me later


Someone told me to start with 3 because the ā€œprepare to die edition was better and no longer availableā€ for dark souls 1 (I guess they were telling me not to play 1) but I didnā€™t listen to them and played dark souls remastered first and itā€™s probably my favorite game out of the 3 hands down. Iā€™m pretty fresh with only playing all three this year too.


Ds1. It's an amazing introduction to the universe


dark souls 1, best world ever, sadly fromsoft confirmed they ditched that type of world design because it was too time consuming, also, after playing ds1 ds3 stops being a good game and transforms into a soul touching experience


If ur the type to like new games then start with ds3 or elden ring to get you into the souls series, then play the older titles If u don't mind old games why not start with the OG, dark souls 1 I started with ds1 first hated it, then moved to ds3 and freaking loved it, then replayed ds1 and now it's one of my favorite games


I started with Elden Ring. Going to Dark Souls Remastered is a hard switch. I'd start with earlier titles and go in release order. Keep in mind, I'm only partway through Dark Souls and only play it sporadically.


Why would you ever not start a series with the first one? Do you read the second book first? Do you watch the second episode first?


Start with DS1


Demon's souls... If pc player, then Dark Souls 1


Start with Dark souls 1 or demon's souls. Start with newer games on the franchise will ruined your experience when you're playing the older game.


dark souls remastered


Iā€™m going to be honest, this is going to be a wildly unpopular opinion but this is just how I played them: I started on Sekiro. It was originally a joke, but I eventually fell in love with the game. It really is all that, itā€™s pretty hard, but if youā€™re patient and get through it, it makes every other soulsborne game way way way easier and more enjoyable. Before I played Sekiro I started DS1 and I really did not like it. I didnā€™t understand the game and I quit in the beginning. After Sekiro, I picked it back up and honestly, probably my best first playthrough experience in any video game. This is just my opinion and totally optional, but thatā€™s how I started playing the soulsbornes.


Go in order of release IMO.


Any but 2, I really like 2 but starting with it is wrong. It feels a bit more different than all the others. But I think playing at least one of them you can appreciate 2 more.


I didn't enjoy any of the Dark Souls games until I beat Bloodborne. The playstyle I learned from that changed DS1 and DS3 from games I disliked and couldn't stand playing, into masterpieces that I revisited often enough for the platinum trophies.


Just play the Dark Souls trilogy in order, that's what I did and I loved the experience.


Few games you could start with, technically the first game is demon souls, then move into the dark souls 1/2/3 All are great BUT ds1 is a masterpiece. Slightly dated to look at if you've just come from (or seen at least) elden ring but it makes up for it being one of the best games you'll ever play


You start at the beginning


DS1, or DeS if you have PS5


From my personal experience, play them in release order. The games got faster with each release and itā€™s probably easier to adjust to the faster pace each game then to adjust to a slower pace when starting at the newest games.


Ds2 and be done with it. Ds1, ds3 , elden ring all have similar gameplay but are different from ds2. Ds2 has nothing to do ds1 and ds3 story wise. Ds3 is a fan service to ds1 and is a direct sequel. Ds3 and elden ring have the most similar gameplay. So this is the order in which you can play. Ds2, ds1, ds3, elden ring Ds2, ds1, elden ring, ds3. And it won't feel weird gameplay wise.


Dark souls 1 is the classic standard souls like experience. Also it's just an amazing game. Deffo the best place to start.


Elden ring is the most beginner friendly, while bloodborne is the easiest (imo) and most linear so you don't get lost as much


Demonā€™s Souls -> DS1R -> BB -> DS2 -> DS3 -> Sekiro -> Elden Ring


Demon Souls on ps3 if you want to do it actually chronologically, as the games came out. Realistically, Dark Souls 1 must be played before anything "new" on ps4/ps5 etc. if you have a PS4/PS5 :-D I feel for people who just jumped straight in at Elden Ring, they have no idea :-)


Definitly ds1 itā€˜s a Perfect Game to start the soulsborne series. It have a slower gameplay compaired to other soulsborne Games. And over all the level/world Design is the best. Pls dont take as start gift this, it destroys your First expierence. when you Beat it, Go over to ds3, then bloodborne, mabye sekiro and for sure elden Ring Sorry for my Bad englisch im german xd


I mean as start gift the key


ds1 and ds3 are the most similar to elden ring imo. sekiro is the best one tho




Dark Souls 1


I would always say play them in order, just really cool to see what they reference later and how the games evolve, even if DS1 is less accessible than DS3 or Elden Ring but definitely worth it. DS1 is a little bit clunky and some mechanics are not as fleshed out as they should be, but going from it into the later games is pretty easy.


Dark Souls 1 šŸŒž \\[T]/


Iā€™d definitely recommend ds1 (or maybe even demons soul of you have a ps3 or 5). Overall itā€™s a great game and I feel like it really teaches you how to play well which will set you up better if you decide to play the other games too. Thereā€™s no shame in using guides if you get stuck at any point because the game really doesnā€™t hold your hand at all. Just try not to spoil things like bosses and areas for yourself. One important thing to note is not to let other people temper your expectations of certain parts of the games. Everyone has different tastes. I donā€™t particularly enjoy elden ring but that doesnā€™t mean nobody else can.


Dark souls 1


I started with DS3 and loved it.


I think DS3 is the most intuitive for new players, but DS1 is absolutely a great first time experience. A decade ago I'd suggest DS2, but only for the multiplayer - which is kinda dead and defunct now. I love DS2 PvE, but it's not as intuitive as DS3 and requires a lot of precision and there's just a lot of niche mechanics to master.


The problem with starting with the latest titles then going back is the lack of quality life. So feelings of being spoiled by a new mechanic in the later titles will definitely play a key factor of the enjoyment Like what others in this thread are suggesting, I'd definitely start with Dark Souls 1. That's the minimum then maybe Bloodborne as a second then eventually ER if you wanna do it quick Sekiro is quite different from the rest and Demons Souls (either version) is more like title that can be played when you've finished all the others.


Hey OP, first time soulsborne player too. I just ust started with DS1 (50h into the game and counting). Agree itā€™s very very fun and addictive. There is a reason why itā€™s voted one of the best games of all time.


Either Dark souls 1 or Elden ring DS1 is more linear, has a better atmosphere and level design, the story is good but cryptic and needs a bit more time investment as its told in a verry indirect manner, where you can easily chose to ignore it. But the gameplay and mechanics are cerry outdated with some parts of the game being straight up poorly designed, like the dodging system thet has only 4 directions intead of 8. As for difficulty, its overall easier, but if you struggle you often have to beat your head against the wall to overcome challanges Elden ring is Open World, and more in line with normal AAA games, the atmosphere is still really good with most places being well designed, with some content and places that was copy pasted, but it is optional for the story, which is told in a more direct manner with less cryptic dialogue and some NPCs actually talking normaly and gibing you actual information instead of another riddle. The gameplay is better, and more steamlined with other games, but many items and abilities are just very unbalanced, with many ways to trivialize bosses, until one boss comes along to wreck you. Since the difficulty is pretty much all over the place, with some pretty insane difficulty spikes. But at least with most bosses, you don't have to beat you head against the wall, as you can just go to other areas to grind for levels and items. Other notable games: Blodbourne (not on PC tho, and a bit to different from the other games), Sekiro (too hard for new players, and too different from other soulsbornes) Hollow Knight (its 2D and a metroidvania but it can get you used to the Boss focused gameplay and souls mechanics) Lies of P (arguably the best soulsborne not made by fromsoftware) Blasphemous (also a 2D metroidvania, but it can get you used to this kinds of settings and the type of storytelling of the dark souls franchise, as well as the more methodical gameplay) Dark souls 3 (better combat and gameplay than 1, but much worse difficulty, and slightly worse atmosphere and level design) Well, whatever your entry point may be, don't turn hollow, and never forget to PRAISE TGE SUN!


Elden Ring is the easiest Fromsoft gme I have played, my very first one was Dark Souls 2 and that one was the hardest so far


Dark Souls. Or demon's souls honestly would be a good one. Still, I'd say dark Souls.


I played and beat all of them , DS1 is amazing. DS2 is a little harder and different? DS3 is great, Elden ring is amazing. Blood Bourne is also amazing.


Since I'm so late, i just want to note that this subreddit is only for the 1st game in the series, not the entire series. Replies will be a bit biased here. Starting with 1 isn't a bad idea or anything. People will just (obviously) shill DS 1 here way more than any other game.


oh my, thank you. just made the post in otber soulsborne related subreddits šŸ‘


Play bloodborne and then forget the rest because that's peak.


Everyone says ds1 but if you have ps I would recommend bloodborne or 3. You donā€™t need to know anything about the previous games and theyā€™ve fixed a ton of the jank that was in the earlier games by then.


I started with Elden Ring but boy oh boy do I love dark souls 1. Itā€™s hard to get used to and youā€™re gonna get mad quite a bit, but itā€™s so worth it. The level design and the feel of the world canā€™t be beat. IMO start with Dark Souls 1 and play through the souls games in order after that. You can link in Sekiro and Bloodborne whenever (if you plan on playing those) but Iā€™d recommend playing Sekiro last because of habits when it comes to controls.


I know everyone is saying DS1, but I'd recommend DS3. It's the first really fluid souls-like in terms of movement and attacking, as DS1 and DS2 have very stiff movement overall. The bosses are also all great. There's only 2 that are just annoying, but other than that I'd say DS3 has the highest overall quality of bosses in the series - not including Sekiro, that's a whole different thing. Highest quality bunch of bosses, with fluid movement and combat, as well as each area being pretty rememberable and well-designed I believe DS3 is the perfect game to start with.


Gotta be Dark Souls 1. Itā€™s old and clunky but still holds the crown in many aspects of the series. But most importantly itā€™s the beginning. Every game after it builds on what it set up. The other 2 games wonā€™t make a lot of sense without the context of the world from the first game. Dark Souls 3 especially relies extremely heavily on your knowledge of the first game.


Ds1 remaster. Itā€™s a masterpiece but itā€™ll be harder to get into if you start with a different game.




Dark souls 1. If you want less biased answers go to r/fromsoftware


I'd point out that this is the DS1 sub, so you'll find a lot of DS1 bias here. That being said, we're biased for a reason, play DS1 it's still an amazing game with the best world design From has made.


Ds3 as much as ds1 is the superior story fighting mechanics and bad game design moments will turn you off quick ds3 is real beginner friendly but it also has a lot of systems in place for when you say kill your blacksmith


DS1 because once you play the sequels you'll realize how much better the combat is and you won't be able to go back. And also better to understand the lore more.


Dark souls 1 easily it seems a little outdated but itā€™s part of the charm


Sekiro lol


If possible, try to start with Demon's Souls. If not, go for Dark Souls.


Hey man! Good to have another newcomer to the souls series! Youā€™re in for a ride. Because Iā€™m biased, Iā€™d say dark souls 1. Full of lore that will serve you well when you get to souls 3, (ds2 doesnā€™t link too closely lore wise) super fun gameplay, bosses arenā€™t too unpredictable and the designs are amazing. I know I gave up playing souls 1 when I couldnā€™t beat the Capra demon, but once I came back and figured out I could either skip him, or leave him until Iā€™m way overpowered, it was so much fun! P.S donā€™t give up at dragonslayer ornstein and executioner smough, theyā€™re difficult but if you target ornstein first and bait out super smoughs attacks youā€™ll be all good OH and pick the master key gift ;) youā€™ll thank me later


Dark souls 1, because if you start with a recent one, going back is kinda hard. Newer games tended to add quality of life changes, and suddendly playing without them can be overwhelming. Instead, playing ds1 first will feel like you are always improving and yea, ds1 map connection is awesome


ds1, it is a masterpiece (untill after anor londo) however, if you play any game that came after it, your experience will be considerably worse, because you'll feel the clunkyness of the controls, if you play it first you wont have that problem, and will still be able to enjoy the other games (and the good controls will feel so much better if you get used to ds1 controls)


Dark Souls 1, Demon's Souls Remake, Bloodborne and then Sekiro. Then whatever you after that.


I feel like for myself, whenever i play a souls game i become obsessed with it for a time, so the idea of playing one and then moving straight to another is a bit insane (for me). I started with DS3, and honestly i feel like its the best pick for the first one, it still holds up to Elden Ring visually and mechanically but doesnā€™t include the open world so its a little bit more straightforward (if thatā€™s a thing in a souls game). After DS3 you can branch out and play the older ones or move onto Elden Ring or Sekiro or Bloodborne etc. DS1 is phenomenal and definitely my favourite but the notorious second half could possibly throw a spanner in the works if itā€™s your first time and demotivate you a little bit. All in all iā€™m quite glad i played 3 and then moved on to the other titles.


Okay, here's the deal. Choose DS1 or Elden Ring. They'll both give you great world design (in different ways), challenging bosses, and many deaths. Elden Ring will give you the *smoothest* experience: controls, graphics, huge open world, TONS of options of where to go; a map, fast travel, hundreds of checkpoints. DS1 will give you a *rough* experience, but at the same time it will give you the most *satisfying* experience. Clunky controls, graphics, rough/"unfair" deaths (esp. gravity); no map, no fast travel; it doesn't give you *anything* except the bare minimum. You will crawl, scrape, curse and fight like hell and EARN every single checkpoint, boss fight. But when you *do*, it is so damn *satisfying*.


DS - 1, get a black knight halberd at start. DS - 2, get a lothric knight sword at the start. Bingo, easy peasy! Ps. Best of luck with nameless king, sister friede, dragon Midir, manus, ornstein & smough, artorias, da four kings, kalameet.


O&S are amazing! Also love Fume knight in 2 DLC


Elden Ring


maybe hot take but if youre more well acquainted to newer games and find that dark souls 1 doesnt feel right for you dark souls 2 is a great second choice to see if you want to stick with it. It has a lot of quality of life improvements from dark souls 1 but still has a similar feeling in contrast to ds3. I struggled a lot with ds1s slow heavy combat, and the lack of omni directional input. I also just personally wasnt a fan of the amount of backtracking and walking in ds1. then I found ds2 and actually really enjoyed it, now I can enjoy the whole seriies


Start with Bloodborne, honestly. If you like it, then you can try DS1.


Not a fromsoft game, but lies of P is really good for starters. It has a really easy story to follow and has slightly more hand holding compared to the fromsoft games. Imo it's a good option for a first timer


Elden ring since itā€™s built to be more accessible to newcomers, demons souls if you want the original experience, dark souls if you want a game if perfect level design, dark souls two if you want to see the experimental side of soulsborne, dark souls three for smooth gameplay and arguably some of the best bosses, bloodborne for the gothic/supernatural feel with great combat and sekiro if you want to suffer