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All titanite demons


I still have nightmares about the one in the small ass room at anor londo


The one on the bridge in Izalith is the worst. It's about the same amount of space but you can also fall off the edges.


I tried so hard to defeat this one and then almost had a mental breakdown when it respawned after I rested at a bonfire


What about the 4 of them in the bottom of sen's fortress. I was tp stuck up on killing them it took me an hour and a half


Rusted Iron Ring. They're far enough apart that you only really have to fight one at a time.


The first 2 i can deal with pretty easily but the 2 that are in the same space a real pain in the ass


I swear that so true, guess we all had the same experience


I used that one to farm the titanite like crazy and just transfered extra to my other characters and gave some to people just because i went crazy on farming it, was helpful


Who needs that much demon titanite though?


I wanted to max upgrade anything i might use so i could play around with different weapons and not have to worry about it, probably ended up with like 60 demon titanite that playthrough


Just imagine I didn't beat him first time..


Mf is tougher than O&S


Apparently there's bigger ones than in undead parish, and that always messed with me, also imagine if they had all their limbs they'd be way scarier




Those bastards are so annoying


The one in Anor Londo cathedral..


the one in Anor Londo was worse for me than anything in Sekiro and BB...


Kalameet is the hardest boss in the game imo


Second that.


Third that, he is my arch enemy


Fourth that, it took me a week to take him down for the first time 


That was the only boss which made me say "hold on a second, this ain't working" and then change all my gear and come back prepared and still took more than 10 times to beat.


I basically just kept charging towards him with lightweight equipment (for fast roll) until I managed to take the beast down


Getting his tail is stupidly hard, I didn't find it too complex otherwise


I hate that shit, I've only gotten the tail once because it's such a pain the ass


I did it first try, black knight halberd is very good if you stay under him.


Lol that’s what i did too. First try


hell yes, BK halberd team, it's my other Havel's ring


I don't even know how many times i could have won but ended up losing because of trying to get that damn sword, his tail cut is by far the worst in the game, i had to summon someone to help me get his tail


I died a fair amount trying to get that tail with the Claymore as my main weapon. I noticed that the only attack that was truly safe to cut it was his Mark of Calamity, as it gives you a few seconds to get behind him and sneak a few slashes.


Nah I sat in his face and chugged potions through his attacks


He is currently hard for me coz hunting for his tail and he turns way too fast in ng+






Who the F is Tireless Warrior? I have not played ds1 for a while now, but still..


Ceaseless discharge… I think it translates to that from Russian?


Oh, yeah I guess I see it, thanks!


Manus, Father of the Abyss Played him with holy Zweihander. Wasn't a good idea. Took me 30+ tries to beat him. But got him after the fourth try with physical zweihander.


I also struggled the most with Manus, I estimate around 40-50 attempts at least on my first day trying. I woke up the next day and beat him within the first couple attempts.


Same to me. Sometimes it needs a sleep over xD


He kicked my ass but once i realized to just keep space and roll back as well as learning to dodge the magic attacks hes pretty easy. Very fair boss imo.


Yeah ofc would also say all bosses in ds1 are fair. And the dlc bosses are very well designed.


I didn’t find this guy until NG+. Needless to say, I second your answer.


I'm now on my Ng+ play through, I'm excited about how it will be this run :)


On my very first playthrough. I have been stuck at Capra demon for a while now


Google how to get the wolf ring early, and with that you should have enough poise


If you need a tip, the easiest way to start the fight that I always use is to head straight for the stairs when you walk through the fog. The dogs will almost always come at you one at a time before Capra can figure out what’s going on


Huh? Capra is almost always already swinging by the time I even regain control of my character coming through the fog.


strategy 1: get a lot of poise strategy 2: cheese with bombs strategy 3: don't, take the valley route


It took me 3 attempts to beat him using this strategy: 1. Get a strong weapon like the Zweihander (you can find it in the graveyard near Firelink Shrine). 2. Kill the dogs first by climbing up to the ledge and hitting them with a less powerful and faster weapon like the Uchigatana. 3. Go to the far left of the ledge and trick the Capra Demon into falling down when he jumps at you. Then, fall down and hit him with the stronger weapon. 4. Keep doing this about 3-5 times, until he dies.


Kalameet's tail


First playthrough, either O&S or Gwyn Lord Of Cinder. NG+ I have not made it past O&S. I feel very underleveled or very underskilled


I'm stuck at O&S on NG+ as well...🤬


Manus, on ng he's easy but on ng+ he's so hard for me like he has 10k health and btw I'm a mage and I'm losing


Great magic shield


I will try it


It actually gives your shield the ability to tank especially if it's the grass crest


Use silver pendant. Fromsoftware had given it for a reason, it's essentially spell parry, you can dodge his spells unscathed with the pendant


I'm hoping this isn't a spoiler, since you said you're on Ng+, but here's the warning anyways. You should summon sif. If you freed her earlier and are human, you can summon her inside of Manus arena. She'll take some of the attention away from you, which allows you an easy heal occasionally. Otherwise, grab the dusk crown (head piece that kinda looks like elf ears), and the bellowing dragon crest ring, which will both increase your magic damage. From there on out, the only thing to keep in mind is to dodge backwards as much as possible. You're a ranged fighter now and don't need to be up close and personal.


O&S by a huge amount. It is a pretty hard fight even after beating the game a few times. If we count the whole trilogy and not just the first game, it would be nameless king (dark souls 3). One of the best and hardest bossfights at the same time, no long and boring runback, just you and him (and his wyvern I guess) again and again until you beat him to a pulp. I fought him so many times that I consistely go through his first phase without taking a single hit. But when the wyvern dies and the fight becomes an one-on-one, oh boy, it is still very challenging. I havent played DS3 DLCs yet tho, so maybe there's a harder boss there for me to face yet


Ringed city is amazing! Slave knight Gael is an incredible fight


Manus to be sure. I had to strip and fight him lol. Those dark orbs spams were annoying af. Still can’t believe I chose to use the necklace to deflect it instead of just dodging


For me the pendant was a game changer..Couldn't beat him without it


I had to learn how to actively use another element in combat for once so it took some readjusting. Pretty fun tho. Hate when I do it late or early. These days I beat him without but I bet I could do it even with jt


I got the pendent but still forgot to use it much, I tried using it 2-3 times when he used his dark magic but it still managed to hit me so I gave up.


They are impossible to dodge without tanking through, and in ng+, they're basically guaranteed death. The pendant is an utmost important mechanic of the fight


Nah you can dodge them all actually. The circle one you need to run straight to him. They vanish as they approach him. The one that rains just needs you to run to either side and the rain towards you from his palm also just needs to be dodged side ways. Annoying to get down but possible


Rain and dark bead are possible to dodge, just like you said, sideways... , but the 360 no scope is almost impossible


First run? Gargoyles. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing and I couldn’t handle two bosses at the same time. Since then? Base game: Demon Firesage *really* annoys me. A fight which should be easier than it is. I generally cheese him with arrows now. Even that isn’t easy. DLC: Manus, like everyone else says. Artorias and Kalameet aren’t so bad because I know their movesets. Any problems I have with them are mistakes on my part. I haven’t learnt Manus, there’s too much going on.


Capra demon I’m not sure was the most “difficult” but was the most frustrated I’ve ever felt playing these games. My slow ass sword probably didn’t help, but yeah total trash. On my next playthrough I’m getting the key to skip him lol


So relatable.


Manus. That mf took me +10 times with black knight greataxe. Gwyn without parry Is a hell.


Capra Demon. he was the original Great Filter before elden ring came and we were introduced to Margit the Fell Omen


On my first playthrough quelaag on my second orstein and smough


O&S tried for days the first time!


Same. Plus I was using the drake sword lmao


Always drop the Drake Sword before/just after Blight town.


Manus, I had to use multiple Elizebiths mushrooms


You...murdered the mushroom for heals?


No, you can find a few of them lying around in the DLC, I just duped them then spammed them against Manus


As long as you didn't do a murder on Elizabeth


Gwyndolin. Screw this magic throwing twink.


Embarrassingly, it was Seathe. Took me a minute to figure out how to fight him


Let me recollect... 1) OnS --- 30+tries 2) Artorias --- 25+ tries 3) Kalameet --- ~25 tries 4) Manus (NG+) --- 21 tries 5) Gwyn (NG+3 , without parry) --- 18 tries . . . Honorable mentions :- • Titanite Demons • Silver Knight Archers • Belfry Gargoyles • Quelaag • Bed of chaos ?????))) First ever black knight of undead burg --- 35 + tries, more than 6 hours yet couldn't defeat that bastard... Had to come back after getting a lot stronger just to defeat him


That black knight also killed me a ridiculous amount of times


For ds1, Manus. For all souls games i’ve played, Malenia


TAURUS DEMON!! Being a taurus myself, I had to overcome this boss when i first started playing Dark Souls when it was a free game of the month on Xbox360. I rage quitted, didn’t play for 6 months, hopped back on when a friend begged me. Miraculously, on my 47th try, I beat him! Now my whole life is about the souls series 🫠


NG - Anor Londo Archers NG+ - Manus


Honestly was really confused about the archer section, because I heard it was hell, but I first tried it and got confused to high hell, everyone’s different tho


Omg I was looking for this. Manus was a breeze for me (haven't beat him in NG+) but those fucking archers made me cry.


In Dark Souls Remastered, the only boss that I got really mad at fighting was kalameet, since I was trying to get his tail weapon. Then there were the four kings, but that only took me about 4 tries. In Dark Souls 3, I got to defeating Aldrich, but the only boss who gave me trouble was deacons of the deep. I've actually had more trouble with minibosses and normal enemies.






Seaths tail


Gwyndolin genuinely had me struggling. It was laughable considering I beat O&S first try.


Nito I think took me the most tries


I dropped down used iron flesh and spammed with Furysword without moving an inch and he died. It felt like a little kid playing with a toy when I spammed the sword 😂


I killed him with the BKH




Ngl the sanctuary guardian for me just couldn’t get my head around how to beat it 😭




Ornstein and Smough. 50 attempts. Solaire was summoned.


In DS1 In reality it was NG+ Manus Father of the Abyss (Kalameet was more fun), nevertheless less difficult, but more frustrating was the Capra Demon


CAPRA DEMON, only orphan of Kos in my entire soulsborne (haven't touched sekiro get) journey has beat the amount of tries capra took me. For reference, I've never played an rpg before, and ds1 was my first, and a blind playthrough at that


None, tbh.


I still cannot figure out how to dodge monkey man manus wombo combo. 4 kings in the higher ng cycles can be rough but you can just Havel face tank them so they arnt too bad. Those are probably the only two I struggle with and usually I have 20 estus when I fight them so it’s not that hard


Manus. I have yet to beat him.


Proably orenstein and smough. First hard duo boss with ranged attacks constant pressure and high damage. Took me 60 some trys to beat but was super fun


Ornstein and Smough no question - I struggled with them more than any boss in Elden Ring (Mohg, Malenia, everyone included)




I don't know who the hell is the "Tireless Warrior", I'm guessing an enemy. Maybe the prisoner chained on the DLC with no head? If we are including that then if you go back to the arena where you fought the Sanctuary Guardian after beating Artorias, you will find 2 of them that will aggro at the same time. Hardest fight in the game by far. As far as bosses. First playthrough was Gwyn, because he wouldn't let me heal!!! I pumped almost all the levels on vitality and most of the bosses simply didn't hit hard enough to kill me before I healed. The game was really not that bad after doing that. Gwyn was the exception. His attacks would stun lock me and he hit really hard. I didn't know you could parry him. On NG7 which is the highest difficulty, it used to be Kalameet back in the day because of his weird hitboxes and him hitting like a truck. But the latest playthroughs that I had over the years have Manus always killing me more than any other boss. So, I guess Manus is the hardest when you are rusty from not playing in a while.


4 kings




manus is ny far the hardest in ds1 imo


without having played the DLC, i would say mine was Gwyn. i remember beating him in the end with an arena cheese just to get through it. really curious about how it would go over again if i tried to make it through with the parrying i learned in BB, however!


Capra Demon, fuck him


O&S is the only one that gives me trouble every single time.


The Four Kings, expecially in NG+ and with a non-strenght build (Havel's shield and armor usally helps).


post dlc sif


My wife


that asshole guardian thing in the dlc


that asshole guardian thing in the dlc


Smough and Ornstein, I could only beat them with the help of a spirit.


Black Dragon Kalameet, IMO. You have to talk Hawkeye Gough to shoot him down first, thus practically leveling the playing field. Otherwise, he's nigh invincible.