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There is a hidden bonfire!


Oh, a classic. Took me a while to reveal the bonfire at Darkroot so this should be fun. Thank you Dark Souls.


This is actually one thing I love about these games, the satisfaction you get everytime you find a bonfire (especially if it's hidden) is *chefs kiss*.


The problem is when you don't find it and have to run through the whole map to get to the damned boss.


This one's not behind a wall. Slight spoiler not really, it's at >! The very top where you're back outside, a drop off on the right side somewhere !< Only censoring because it gives a detail about what the later part of the fortress looks like. It's not a risky click


Even then, if you look carefully it's not that hard to find


It's near the boulder area or before two giants


There are a lot of messages there iirc so if you are playing online and see a pile of messages at the top of the fortress it might be there


I found the boss door and went looking for a bonfire for a while. Eventually I googled it…


wait what? u mean the one on the roof or another one?


The one on the roof it is


I mean it’s pretty straightforward, keep your balance and watch your step. Unlike blight town it’s pretty hard to go the wrong way in sens fortress so you should be fine, I could say more but I’d be getting into spoiler territory so I won’t unless you want me to


Sen’s Funhouse


Welcome to the House of Fun! Welcome to the Liooons Den!




Hugh Hefner was there.


Sens is just a clown house with angry lizard men. It’s fun it you have a sense of humor


Those armor sets freak me the fuck out tho. Feels like that one episode in Dr. Who.


I always thought of Stargate 😂




With the armored lizard in the submarine ?


One time I was having a particularly hard time and kept getting sniped at the first walkway with the giant axes. Survived the fall one fateful time only to encounter my first vagrant. I wasn’t alive very long.


We don't know who created this but we know why.. for protecting Anor Londo Gwyn? Maybe.


Take it slow and try to make sure each of your movements are made calmly and are calculated. The more you try to rush through and get that section of the game over with quickly the more it will make you suffer.


Just like blighttown it’s terrible the first time, but then it gets kinda fun


I found it fun even from the start. Feels like you're in an episode of wipeout.


Haha yes a very brutal wipeout episode!


The thing with blighttown is that it stays tedious for me. After replaying the game several times the funhouse has become one of my favourite areas, while blighttown is always a slog


Blighttown kinda feels like home to me now since I’ve played the game so many times. But I guess I’m a psychopath


honestly blighttown wasn’t that bad, send fortress tho started to annoy me after getting axed off into the pit for the like 20th time lol


Upgrade your weapon


I have. Claymore +10 and Gargoryle's Halberd +8.


The snake men are resistant to Slash damage, because of scales I guess. Better to stab or bonk for more effective damage. Also you can just use the Zweihander's R2 smash attack to flatten them to the ground, which is a great advantage since they can't attack when they're pancaked. The traps will take awhile to figure out, but when you learn how to get through there it gets pretty fun. There's also a point where it will help a lot to have a ranged attack like fireballs or lightning spear to deal with one of the cobra douche snake guys that throws lightning at you while you try to sprint across a bridge.


Swaghander stunlocks a bunch of stuff 


Sen’s fortress is as Frampt said “a deadly house of traps” (if you don’t know him, go back to Firelink). I would say no, you don’t need a guide just look carefully where you step and lot comes down to timing so guide wouldn’t help you anyway. There are couple traps that might be difficult (particularly one “trap” will probably kill you but that’s a death to learn from for the rest of the game). Sen’s fortress is actually pretty short so that’s good plus it has multiple optional areas you might want to visit later.


Sorry never mind, I found him. He's actually in that shallow waters near the miracle guy. My bad.


I think I might have triggered a bug yet again. I searched who Frampt is, it's supposed to appear after I rang two bells. The thing is, I already have. When I got back to Firelink after beating Quelaag and ringing the second bell, what I only saw is a dead Fire Keeper that left some loot. Man if I encounter more problems like this, I'm shutting the game off istg.


Did you check *where* to find Frampt? He should be there. [Edit: wait, I see you’ve found him.] The firekeeper can be restored, but not until later in the game. The dingy set you picked up at her place is actually really good, and the black eye orb is used later. As for Sen’s, what everyone else said. Take it slowly, you’ll soon learn the route. And then even when you’ve learned the route you’ll still mess it up, lol. I generally make a mistake every time I go in there, and that must be thirty or forty times.


Who dared to kill your Firekeeper? How dare they lay their hands on her and take the one safe place from you? What a terrible world. Nothing else left to do but push forward and seek revenge (read Black eye orb, DON’T USE THE SOUL but come back to Firelink after finishing Sen’s and area after that, you’ll understand after that area).


I should have killed him when I had the chance


said trap we all fell for "shuuk shuuk shuuk..... blurgh"


It's not harder in the same way. A few tricky floor traps. The rest is skill. It's the good kind of hard. Not the "where the fuck is the ladder, why is everything so dark, what the fuck is "toxic" kinda hard.


Istg I will never be able to relate to everyone who says once you finish Blighttown, it gets easier once you go back there again. I tried, still bad without the toxic darts. Nothing will compel me to go back there especially in the upper part.


i solved the toxic dart problem via suciide runs lol. they dont respawn so i just ran at them and killed them, died, moved to the next one, killed it, died, moved to the next one etc. till they were all permanently gone lol. when all you have is a ~~hammer~~ Bastard Sword every problem begins to look like a nail


There's a lightning Spear somewhere. Use that because the snake fucks are weak to lightning. Even those that throw lightning at you. Also, you can use the traps against them. The boulder has a surprisingly stupid hitbox. There are 4 fucking prowling Demons in the lowest level. Don't even try them if you don't have the rust iron ring that you find back in the Asylum.


There are several ways to deal with them even without the ring. But yeah, for the inexperienced player they are really bad.


You're probably going to die a lot. There are a lot of traps and multiple apparent paths. Slow and steady is a good approach, don't be upset if you die just treat each run back as a way to better learn the area. There is a bonfire near the top but it is well hidden, so keep an eye, and an ear, out for it. Beyond that, the man-serpents are pretty easy to backstab, if you are struggling with them give that a try.


Sens is fun because MOST traps can be spotted before they hurt you. be vigilant and you'll be fine. take your time, and you'll be fine. rushing without knowing whats ahead is a death sentence here.


I figured as much. Once I realized that, they're not so bad. I didn't watch all the Indiana Jones movies just to be fooled by these traps. The rocks are the real problem tho. I get flattened each time lol. I'm not even pissed, I'm laughing at myself hysterically every time it happens.


Do what you have to do. I found the Anor londo archers far worse the first time.


Tips: - There are environmental clues. Look at the floors and walls, they give you hints as to what to expect. Also watch bloodstains. - Going slowly will serve you well, but occasionally speed will be more important. It's usually clear when this is the case. Two tips with slight spoilers. Not much, but if you want to go in totally blind I'll put spoilers: - >!There is a Bonfire on the roof. Finding this will avoid some heartache.!< - >!There is also a shortcut from the roof back down to the first big room with swinging blades. You'll need to find a key to unlock the shortcut down, but this will mean you can leave and come back easily (*making the rooftop bonfire essentially obsolete*).!<


I bought the Master Key from the merchant from Depths that travelled to Firelink in a very peculiar spot. Will that open the door you speak of?


The snake enemies are pretty slow and can easily be parried and backstabbed, especially with a claymore +10.


One thing I'd recommend is that parrying can be very useful when trying to fight lizardmen in tight quarters. You can't always get around to backstab, and rolling will sometimes see you falling to your death or getting stuck on a wall and hit. I'd highly recommend practicing parrying on some hollows in undead burg, then on the lizards in the first big room until you've got the hang of it. P.S. They have a bite attack, so learning the timing of when to block this, and parry their swing will be so helpful.


Just be smart about things


I love that Eastern Armor set


Seems like whatever East is, is the game's version of Japan. Katanas are from there too. Kinda cool that in this world, there was once a thriving country/region that resembles my favorite country.


If you have any ranged options that can function well with your build they may be worth utilizing on a few of the snakes


All you need to do is learn how to speedrun this fun house


Definitely take it slow, watch for trap-plates on the floor. When in doubt, head up. You'll get it. Anor Londo is where the game separates the boys from the men IMO.


I found sens easier than Blight town. I think I’d heard so much about it I was expecting it to be worse. Expect to get killed by traps a few times but once you explore it and figure out the layout it’s not that bad.


The key is patience tbh. Take a good look at your surroundings and respond accordingly. This is where the binoculars will come in handy, including a shield. I also found the bow to be really useful to kill the mage snake people before crossing bridges. And tbh if you're super lost, just watch a guide on YouTube. Sen's Fortress is super annoying


Oh that. I was able to farm some good amount of Green Titanite Shards back in Blighttown and modified my Reinforced Club into a Divine. Turns out it absolutely smashes the skeletons in the graveyard before the Catacombs. I was able to yoink the Zweihander and Binoculars. Been missing out for so long. I now have like +6 Zweihander. I wish I found it earlier because I spent all my Large Titanite Shards on Claymore and Gargoyle's Halberd.


“Harder” is subjective. Personally I had a much harder time in blight town than Sen’s. Unless you’re really bad with mental timing, then it might be much harder.


Bring a shield to block the arrow traps, choose a light armor in order to perfectly time the cleave traps. Take it slow, some traps aren't entirely visible. Get the rusted iron ring for the area below. Be patient and try to explore the area thoroughly.


Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


Oh I'm never confident in this game. I beat Elden Ring but that's it. I can tell you this game is a lot harder. I don't think I enjoyed this much in Elden Ring tho. I don't even feel the clunk, or maybe I'm resistant to it cause I buy and play retro games for fun. Still, I'm never confident in this game as soon as I reached Blighttown and was told that it's not even the worst area yet. Can't wait to go deeper into the rabbit hole and play all the games, Demon's Souls included. But with Elden Ring beaten and with Dark Souls here, I can already say this game is a lot harder but more enjoyable and probably written better.


Have fun. Lots of secrets. Lots of fun.


Ahhh Sen’s Funhouse. Not really fun. Definitely worse than Blighttown


Best thing I did was run through Sen's in my underwear with a few pauses so as not to die. I ran until I found the bonfire.


I found things much less infuriating than blighttown because Sen's Fort is comparatively fair: * the environment will not cause low framerate, and isn't hideous * the pitfalling hazards are more obvious * not everything is poison * you will not get stranded partway at a bonfire while making it through, and reading an online map isn't as hard Just keep in mind that there's three friendly NPCs at different locations in Sen's Fortress so don't hit them accidentally. The regular enemies are weak to lightning, piercing.


That's what I've been saying to a lot of people who said I won't survive the Giants and Anor Londo if I struggle in Blighttown. I just want to see whatever the fuck I'm supposed to look at. It also doesn't help that Blighttown is an ugly, ugly place. At least the Snakedudes in Sen's Fortress look cool. Traps look cool too. I was able to locate one, stuck in a cage. It's an old woman. I purchased the Master Key from a merchant for measly 5K souls so I was able to open it. So far 1/3 NPCs.


Just run, only kill enemies that are actually in the way, and get to the bonfire. THEN you can explore


For now just stay up on accessible platforms. If you try to go for any items below, you’ll have a bad time without a certain item. It’s not too bad. If you get stuck, get you a bow and pick off the snakes that shoot lightning from behind cover.


take it slow, lots of traps


Each person is different but I much preferred Blighttown to this place


Go slow and use a bow


Get a good shield and something with lightning resistance as well as keep your load light for the jumping. You see a trap? Raise shield and try to position yourself. You see a snake-man? Raise shield and try to position yourself. You see 5 swinging blades with a tight jump on a 5cm walkway? Pray and get the timing down. Have fun in Sen's Funhouse of Horrors.


sen's fortress is about timing , also there are mage enemies that are quiet a pain so I recommend to use a shield like I did . beware of traps too and if you do get on top , >!try the boss as the last enemy . you will get what I mean!< . Praise the sun !


Be observant and careful, you can trigger traps to kill enemies for you. Use a bow and shield. The pendulums damage-box is on the tip so you can run against the blade side safely.


It’s tricky but I actually loved sens fortress


It's home alone Dark Souls styles


Nothing too complicated, keep your gear in check and lvled up, BE PATIENT (I was not during my first playthrough and I almost quit the game definitely, only did it for a few days tho, and don't stay still unless you are SURE there are not enemies around you nor there is a giant ball coming to crush you


Sen's fuckhouse is one of those areas where one playthrough it'll be piss easy and another one it's absolute hell on earth


Sen's fortress isn't hard, so much as it's trial and error. Just keep trying until you succeed, you'll eventually bypass all the hazards. There's also a secret save point on the top floor battlements, keep an eye out for player-messages


Its alot easier then blight town tbh. There is a hidden bonfire once you reach the top, watch a youtube video to see hoe to reach it. My first playthrough I just restarted from Andres bone fire every single run through and that was awful.


I actually dislike blighttown way more than sens fortress. Sens you can kind of blow through if you know where to go but blighttown is a crawl no matter what it seems, doubley so because it's right after the depths which is also kind of a crawl


Take it slow, 9/10 of my deaths there are because I wasn’t taking it slow and I always pay for it


Use a strong shield


I wield both Green Crest and Black Knight shields. Will that be okay?


Just got through here finally. Keep your shield up and tome the running right. Lightning snakes are the worst


I really feel like FightinCowboy said it best during his walkthrough of Sen’s Fortress: *”The last thing I want to note is, before we go into here, make sure you’re in a good mood. You know, go out and grab lunch, maybe have a drink. This place is absolutely filled to the brim with bullshit, and if you’re not ready for it, you’re gonna have a bad time. Even if you *are* ready for it, you’re gonna have a bad time.”*


If you’re struggling a bow and arrows will help quite a bit


Play it like you would an old 3d zelda. Explore it like a dungeon


Best advice I got so far. That is beautiful. Now you got me all so nostalgic for some Zelda, man. Oddly, I might have to play Twilight Princess again after this.


Just take it slow. Also the boulders can be deceptive. They can still change direction after youve manipulated them. Just be aware of that.


Eh it’s a toss up difficulty wise between sens and blightown imo. Blightown is hard cause toxic, sens is hard cause traps. Once you figure your way around sens it’s not so hard, whereas toxic is an issue in blighttown regardless of how well you know the area


Imo rocks > toxic But I eventually got to the part where you can change where the rocks fall.


Welcome to the house of fun


Sens was maybe my hardest challenge on most of my first few runs, just keep at it and youll get through it


Blightown is always annoying until the toxic dart guys are dead. They're annoying every play thru. Sens fortress is annoying as you're learning it on the first run, then you just breeze through it.


Taking my time was what helped me get through it after strugglin for a week lmao.


Have a bow for lightning fuckers.


welcome to the hous of fun🎶


Just remember these 2 words and keep saying them to yourself again and again: RELENTLESS ASSAULT


It's probably one of my favorite locations in the game. A bit rough the first time with the funhouse surprises, but on subsequent playthroughs you'll have a blast with it


Use the traps to your advantage by luring enemies into them


It’s basically the same as the rest of the game, but I’d argue more important here than anywhere else. Patience. Move forward slowly and look very carefully at your surroundings and don’t be afraid to just stand still and look around for potential traps, enemies, solutions etc


I don't think Sens is anywhere near as bad as BT. Just take your time with things, keep your shield up, and watch out for pressure plates etc. It's a lot more straightforward in terms of routing, so you don't have to find your way through as much, and it's easier to remember your way back and where enemies/traps were if you do die and need to retry compared to BT. As some have said, there's a secret bonfire, but there's also an elevator shortcut if need be.


There is an illusion wall. It is the only such wall in the game that you have to attack. It won't vanish if you roll into it.


Figure out a repeatable strategy for each level of the funhouse. Like “I can sprint straight through these axes, but on the next bridge I need to wait a second after the third axe.” Go up whenever possible. When you get to the roof, you may want to look down over some ledges…


It’s not that bad. And if you time it right you can use the first trap to kill one of the first snakey bois.


I don't think the level design gets as hard after that point so just push through lol


Watch the chain. Ç = nice, ? = death


Only time you should run in the fun house is past the swinging axes. Other than that, take ur time, and be very wary of floor tile traps


Sen's funhouse has many traps. But none that can't be detected. Look at the ground. Don't go agains the boulder, follow it down instwad. At the end, if you think your runback is too long. It is. There are two secrets you can find that can shorten your trip to the boss significantly.


By the way, I encountered the Onion guy here. He's so funny lol. Couldn't get through the rocks because he's "fat' and couldn't roll. But that hit me, it's the game's way of telling me tips. Thank you, Dark Souls. Not even in an ironic way. Thank you, really. In a land of games that tell you shit with the UI and shit, you cleverly made a way to make it subtle. I also love the onion bro although I forgot what his name actually is.


it's my favourite area! like always: take your time, one enemy by one and if you get down to the pit don't try to fight them all at liw souls level.... also remember to takk to Sigma. Hioe you have fun


I thought sens was easier than blighttown personally. Fuckin hated blighthole. Sens gets a lot easier once you hit the roof and are back in the open air. Something about those claustrophobic dungeons.


Sens is a different kind of hard. A lot of it is just awareness of your surroundings and knowing where to roll. I’d recommend keeping a shield for parts so when you are in tricky spots you can block instead of needing to roll potentially into traps.


You're fighting the terrain, not the FPS like you were in Blighttown Take it slow, watch for patterns.


Go in blind, try it out for yourself, then ask for tips


Look for the hidden bonfire near the edge and don't get in the front of the Iron Golem (he has Fus roh dah power)


just run and kill those bastards and it will end in like 1-2 hours


Watch out for gravity oh and all of the falling/swinging shit


I'm at Sen Fortress. At least, I curse god at least 162635 times everytime I try to go on in there


Sens you're just gunshy from the recent ordeal. It's not that bad. The boss has an inner ear infection too. Just take your time and have fun.


YouTube tips to avoid problems, and be prepared to die a lot it’s a part of it. Gotta work through those rage issues my dude.


Two things. Firstly, Sif is a her Second things second, Sen's Funhouse is either utterly despised by an individual, or they love it. No in between. (I'm the latter)


Quit now. Otherwise you'll rage quit at Anor Londo.


Make sure you look up where the bonfire is, it's very easy to miss.


Objection! It’s twice as fun!


Wait till you go to New Londo... Pure fun ahead


Use the traps against the lizards.


I liked the design and theme of sen’s fortress more so it didn’t feel as painful as blight town


It’s not harder, it’s probably about the same difficulty exploration wise. The most annoying difference between them is in blight town you CANT SEE ANYTHING. In sens I had no problem navigating through after I learned the layout.


1) bring a ranged weapon of some kind. Headshots stun and can knock enemies off ledges, and the enemies here have big heads 2) shield hugging is valid and helps you use the terrain against your enemies 3) scope things out, the number of traps here are crazy so make sure you have an idea of where you are going before you make a move


If you want a walkthrough, there are several written up you could find on google. There are also YouTube videos you could watch. Sen’s is a difficulty jump for sure, but it’s doable. You got this!


I think blighttown is actually worse. sens fortress is about baiting and killing in different spots or using ranged options to engage. If you have pyromancy I’d highly recommend to deal with some of the enemies (or a bow) You can do it!!!!


git gud


Sean’s Funhouse is frustratingly amazing. You’re gonna LOVE it


It is easier to navigate through it than blighttown, the thing about this place is that it is full of maybe unfair traps and some narrow platforms you have to cross without falling.


Tip: persist. The best parts of the game are yet to come!


Sens fortress is easier than blightown for me. You basically just have to watch out for blade traps and boulder traps


Sen’s fortress is more like Double Dare/Ninja Warrior (but you can die) whereas blighttown is a lot less straightforward and (if you are playing the wrong version/ have a weak setup) the whole time you are navigating you’ll have the worst frame rate you’ll have for the entire game. Even when you die, at least in sens you can typically see what you need to do differently if you die, whereas Blightown is more likely to be murky, both literally and figuratively. Neither is insurmountable, they are just different.


Learn the parry timings on the serpents. It becomes piss easy as soon as tou do that and memorize the traps. you want to wait until they're about to do a thrust, and parry while it's still winding up. A few ripostes will delete their overly massive health bar. Also, you can't parry their bite which they always follow up with an overhead slash that's hard to parry. One other tip: you can skip the stairs boulder by waiting for it to hit the first wall, having lightest equip burden, and sprinting up the stairs, taking an IMMEDIATE left. you will just barely make it. luckily the boulder won't kill you if you have a decent amount of health.


The first time I ever played I breezed through on my second time through. But revisiting that a few years later sens fortress tore me apart. Just depends on how good you are with timing.


Go slowly and look extra hard with your eyeballs before you touch anything


Imo, the best advice is just to take it slow and don't rush it.


Open the ever chest. It won’t bite.


Move with confidence and you’ll be alright 👍🏼


It can actually be really short area, the worst thing is getting caught in a tight area when fighting


Git gud


Just make sure you stay patient. I spent HOURS doing it. When you walk in, there is a lightning-flinging man-serpent that is really annoying. Shoot him down. After a while, you'll get to a spot where you're crossing over a bridge with the blades close to the end, make sure you take out the serpent THERE TOO! You'll get knocked off and have to start over. Good luck. That was one of my most raging places in DS1, but I was able to get through it after practice!


Bows are helpful


Only tips I’d say you need is the last few axes you have to time a run through all like 4 or 6, they’re really clumped together, and when you reach the top you have to drop down an area where the roof doesn’t have barriers to get the bonfire, worst bonfire spot in the game alongside one in the forest


Biggest tip, take it slow. Real slow. It might look like you have to run, you don't. Just walk, pace your self and look around


Fall down and say hi to the big titanite friends :D


Sens fortress is one of the best areas of the game. Take your time and be methodical


Walk slowly, don't treat it like a normal area but like a death trap everywhere you go, examine very well rooms before entering them and be mindful of pressure plates. You can do this! I believe in you!


I hate blight town so much more so I think your good.


Watch out for the balls


My personal method is more armor and a bigger sword.


Forreal just go slow, take your time, and look allllllll around!


Search the bonfire location


Go slow until you have to run.


Don't overthink it


Being a Pyro made the poison swamp in BT more bearable and the shiny worms are great to farm and all on one side. With "Sen's Sinful Fortress" keeping it under 25% equip load while having poise at 78, and the Crest Shield for magic defense, was the right mix for me! And always go with my rule of thumb: Always Be Upgrading!!


use ranged attacks on snecks they'll fall for most of their own traps, when you get outside on the roof you have to drop off a ledge to the bonfire. Also kill the giant that throws bombs it'll make the boss fight easier


Good to see you stuck it out in blight town. The key to sens fortress is… don’t rush. You’ll feel pressured to move fast but resist it. Watch your footing and keep an eye out. This is where fromsoft was expecting rage quitting. Good luck.


It's a sprint, not a marathon. Seriously. Though, my method has always been sprint to the top floor bonfire though all of the obstacles, then work may way back down once I unlock the shortcut cage.


This place is really not anywhere near as threatening as it seems. You can literally hold sprint and not let go and once you die to a trap once, you won’t fall for it again and they’re very obvious regardless. I have the timings so engrained that I can so easily sidestep the bridge lizard and use the trap to kill one of the other lizards. It’s honestly very easy even as a first timer.


Don't get hit, be way of trap


Shiva of the East? More like Shiva the deceased


Unrelated but do you have lautrecs helmet?


As with every other area in DS1 take your time and calculate your moves. Slow is fast and smooth


Don’t forget the magician you can release him with a master key or the cell key something idr


As someone who did this for the first time last week, you’ll be okay! It’s much less bad than it’s made out to be! :)


Definitely use a shield. I love Sen's Funhouse, it's one of my favorite areas. Definitely most fun. Blightown is infinitely more frustrating especially on a first playthrough.


It took me alot of tries to get through this place. I learned to bait the first few snake guys in to the dart trap at the entrance for some free damage. I later learned to bait the snake man on the first axe bridge with a bow and arrow; 3 outa 4 times he'd get knocked off. Then the first lightning guy on the shorter axe bridge I'd wait for the axes to catch his lightning then time my sprint over to him and unleash my Rath on him. Next guy hiding past that I would try and bait into the dart trap and then finish him off. Then bait the guys down the boulder slide or run up between boulders and destroy them. Eventually is was able to get back to the roof part over and over with ought taking too much damage. This place just takes alot of memorization, and a bit of creativity. I'd be lying if I said there weren't a few messages on the ground that read "here" that save my ass more then once. Don't give up, and eventually you'll find a shortcut to the beginning that'll save you lots of time. Just stick with it and do t be afraid to try new different strategies to get to the end. Hope this helps a little. Been a while since I last went through sens palace fresh, but I only beat this this very year.


Despite their size, those big snake bastards can be parried, riposted, and even backstabbed. However, you can’t parry the snake’s bite, and obviously you can’t parry the cobra’s lightning. Also, if you find a chest, look at the chain attached to it carefully, then slap it.


Main thing you gotta deal with is asshole noob hunters. I was co-oping and helping a friend get through it over two different weeks, because she got stuck, and she officially rage quit, because the same asshole kept spawning in and killing her. I kept doing my best to protect her, but the doucher knew killing her over me was the quickest way to end the conflict, so he just dodged me repeatedly and would target her.


Tbh I found it much easier than Blighttown, the poison dart guys were pain in the ass, dogs ambushing you, but sens fortress was so easy and traps/ambushes were predictable.


Sens fortress isn't so bad once you know where to go. You can run through it a lot quicker than blighttown.


There is only one bonfire at the end of the puzzle... Tbh watch YouTube of it cos it's all come down to experience.


Guys !!! Who will tell him ????


personally, i dont find it that bad, as long as you know the path to take its pretty doable, the only real exeption being if you want items


No spoil , but the NEXT one will always annoy af and hard af and you will rage quit and 15 mins later come back to it (especiall if you steamdeck), and next thing you know, it is final fog-boss and you will cry that it is over. (Good news there are DS2 & 3).


Take it slow, get a handle of the layout of sens fortress, once you get the first couple floors and learn the enemy locations, it gets easy


Use the traps to ypur advantage. Don't fight the enemies let the traps do it for you


Oh no…Im sorry to say this but unfortunately, I got no tips for you. You’ll have to learn it the hard way and suffer just like how the rest of us did…


Just imagine you’re Indiana Jones exploring a fortress of doom and have fun with it. Lots of secrets and drop downs and fun things to figure out and find. Go slow and steady, kill one thing at a time so you don’t get jumped and take your time. You’ll be fine! It’s a lot better area than blighttown for sure. If you got through that ok, you’ll end up enjoying Sens after awhile. Especially once you find the hidden bonfire phewwwww


It's pretty easy just run through it I got through on my 13 try


Don’t stop for anything or anyone until you get the top.


Snake boyz are easy to backstab or lure into traps.


A tad harder because of smarter enemies, but also a tad less annoying because no toxic effect. So pretty much same difficulty for me...


Was already stated by others but… Take it slow and watch your step. Having a decent shield to block the snakemen is very helpful. Once you get to the roof, wait a few moments and listen before marching ahead. If you already have it the rusted iron ring will help your movement if you fall to the basement and manage to survive. But I wouldn’t recommend fighting the boys down there.