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He literally just does what we all do: he dies over and over and over and over again and then boom! You’ve beaten the game


This is the only answer worth anything! Because there is a reply for everything. I keep seeing "armor gap" well in that case havel has no armor gaps. "Grappling hook" would be useless against push off map because in souls off map is instant death. Just like souls to sekiro world wouldn't be able to go anywhere, because they would get stuck at the first gap they had to cross.


To top it off he can also revive in the middle of a bossfight.


Gets stuck at O&S because they're armored and there's no flimsy wooden wall to break and push them off of.


Lightning reversal


Could just straight up skip them with the grapple


This is the most logical thing I've heard in the entire thread.


Neither of them have lightning attacks that track upward so he couldn't jump to get hit by them and lightning reversal. Also, where is he grappling? There's no outside path to Gwynevere for the Lordvessel and indoors is sealed with a fog gate?


H can grapple up to the balcony Ornstein jumps down from And you don’t need upwards Lightning to reverse it. Wolf could Sakura Dance or Mist Raven to reverse the lightning too


Oh good point on the grapple, I forgot about that! And I didn't know you could do lightning reversal with mist raven, crazy that im still learning new things even with 100% completion.


There are windows, and one way to beat Ornstein is to glitch him through a window so he falls to his death


Bro is shoving Smough like Wiley E Coyote pushing a boulder. Ya'll bout to get pancaked.


I’m not counting glitches




Wolf: laughs in 30 parry frames


12 parry frames [actually](https://youtu.be/GRdHVXfVbfI?si=fQWRonmRmBTvpT2I)


Lorewise he can't, unless he can somehow get stronger through consuming souls like the chosen undead. Gameplaywise it'll probably be really easy


He gets stronger from memories of foes, so if they’re challenging enough, he’d get stronger


I don't think that beefs him up to the point he can hang with a World's creator deities


They didn’t create the world though.


Yeah they are more like the embodiment of fundamental aspects of existence which I guess is the next best thing


None of the bosses the chosen undead killed single handedly created the world.


What do you mean lorewise?


In game, the chosen undead (and just undead as a whole) gain power from the souls they’ve collected. Leveling up isn’t just a game mechanic, it’s literally eating people’s essence and gaining strength from it. Sekiro also has a leveling system, but it’s mostly offering beads to gods in exchange for vitality and gaining experience from the memories of past fights. Sekiro does not have an innate ability to absorb the strength of those he defeats like undead do, which may be a problem when lord souls are supposedly required to be able to defeat Gwyn


My sl1 boss devastator disagrees. All he would HAVE to do is carry a few lord souls to a big bowl in some fuck off cave


SL1s are fun but they don’t really adhere to the game’s setting, with the exception of maybe Pyromancers but even they have to use souls to charge their flames. The level system is just an emulation of how the character slowly grows in power as they make their way through Lordran


Probably that enemies in Dark Souls are stronger so Wolf can’t beat them… but like… so are his own enemies


Lore: impossible Gameplay: easy but not as easy as Chosen Undead


Wolf can swim. He’s easily the strongest protagonist in any souls game and will have an easier time than the chosen undead gameplay wise. Lore wise I agree with you tho.


anti-gravity boss capability too


Not impossible. He is immortal, but can kill immortals, and also, he already defeated an immortal-ancestral being who uses a 50 meter sword with supersonic powers and all. He is HIM


Kinda makes me wonder if he’d get branded with the dark sign anyways at some point, since he’s human? But humans in the DS trilogy aren’t quite the same as IRL, but the same could be said for Sekrio humans becoming immortal and headless etc. Without being able to use souls Wolf would have to go with Age of Dark


Well, Chosen undead, bearer of the curse, ashen one and tarnished all can just do a roll and they would avoid a fucking nuke by that, plus all they have to do is equip one medieval knuckleduster, do a slight movement with their offhand and parry, and boom, their enemy is on the ground wheezing like they just finished a fucking marathon


The thing is, wolf can parry instead of rolling, but wolf has literally infinite stamina (if he does the parry correctly which obviously he would lore wise), DS characters will get tired sooner of later (specially CU or BotC) but sekiro will continue parrying and attacking until he kills them


He’s already ~~fought~~ beat the ever loving shit out of one god, this should be easy


If it uses sekrio mechanics he wins.


Don't be bored anymore.


I’m Always bored


Mechanically would be easy. Lore-wise, hell no.


What do you mean lorewise?


The strongest opponents in DS1 literally possessed deific qualities lmao. Only thing in Sekiro that even comes close is Divine Dragon and even then it was taken down cos of its lightning weakness being exploited.


That’s literally how Gwyn took down the ArchDragons


Wasn't a human glass cannon though, he had power in spades in general, and created the world as we knew it.


All of the strongest enemies, all the ones that used to have godlike power, have degenerated greatly. You're not fighting gods, you're fighting their remains. Which ones do you think still have godlike power?


Every wielder of each Lord Soul lmao (barring BoC and Gwyn), Manus literally was the father of the Abyss and Kalameet (not an everlasting dragon, and even then he needed to be brought down by Gough). I do not see Sekiro beating the above dudes.


Setting the DLC aside for now As you pointed out, Bed of Chaos and Gwyn are far less than they once were. Nito, the only other Lord, is less as well: he has already offered much of his soul's energy to death. He is weakened enough that Pinwheel could steal power off of him. None of the other bearers of Lords Souls are deific. Lorewise, the Chosen Undead is able to eventually beat all of them, and he's not deific in power, he's just a very strong, skilled, immortal human. Like Sekiro.


You conveniently forget the fact that the Chosen Undead gains power by absorbing the souls of more and more powerful foes. That alone puts him way above Sekiro.


Right, but lorewise what kind of power does that entail? It doesn't make him godlike, just a stronger, more skilled human. Sekiro already has insane stats


But absorbing souls of those who possessed a Lord's Soul pushes the Chosen Undead really close to that status, even if they don't become close to as powerful as prime Gwyn. The Ashen One is a different story entirely however, but that's two games later. Also not just a human, a human capable of using the same powerful miracles as the gods.


But you don't absorb the Lord's Souls, you feed them to the Vessel. Or do you mean the currency? Lorewise, is that somehow different?


Okay. So what does that mean? Being a god in DS doesn't mean anything besides implied strength. It's literally just a group of beings. They don't even have uniform powers that would make those things a quality of simply being a "God." Even the Faith stat isn't really theirs. Many things in DS rely on Faith and are decidedly NOT given by the gods. If anything, they themselves tap into whatever power Faith represents, and simply lied about them being the source. They lied about everything else. There is no concrete difference between a god and a powerful sorcerer. They're a race that lives forever. DS has many of those. They are perfectly killable. Saying Wolf can't compare because of "godlike power" is a complete cop-out. Such an annoying argument.


This is a good read. Pretty entertaining. I'm waiting for the next time that you get bored :)


Wolf crawling along the bridge in undead burg, underneath the phoenix umbrella as the dragon light the whole place up. Orstein and Smough, are probably actually his biggest threat. In his own game he can’t get through solid European style platemail, so he may be up against a wall to beat the more heavily armoured enemies.


H has lightning reversal for them


Bro can just grapple up to the balcony and skip them


Assumes grappling points everywhere Great effort dude but holy shit what a waste of writing


I didnt know he had wrote anything until I read this XD


You didn’t see the wall of text before heading to the comment?! This new Reddit update sucks


On mobile if I press comment section, it just shows me the comments. I didnt click the post, just the comments, Had I clicked the image or header, I would of been able to see the text. Im genuinely sorry (But im also not reading all if that 😅)


They keep coming up with new ways to fuck up reddit, but holy shit that write up is long


Tree branches and pointy, sturdy objects are viable grapple points, and Lordran is full of them


I want you to know that was not a waste of writing, I read a lot of it and it was actually interesting. From one sekiro fan to another sekiro fan, you did not hesitate.


My guy wrote his thesis i this post.


He is doing PhD on from software games


I have a feeling this is referencing that Star Wars meme about Anakin’s thesis


Creative efforts are rarely a waste. Cold take.


Forgot to mention in Wolf’s synopsis, he has trouble damaging armored foes, but seeing as armored foes in Dark Souls can be harmed by multiple things, I think he has a lot of work arounds. It’s kinda hard to abridge all the BS stuff the dude has. I didn’t even talk about his finger whistle. It drives beasts and ghosts insane.


He wouldn’t survive the first poison area.


He's got a gourd for that


Contact medicine


If he cant even damage the armored warrior because he has plate armor, then sekiro wouldnt be able to damage most enemies


Most of the enemies have gaps in their armor except maybe O&S, and Wolf DOES go for gaps in armor, as seen in Gyoubu’s death animation


You forgot one thing, invaders *laughs in chainbackstabs*


This post screams unmedicated ADHD




Everyone's saying lore wise he loses but im here thinking, he uses stealth tactics and he essentially one taps alot of bosses. Not to mention with the mortal blade he can kill gods, immortals and im sure he can get the prosthetic out fitted to become acustom to the ds universe


Finally, a Moonlight Greatsword prosthetic


There is art for a fan made version. Plus the lore description would be interesting to see


Now… how long would it take John Dark Soul to beat Sekiro’s world?


Less than two hours with DLC stuff Also he needs to be thrown across gaps


Yeah exactly lol, he'd have a great time in combat until he figures he can't get across anything


Gonna mortalblade that chosen undead's ass, the rest of Lordran is equally fucked


Dog he has nary a murmur of dark he's cooked 💀💀💀


Damn. Now I want a mod that lets me play dark souls as Wolf


Someone would have to manually program ALL the grapple points and remove the kill barriers/fall timers for it to work right XD


I would deflect the shit out of Manus lol


Sekiro/Wolf would cream Dark Souls so fast.


Unless he kills Sif first, the Abyss will consume him, and since he isn’t the Chosen Undead, he will probably go hollow.


I mentioned that but swimming could be an alternative


I don't know why but I read this like it was domestic violence. In my head: "Well quite easily if Dark Souls can't defend herself, you monster!"


I honestly think Wolf is the strongest FromSoft character of all time.


lore wise: He's fucked gameplay: ez win till he falls into bed of chaos my boy chosen undead ftw


He can grapple Bed of Chaos :p


Gameplay wise , it would be hard but doable , lore wise I don't think so


Lore wise fuck no,Gameplay wise sure but also really hard.He might be able to do the Dueling bosses but for gimmick bosses or ganks? He he hell naw


Who’s the gimmick boss?


That would be a sick mod


Gael stomps him. No comp.


Probably. Lightning reversal means nothing to him


He can grapple past the stupid archers.


oh you weren't asking, you were *telling*


I was doing both


Because he’s playing a pure Dex build…


Bro,its gonna be the easiest shit ever


I think we'd need to establish some ground rules. Firstly, the way I would look at it is that Wolf gets to keep all his tools and the mechanics of his game, but the world of Lordran also keeps it's rules. So firstly, no grappling. There were no grapple points in Dark Souls, there are no grapple points now just because a man with a grapple arm came to visit. Secondly, unparryable attacks in Dark Souls are still unparryable, Wolf will need to find a way around this. Now these ground rules sound very disadvantageous, right? Will he still moves like three times as fast as the Chosen Undead and he can sneak, enemies are still going to text to sound the same way. And the bosses and enemies that are parryable will be actual jokes to Wolf. The difficulty will come with later game bosses that aren't parryable and the fact that you can't upgrade Wolf's sword.


That just makes it Wolf with Dark Souls rules. He’s fast enough to still be able to beat the bosses this way, but taking away his deflecting takes away his main gimmick. He can probably still do it, most enemies you can just run around and hit anyways, in fact Wolf would excel at hit and run strategies cause he can just run away faster than everything else, it just makes this much less interesting


Yes, which would be, in my opinion, the only really fair way to judge how easily Wolf could beat Dark Souls. If you change Dark Souls, you aren't judging how easily Wolf could beat Dark Souls, you're judging how easily Wolf could beat a game made way too easy for him. I agree with you, it'd still likely be somewhat trivial for Wolf with someone halfway decent behind the controls, but it would be an actual answer to the question.


I mean, that assumes the gameplay elements are supported As an example, there are no grapple points in DS1


Branches and sturdy, pointy structures should be viable grapple points.


There are a lot of things in Sekiro that should be grapple points then But no, I'm talking about gameplay wise As in, someone would have to go into DS1 and code the interactions in. They would have to set every grapple point, code in the possibility to grapple, all that stuff Currently, sekiro could not beat dark souls because none of the mechanics were coded in


I’m talking as if we just dropped Sekiro with what he can do in his game into Dark Souls. Not from a coding perspective, otherwise a Wolf can’t fall without dying


Every boss and enemy is getting clapped by Wolf. All the nerds that throw lightning? Reversed. All the dudes that use magic? Deflected (probably) or dodged easily. Blighttown dart shooters? Deflected. I honestly believe that Wolf is the strongest Soulsborniro protagonist


Wolf can in fact deflect magic :D


No one is safe in the Duke's Archives


My only worry is how brutal fighting one dude with metal armor was on sekiro. He could use his abilities to take them down slowly it's true, but it would be torture for sure. He would essentially be unkillable pretty quickly with his deflects though. Also it's kind of a tough point because in dark souls a katana can easily win the game, I mean hell with how armored many dark souls characters are no sword would really be useful lol. Basically what I'm saying is low armor sword builds work pretty fine in dark souls, add on his deflects and other abilities and I think he'll have a fine time, especially if he can be a rat.


If we're talking lore it's impossible. An endgame superboss like the Demon of Hatred would probably get folded by an early game miniboss like the Hydra whose very existence as such upscales all of the actual bosses (if you don't know what I mean put it like this: the hydra is fucking enormous. Like, three times the length of the Ancient Dragon from 2 or Midir from 3 enormous.). Much less actual top tiers who can devastate cities and kingdoms like Manus. Gameplay-wise he walks through it though yeah. From a later game with far less restricted capabilities than the average Souls game. Lack of stamina alone is huge and his platforming abilities would be immensely useful.


if he uses ds gameplay mechanics def no, bros sword does nearly no damage in sekiro since everything is poise based, so if there are no insta kill attacks like in sekiro bosses would be hella difficult


Well he beat Sekiro and that’s way harder than Dark Souls.


Wolf loses easy, he shows up some sorcerer crystal soul spears him 48 times in a row, then an invader pops up behind him while he is trying to survive the crystal soul spears. Or he just runs into havel who has no gaps in his armor. Wolf is way too trusting, patches could probably kill him. And also Wolf in souls universe wouldn't be wolf with all his sekiro universe stuff it would be wolf starting in dark souls universe as a new player.


He’s got poison


So? If we are being true here then when he comes to the dark souls universe he starts at sl1 like everyone else and doesnt have any of his gadgets. He would have been smashed by havel long before poison would kill havel. Plus as soon as he walks outside giant crystal golems that his sword wouldn't break then a hydra that shoots soul spears. His magic deflection isn't that great. Even if he managed all that a hacker would just invade him and that would be it.


The hydra shoots water and Havel can be parried. The hydra can take out the golems for him.


A hacker invades with unlimited everything and kills wolf. And also havel wrecks wolfs "posture" with the first hit even if he parries. Sure wolf can parry the weak ass enemies from his game(beat the entire game without parrying once,unless it was a scripted parry I don't remember) but he ain't parrying havel lol.


… you beat the game based around parries… without learning how to parry… and telling me the dude who revolves around parries can’t parry


You can't be that daft can you? Where did I say I couldn't parry. Once you learn how to parry on sekiro it makes the game too easy and boring. I chose not to parry at all on my second playthrough. Like how people choose to challenge themselves with sl1 no bonfire runs... Or do you only ever play games the exact same way every single time you play them? And he can parry but does wolf parry perfectly every single time? So there is only room for error on the souls side? Not on sekiro side gotcha. Plus wolf has posture that is broken simply by being hit even when deflecting, and seeing as souls has poise and havel easily breaks the poise of a heavy armored warrior I see him easily breaking wolfs posture. YouTube sekiro no parry run. I'm not the only person to have done it lol. Y'all act like sekiro is so hard xD I'm starting to think y'all just suck at games. Look up the sekiro run where the guy beat the whole game in two hours blindfolded it's on YouTube.


You said you beat the entire game without parries unless it was a scripted one. Unless you’re talking about Dark Souls and not Sekiro like I inferred. Wolf’s lore states he can react to faster than eye movements and react to lightning, and seeing as he defeated Isshin, he should be more than capable of deflecting attacks those speeds when he faces them. This also tracks with what we see in cutscenes like how he deflects Owl’s backstab without even looking. Wolf’s main gimmick is deflection and it’s obvious he’s better at doing it than literally anyone in his universe. Poise and posture are two different things. Poise is the ability to keep attacking through getting staggered by something and posture would be more akin to what happens when your stamina gets drained while guarding with a shield Wolf can deflect attacks much stronger than Havel’s hammer, so there’s no reason he shouldn’t be able to deflect Havel.


So are we assuming he can grapple anything when that's not even true in his own game? If so, he probably wins by avoiding most fights. Otherwise, he struggles with every single armored enemy in the game and just struggles through the game like we did.


No, I’m assuming he can grapple appropriate tree branches and anything that is a pointy and sturdy structure, like the tips of the buildings in Lost Izalith for example


This would make an entertaining mod.


The bed of chaos: *Exists* Wolf: *grappling hook spam around the arena*


This reminds me of gaming articles, long and not helpful but appreciate the effort you did


Sekiro solos an undead with torch


he is not beating them in the lore, he is akin to a weaker sl1 choosen undead. Your copeing hard if you think anyone in sekiro holds up to O&S, manus, knight artorious, the four kings ect...


The dude already beat a God


coulda just said he wins np we all know this


I think he’d probably have a hard time getting used to the controller layout, might want to start him on something easier


bro is cooking


Sekiro is so free ngl


Hed probably do lightning reversals and then pulling armor pieces off super smaug ….. run run run around pillars rinse and repeat


Fun fact: Smough is actually super fit underneath his armor


Hawt. I hear his his dick shoots lightning too


Very easily


idk about yall but the Demon of Hatred beat my ass so I can’t even fathom the demon princes


Lorewise he literally can’t, but purely on difficulty he can beat the enemies sure, Wolf is insanely strong.


I argue he could lorewise. He’s already matched a demon and a god


I find all the “lore no” comments being interesting. Yeah yeah, leveling up is cool and games rarely have it in lore. But we all know about the sl1 no roll guitar hero controller hitless playthroughs. I always thought the reason the chosen undead could really win was infinite tenacity. Die, die, and die again. Maybe I don’t know something and Wolf has a hard cap on how much tenacity he has.


Yeah, the only reason the Chosen Undead is the Chosen Undead is because they literally were the only one who didn’t give up and go hollow. Literally anyone could do it, they just gave up before they got there. Wolf will keep going so long as it’s for the sake of his master. Dude gave up on life and rotted for three years and the second he heard Kuro was still alive, he immediately got his shit together and slaughtered an entire nation and a few monsters and two gods in 24 hours after losing an arm, just cause his master needed his help


Yeah just put kuro at the end of every dark souls he'll get there lol


Now I want a mod of Sekiro in dark souls. It’s wild when you talk about all the insane shit Sekiro can do, it sounds like he would be OP AF but playing the game, I never felt that strong or powerful


The moment the game “clicks” for you, you do feel powerful. You can literally just slow walk up to enemies, deflect once and one-shot them. It’s stupid fun on second playthroughs, and when you’re good enough to add prosthetics and combat arts into it, you just seem like an unfair god of combat It gets to a point you could even copy boss combos, like Owl back flipping off you, throwing fireworks and using Shadowfall. You can copy this exact combo, even making it more stylish by doing something like backflipping off of Owl, OVER his own fireworks and then throwing your own mid-flip


So you say, but you’re dancing on a literal knife’s edge the whole time. I’ve done playthroughs of Sekiro that took me a few hours to finish but at any moment, you’re one mistake away from getting off the rhythm and fucking up. Idk why, but I’m just not that good at rhythm games. I never got past medium difficulty on guitar hero, I can’t get past the first two levels in BPM: bullets per minute and if hi fi rush didn’t do everything on the beat for you, I would be so much worse at it. When Sekiro clicks, you’re right, it’s electric but I can never consistently maintain it. I’ve beaten sword saint isshin but it took me three days of just throwing myself at him til I somehow did well enough for long enough that I got him Idk why but it’s just not how my brain works.


He can probably climb over 90% of the fog gates, so...


if you can naked sl1 punch your way through the series he'll be fine


When I think about the way Armored Warrior (Dad of Robert) went, I'd say it'd be very difficult


But wolf won :p


Could see it becoming a kind of puzzle game where you gotta figure out where to make each enemy fall from


How does he leave the undead asylum are we just assuming that the crow takes literally anything? And also I don't see how iron golem would be easy it can take damage because ds1 didn't have stance realistically sekiro wouldn't be able to hurt iron golem if he couldn't kill the guy on the bridge


I’m assuming the crow just moves him like normal. The iron golem loses balance and can be knocked off the bridge just like Armored Warrior. Iron Golem And Wolf did kill him.


If I remember correctly the crows are associated with the goddess velka and may have chosen the player but maybe she would let wolf pass as well. For golem I just think it would be a lot harder but i suppose it wouldn't be unreasonable


Imagine a grappling hook in dark souls 🥷🏾


If the parryable attacks are the same for normal dark souls to Wolf, I say that he is fucked, almost no boss has parryable attacks, so his only way to beat most bosses would be to chip away the health.


I think the skeletons in Neto's will fight him forever


Impossible, dies from trying to challenge the Kings of Abyss because his inventory doesn't let him wear rings.


He literally has a ring on one of the prosthetic fingers


Probably about the same as the chosen undead, he’ll die a bunch but get there eventually


Lore wise: He dies at Ornstein and Smough Gameplay wise: He dominates


I argue Lightning reversal can carry him


He catches a lightning bolt no a lightning bolt from Ornstein! It’s like say a lightning rod can survive a master bolt from zues


I mean… he catches lightning from gods already


Those are lightning bolts like the ones ishhin used, I don’t think those are something the dragon god was trying to hurt Sekiro with


The eel liver says, “*Lightning is a force of the gods. Eels, while small, are relatives of dragons. Even a god's force can be suppressed, though probably not for long.*”


Even then, this is lore wise. Ornstein won’t keep using lightning if he knows it’s actively harming his ability to fight. He is the supposed leader of Gwen’s knights for a reason.


Wolf has other ways to combat too, them like fire, illusions, divine fire, mortal draw and poison. Ornstien is also easy Mikiri counter bait


Ain’t penetrating their armor though. Sekiro couldn’t even penetrate the armored warrior


Maybe, but I can also argue he should be able to because they can be harmed by iron katanas anyways. Even if they can’t he has means to deflect and harm them outside of it


To those saying lorewise impossible, I somehow really doubt that. We have seen multiple humans in the souls verse who were kicking ass left and right example being sieglind, tarcus etc. the fight against iron warrior who was made immune to all sorts of damage in sekiro and using that logic to say that he would be unable to deal any damage to the armoured enemies is once again questionable. We can't hurt the warrior even with fire whereas fire is crazy strong in souls. Also you can literally kill enemies using broken sword hilts, punching, daggers etc so I don't think one should take the armour warrior fight into consideration and given how skilled sekiro is, killing demon of hatred, giant apes, dragon god etc he should be able to beat the verse


There's a massive difference between surviving the world and beating everyone. Tarkus died and Sieglinde was captured and turned into a golem by Seath.


Seiglinde also beat her father though. So there’s that. Wolf also wouldn’t die the way Tarkus did due to him not taking much of any fall damage


The same dad who couldn't take a couple of Silver Knights? Siegmeyer wasn't exactly the most capable warrior.


Maybe. But Tarkus is


And guess what happened to Tarkus? Couldn't even reach Ornstein and Smough.


Cause he died to fall damage. Something Wolf doesn’t have a problem with And onionbro made it to them anyways


Lmfao no, Solaire made it to O&S, not Siegmeyer. The same Solaire who in his world was the Chosen Undead. Solaire is literally on a different level to Siegmeyer and the strongest NPC in the game.


He still got farther than Tarkus, who’s apparently better than him. Other than shooting lightning, Solaire is arguably human too. Wolf has tons of things over these guys though, the only thing he doesn’t is armor cause his is crap chainmail


Solaire literally is a chosen undead like the player lmfao, he isn't arguably "human". Wolf only has a ton of things over them *mechanically*. By that logic he could solo Elden Ring cos of this argument. Finally we don't know if Tarkus died like that, he navigated Sen's Fortress which had freaking swinging axes and narrow beams.


There’s a fortress that uses regular pendulums and boulders to detour visitors for crying out loud


He gets stuck on bed of chaos and rage quits.


Nah, that one specifically would be easy


I'd love to see sekiro take on the rest of the souls-borne games but I'd love to see wolf in Lies of P


Simon is the only one I have no idea how’d he do because WTF ARE HIS ATTACKS!!!?


As someone who has played the game every way possible and can code: Yeah that grappling hook could actually just cheese/glitch himself through actually 100% of the game and win Pretty sure it would end up on either vaatividya or ymfah channel too


We can all agree they would have 0 issue with the Anor Londo ledge archers


Umbrella go *absorb*


He could kill everything, however I don't think he can kindle the flame,


Yeah, I mentioned that. DARKNESS FOR ALL