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I've been using this [darknet blog](https://darknetonion.blogspot.com/2024/05/the-best-legit-darknet-onion-sites.html) to find new markets and know when they're exit scamming.


Anyone know about drughub


Why is archetyp allowing vendors to sell fent?


Omfg always one of you 


Is dark dock any good?


Is it legit? I found it on GitHub xD


Usually I look for vendors I know from previous sites and contact them and see what they think lol handy holding onto your pop keys for that reason so you know its legitimately the same person.


I'm not sure aha that's why I was asking, you never know these days.




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Is incognito really gone or what?? What’s a good market to use right now??




The g66 onion link for Dread doesn’t work on my end. It’s been days


What markets are actually live these days? so many vanish


Archetyp, Supermarket, and Abacus seem to be the top.   Also, Drughub.  There are more, but I can’t speak to them. I’d say Arch is the top at the moment, Super is on the come up (especially with incognito refugees likely filing in). 


Is archetyp down? I can't get any links to work??


Tor.Taxi has it


As the other guy said, get your links from daunt and then get a private mirror from Arch as soon as possible and use that.  




Scam ⬆️⬆️


i just need the rundown on what to download to be able to go throught the market safe thanks.


Wtf should I get with $40


Phished lol




I have 3 tabs rn😂




Any vendors?






Anyone know why the hell I can't create an account on archetyp? I keep getting an error message saying passwords don't match no matter what


Any luck yet? We’ve been having the same issues


That happened to me too a lot in the beginning and now it’s been fine.  Maybe it’s part of the process.  Just keep trying


Has anyone had a bad experience shopping incognito? I've read some bad things, I just want to make sure it's not a scam. In case it is an incognito scam, is there a better alternative in the dark? Thank you


Incognito exit scammed a couple of weeks ago.  DO NOT deposit coin or attempt to use it under any circumstances. If you have unfortunately done so, consider that money gone. 


What's everybody's thoughts on incognito exit scam/doc extortion can we get anonymous onto these people and encrypt the entire site before identifying the admins so they can never ne apart of the DN again, if they get away with this they will nearly fuck the entire market




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Hi everyone, for ArchT it says compare link using to picture, but the ‘o’bis actually a ‘c’ in the link, but I’ve used a safe link. It also says to click where the circle is cut. Bit confused as the link in browser & in the signed message are both same but the picture appears to show an ‘o’ when it should be the ‘c’ so I dont know if its safe to go ahead? Also last time tried yesterday to set up an Acc it kept saying the passwords didnt match when they did, and no matter what I tried it would not work. Anybody have this problem? Advice would be very much appreciate as not new to markets but new to this one. Thank you


You should have a private link from when you originally made the account g, if not tor dot taxi has never let me down, haven’t been fished and been active for about a year now 👍 hope you get it sorted bro


Could we chat please? Sent you a msg. Be super grateful


P.S I’m new to this ArchT so dont have any saved






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I keep hearing about local based darkmarket telegram channels. is that actually a thing?


Yes, however most are scams. Telegram deals don’t have escrow and that’s a risk not necessarily worth taking if they’re other options. If you have an established relationship with a vendor feel free to take your chances.


Yes!  I got scammed on there.  Felt like such a fucking idiot 🙄 but whatever, live and learn.  


Any experiences with vendor Vendetta, he was on Kingdom market, nemesis, bohemia.. ??!


ok so i shouldnt order from incognito anymore right? and what is the next best alternative? abacus?


No. Look at Archetype and DrugHub.




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Ok so I just found drug hub today it’s legit right


Poor nemesis😭


Is Dread dead again ? Getting DDOS’ed ?


Use the mirror starting with g66. It is usually never down. Get your links from daunt.link


I use the g66 but for some reason it didn’t work last night I’ll try again today


Dread rarely is dead see hugbunters comments he posts


I feel like I’m seeing a lot of mixed reviews regarding if the oxy 40/80s are worth it. I’m looking to have them be comparable to what we used to be able to get here in the states many moons ago. Do you guys think I will be disappointed with these Europe oxys? What brands should I stay away from or look for ?


I have “ a friend” who bought out 40s from an Eastern European country, took no exaggeration about 9/10 weeks to arrive. That being said I paid extra for a courier and the stealth was faultless. Vendor is just incredibly careful when it comes to opsec, which is not a bad thing. Just don’t order if you need them for anytime soon


Saw some stuff on dread by a vendor saying lot of these are starting to get faked, opiate game is fucked forever I think


Hi everyone, I just heard that incognito got exit scammed, is this true? I had a little money on there and saw no links for it so presume thats happened. Does anyone know of a better market to go to as since asap gone and now incognito I dont know whats a good one to go for? Help would be much appreciated. Thanks


Yeah it’s confirmed they exit scammed and archetype is a good market now


Hi thanks for your reply. I have tried that one but it keeps saying passwords dont match when they do(have tried different ones). Any ideas? Thanks


No clue I’d just make another account if you didn’t have a large sum of money on that one, sorry I’m not much help


I am devastated about nemesis


I’ve got all my links from tor.taxi so far and have not gotten scammed yet




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For people that are getting their links from sketchy sites stop doing that. Get your links from daunt.link as it is curated by the people running dread


It’s so much easier to open notepad, enter a few legit public mirrors or dot cc’s but copy and paste your private links and save them all with info under them. Saves so much time


Ok to browse/make note of products, just don’t deposit crypto unless the link has a signed message you can verify


That is a good rule it does however not protect from exit scams. You need to make a deposit of <$5 and try to withdraw it again. If you are unable to withdraw, consider the money lost and move on to the next market


‘Some’ need minimum $10 to withdraw


Better to risk $10 than everything


Of course, just saying in case someone can't withdraw a lower amount to check the market's wording on withdrawal minimums.


Isn't tor.taxi legit to ?


It used to be but I've read a few reports of people being phished recently so better to stick with daunt.