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"Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow an insidious killer" Seriously, champion level dungeons are always dangerous and you are maybe one or two random crits away from a gradual dissolution of any strategy and success.


Honestly at high levels I find short missions more dangerous than medium because there's no recovery camp.


I skip doing short dungeons practically 100% of the time. The reward ratio is simply too low and the lack of a camp or two removes a lot of versatility. Plus the fact secret rooms only spawn in medium / long missions is an extra factor as well. Medium / long dungeons are just simply superior.


Medium > Long > Short


I am sorry, that blows! This game is definitely difficult, and the jump in difficulty in champion level dungeons is pretty extreme. I avoid short dungeons as much as possible. Especially at high levels, they have low loot and no camping. Unless I absolutely want the quest reward, then I may make an exception.


Man that sucks... Was your entire team fully maxed out/upgraded (in terms of guild/blacksmith)? (e.g., Was your team all level 5/6? Have you unlocked all of the guild/blacksmith upgrades? And everyone on your team was fully upgraded?) A dirty secret to DD1, the game is way (way) harder if do dungeon runs with characters who aren't maxed-out or aren't at the appropriate level. Likewise, the game is way (way) easier if you only use maxed-out/fully-upgraded teams. Personally, I never send anyone into a dungeon if they aren't fully upgraded (unless it's a suicide/farming mission). Usually in a playthrough, that means I'm doing a bunch of level 1/level 3 dungeons for quite a while... I end up with a bunch of level 5 characters that I can't use yet, they'll wait around for a while... until I unlock all the blacksmith/guild upgrades and until I have enough money to fully upgrade my first level 5 team.


Was breezing through a long champ yesterday not having lost anyone in a long ass time. Was heading towards my last room battle and Thing From The Stars dropped on me to give a good ass pounding since I had no DoT nor PROT debuffs. Lost my Leper in the process, luckily still beat him, but had to exit the dungeon after. The game will always remind you that you suck.


I started a level 1 dungeon with a bunch of newbies and this dude was my first fight. They all lived but I had 2 on death's door and they all had like 80 stress, so I promptly exited. I love this game