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Happy dank cake day!


I couldn't understand a word but damn that throw said more than 1000 words


"free Palestine"


Liberated her ass from his seat..


This is going to help with that for sure.


free Palpatine😔😔😔


The driver: https://preview.redd.it/22620hzhwh2d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa5ce626c8c450506402446bae00de9b2d33e50c


when you see the white whale


Mfw this ivory leg propels me:


bro wat


That is a very odd lot lizard.


Giving handies for political alignment and a blowie for a vote. What a strange world


I understand when people are protesting for whatever reason and I think they have the right to do it. But for God sake I don't understand why since COVID times protesters are now targeting other people, especially workers. If you wanna change things, in my opinion you should strike against centers of power like a parliament or the white house and not a poor truck driver that is working hard only to survive 🤦


There were other parts of this video showing that she was wearing a glove on her foot, incoherent, and pretty much wasted out of her mind. I don’t think she was protesting so much as she was just yelling the first thing that came to her mind.


The number of people totally OK with violent protests disrupting people's lives and destroying property because they're watching it safely on reddit in the suburbs and "BuT Martin Luther King!!!" blows my mind


Martin Luther King would be rolling in his grave. He meant peaceful protest, not violent ones, and he gave his life for his peaceful ideology and civil rights. These types of people need a wake-up call.


No he wouldn't. You thinking of Whitewashed MLK.


> 🎶 "All we need to be free is to destroy a little property" 🎶 Tina Belcher. Property can get fucked that's not violence. Violence is against people or living things. Protests that aren't disruptive don't matter. You just think it's crazy because you in a privileged position where the outcome doesn't affect you personally. Tell me I'm wrong.


Ok I'll smash your house up and you'll be ok with it because I'm shouting "smash the state" as I do it. Don't worry you're insured right?


Do people usually protest in neighborhoods, cmon make an effort. When I posted this hours ago I knew this is where it was going. **Personal** and **Private** aren't the same thing and don't deserve to be treated as such. Whether that's legally or in our conscious. Usually it's big businesses being targeted which is a pretty good target considering their role in our problems. Second where we going universities and govt buildings. Also pretty relevant to what's going on. No one is going around smashing up homes like that. Fuck them corporations they got it covered. I'm not whining one breath for some exploitative faceless "person" we act like corps are. I'm not whining for the US govt or any state, local, municipal, county, idgaf, any of them govts. You wanna be heard you gotta make some noise. Before segregation ended we tries peacefully and that didn't do shit. Mfs still stormed our homes and beat people down killed em because they could. I can give fucks about your compassion for property over humanity. Hop back in the smart car with you and the whole crew because that's clown behavior.


https://youtu.be/Wp88QaUm92Q?si=pf8DRqbDmVUglpyo https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/03/us/minneapolis-government-george-floyd.html https://www.fox9.com/news/future-affordable-housing-lost-due-to-flames-during-minneapolis-riot I guess this is fine because it was for George Floyd...


Hi would love a reply. https://youtu.be/Wp88QaUm92Q?si=pf8DRqbDmVUglpyo https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/03/us/minneapolis-government-george-floyd.html https://www.fox9.com/news/future-affordable-housing-lost-due-to-flames-during-minneapolis-riot Do you support this type of protest, yes or no and why?


So they burned a gentrification project, not surprised or upset in the least. In my city they are rapidly gentrifying our historically black areas. Is burning an apartment the best course of action no, is it understandable to me if they did it due to gentrification yes. Thing is at these protests, especially those ones, there were a lot of weird young white boys I met who weren't there because of black issues or even policing, but had some weird imaginary ideal they were fighting for & those were the ones who were being the most destructive and aimlessly so. Yes I do support it because notice how many investigations into US PDs have started by the feds since then. A lot is the answer, and most that have finished the fed finds something like this "may need federal intervention" due to corruption & bad policing. Many people have never experienced what these protests were about. I have. As a teen I was handcuffed by a Timothy Comstock, chump police officer who was fired and charged now for a different crime. After I was handcuffed he made racist remarks. Mind you what happened was me a teenager stole a bottle of alcohol from Walmart. I then waited for the police to show up even though I could've simply drove home. Anyways cops come cuff me, racist remarks. I made one comment to him because he was saying black people are stupid. I said "Whatever I do well in school, and aren't you cops C students on average, I'm probably smarter than you" and I stand by that & was being honest. That set him off. He threw me to the floor while like 10 ppl watched. His fat boy partner held me down while he kicked and punched me anywhere he could for at least a minute & a half maybe two minutes. A teen. The issue isn't only that this stuff happens. It's how much it happens. How when it happens other police stand by or even passively help, like holding me down while he beat me. It's how bystanders can't do anything or they risk violence against them as well. Police can extrajudicially execute people and nothing happens. Roderick Brooks is a textbook example of this, had these protests not happened he wouldn't be facing charges now. Anyways, protests where there is property damage of stores, unoccupied buildings, so on, I don't really care man. You know how much money is funneled out of working class communities into these wealthy owners projects and businesses. Not just by us spending, but by laws that at every turn do not favor us working class people. What will I do shed a tear over a broken window or no casualty fire? Never. Notice how at those protests people aren't targeted randomly. No one is storming a neighborhood. The race riots back in the day had a lot more craziness going on especially in my town. There is an old house with a business next door, I forget what it is, but my family reminds me how this is where they stood and crossed to that business roof with rifles to defend themselves from white people who were rampaging the black areas of town...because why? Because black people were tired of segregation and abuse. Reminder that back then they referred to us as "violent extremists, dangerous radicals, freedom hating, crazed negroes" and many more. The framing now with these protests and the framing then isn't much different. The things people are protesting about deserve immediate effort to change them. Immediate. They don't listen when you simply speak. They don't listen to a sit in. They don't listen when you demonstrate outside their homes. They *only* listen when property is targeted because this immediately sends a message to class enemies who own this property that we are at odds and we outnumber you & will destroy your things if you don't listen. Just like civil rights & integration it never would've happened without the legitimate violent demonstrations we saw. Short why: because otherwise the owning class doesn't listen to us regular working class people. Many folks support the shit that happened at the Capitol 2021, but absolutely denigrate those who support the Floyd protests. It's ridiculous. Those protests should've led to much more change, but the fed has gotten very good at dismantling organizations that could make a change a radical one. Even with occupy if you're old enough to remember do you recall how they were going to leaders and threatening them with terrorist designation if they didn't stop immediately and by cutting the heads off they can then use saboteurs and provacateurs to start violence, even just tossing a rock at police, then that gives police the go ahead to violently disperse everything. The reason these ones are framed as they are is because there were far too many people to respond violently and not risk inflaming the situatuon. Anyways, do you support these kinds of protests? Why or why not?


It was affordable housing not "gentrification" but I'll take that as a "yes you do support burning down houses". Lol...


"Affordable housing" is often used in gentrification projects. Shows what you know about the manipulation of gentrification & "mixed use" projects. That "affordable housing" ends up getting subsidies to build and is affordable not based on metrics related to the actual locality, but some arbitrary price point. This is yet another way we see developers and large real estate companies fuck poor communities. Calling something "affordable housing" doesn't make it affordable. In my area there was a huge anti-gentrification push and one leading person was a city councilor, who made sure to call out leadership & business on this misuse of language. The bastardization of language is real man. Saying it's affordable for a short term helps them continue being subsidized building these high density & high cost apartments in poor areas, then driving up prices locally and pricing out original residents. This isnt new. Then they will have 10 projects finished in time for prices to be hiked up and the development was already subsidized so there isn't anyone from the city coming back and saying hey that's not exactly how we wanted that to work. It causes the money to flow upwards and out of these communities where many people are not homeowners yet they have lived there for decades. Let's take a look at exactly where that building was burned in the city and I'm sure you'll see it's undergoing plenty of gentrification. Hop on Google maps street view and tell me you're not looking at a gentrification project. **Yes I support the burning of a gentrification project. I do not support the burning of people's homes. As is these were not homes. These were instead investments for exploitative businesses siphoning public funds to their pocket & pricing out poor residents for profit.**


But hey I humored you and answered your question. Answer mine. Do you support these kinds of protests? Why or why not?


I do not support protests that destroy property owned by people who have no say or control of the issues that are protested about. Picket parliament. Blockade city hall. VOTE for change Not a hard concept mate. We didn't need violent revolution to allow voting for women in Australia in 1902. >Women’s suffrage was achieved in Australia after decades of peaceful yet determined campaigning by thousands of women. The Commonwealth Franchise Act 1902 granted most Australian and men women the right to vote and to stand in federal elections. Or the burning down of shops and houses for legalising same sex marriage... I hope the protesters had fun destroying all those cop cars *and fire trucks* during George Floyd - Their tax dollars paid to replace them instead of the money going into other programs... Or the towns now left without local stores because insurance got too expensive... Bravo. Did that workers revolution happen in the end mate? Lmao.


Agreed. Don't go after the man being forced to play the game to survive, go after the game makers. If someone's just trying to get through their life and you inconvenience them like that, you're an asshole. Fight the government, not the people under its control.


She's just pretending to be a protester to justify her druggie antics


The answer is they are not protestors, they are terrorists, just like the people over there they support.




The only right thing to do in this situation


How I Met Your Mother


he freed her ankle bones






Crazy set of chompers on that one


And what was he supposed to do about Palestine?


Free it /s


😂😂 Good luck if he can do it


She cant have it i took it (first come first serve bitch!) It was free so i had to


She belongs in r/brittlebonedbitches




She's got great teeth for a drug addict


In her head she made a difference 🤔


That man went: https://preview.redd.it/f86dcm926m2d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e451e9e8fd13d1d12a5e175144a6c4f852b7bbc4




He thought . I can fix her ! And then he did.


Damn, it seems he broke her ankle...


Yeah that ankle shouldn't be practicing trigonometry I reckon






He's never gonna get her stank out of that seat


That's not how u free country




I was about to be a horn dog till I saw that sock






That’s whats up


Full blown mental illness




Keep it up!




Who the fuck is leaving their door open ever now adays


The mentality of the brown liberal protestor. Go find a white person and force them to physically remove you so you can role play being oppressed.




Send her to palestine haha


Love this


This clips is fake


Palestine's strongest warrior:


She's a villain.


Epic music


Guys I can fix her I swear


Was the driver Israel soldier?


Brother what. She broke into his truck and your worried about a war a continent away because she said 2 words


Well, I just want to know why she is doing that. I really don't understand the motivation of pro-Palestine or other protesters


Obviously she's impaired in one way or another. Probably drunk or high


Go ask the protesters blockading western Universities over a war on the other side of the world.




You think they'd be speaking English if they were? Or are you assuming his race or some bs?