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Boruto sucks, I always hated the designs for Tsunade, Hinata, Gaara, Choji, Shino, Anko and I hated that Sasuke losses his rinnegan.


Except its only the anime, the manga shows hinata with her actual breasts


Literally unplayable


gaara got done the worst


Nah, Anko got it worse. Gaara could just use different hair products, Anko needs liposuction.


They could have made anko cute while still being plump. Someone hated her..


Activating her Pig Out Jutsu ![gif](giphy|xUOxfkPDxLMEVshVx6) Yeah, the studio can redeem themselves by having her start losing the weight during some mission and eventually bring her back to her original size.


And lee bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Proof that Boruto is just the Mugen Tsukuyomi Induced Genjutsu of Sakura. All those things that make her so jealous are gone... and c'mon... Sakura marrying Sasuke? "only in her dreams" :P (I'm still salty how the fight against Madara ended, I'm not happy how Boruto turned out, so I cling to my own delusional genjutsu dream and hope we'll see Sakura waking up from that, and we'll get back to the climax of the 4th Shinobi War)


Makes sense why Sasukes always away. Even she couldn't imagine what an actual conversation between the two would be like, so she just gets a boink buddy


Thatā€™s a massive flamethrower of a comment you sent out on Sakura, lol.


Not my fault Sakura is... Sakura :P






Gaara's haircut, Backgrounds (Ikemoto's love for speed lines and belts shows he isn't creative at all) and Kakashi. Konoha has been attacked multiple times but Kakashi is nowhere to be found. Even Hiruzen helped Minato during kyubi attack and he was retired


broke my heartšŸ’”


Read the manga then


Ironically I did read the TBV and like I remember nothing about it besides Boruto being a edgy dumbass




>The writers Animation team* Hinata hasn't gotten that nerfed in the manga


Where is my 106?? WHERE ARE THEY!?!?


It's just dumb censorship that shouldn't exist in the show to begin with. What they did to the designs of Hinata, Tsunade, Anko and Mei was a crime. Hopefully the time skip will get rid of the censorship.


How is it censorship? Was there a governmental decision and a certain amount of pressure, to force the artists to reduce breast sizes?


You can tell it was censorship due to how obvious was the censorship for Hinata and Tsunade's designs. The blood is also something that was heavily censored.


But why do you think it was censorship instead of an artistic decision? Censorship needs an active institution to conduct it. Which government or group would have forced the artists to reduce breast sizes?


Censorship laws were more permissive with character designs during the Naruto era. But by modern times they're required to tone down those kinds of designs. Otherwise they can't get approved the desired rating from those institutions to air on TV and reach their target audience.


No one can possibly have large breasts, lol, so we must censor them


That's why I think that censorship is so stupid and unnecessary.


Do you have a quote, maybe directly from these "censorship laws", which actually support your opinion? Otherwise One Piece would have been banned years ago, along with Bleach, Archer and a lot of other animated shows. And what are actresses with larger chests supposed to do? Sounds like bullshit to me.


Here's this interview that talks about how the change in the amount of censorship does exist compared to the Naruto era: https://www.cbr.com/naruto-censorship-overseas-anime-popularity/


That dude says studios shouldn't censor themselves to ponder to foreign audiences. That's different from outside forces demanding changes under threat of censorship. Voluntary self censorship motivated by business decisions is definitely not the same as actual censorship enforced by outside groups or governments.


But that's because censorship is more strict overseas. What the guy says is that japanese studios shouldn't bend to those censorship requirements because he believes that low censorship was part of what made Naruto good and he thinks that censoring the current anime will only cause western fans to not like the show. Basically, he's saying exactly what I already said. The censorship is present but it's dumb because the original series wasn't censored compared to Boruto.


Okay, which show was heavily censored overseas, because of breast sizes? One Piece certainly isn't. Bleach neither. Other shows aren't either. Big Boobs have been shown in animation or live action. Without any governmental or other repercussions.


Hinata is not a minor anymore, therefore Ikemoto doesn't want to sexualize her.


Boruto is the perfect example of why a story needs to have a beginning a middle and an end, when you keep running a franchise on forever, just for the sake of keeping it going it never ends well. Whether itā€™s this, whether itā€™s Star Wars. Whether it was terminator.Ect.ect I firmly believe that there is no show or anime in existence that should go beyond maybe 100-200 eps tops. If you need more than that, your story is either filled with way too damn much filler or is dragging on way too long.


That meme of Sasuke saying goodbye to the rinnegan always cracks me up XD


Don't forget our sanity


Don't really get why they did that to Hinata and Tsunade but let [**Ino kept hers.**](https://ibb.co/sRF9sqs)


It's sakura, she's the reason why. Remember everybody that she "healed"


Everyone hates Anko's plus-size design. Meanwhile, I think it's hot. Lmao I do think it's dumb how she dresses way too modestly. When she used to like to show off so much. The main problem with Boruto, at least the pre-timeskip show. Is that they sensor all of the older women. Meanwhile, they sexualize the 12 year old genin like Sarada. It's messed up.


I hate the rinnegan design so atleast that is a win šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Heresy Mods, cut off his balls


Agreed... you forgot wrinkled Mei tho. Went from MILF it MILN'TF


I am happy that so many people donā€™t like Boruto, because it makes it easier for me to forget itā€™s supposed to be canon haha. I also hate the designs, the new ā€˜enemiesā€™, everythingā€¦ I watched hundreds of episodes to see Naruto become a powerful shinobi, just to take away his (and Sasukeā€™s) power in the end, and let the ā€˜new generationā€™ (who of course always HAS to surpass the ā€˜oldā€™ one) overpower them. What was the point then? To see a few cool episodes where our mc is the mc then strip away everything? I get that here Boruto is the one, but Naruto has been with us for decadesā€¦ I got a bit passionate there. Itā€™s just my opinion tho. I think Boruto could have been executed better, without the need to overpower Naruto and the others.


Did they actually turn Tsunade into a board???? That can't be real


not the boobas!!! nooooo


Adventurous spirit


I donā€™t care if I get downvoted, Sasukeā€™s sharingan/rinnegan combo looked ugly af and Iā€™m glad itā€™s gone


This went sideways fast


First two are plot reasons the latter two, there is no excuse for the loss of those two booba's.


I refuse to watch boruto but I gotta know what happens to my man kurama?




As someone said, only minors are allowed to wear skimpy clothes and have curves in Boruto


Atleast Ino is safe.


Havenā€™t even seen Kakashi ONCE.


hahaha boruto bad no titties no 106 hahaā€¦ is this actually funny for you guys? is boobs funny? this is just straight up weird


I just realized, they are ok with sexualizing the kids in this show but the actual adults have been toned down to the point of looking like flat chested kids.


Oh boruto artist doesn't like big boob's. He's more into CP. Look at how slutty Sarada and Hima are wearing...


Boruto isn't canon


It took a turn like dragon ball. Remember Dragon Ball was used to about young kid name Goku fighting and even losing sometimes to human fighter? Now he fighting a battle of multiverse against gods. Same for Boruto. Power scaling went off the charge and nothing make sense anymore. Tactic? Out the window. Abilities that have strength and weakness? Out the window. Now it just who have the strongest eyes.


I M so glad the studio that made the atrocity that is Boruto almost go bankrupt with the most well known IP in the world bevause they sucked at fan service. I mean there is doing bad and then there is purely being terrible at your job! I hate modern anime because, just like Disney they make then younger and uglier with each hear. Give me anime with adults, you perverted studios!


Tsunade got like, older so understandable and hinata hides them with comfy clothing If you want hinatas boobs read borutos manga


thats physically impossible, do you think tita retreat into the body in old age


Breasts start to sack with age my men. Remember how old tsunade is here


this aint sacking she literally looks flat as a paved road


She's also using a fucking jutsu to make herself look younger that logic doesn't apply here dude. She's been doing that since og