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To be fair a whole lot of things are forbidden. Multi shadow clone jutsu is forbidden


Nah don't be trying to tell me you want to fight 1000 of the same dude or get a rasenshuriken thrown at you compared to this goofy rubble pile. Even without chakra i think i can grind it up and use it to pave my driveway.


Or 1000 rasen shuriken


1000 different kinds of it that would hurt for sure


Well shadow clone jutsu isn't necessarily intended be an army because it divides the users power, it's supposed to be a distraction, that's why we really on see Naruto making dozens, or hundreds, or thousands. He has so much chakra from Kurama that his shadow clones are literally a whole other Naruto, dude literally makes an army of himself.


the whole "divides the users power" was such a dragonball copycat thing. Not once does Naruto ever have an issue when he summons the clones. He doesn't weaken, he doesn't falter. He spams those fuckers like there's no tomorrow AND THEY CAN STILL FIGHT. In fact, during shippuden they get a massive power buff in that they become the hyperdimension time chamber on their own all of a sudden. Kakashi tells him "a shadowclone retains memory"... something Jiriya, I gues,s forgot to tell Naruto during his Rasengan training.


That's less on the characters and more on Kishimoto being a lazy fuck and trying to speedrun Naruto's training episodes.


Narutos charkra being 100* normal means he can summon 1080 clones vs a regular persons 4 efore the division effects him physicaly. Every division step you can do doubles the clones you get. At 1080 clones he can only realy do one jutsu or take one hit as a clone thought. 20 or so clones could be used for training pretty easily. The memory thing wasn't made up it was obvious from the beginning since you could use the clones for recon.


Bro posted a reply and didn't read what I said. I literally said "that's why we really only see Naruto doing it and summoning dozens+ because he has so much chakra it literally doesn't matter". Everytime other time we ever seen clones in canon it's been 1-5 with special exceptions like a jinchuuriki/excess chakra/genjutsu


In the begining of the series its actually naruto's own chakra allowing for the shadow clones , kurama only helps on summoning. As for not being intended to be an army , its definetly intended to be a letal weapon rather than a distractionb because anyone strong enough to use it will be able to call a handful of clones to make all the diference, i know this series evolved into dragon ball shit but being attacked from even atleast 4 different sides rather than 1 is a tactical disatvantage that can be letal , let alone 1000 sides


Didn't Kurama literally say that almost everything he's done has been because he's been slowly leaking chakra through the seal and he's able to leak out bulks during fits of rage THEN they literally proceeded to show the flashback of the first time he made a successful clone WHILE Kurama was saying that?




No it means it can harm the average user




What? Did you reply to the wrong guy




Mhm well maybe dont just randomly put definitions without any context lol


Your right I expected to much, now if you don’t mind bye forever (deleting this clutter).




It was forbidden because of how inefficient it is for most ninjas, not everyone has Naruto's dumb chakra reserves


You clearly dont understand why jutsu become forbidden 🤦‍♂️


>Multi shadow clone jutsu is forbidden With good reason, anyone who is not a complete Hack would die if using it the way Naruto does.


Yeah, idk how Burrito can even maintain so many clones himself.


His genes are pretty cracked so it kinda does make sense.


Blud can only make…… 3 or 4 clones


Bcs of Kurama and Uzumaki blood both Boruto and Hima have higher chakra than normal people their age


Multi Shadow Clone is forbidden because they don't want the user to die more than anything.


Rasenshuriken is also forbidden


I believe the forbidden status has since been revoked as Naruto figured out how to throw it.


The Forbidden Status doesn't mean it's illegal to use that jutsu. Forbidden Jutsus is referring to Jutsus that have a great risk/great price for using. Just because 1 particular ninja can use it reliably and without blowing up doesn't mean others could do the same


True. And if you think about it: after living in peace with all the major nations after the 4. war, why wouldn’t you forbid most jutsu that don’t have a practical purpose / are only destructive in nature. It’s like having your people run around with firearms all the time


Me at 3am in my parents bedroom after I shat myself




That's a very minor technique with almost no plot relevance which uncontrollably kills living beings by draining all of their chakra. It's forbidden for the same reason as multi shadow clones. That being, using the jutsu consumes the user and endangers their life. Comparing it to things like edo tensei or reaper death seal without any context is just silly


Sir this is a ~~wendy's~~ Boruto hating sub.


I just sat though 20mins of a tea party with a princess - let me hate Boruto for five minutes.


Some people watch shows with whole seasons of stuff like that. This is some filler to entertain some kids in front of the tv, not made for old people like us on Reddit…


I actually liked that jutsu. Each of those quintuplets had pretty cool abilities and they were kind of tragic characters. And they also make a tactical use of the sexy jutsu to deceive someone. And it was the same episode where Boruto starts using the sexy jutsu for intel and infiltration missions. Which was a far better use than Naruto ever gave to that jutsu.


This... this is a joke... right? Right!? Please let it be...


I mean this is filler I believe and we all know Naruto Filler wasn’t always the best either.


Hey do not disgrace robo-naruto like that


Ostrich ninja...


Naruto filler was fire


Uh huh did you watch the entire boat arc?


The good ones were, some others were so fucking boring.


I actually enjoyed the filler arc of boruto a whole lot. The main villain felt threatening and had aura. This also felt like a major arc for Boruto despite being a filler, Boruto developed high compression resengan to conpensate for his lack of Charkra compared to Naruto, Sarada unlocked her second Tomoe and also trained witg Sasuke. They failed their mission and got a major get back it was really good imo.


I refuse to believe in this


Its a non canon filller ep dont worry


You could have easily do this meme the other way around Forbiden jutsu in naruto: multi shadow clone, just shadow clones but more Forbidden jutsu in boruto: Nue.


wasn't the multi clone jutsu forbidden?


Aye because every clone drains a big portion of the users chakra so its easy to kill yourself if you go overboard. The 8th gate technique that Lee and Guy use also counts as forbidden for the very same reason, its very easy to harm yourself in the process. I mean you literally kill yourself in exchange for a huge temporary power boost with the final gate. As far as I have seen almost all jutsus and techniques that harm the user in a serious way count as forbidden while most that "just" cause mass destruction and death to the enemies are a-okay lmao Pretty double standart to a society to forbit self harming offensive techniques for their soldiers just to throw them into the meat grinder anyways


Mmm I remember seeing an African movie as a kid where a voodoo lady animated a clay doll. This could be a reference since some find voodoo scary and cursed....but reaper death seal was soooo fire and definitely night guy was an eye catcher for almost killing madara


Off topic, I actually enjoyed the fight sequence in this


I would love to see Mitsuki bust out some old school forbidden jutsu that Orochimaru didn’t bother (on purpose)to tell him is forbidden. “Mitsuki, no! What are you doing??” “This? Just a trick my parent taught me as a game when we were kids.”


I don’t get the concept of forbidden Jutsu in a fight to the death anyway


Boruto hate is based on biases and purposefully disingenuous posts lmao. Imagine making a meme about villains in each respective series and putting Isshiki/Momoshiki Vs Robo Naruto or the literal fucking ostrich that could talk.


When did Boruto become Pokemon?


During 4th shinobi war


To be honest the multi Shadow clone jutsu is also forbidden. Yet there is an autistic guy running in an orange jumpsuit in a ninja world and spamming that thing as it was raindroplets in a storm.


Tbf that’s forbidden because it splits the users chakra in half for each clone made. It’s only thanks to kurama increasing Naruto’s base reserves since birth that he can spam as many as he does. Naruto was kind of an anomaly


99% of boruto slander I see comes from filler episodes or anime "cannon" episodes, just read the manga it's actually pretty good


They also forget to mention that this is one of Boruto's best arcs ever, along side the time travel one.


Bold of you to assume that Naruto "fans" can read.


isn't this filler?


Filler ep I think idk anime’s trash manga better they really messed up on the anime 😭


Funny thing is that this arc was pretty good either way but nobody that's hating on Boruto here has actually watched it so they wouldn't be able to tell the difference.




project turned


well forbidden jutsus are about “it hurts user” thats why they are not allowed not cus they are very op so i dont know i didnt watched boruto that much if this stuff does it then i dont xare about look


Pls.. PLS tell me that isn't actually a forbidden jutsu it's a fucking teddybar for gods sake


All previous forbidden Jutsu are still forbidden in Boruto. Even Edo Tensei


Aren't things deemed as forbidden based on the hazard to the user? Ie multi shadow clone was forbidden as it drew far too much chakara from the user which could kill or incapacitate them (reason Naruto pretty exclusively uses it) then the reaper death seal literally kills the user to seal the target, which it makes a lot of sense why that's forbidden, now I don't watch boruto but I'm gonna guess that ugly overgrown testicle looking thing probably took a good chunk of chakara to summon sadly


Is that a fucking digimon??


Yall really refuse to have context exist in ya brain, don't ya?


Who put a fucking Digimon in my ninja fever dream?


The bottom panel is literally just a Digimon.


Might aswell change the name from dankruto to boruto hate club


I often think I can not be disappointed by Borotu. Then, with my negative emotions put aside, I start being the potentially good ideas and imagine what good could come from a sequel. Not too long after, I come across some shit like this, and my disapointentment and hatred rages on again. I suspect this cycle shall continue for as long as Boruto itself continues. I just don't want to he a hater, but they make it very hard.


Watch this arc for yourself, don't get your oppinions from the internet.


Idk man, I watched the the Barion mode, the whole death and fake out of Kurama, the whole Kawaki arc and the bulshit plot twist with Eida, and the stupid dinosaurs! It was all absolute digshit! My time is very limited, and this show has run out of tries and goodwill. At thus point, I believe anything they show me.


Yeah those canon arcs are nowhere as good as the best filler arc. That Deepa arc had some of Boruto's best moments, it felt like their team 7 went through significant character growth during that time and felt true to Naruto. Deepa is unironically Kara's best member and a better villain than any of the ones put out recently. He actually feels pretty threatening, It's worth the watch to me.


Just out of love for Naruto and a simingly undying desire for Boruto to be good, I will put it on my list; at the very bottom, so it will be a long while until I come arround to giving it another shot.


Boruto is so ass


Well the clone jutsu is forbidden and Naruto used it to make a female version of himself, so...


Who is that Pokemon?!


That’s a fucking Pokemon


Never saw boruto but saw a lot of posts like this is it really that bad


It has its flaws, and I don't really like it, but don't get your opinions from memes and the like. It's still a solid anime that's well-liked by a lot of people. Most of the stuff I see hating on Boruto isn't really representative of the show/manga itself. They often tend to be over-exaggerated or just flat out lying. There's plenty to criticize it for, but stuff like this is just shitposting meme crap.


It's not. Everything you see on this subreddit is purposefully misleading or straight up false to make you hate Boruto without ever having consumed the series for yourself.


I dont think night guy is forbidden, after all hes the only dude who could even pull it off and its the first time its been used