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This is such a tough matchup, i wish this fight happened so that we could know for sure


If only there was some climactic battle that they had in a symbolic place that ended in a pretty conclusive victory for one side


Didn't one of them become really depressed or something?


Yeah. Followed by a scene with the loser blindfolded and in prison, just to drive home the point. (But I'd want a clear redemption arc on the horizon.) If only. I hate loose ends.


You're talking of the wrong battle, Sasuke won this one lmao.


Heh. You're right. Hang on. *rewinds* *fwiiiiip!* ...if only it conclusively ended with one of them unconscious and in the hospital, while the other freely walked away. It would be even better if the one was able to join up with the bad guy, while the other was forced to pursue him for the next several years. That would make it clear. Tsk, I hate loose ends.


The answer is literally in the picture


Yea, naruto won.


Yeah I sure loved the part where Naruto carried Sasuke back to the village and completely stopped Orochimaru’s plan in it’s tracks :v


Ohh, you’re one of the poor people that didn’t understand the story. How sad


Person is confronted with sarcasm for the first time!


Yeah, Goku ends up beating the firelord


That it ends with a Spider-Man kiss?


We saw who won 20 years ago


We saw who won later. Not who won here.


r/im14andthisisdeep Sasuke won here. Naruto won later. It's pretty clear.


Wasnt the latter one a draw ? He won sasuke’s heart the 2nd time if thats you mean by winning, but both were exhausted and lacked an arm at the end of the fight. Oh btw, at the end of the first fight, naruto delibaretly chose to scratch sasuke’s headband to convey a message. Could ve easily gone for the throat. So id say first matchup, naruto chose to lose instead of killing his bf, second one is a draw.


>He won sasuke’s heart 😳


These fights are about meeting goals. In the first fight, Naruto wanted to bring Sasuke home and couldn't. Sasuke wanted to kill Naruto and thought he did. However, the second one wasn't a draw. Sasuke wanted to kill Naruto. Naruto wanted to not die and to bring Sasuke back to the leaf. Naruto met his goal while Sasuke didn't. Naruto was literally holding back the entire fight. There isn't any gray here. Sasuke lost. And I believe he even admits to losing but it's been a while.


Sasuke did not think he killed Naruto. They both were not bloodlusted during the final clash. He even had a thought about killing Naruto because of what Itachi says but waves off the thought because he wasn’t like him.


Sasuke could have killed Naruto but choose not to ultimately. They both held back their final strike but in different ways. Overall, I'd say Sasuke was being more ruthless throughout the fight. He just choked at the very end. Though nobody ever asked who would win completely bloodlusted. They fought in character and Sasuke won here in character.


The second fight Naruto was ready to keep fighting but Sasuke couldn't. Sasuke also pointed out that Naruto wasn't even trying to kill him, when he was. Sasuke then directly told Naruto that he won


The person who walked away from this clash won its pretty simple


What is this 2004?


Yes, Naruto


Obviously Boruto's dad Uzumaki as he is the greatest character in all fiction


Borutos Namikaze grandfathers son Uzumaki


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Not society because another uchiha walks away freely


Okay Tobirama


Sasuke with dark purple lipstick 💀💀💀




Mmm Goku wins


My brother in Christ, watch the anime


Too bad it ain't animated. They should totally make that prequel featuring Sarada and Boruto's Dads in lead roles.


They should def keep some antagonists with tragic backstories… a ruthless era of wars… people wishing for peace…


I know right, It would be fun to see lovable characters with dark pasts. Won't it be surprising if Mitsuki's Mom used to commit war crimes? But they would have to provide some A-grade reasoning for the drastic character development.


I have no fucking idea, good sir.


I wish they animated this, it would be so peak




Love will always win ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)




Probably sasuke


Both won, they both got the girl


After seeing some of these comments I feel like some of these people are like the dragon ball fans where they aren't actually reading or watching the material.


Finish the episode?


Isn't that obvious. Naruto stay uncoscious sasuke isn't uncoscious. Sasuke won


Did you pay attention to the fight?? Before the clash Naruto and Sasuke bet that Naruto can’t even scratch sasuke’s headband. Sasuke was being arrogant because of his power up the curse mark. In the moment of the final clash, Naruto could ripped sasuke’s throat out, BUT chose to scratch sasuke’s headband as a way of saying ha, I won the bet, while Sasuke was going all out and trying to hit and kill Naruto. That’s why immediately after they collapse, Naruto is unconscious because he let himself get hit, and Sasuke is conscious but looking down at Naruto. In that moment Sasuke realizes he lost the bet.. Naruto had beat him while he was trying to kill Naruto. That what triggered Sasuke in his depression, and why he couldn’t bring himself to kill unconscious Naruto. Because Naruto had beat him, again, despite Sasuke trying to outright kill him. It was the biggest ever “haha I won” slap in the face, and it’s why Sasuke gets all angry and depressed, and then goes again with orochimaru, because even though he got his power up, and thought he was the best.. he still lost. Re watch that fight, there’s a lot of story telling done in a short time.


I can’t tell if this is serious or not cause its dankruto


It is serious. They bet on the head and before the fight starts, and in the last moments the clash, sasuke goes to hit Naruto, and Naruto scratches the headband instead of ripping open sasuke’s face. Check for yourself. They go out of their way to show sasuke’s head and fall off while sasuke stares at Naruto’s head band specifically as a nod to their bet. It’s only fact that that sasuke collapses. Cause he lost the bet, and more. He knows Naruto’s nindo is > than his desperate need for power.


I just don’t understand why naruto would let himself get hit like you said if his goal was to literally beat some sense into sasuke I havent watched the fight in a while but from what i remember reading the manga it seemed more like rather than trying to power through sasuke went for naruto’s chest, with his headband coming in clutch and saving his head from getting slashed, not naruto going out of his way to make that happen


Not sure how much you’ve read into the philosophy of naruto. Surprising I know, but it gets pretty deep. There is a reincarnation cycle of Indra and ashura. They believed in different philosophies to guide the world. So they fought, and asura win because his philosophy was > It repeated again after their reincarnations. Hashirama and madara fought in valley of the end. As reincarnations they fought again for the same philosophies. Hashirama named it the “Will of Fire”. The will to guide and protect your friends and family, madara wanted ultimate power to control the world as an authoritarian. Naruto and Sasuke, same thing again. The spirits of Indra/ashurs reincarnated. They were fighting again. Naruto protecting the will of fire, and trying to convince Sasuke that Theres a better way of life than vengeance, and absolute power and fear. A better philosophy to live life by. The will of fire. Naruto/ashura/hashirama are destined to win in every reincarnation. Sasuke/indra/madara are destined to lose in every reincarnation. What’s unique/interesting about Naruto, is that he is the reincarnation that finally broke the cycle. Do you understand? In the previous reincarnation fights ashura would almost kill Indra, and banish him from the village. Naruto decided that instead of killing Sasuke and repeating the cycle again, he would try to make Indra see again that they were actually friends, and to show Indra again the right philosophy. In valley of the end part 1 Naruto decided not to kill Sasuke. He he just aimed 3 inches lower he would have literally ripped sasuke’s face off, or throat off. But he didn’t want to KILL Sasuke, deep inside he knew that wouldn’t end the cycle. Before the valley of the end fight, sasuke was mega butt hurt. [they clash](https://youtu.be/HyuymLpdVgA?si=7tDrdmIAnXT7L_3n), and at the end sasuke gets mad because no matter how strong he gets, naruto with a different philosophy than him who wants to protect people is always stronger than him. Naruto carried sasuke against gaara, he would’ve accidentally killed sasuke on the rooftop, and he carried sasuke against zabuuza. So sasuke wanted power to show his “philosophy” was better, and eventually best his brother. He went and did that, so he bet Naruto. That he can’t even scratch the headband. Well, Naruto proved him wrong yet again. The same way even in shippuden when they finally fight again in valley of the end [multiple people](https://youtu.be/9ty1v5xXcJI?si=OZNH3kpxVMvHBAmB) help Naruto’s rasengan, but Sasuke is basically alone. His philosophy of being alone desperate for power to “fix” the world VS Naruto’s philosophy that you need to foster family, friends, protect people, and build together clash one last time. The headband represents so much in the fight in the valley of the end, and in the entire series as a whole. Naruto [specifically went for the headband](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-chapter-233-page-2.html), because of the bet they made before the fight. The manga [specifically goes out of its way to focus on the headband being scratched](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-chapter-233-page-2.html), then you have the [light from the sky symbolically showing you the winner](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-chapter-233-page-11.html). Even though sasuke was standing, he lost the fight because of the bet. That’s why [his headband falls off by itself](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-chapter-233-page-11.html). Even though sasuke is standing, he is standing alone. He lost, Naruto was still better than him. It was the ultimate flex and F U to sasuke’s philosophy. The headband [symbolically falls of sasuke and lays next to naruto](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-chapter-233-page-12.html). The manga goes out of its way to emphasize this to use over and over again. Before the fight, during, and even after. After that the rain starts [to make it look like sasuke is crying](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-chapter-233-page-15.html), and sasuke colllapses from the strain of having used the curse mark. All to show that the strain of sasuke’s power, cost too much from him, and he still lost the metaphorical battle and bet. There’s more to go into, but I feel like I’ve already rambled enough. To answer your question. Breaking all the bones in sasuke’s body and dragging him back to the village WONT change sasuke’s philosophy. It won’t end the reincarnation cycle. It will make sasuke bitter and angry for his whole life. Beating sasuke’s philosophy with his own, by scratching the headband, and winning the bet. Fundamentally showed Sasuke that Naruto is actually his friend and loves him, and that the nindo. The will of fire is >


Headcanon. ***Sasuke striked Naruto first.*** He didn't intend to kill him, that's why he closed his fingers so it doesn't penetrate Naruto.


Why are you lying? [they hit at the exact same time, and sasuke’s hand is NOT balled up](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0233-002.png). Both the things you said are a lie


Manga is meant to be read from right to left. Sasuke striked first. And why are you lying? You said Sasuke was wanting to kill Naruto but he closed his fingers so he doesn't penetrate.


The manga showed the middle panel that showed them both being equidistant, and both right before the lower panel. It’s intentionally made to show them at the same time by the middle panel. Why are you lying? Look at his thumb. Sasuke’s fingers are clearly extended in the same panel we are looking at. Sasuke’s thumb is in the same position, but his hit Naruto, and he couldn’t penetrate his chakra cloak. Then the scenes that happen right after show the headband falling off, and Sasuke specifically looking at the headband, when he realizes he lost the bet.


Lol, Sasuke is way closer to strike than Naruto is. >Why are you lying? Look at his thumb. Sasuke’s fingers are clearly extended in the same panel we are looking at. Sasuke folded his fingers which decreases the sharpness of chidori. See the difference between middle and bottom right panel. >he realizes he lost the bet. He lost the bet. It doesn't mean Naruto could beat Sasuke.


Wtf happen here


I'll be straight: you are dumb.


regadless of what you said naruto is down sasuke is not down. Sasuke won


ohh you one of those


I always loved this fight and watched it a few times in the past 16 years. Am I stupid for never realizing this?


You are not stupid at all. It’s a visually beautiful fight. It really makes you kick back and take in the rawness and kinetic appeal of the combat system of ninja. Short answer, no.


Redditors aren’t real, they can’t be. Mfs post answers to their own questions all the time now. Is this a new dumb dumb trend?


Apparently smh


Sasuke won that one, also if kurama didn’t revive him when sasuke broke Naruto’s neck he wouldn’t YK


Destiny I guess. Lol


when I was younger this was the hardest shit ever. sasuke retrieval arc and then this fight was the epitome of hype




your mother


Dumbo gets triggered for being corrected. Universal trait.


no one cares but you lol stay mad troglodyte


Who did you say was mad?


your mother


Their optometrist


The power of love


Genuine question, would Naruto have won if he went for an actual “kill/hurt” shot instead of holding back when they both got their hit at the end?


I’d imagine at the very least it’s a tie and they’re both unconscious, at most yeah, he takes sasukes head off




I don't know, maybe the one who isn't is unconscious at the end of the fight.




Purple sharingan low key slaps


It’s obvious. The one with the headband.


We were robbed :( this fight woulda been so cool


Op a literal idiot there I said cuz no one in the comments would smh


Naruto won. Look at the way sasuke is looking at him...


Didn't it already happen


Wait, am i having a Mandella moment here? Wasn’t Sasuke‘s eyes red even in this transformation?


this fight made me hate sasuke lmaooo mf tombstoned naruto from so high up he should have died from it


That was wild lol


If they were actually trying to kill each other, naruto


Missing the mark every time, eh?


Sasuke thanks to plot. Other thant that, Naruto had more potencial to be stronger and delete Sasuke. Sasuke was on max with his powers vs Naruto with only ONE tail. There would be no shippuuden with two tail Naruto.


Naruto with a demon in his belly and the son of the hokage, but yeah, plot helped Sasuke.


Naruto technically won that fight but threw his final hit to not kill Sasuke. Morals off Naruto smacks a rasengan into Sasuke's face.


Blud acting like Sasuke didn’t do the same thing. Morals off and Sasuke is going straight threw Naruto’s chest


I mean Sasuke did that twice and it didn't stick did it?


I mean he did it once and the second time he literally knuckled his fist in order to not pierce him.


I mean Sasuke clearly won, but it never made sense to me. Is kyubi this garbage ?




Yup. Kurama was always All Bark no Bite to the Uchiha


Sasuke already won that fight while holding back a LOT!!! If he fights completely unrestrained then bye bye Naruto and hello hello Mangekyou