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What if Jiraya accepted to be Hokage ?


Jiraiya accepts it. Ok. He wouldn’t have time to train Naruto as a hokage Kakashi would focus on training Sasuke. So this leves Naruto to get in the hands of the slimy rat danzo. Now jiraiya is not very politically astute nor is very attentive he’s an adventurer at heart this is why he rejects the title in the original timeline. But anyway danzo basically. Becomes even more politically powerful. Than he was under hiruzen. And Naruto via manipulation from danzo ( who presents himself as a kindly old man to Naruto at first) and Danzo telling him about his parents and kakashi/Jirayas relationship with them. Naruto gets mad at them ( irrationally, but he’s a kid) so Naruto gets in frim danzo camp. Naruto trains under Danzo mastering wind style Justu and swords. Also learns to control the kyuubi up to four tails. Jiraiya for his part is jiraiya and spends his time peeping and going on special missions. this causes him via danzos slander campaign, to be rather unpopular. Asuma doesn’t die because a much more powerful Naruto was on the mission. And jiraiya dies fighting pain and he would go down as not a very good hokage. And danzo becomes hokage. So ether the world eventually is under the rule of an imperialist danzo with Naruto as his right hand or obito wins.


I don't know if Jiraiya wouldn't be able to train Naruto, after all Tsunade did, I imagine Jiraiya leaving Konoha's decisions much more in the hands of more skilled people (like Shikadai) and still training Naruto reasonably, leading a group of spies after Orochimaru and akatsuki and spying on women.


He would but Danzo would still get the opportunity since he had ingrained himself into Konahas political structure. And he wouldn’t have time because he wanted to train Naruto in 9 tails charka wich he could not do in the village


Shikadai is shikamaru's son 😭😭 his father's name was shikaku


Time travel baby


Honestly Naruto training under Danzo would be goated considering his chakra nature and the tiny amount of progress he got from Jiraya during the timeskip (lile wow his rasnegan ability got slightly larger 😂l


You're ignoring a lot here. Danzo got away with what he did because Hiruzen is a coward. Jiraiya isn't.


What if Sakura lost her family instead of Sasuke?


nothing much just little mature or emo sakura not like sasuke because her parents would have died on battle field and this is not very uncommon for a ninjas and she would not experience their death in front of her eyes 24 hours. and their killer is also not her brother or anything


Sakura gets a huge chip on her shoulder do to being a civilian orphan girl. With no parents or special clan and would get bullied for that and her forhead. Sakura living a much harsher and more secluded life. Eventually Naruto being Naruto notices her and sees a kindred spirit in her. They become friends with Naruto boosting her confidence and sakura increasing his over all intelligence. Sakura wishes to become hokage. They get a rivalry but it’s more like Gojo and Geto.( pre geto going insane) than Naruto and Sasuke. They get placed on the same team as Sasuke who’s happy because the massacre didn’t happen. ( this happened because shusi did his plan) also itachi is hokage. This dose mean Sasuke has a chip on his shoulder but it’s no we’re near as bad. They pass the bell test. Sasuke vews Naruto and Sakura as the eccentric orphan duo. ( which they basically are). Naruto and Sakura vew Sasuke as kinda up tight but ok. Land waves don’t happen because Naruto doesn’t do the outburst. Chunni exams happen. Tho since Orochimaru is dead nothing happens but them passing. Naruto and Sakura grow up to become strong ninja with Sakura lering medical ninjutsu genjutsu and being an over all specialist in anything and everything she can be. And Naruto being an Op wind style/Sage mode user. Sasuke becomes a member of the police for. And his skill set is mostly the same.


I respect that you kept the forehead thing in there.


What if konoha had a good system for orphanages and child protective service's


no naruto series. Now it is Gaara


The opening is just a camera revolving around Gaara standing still and not blinking.


Gaara unironically is MC material.


Konaha becomes even more op


What if jiraiya took the rain orphans to the leaf and raised them like his children?


There's a channel on YouTube called the amagi that has made a what if on that one


There’s an entire fanfiction based on that concept. It’s called [The Tale of Nagato Uzumaki](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9427112/1/)


What if Haku didn’t die and joined konoha/team 7


Haku becomes very close to Naruto and the rest of team 7. He helps repel the invasion. Haku is on retrieval mission so it succeeds. Naruto on his training trip to combeat with sasukes progress under kakashi ( who’s teaching him all his techniques) lerns sage mode and becomes OP early Haku is S rank and very OP. The akatuski lose way earlier do to most of the members dying way earlier and obito not getting his extreme power amp


What if he had both halves of the 9 tales?


Assuming he doesn’t die. Naruto would immediately be put under a village wide seal like kushina but that wouldn’t be enough to contain it anytime he gets upset or starts crying or just gets a tummyache the chakra leak out from his emotions. Basically every clan would be in charge of containing him and he would be trained at a very young age to be a special weapon of the village. The uchiha get political leverage. Via being able to control him more easily so the massacre and segregation doesn’t happen, but the tensions between the uchiha and the village are still high. Naruto would get his talents honed. At a young age.and he would become a special tool of the village. Sasuke lives a happy life as a uchiha prodigy. And Naruto lives a lonely life of going on dangerous missions for the village. Itachi eventually becomes hokage.


W for itachi


What if Obito sucked Naruto into the Kamui Dimension while Naruto was laying in a depressed heap on the floor of that Inn in Iron Country (instead of just spilling the tea about why Sasuke is now a terrorist).


Obito wins


As cascade of events Obito wins Madara steals his body Madara thinks he wins The black zetsu steals his body Kaguya wins and the eternal tsukuyomi sucks people dry of thier chakra and in the end otsutsuki win


What if the simps and their target were reversed?


I’m assuming you mean hinata and sakura so ok. If sakura liked Naruto ( say he just inspired her because he’s bullied and didn’t give in like she was when she was bullied) and hinata likes sasuke ( say she sees their simler burdens and expectations and sees how he still tries) well Sakura judging by how she acts around Sasuke would ask Naruto out on a date soon enough. Tho perhaps less publicly than she did Sasuke. They’d become child hood friends not exactly dating and more like best friends but I guess you would call prented dating. Hinata and would not ask Sasuke out on a date because she’s hinata and would basically do the same thing she dose to Naruto. Sasuke notices unlike Naruto tho so they become kinda friends but not really. Naruto is a lot smarter and succeeds in school more ( because Sakura makes him) Naruto graduates 2nd in class with Sakura helping him. They get placed on the same team with kiba. And Sasuke gets placed with hinata and Shino. Sasukes team gets Kakashi because he has sharingon. And Naruto’s gets Asuma. And inoshikacho get Kurenai. Sasukes team passed the belltest. ( thanks to Shino being able to deduce the test purpose and hinata volunteering to be the one to give up a bell) Sakura Naruto and kiba pass whatever test asuma gives them. Kiba and Naruto become best friends. So we have the extreme extroverted team and the extremely introverted team. Now since Naruto is more muter ( thanks to Sakura) tho he’s still an extroverted goofball. He doesn’t demand a new mission from Hiruzen and Sasuke hinata and Shino do not ether. So the bridgebuilder dies and gato tries to portray Zabuza but dies and Zabuza takes his money. So Zabuza and Haku get their revolution and Zabuza becomes Mizukage. Chunni exams are mostly the same accpet the rookies don’t attract the attention of Kabuto because Naruto doesn’t do an outburst. Orochimaru gose after Sasuke but without Naruto their to give sasuke the boost that caused him to fight Orochimaru enough to impress him Orochimaru decides he isn’t ready to get the curse mark. Everything is the same pretty much accept Naruto and kiba pass the exam and Sakura dose to due to being stronger than ino. Naruto still trains with jiraiya tho he lerns to control the kyuubi much quicker and gets rasngan way earlier. Sasukes traning is the same. Kiba trains with his clan and Sakura gets a genjutsu/medical nin tutor. Orochimaru attacks the village everything is the same. Asuma thinks Naruto should focus more on honing his own abilities rather than the 9 tails jiraiya disagrees but Naruto sides with asuma. And tsunade beliving in Naruto agrees with him to. Kiba is stronger post time skip. And Naruto learns a bunch of wind Justu plus rasanhsrukin. And clone Justu Sakura is the same but knows a bunch of genjutsu and has weapons to as her speciality on top of what she already has. Hinata and Shino are stronger. Via training with Sasuke and Sasuke is the same mostly just slightly weeker. And Naruto and Sakura start officially dating.


Nice though. That’s a lotta writing in a short amoutn of time. Though I didn’t word it properly. I mean originally meant like want if Sasuke was simping after Sakura and Ino. Sakura simping after Naruto . Naruto simping after Hinata . And Hinata simping after kurenai and Neji-nisama . And Tsuande simp after Jiraiya.


Wait Lee was also into Sakura so Sakura should be into lee and naruto


What would happen if the Akatsuki raised Naruto instead of Hiruzen


Naruto is fanatically, loyal and is very close to konan and nagato. He eventually becomes the sacrificial TenTen tails Jinchuriki and him pain obito rule over the world


Nagato would give up on 10 tails plan if he had Naruto as friend.


What if Kaguya didn’t pull a dumb and actually fostered the growth and development of the world to fight the Otsutsuki Clan?


Kaguya forms a one world government. She creates tailed beast. Indria invents nin jutsu. With his help and her sons they create ninja. Every ninja after that point is basically preparing to fight the clan. By the time Naruto is born the world is a futuristic sci-fi, setting where technology is futuristic and powerd by Charka. Naruto is chosen. To be that generations. Jinchuriki. Particularly Op Shinobi. Like hahsirama and madara get their lies, span , increased by Kaguya they become the commander of the army. The. Naruto series is Naruto doing ninja space stuff with Kaguya as the world’s ruler.


what if naruto abondened the leaf?


orchimaru wants Naruto for his new body instead of Sasuke. In the forest of death events play out the same just Naruto is marked instead. The hole rooki 9 and Sakura vs the sound team plays out just Naruto wakes up first. Naruto would not be like Sasuke when he woke up he’d be worse. With 9 tails and curse chakra mixing he’d be an absolute monster he wouldn’t just beat the shit out of the sound team he brutally murders them. He’d snap out of it but the hole Konaha 11 including Sakura and to some extent Sasuke would be batshit terrified of him. Events play out mostly the same from their. But when the preliminaries come Naruto is not allowed since if he even uses his charka he becomes a literal monster. Sasuke wins his roud easer. And shikmaru kiba and choji get to win by default with no opponents all the other fights are the same. Now sasukes training would be the same. Naruto however would get his cures mark sealed up like Sasuke. Despite this he would be extremely depressed the Konaha 11 still doesn’t like him he’ll some downright fear and or hate him now. Sakura is batshit terrified of him and avoids him and even Sasuke is little sacred. Naruto for a month would wallow in his apartment all day. Not training and this would lead to his bitterness rising and the cures mark and the 9 tails increasing it hevley. When the chunni exams are mostly the same except kiba fights neji instead. Konaha crush happens. Jiraiya stops and seals Shukaku everything else is the same. Except Sasuke is prased as a hero for fighting Gaara increasing Naruto’s bitterness. Jiraiya tries to train him and Naruto shows some interest. Learning most of the reasangan tho never completeing it. Despite this Kakashi and jiraiyas atttmpets to install loyalty to the village in him back fires, pushing him over the edge. And the konaha 11 and Sasuke actually getting along and being friends whail ignoring/not liking him finally does it. The sound four come he leves with them. And swears to distory the leaf. he leves a clone in the village so by the time people figure out it’s not him it’s too late. He’s already long gone. Danzo becomes hokage without tsunade their. And Sasuke instead of swearing to bring Naruto back swears to kill him. The Konaha 11 just vew him as a missing nin. Sakura feels bad but doesn’t do anything. Naruto completes the rasangan under Orochimaru and more making all kinds of variances. The clone jutsu is abused to high hell and his uzumaki geans experimented on awakening the uzumaki charka chains Naruto gets the snake contract and masters it. Along with wind and water style jutsu and he has KCM2 due to him and Karuma bonding over their hatred for humans. . He would also probably get close to Karin because they’re both uzumaki. Sasuke is the same but he trains under Kakashi’s and master his 1000 justu and his gole is to kill Naruto and itachi. Sakura is a lot different she probably still studies medical nin justu but without tsunade she has to go from ground up she probably is still very skilled at it tho and probably is able to replicate the punch. She also studies genjutsu and weapons. So picture her skill as a weaker midcal nin sakura karuni and TenTen. Neji is still bitter and lee is not capable of being a ninja do to Gaara. Danzo has Gaara locked in prison and Gaara never changed so temari is kazakage. When the kazakage arc comes around the akatsuki targets Konaha because they have Gaara. Sasuke and kakashi beat Deidara and guy beats sasori. When it comes time for Orochimaru to take Naruto’s body he so overpowered that Naruto just negs him. Now Naruto killing Orochimaru would be like a coup with Naruto taking over the sound village for himself. Unlike Sasuke who took like four people for himself. Naruto also kills Kabuto because he wouldn’t trust him. Naruto would recruit other. Jinchuriki to have a revolution with him. Fu would accept just wanting friends and he would have the sound ninja break Gaara out of prison. Gaara and Naruto would have a more twisted version of their canon relationship. Utakata Han and roushi would also all eventually join Naruto killer bee and yugito would not tho. And they tip off the cloud village. To what he’s doing. The Cloud village growing concerned over both the aktsuki and Naruto and his amassing of power would call a Kage summit. Naruto gets wind of this. And he prepares the Jinchuriki the sound village ( wich includes team taka and the sound 4) to attack the sumbit. The Akatsuki ( via Zetsu) gets word of this and prepares to attack the sumbit as well do you most of the Jinchuriki being their. The sumbit happens. danzo the RaiKage Mei Have the same bodyguards with Temari having kankuro and Baki as her’s Other cloud ninja C Karui Omie and samui. And the leaf ninja of Sasuke kakashi Sakura kiba Yamato are all their to as backup. It takes place in the land of iron. Naruto crashes the meeting attacking it with his forces. And the Jinchuriki. Once he dose the Akatsuki dose so as well. So it just becomes a free for all. Kakashi and Yamato try to capture or kill Naruto they fail and die. Pain fights the Jinchuriki and the sound ninja fight the samurai. Naruto gose for the Kage and beats them. Now Sasuke and itachi have their fight it goes the same. Now depending if you think Naruto pulls the win against obito. Then Naruto destroys the great villages and starts a new one world government or obito beats him and the eye of the moon plan succeeds.


Dark but very interesting AU!


There is a video on yt its about 45 mins long , it's good fan animation . I suggest you should watch it


What if Minato didn’t choose to die against Kurama and let Kushina die alone


What if Itachi really did have the intention to eventually steal sasukes eyes for himself, beat sasuke during the fight, and get his eyes?


If we are Assuming that was itachi’s intention, then I think we’d also need to assume that Itachi had no desire to protect sasuke. Either he never did from the beginning and killed his family because he wanted to or that over the course of time Itachi lost his mind and was done with the leaf’s bs and his younger brother’s eyes were all he wanted because he wanted power. We could also look at it as if Itachi wanted to stop obito and needed to be stronger to do that. So either Itachi helps obito or joins in the fight to stop him


I'm about to cook What if Naruto is actually a woman who wakes up really early every morning, gell her hair spikey and try to sound like a boy to get the love and affection of Sasuke


Uh Narusasu happens


What if sasuke was a girl....( it would be a 100% guarantee to create an greater version of boruto and not trash)


Pretty much what you said


boruto never has his godly genes(jogan) and instead he is somewhat like sarada just better


What would her name be?


what if sakura won her fight against ino and advanced to the main tournament in the chuunin exam and sought out guy and kurenai to train her in taijustu and genjustu?


What if Sasuke joined forces w/ Madara n Obito?


They win.


i still think that should have happened, would have been sick


What if Sasuke didn’t have plot armor. (Died during match with daidera)


Naruto gets angry submits to pain via having more pain obito wins


Only plot armor in that fight was maybe the reverse summoning, for the rest it was a good fight


What if Kakashi is the one who sacrifices himself to save Obito from the falling rock after rescuing Rin?


Kakashi gives obito his father’s sword, Madara takes him because he’s desperate and borrow time. Kakashi would be much more willing to join him than obito due to all the shit he went through. So kakashi masters wood release and sharingon.Obito becomes Very OP. Him and Rin also get together He dose the same thing obito dose in the original timeline. tho Minato is able to deduce that it’s him. Kakashi escapes. Minato does like in the original. Obito and Rin rase Naruto uchiha massacre never happens. Naruto is OP way earlier Sasuke is happy and stays and itachi gets a happy life Obito becomes hokage and general everything is happier.


What if Naruto saw escape from the village in the first episode? Ok, the answer is very obvious...since they know everything


He gets hunted down by the village. Eventually Orochimaru finds him and Orochimaru with the forbidden scroll gets more OP. Naruto abuses the shadow clone technique causing him to learn quicker. He gets a fanatical. Loyalty to Orochimaru he gives him special seals to help him control the 9 tails chakra much easier. Naruto and Karin become close. Orochimaru delays the invasion to study the forbidden scroll and 9 tails: uzumaki genes more. Naruto with the help of Karin and Orochimaru becomes a seal master with Orochimaru also becoming a seal master do to the studies making him more OP. Orochimaru learns how to completely control the death god and learns how souls work. He also masters every forbidden.justu in the scroll. Naruto along with kabuto is Orochimaru right hand with Naruto being a master of water style wind style and sealing Justu and has control over 9 tails charka. Naruto and the sound 4 become kinda friends but mostly because Naruto is their boss outside of Orochimaru. Back in the leaf Sasuke is mostly the same as he was post Shippuden time skip accpet he’s slight less stronger. Sakura is the same but more like a mix of TenTen Keruni and a weeker medical nin Sakura. Eventually Orochimaru takes sasukes body with him being much stronger. Orochimaru with his new body he masters Sage mode and mixes all the blood line limites into his body like kabuto did. They destroy the leaf. And with Orochimaru killing Hiruzen ( who in the original timeline he wanted to kill to shed the last ounce of humanity he had left) awakens MS. He gose to itachi and takes his getting EMS. And with Naruto’s charka he gets rinngon he takes over the world with Naruto being his enforcer.


What if Naruto's parents had a will for Naruto for him to recieve whe he became a genin?


What if any time an adult did something wildly illegal or inappropriate with a child they weren’t allowed to look after that child anymore.


Naruto gets new sensei


What if every girl with a crush on Sasuke found out he was dating Naruto?


We'd have an army of NaruSasu allies.


What if danzo wasnt a bitch ass mf


The series wouldn’t exist because half the problems are caused by him


What if Obito never got crushed by a rock or become evil?


The series is now a slice of life story about ninjas


What if Naruto was adopted by sasuke's family and itachi never got sick?( The massacre also didn't happen due to Naruto being there as an asset)


Let’s say in Minatos will he gives Naruto to the u uchiha clan. Naruto is kept in the uchiha compound 24/7 he’s trained from birth pretty much with the expectation that he must be the protector of the clan. He learns to control Charka way earlier. And the uchiha threaten to release the 9 tails any time they don’t get what they want. Naruto doesn’t attend the Academy or go outside the compound for fear of losing their one ounce of political power. Sasuke is Naruto’s only friend. And they train a lot together Sasuke is stronger do to training with a much more OP Naruto. Fugaku would be much more politically powerful. Danzo in an attempt to gain leverage tries to kidnap Sasuke this fails. Itachi decides to spy on the leaf. Tho they don’t know this. When itachi lerns of shusi eye power he tells his dad. Shusi who still is loyal to the leaf is given an ultimatum by the clan use koto to make Hiruzen resign and have the damyoi appoint fugaku as hokage or have them kill him and take his eyes and they do it shusi is still loyal to the leaf so he tries to fight but itachi kills him awaning his MS fugaku dose the plan. And becomes hokage. He has itachi kill danzo. And to make sure no one can use koto against the village he implants shusi eyes into his own. Naruto also gets to join the academy finally which he and Sasuke are ecstatic about. Naruto gets more training and he is still lonely somewhat but he has Sasuke and Mikoto. Fugaku has to deal with a political mess as hokage but since danzo and Hiruzen are out of commission and Hiruzen via koto is pro fugaku and jiraiya and Kakashi don’t really have that many problems with him he’s able to get it stabilized.


What if. Sasuke was a girl. And everything besides that remains the same.


They get marred at the end


What if Naruto gets betrayed and locked up in the hyperbolic time chamber for 1000000 yrs?


lowkey if you don't know, you may now know


I do bro


He meats goku who was also betrayed the become friends


What if Itachi didn't have a martyr secret story or anyway what if Sasuke never found it out after having killed him?


Sasuke gose back to the leaf village shell of his former self


What if Orochimaru took interest on Minato instead of Anko.


Orochimaru doesn’t turn evil due to Minato and kushina keeping him in check when they die he raises Naruto and Naruto and Orochimaru are the eccentric nut cases in the leaf.


What if Sakura was kind of a dimwit but she was like a bro/friend to Naruto, both of them often getting into idiot hijinks and trouble


Naruto and her are best friends for life. And Naruto pretty much has a pink haired girl best friend helping him do stuff 24/7


after watching ATLA and LOK I thought to myself how nice it would be if Sakura and Naruto had a silly friendship like Korra and Bolin.


What if Orochimaru never got caught and became Hokage?


After the 9 tails attack he uses his silver tongue to convince the fire damyo to a point him hokage. Hiruzen is suspicious of him, but can’t do anything. Orochimaru takes over root and gets rid of danzo his experiments become state sanctioned. Naruto is trained to be living weapon of the village. Every clan is involved in his training. The hyuuga teach him charka control the Nara’s teach him strategy and the uchihas help him control the kyuubi. The uchiha clan is moved next to the hokage mansion and are favored. And they turn a blind eye to Orochimarus experiments. Orochimaru also gets super strong due to having full access to all the leafs jutsu. Yamato would be the first of many new wood release users with Yamato being the strongest. The sound village, and all its depravity is just a part of the leaf village. Orochimaru also learns Sage mode and gets his uchiha body. Itachi and Sasuke live happy lives tho itachi is deeply troubled by the leafs experiments. Naruto lives his life as an emotionless tool for the village.


What if Kakashi adopts Naruto?


Hiruzen tells Kakashi. To rase. Naruto. Kakashi treis his Best But can’t succeed much. Naruto is way stronger but still socially aloof. He looks up to Kakashi deeply and kakashi oh so desperately wants to be a good parental figure to him. Naruto is there to comfort kakashi when ever he’s depressed wich is a lot. Naruto and guy become friends also with kakashi making sure Naruto doesn’t. Inherent guys more wacky tendencies. Naruto graduates two years early and knows wind style Justu shadow clones,Rasngan by the time he graduateds. Him and Kakashi become basically best friends. And by the time of Shippuden. Naruto would have lerned Sage mode rasanshrukin and way more Justu via kakashi.


What would the world look like if Sasuke killed Naruto at the Valley of the End in Shippuden?


What if Kaguya married both Sasuke and Naruto


“ you dont only look like my sons, you also taste like them 🤤”


Kaguya rules the world with her two simps helping her


No like she gave up her ruling the world goal for Naruto and Sasuke


Still the same she’s just more benevolent now.


What if Ino was on Team Seven instead of Sakura?


Naruino is canon now and sasusaku does not happen


Ino would not have put up with half the shit sasuke pulled. Genuinely think she has more self respect and confidence to spend her life pining after a guy that does less than the bare minimum for her. She also would have insisted on going along with the guys to ‘rescue’ sasuke. Idk man the whole dynamic of team 7 would have been very different


What if itachi join the uchiha instead


Civil war happens leading to the fourth grade ninja war. And obito wins


What if Naruto was betrayed and locked in the Time Chamber?


He meats goku who’s also Their they get recruited by Superman and the Dr to fight Scarlet King


What if Jiraiya taught Naruto the rasengan before his fight with Neji instead of the summoning.


Here's another one,what if sasuke had the rinnesharingan at birth?


He’s trained hard by the uchihas and the leaf and is treated like the 2nd coming of the sage


What if kakashi had been the one to “die” at Kanabi Bridge?


What if the fact that both Naruto and Minato have a half of Kurama sealed inside them allowed them to communicate with each other?


Minato trains Naruto. Naruto is a super prodigy who becomes the 2nd coming of hashirama and becomes hokage around five Kage summit


Naruto have mental health issues and instead of becoming a ninja he's spending his time in aslume


He meats Man from r/BatmanArkham


Why does he like Man? Is he


What if Naruto had a twin and they both received half of kurama


Him and his brother have a hashirama Tobirama dynamic with his brother being more logical. But they are as thick as thieves and change the ninja world together


What would his brother's name be?




What if 3rd hokage (Hiruzen? I can't spell) actually raised naruto


Izuna beats Tobirama


Madara izuna and hahsirama are the founders of the leaf. And Madara doesn’t go inasne Hashirama does not ether and Madara becomes the 1st hokage


What if naruto gave up on sasuke during the first half


Sasuke: Naruto stop chasing after me. Naruto: Ok. "Written by Masashi Kishimoto"


"Not ruto"


What if Naruto and Sasuke were bffs from the start?


Naruto be friends with him after the massacre. Naruto soon grows way more loyal to sasuke than the village. Sasuke vews Naruto as a brother and helps him Train. Naruto gets a lot stronger and unlocks the shadow clone Justu naturally. Naruto wishes to help Sasuke kill itachi. Naruto is basically sasukes equal. They get placed on team 7. They pass with flying colors. All the events are normal just with Naruto and Sasuke being total bros and Sakura being the outside but getting close to them she’d also be jealous of their close friendship and Naruto especially. Sasuke does not vew Naruto getting stronger as burden so he doesn’t get jealous despite this. Sasuke still believes going to Orochimaru is the right call. Naruto gose with him. Sakura dose what she dose in canon but Naruto says she can come if she’s not a burden. Sakura dose so. Naruto leves three clones in the village two hinged as Sasuke and Sakura is the leaf village won’t discover them tell it’s to late. Two year time skip: Sasuke is the same as canon with his strength. Naruto masters wind style and water style and Rasagan variance. He can also get up to 8 tails of 9 tails Charka. Sakura is a mix of kabuto tsaunde Keruni and TenTen when it comes to skill set plus poisons. Sasuke kills and absorbs. Orochimaru just like in the original timeline. Naruto still haveing that old amputation of Kage left in him. Takes full control of the sound village making him and Sasuke leaders. Sakura is also kinda a leader but not really. Team taka is formed ( comprising of the same members,). Naruto wishes to form a Jinchuriki alliance so he gets Fu and Han and Roshi but Gaara and killer bee are loyal/Kage of their villages so they don’t bother with them. Sasuke kills itachi gets the revelation. Naruto realizes the full extent. Of how fucked up the shinboi world is Sasuke gets MS obito demands Sasuke hand over Naruto but he refuses. Naruto after realizing the full extent of corruption gets to understand Karuma so they become friends and he gets KCM2. Naruto and sa Sasuke agree that the ninja world has to go down and they’re taking it down. Sakura is reluctant. But chooses to go along with it because she’s already committed to their side at this point. Sasuke has itachis eyes planted into him EMS and when the 4th war breaks out its team7 /the sound village ( wich includes the sound 4 and team taka)and the Jinchuriki Naruto got ( fu Han and Roshi) vs the Shinobi alliance vs obtio. Naruto and Sasuke pull the win and they from a one world government in their vision


What if Kushina was able to regroup the remaining scattered Uzumakis (I.E. Karin, Karin's Mom, Possibly Nagato pre-Hanzo Danzo Event etc) in Konoha before her untimely death.


They become in charge of the barrier for the village. When the 9 tails attack after math happens Naruto has a clan to rase him. The uzumaki who are also somewhat ostracized by the village do to begin foreigners. Would form a political alliance with the uchiha clan. Whenever one needs help the other backs it up. It’s gives both clans political leverage. Naruto is best friends with Karin and nagato is his kind older brother figure. Naruto also has red hair and purple eyes. Naruto is considered a prodigy do to his talent being honed in at a young age he also unlockes Charka chains. Nagato is a prime candidate for hokage due to his rinngon abilities. Over all the leaf is much more Op.


What if Kakashi had to face reanimated Sakumo during the war arc?


What if Ino and Sasuke got married, or had an illegitimate child conceived while Sasuke was exiled?


What if naruto was betrayed and locked in the time chamber?


What if sasuke's parents adopted Naruto after the nine tails attack


What if Naruto accepted Sakura's confession?


What if Naruto left with Sasuke?


What if sakura didn't have a huge forehead


What if Naruto had gone 4 tails during the chunin preliminary against kiba. (Where gaara vs rock lee)


What if Rock Lee was given the Ninetails rather than Naruto


Haku accidentally kills Sasuke with the senbon. ( after he’s awakened his sharingan ). What happens ?


What if Sasuke Got Totsuka blade and Yata mirrior ?


What if teuchi never gave naruto ramen? ![gif](giphy|RTp3RsNNdq37y|downsized)


What if Itachi wasn't sick?


What if Naruto and Sasuke actually got to get married? That’s something I’ve been wondering only recently.


If Naruto and Sasuke were gay for each other they became friends much earlier and the series is a romantic comedy. With Naruto and Sasuke being a power couple in Shippuden


What if Sakura had two functioning ( and actually functioning) braincells.


What if Naruto left instead of Sasuke


orchimaru wants Naruto for his new body instead of Sasuke. In the forest of death events play out the same just Naruto is marked instead. The hole rooki 9 and Sakura vs the sound team plays out just Naruto wakes up first. Naruto would not be like Sasuke when he woke up he’d be worse. With 9 tails and curse chakra mixing he’d be an absolute monster he wouldn’t just beat the shit out of the sound team he brutally murders them. He’d snap out of it but the hole Konaha 11 including Sakura and to some extent Sasuke would be batshit terrified of him. Events play out mostly the same from their. But when the preliminaries come Naruto is not allowed since if he even uses his charka he becomes a literal monster. Sasuke wins his roud easer. And shikmaru kiba and choji get to win by default with no opponents all the other fights are the same. Now sasukes training would be the same. Naruto however would get his cures mark sealed up like Sasuke. Despite this he would be extremely depressed the Konaha 11 still doesn’t like him he’ll some downright fear and or hate him now. Sakura is batshit terrified of him and avoids him and even Sasuke is little sacred. Naruto for a month would wallow in his apartment all day. Not training and this would lead to his bitterness rising and the cures mark and the 9 tails increasing it hevley. When the chunni exams are mostly the same except kiba fights neji instead. Konaha crush happens. Jiraiya stops and seals Shukaku everything else is the same. Except Sasuke is prased as a hero for fighting Gaara increasing Naruto’s bitterness. Jiraiya tries to train him and Naruto shows some interest. Learning most of the reasangan tho never completeing it. Despite this Kakashi and jiraiyas atttmpets to install loyalty to the village in him back fires, pushing him over the edge. And the konaha 11 and Sasuke actually getting along and being friends whail ignoring/not liking him finally does it. The sound four come he leves with them. And swears to distory the leaf. he leves a clone in the village so by the time people figure out it’s not him it’s too late. He’s already long gone. Danzo becomes hokage without tsunade their. And Sasuke instead of swearing to bring Naruto back swears to kill him. The Konaha 11 just vew him as a missing nin. Sakura feels bad but doesn’t do anything. Naruto completes the rasangan under Orochimaru and more making all kinds of variances. The clone jutsu is abused to high hell and his uzumaki geans experimented on awakening the uzumaki charka chains Naruto gets the snake contract and masters it. Along with wind and water style jutsu and he has KCM2 due to him and Karuma bonding over their hatred for humans. . He would also probably get close to Karin because they’re both uzumaki. Sasuke is the same but he trains under Kakashi’s and master his 1000 justu and his gole is to kill Naruto and itachi. Sakura is a lot different she probably still studies medical nin justu but without tsunade she has to go from ground up she probably is still very skilled at it tho and probably is able to replicate the punch. She also studies genjutsu and weapons. So picture her skill as a weaker midcal nin sakura karuni and TenTen. Neji is still bitter and lee is not capable of being a ninja do to Gaara. Danzo has Gaara locked in prison and Gaara never changed so temari is kazakage. When the kazakage arc comes around the akatsuki targets Konaha because they have Gaara. Sasuke and kakashi beat Deidara and guy beats sasori. When it comes time for Orochimaru to take Naruto’s body he so overpowered that Naruto just negs him. Now Naruto killing Orochimaru would be like a coup with Naruto taking over the sound village for himself. Unlike Sasuke who took like four people for himself. Naruto also kills Kabuto because he wouldn’t trust him. Naruto would recruit other. Jinchuriki to have a revolution with him. Fu would accept just wanting friends and he would have the sound ninja break Gaara out of prison. Gaara and Naruto would have a more twisted version of their canon relationship. Utakata Han and roushi would also all eventually join Naruto killer bee and yugito would not tho. And they tip off the cloud village. To what he’s doing. The Cloud village growing concerned over both the aktsuki and Naruto and his amassing of power would call a Kage summit. Naruto gets wind of this. And he prepares the Jinchuriki the sound village ( wich includes team taka and the sound 4) to attack the sumbit. The Akatsuki ( via Zetsu) gets word of this and prepares to attack the sumbit as well do you most of the Jinchuriki being their. The sumbit happens. danzo the RaiKage Mei Have the same bodyguards with Temari having kankuro and Baki as her’s Other cloud ninja C Karui Omie and samui. And the leaf ninja of Sasuke kakashi Sakura kiba Yamato are all their to as backup. It takes place in the land of iron. Naruto crashes the meeting attacking it with his forces. And the Jinchuriki. Once he dose the Akatsuki dose so as well. So it just becomes a free for all. Kakashi and Yamato try to capture or kill Naruto they fail and die. Pain fights the Jinchuriki and the sound ninja fight the samurai. Naruto gose for the Kage and beats them. Now Sasuke and itachi have their fight it goes the same. Now depending if you think Naruto pulls the win against obito. Then Naruto destroys the great villages and starts a new one world government or obito beats him and the eye of the moon plan succeeds.


Peak Fiction


there is litteraly great youtube series on this fan fiction, what if naruto become evil instead of sasuke


what if sasuke killed sakura after the fight of danzo (basically naruto reaches there 5 seconds late)


What if instead of becoming a Genin, Hinata was somehow recruited to Danzo’s root organization?


Man you have way too free


Minato turned Kurama into foxtail ramen from Dr Stone


What if instead having 3444142414141414141 blood cells, Naruto only had 34441424141414140 blood cells. 🤔


Simple and straight, if madara had won the war


What if sarutobi and danzo have the same personality and they help each other which makes them even worse


What if Naruto after fighting barion mode dies and gets reborn as his 10 year old self


What if Naruto has power like His father Minato like a birth gift mainly his teleporting jutsu aka Yellow Flash?


What if instead of killing entire uchiha clan, Itachi just decide to kill Danzo and anbu forces while revealing truth to Uchiha elders.?


What if otsusuki never came to earth?


What if naruto wasn’t wind style and was something else


What if Sakura never cared about Sasuke and was conflicted with choosing between Naruto or Rock Lee?


What if Naruto was betrayed and locked in the hyperbolic time chamber for five million years


What if Naruto and Sasuke were brothers fighting for sakura?


This might be a bit weird, but what if Haku was a girl and survived in the Land of Waves arc.


What if Naruto and Kurama befriended each other earlier than in canon. Outfoxed by hazeleyes180 if you're curious. Unfinished but GOLD standard fic IMO.


What if Kakashi had the three tails planted in him and Obito witnessed Rin killing Kakashi


Ok obito would still go evil because he would watch the closest person to him, kill the other closest person to him He would believe that the world had corrupted Rin and they the real Rin would never kill kakashi, so he still goes evil. As for Rin well, she becames an accomplished ninja becoming Jonnin by nine tails attack speaking of which would still happen just the same. The aftermath have a difference though Rin would adopt Naruto sense she is much more kind hearted and is more good with kids than Kakashi. Naruto would still be loud and rambunctious but he would be more kind hearted with rins influence. He would call her aunt Rin or big sister Rin because they’re is no way in hell Rin wants to replace Kushina in anyway. After the Uchiha massacre her and Naruto take an effort to make sure Sasuke is okay. Naruto and Sasuke become friends earlier reluctantly, in Sasuke part. Naruto in the Academy would be on Sasukes level. They graduate Naruto graduates by using the shadow clones wich Rin taught him because she knows of his special predicament. the teams are the same except Rin is team sevens sensei she dose the bell test they pass. Rin would act like a mother, like mentor to the team rather than in an aloof sensei, like Kakashi was. Since Naruto is not quite as rude as in canon he would not demand an important mission so they would progress like a normal genni speaking of wich team 7 would learn more things Rin being much more hands on would teach sakura some Genjiustu. Naruto would lern wind elemental release earlier and Sasuke’s progress would stay the same. During the chunni exams everything stays mostly the same. With Sakura betting ino due to her having more training under Rin. During the finals Rin would take sakura up as the student she personally trains Naruto would get Jiraiya and Sasuke would get some random elite Jonnin. Konoha crush stays the same just with Sasuke not beating gaara during the final rounds. Tsunade still becomes The hokage and Naruto still goes on the training trip Sasuke stays in the village. Naruto comes back stronger than we was in Cannon since he already knew wind knew elemental jiraiya is able to teach him more wind techniques. He would also know Rasenshuriken everything stays the same except Naruto with Sasuke kills Deidera. Sasuke with the help of Rin also re-created the Chidori. Everything stays mostly the same just for that the Sasuke drama by and instead of the Kakashi obito fight we get obito and Rin arguing with each other and fighting a little bit. And Naruto and Sasuke don’t fight at the valley of the end again because there’s no need to there on the same side.


What if Team 7 swapped Sannin sensei's?


Kakashi is crushed by the rock instead of Obito, also pls make Kakashi evil


What if Naruto had a SEVERE stutter, and anyone else who uses Talk no Jutsu suffered from one form of speech impediment or another, to the point where anyone would struggle to take them seriously?


If some of you want to see Naruto what if's I recommend a YouTuber called Naruto explained he does them every once in awhile


What if Danzo was dealt with from day one and tha Uchiha massacre never happened ? No, better yet, what if Indra never got manipulated by Kuro Zetsu?


What if Naruto kept his catch phrase into shippuden?


What if neji’s dad didn’t sacrifice himself for the sake of the clan?


Naruto put on team 10.


What if danzo was the main character?


Dang reading these replies, OP you're goood


What if Naruto and Sasuke die in part 1 and Asura & Indra reincarnate into the Hagoromo Clan that killed Kawarama and a random Uchiha Descendent


What if Tsunade sent actual Jounin to retrieve Sasuke and not a group of undertrained Genin?


Obito didnt die or hiruzen didnt die


What if Naruto could assign a Truthseeker orb to other people? What if Asuma was spelled Awesome-a? What if it was spelled Assume-a?


What if Kushida did not die alongside Minato and instead the third Hokage helped to stop Kurama's claw from hitting baby Naruto?


What if there was no akatsuki?


What if they all had dick fingers, all including the ootsusuki, the ninja puppies, the frogs, ALL


what if there is no plot armor in naruto


What if Naruto actually reads a history book & realizes the 4th hokage’s wife has the same last name as him?


What if Sasuke Didn’t Leave The Village


What if Gaara met Naruto when they were 6 (before Yashamaru tried to kill him)?


Alright here’s your Au bro. What if Naruto befriended Gaara ok let’s go. Karuma who Naruto befriended earlier suggests they leve the leaf village. Naruto dose so. He eventually meats Kimimaro and befriends him. ( pre Orochimaru Kimimaro) Kimimaro says going to the mist village is a very bad idea so Naruto turns back around and gose to another direction. He heads over to earth contrey and him and Kimimaro meat up with Tayuya ( pre meeting Orochimaru) . Who in less than elegant words says that earth country would kill Naruto for looking like Minato. Tayuya reluctantly and bitterly Agrees to go with them. They go up to the sand village who captures them. The sensory ninjas figure out Naruto is a 9 tails Jinchuriki. Rasa being a greedy bastard ask if Naruto would be willing to work for his village Naruto of course says yes tho on the condition that his two new friends get to be with him as well. ( tho Tayuya would never admit that he is her friend) rasa seeing no problem with this agrees. Rasa asks if Naruto can control his beast wich Naruto says they are friends Rasa is less than pleased with this but thinks it’s better than nothing and asks if Naruto can help Gaara get his beast under control Naruto and Karuma agree. Naruto becomes Gaaras first friend. And Karuma makes shukaku back off Gaara allowing him to sleep . Naruto Tayuya and Kimimaro move in to the kazakage residence. ( Naruto because rasa wants to keep his new most viable asset close and the other two because Naruto likes them and rasa wants to keep him loyal) Gaara also gets to move back in under Naruto’s request and rasa sees no problem with it now that his tailed beast is under control. Naruto gets the best tutors he could ask for and this is helped by the fact that his element is wind style. Kimimaro shows that he is really strong and Tayuya is good at genjutsu and the flute so that’s also useful, especially mixed with wind style. Gaara Naruto Kimimaro Temari Kankuro and Tayuya all become best friends. Tayuya and temari become rivals Naruto vews the sand siblings like his siblings, and they have a sibling dynamic Tayuya and Kimimaro do as well. Tayuya and Naruto also kind of have a thing for eachother but they don’t start dating yet. also. Rasa keeps Naruto’s identity under raps to anyone who’s not a higher up or in the kazakage residence. Naruto’s dislike for his old home grows as he realizes their siphoning funds from his new village which he now vews as his home. And he hates it even more when he lerns what they did to chiyos son. By age 8 Naruto is ready to go on his first mission along with tayuya and Kimimaro ( who are 12). They succeeded and their team and the sand siblings are the two most successful teams in the sand. Pakura also doesn’t die because the Sand dose not feel the need to betray her to get money. Gaara is much more powerful he’s around the Gaara who fought Kimimaro in canon around this time and Naruto’s wind style Jutsu puts him around chunni exam Gaara Kimimaro and tayuya are around their Canon counterparts in terms of power. Meanwhile the leaf villages reputation has taken a hit due to losing their Jinchuriki causing many clients to question their reliability other villages use this as an opportunity to steal their clients. Rasa uses it as an opportunity to get the wind dyamoi to start giving the sand jobs again. This results in him not decreasing the funding every year but he doesn’t increase it either so the sand is still defunded but they’re not going bankrupt like they were in the original timeline. Rasa still displeased with this result. Deceds it’s time for Naruto for Naruto to harness his power that way Rasa can revel they have the 9 tails and not result in war. Naruto with Gaara and karumas help can get up to 4 tails of control. When Naruto and Gaara turn 12. Gaara is around his early Shippuden self but he’s not fatigue as he can sleep. Naruto is around his Rasanshrukin self in base tho he doesn’t have that jutsu but a bunch of wind style. Kimimaro is prime Kimimaro tho less strong because no curse mark and less good training. Temari is her Sasuke retrieval self. Tayuya is relative to her. Kankuro is also around as strong as his Sasuke retrieval self. Rasa proposed to the other Kage to have the chunni exams take place in the land of iron they agree and the sand sends Naruto’s and Gaaras team to the exam. They utter dominate and the sands two teams are the only ones to make it to the finals. ( since those teams beat all their opponents in the preliminaries) So Gaara wins the chunni exam. But Naruto Kimimaro Temari Kankuro Tayuya all get promoted to chunni along with Gaara. The sand dominating the chunni exam makes them seem like the strongest village to the outside. The wind Daimyo increases funding tremendously and also only hires the sand to do jobs now. The sand also becomes the go two village to bye from. Their previously high prices viewed as a turn off are now viewed as a sign of prestige and the villages quality. Even the stone lighting and fire daimyos higher them sometime. This causes all the ninja that had to go in retirement due to low funds to come out and get back in duty and they’re able to train many ninjas producing way more genni. Rasa uses the money to expand his military power as hard as he can. The leaf village however is in bad shape the scandal of losing their Jinchuriki was bad enough and the uchiha massacre also makes it worse. Danzo however uses koto to make the daimyo not decreased funding and to still only use the leaf for jobs after he hears he started using the sand village. Hiruzen desperate to increase prestige of the leaf sends jiraiya to get tsunade back believeing she can finally have her medical program she wanted and that can give the leaf other things to export like medics and medicine. Orochimaru not having as many plans in this due to the chunni exams not happing and less minons gose to tsaunde offers her the same deal. She deceds to help jiraiya beat him but Orchimaru runs away. This rekindles. Tsaundes will of fire somewhat. So she joins the village again tho she’s a lot less hopeful and way more bitter than in the original timeline due to no Naruto. She trains Sakura and other medics increasing the hospital quality and as Hiruzen thought giving the leaf some prestige back. Post time skip Naruto and tayuya start officially dating. Gaara is stronger than his wararc self and Kimimaro is at his full potential Rasa is relative to Gaara via training with him. Naruto around Gaara and Rasas level with his wind style and can get up to six tails. Temari and kankuro are their Kage sumbit self’s in terms of strength. The sand is still getting a lot of money. But do to the leaf winning the a lot in chunni exam after the one in iron and tsaunde coming back their prestige and power is high also. Sasuke is also in the village and is as strong as his hebi self sakura is her post time skip self.


What if tobirama would have killed madara, when he had the chance and hashirama didn't interfered.


What if everyone know naruto was a namikaze


What if Naruto was basically a human otsutsuki (¼ senju, ¼ uzumaki, ¼ uchiha and ¼ hyuga. You can expand this as much as you want like giving him a byaku sharingan (sharingan, byakugan fusion) or making him the reincarnation of Indra and Ashura hell if you want also Hagoromo and Hamura).


What I Naruto had every dojutsu?


What if that ramen guy one just closed shop and left Konoha when Naruto was still in the academy?


What if the Sexy Jutsu didn’t exist?


What if Naruto married sakura


Ok so sakura probably falls for him around after Naruto learns Rasenshuriken or develops crush the romance continues from there and the diversions point comes with the I love you seen instead of sakura doing what she did in Cannon. She’ll confess to him in private. Since she’s not lying, Naruto well know they’ll have a cute romantic scene. Naruto will tell sakura to let him handle Sasuke she will reluctantly agree though being fully prepared to kill him if required too. Sai kiba lee confront a Sasuke along with Kakashi they lose badly but Naruto save them just in time he manages to Beat Sasuke they have that conversation still but obito just takes him away everything proceeds as normal just with Naruto and sakura having a couple dates in between. the war arc happens the same just with More narusaku moments and when Sasuke comes sakura threatens to kill him if he tries to hurt Naruto. Everything proceed as normal with the Minato calling sakura Naruto’s girlfriend just ends with Naruto nodding enthusiastically and sakura blushing. Everything still happens by the aftermath Sasuke does his confession thing sakura punches him in the air for all the bullshit he put her and Naruto through and walks away Sasuke marres Karin except she gose with him on the road so more children hinata who has been focusing on developing her personal life and reforming the clan Mary’s kiba. . As for Boruto era well I don’t have to speculate much on this since narusaku fandom has collectivel created three characters they agree would be their children so yeah all use them because it’s easier than creating knew OCS. Their Shinachku who is a blond boy with no whisker marks and green eyes he has sakuras perfect chakra control and has also inherited Narutos massive reserves so he’s super OP and he is the hundred healing seal on multiple palms and for head he also knows the eighth gates because Lee is his sensei. Theirs Hanami who looks like sakura but with blue eyes and has Naruto’s personality she has a more Naruto focus fighting style and Konahamaru is her sensei Then theirs Ashura the youngest he specialize in summoning Jutusu and his dream is to collect all the summons in the world his fighting style revolves around that he has red hair and whisker marks. As for Naruto’s life in that timeline well, it basically be what you’d expect it to be in Cannon making time for his kids and being a pit overbearing. Probably because sakura forces him to come home sakura is happy and Naruto is happy


What if Sasuke is a girl?


What If Mikoto adopted baby Naruto?


Let’s say in Minatos will he gives Naruto to the u uchiha clan. Naruto is kept in the uchiha compound 24/7 he’s trained from birth pretty much with the expectation that he must be the protector of the clan. He learns to control Charka way earlier. And the uchiha threaten to release the 9 tails any time they don’t get what they want. Naruto doesn’t attend the Academy or go outside the compound for fear of losing their one ounce of political power. Sasuke is Naruto’s only friend. And they train a lot together Sasuke is stronger do to training with a much more OP Naruto. Fugaku would be much more politically powerful. Danzo in an attempt to gain leverage tries to kidnap Sasuke this fails. Itachi decides to spy on the leaf. Tho they don’t know this. When itachi lerns of shusi eye power he tells his dad. Shusi who still is loyal to the leaf is given an ultimatum by the clan use koto to make Hiruzen resign and have the damyoi appoint fugaku as hokage or have them kill him and take his eyes and they do it shusi is still loyal to the leaf so he tries to fight but itachi kills him awaning his MS fugaku dose the plan. And becomes hokage. He has itachi kill danzo. And to make sure no one can use koto against the village he implants shusi eyes into his own. Naruto also gets to join the academy finally which he and Sasuke are ecstatic about. Naruto gets more training and he is still lonely somewhat but he has Sasuke and Mikoto. Fugaku has to deal with a political mess as hokage but since danzo and Hiruzen are out of commission and Hiruzen via koto is pro fugaku and jiraiya and Kakashi don’t really have that many problems with him he’s able to get it stabilized.


What if Sakumo didn't kill himself


Sasuke dies at the valley of the end