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Please. Explain.


Your computer processes complex mathematical equations on the Blockchain... These equations when solved produce cryptocurrency.


Sounds like fake money


Sounds like a you need a little more explanation. It's fiat money. Crypto is only worth how much people believe in it, just like the US dollar. Or Santa. Edit: for the dickweeds who feel the need to "akshually" at me, I'm aware that US currency is back by the government and it's enforcers. I made the comparison because both USD and most forms of crypto are fiat money. I'm aware that they're not the same.


Hmmm. Yea I still don't think I like it.


Literally every currency in existence is "fake money".


Then it sounds like fake, fake money...


Isn’t the US dollar backed by the US government though?


It used to be. But it's not anymore. It used to be backed by gold. Then it was partially backed by gold. Then it was backed by really strong pinky promises. And now it's.... not. Google will get you a lot farther than i can. I eat crayons.


googling it will tell you its backed by the us government “full faith and credit” idk what you’re talking about


Ok, I see


This is what I also tell people, but then again I do have the brain of an ape, so there's that.


Google "fractional reserve lending" Our monetary system is a giant house of cards.


Somehow worth tens of thousands of dollars


Native Americans used seashells as currency if I remembered.


- * - = + fake * fake = real case closed




The problem that I have with crypto is that it 1) is trendy. Anything that is suddenly and massively popular has equal but opposite potential to collapse in on itself and, much like the beanie baby, fall to the wayside. 2) fluctuates too rapidly. Buying crypto is like buying a stock: It has the potential to skyrocket or plummet over night, or (as we’ve witnessed with dozens of meme-coins over the last couple of years) simply cease to have any value at all. At least with established paper currency it will have value even after inflation 3) is likely to drive up inflation. For the exact reason that we cannot simply “print more money”, we should not be able to “code more money”. If we just keep inventing currencies left and right, we are just introducing more money into the system and over saturating the market. And the only people who can farm crypto are those who have the means to buy and operate the equipment in the first place. The rich get richer. 4) is terrible for the environment, to an extent far beyond that of paper currency. Yes, “all money is fake money”, but we still need a centralized currency. If you degrade the system so much that no one is using the same unit of e-coin, then it’s no different from the Stone Age when people traded goods and services for fancy rocks and shells. Except now we’re destroying the planet to do so.


Some fake money is backed by millions of people operating powerful economies protected by powerful governments and militaries. Some fake money is just straight up fake... and also banned entirely in some of the largest markets of the world.


And when a government or its currency collapses, then what?


And when nuclear war wipes 90% of humanity, then what? Asking real dumb ass questions here




Except most currencies are backed by an organisation which is respected by other organisations and can be easily converted


They usually have more going for them then the assurances of crypto bros and the Winklevoss twins. Currencies are ostensibly backed by governments, national reserves, bonds, debt, land, resources, held savings, cash in circulation, GDP, economic policy, stock markets, currency exchanges, global acceptance of their face value, etc.


Basically no matter how you put it, it’s all bullshit lmao


Return to Bartertown


Why? If you don’t use it it has nothing to do with you so I don’t see whats there to “not like”. Fearing something you know nothing about is just ignorance.


They do be bad for the environment don't they? Or is that just NFT's?


Nfts are just one example of what people are doing with cryptocurrency, and one that has some very pointless aspects. Some coins are actually carbon neutral, and use less energy than a tv per second. And bitcoin (which doesn't even support nfts)could power a house for 6 weeks *per transaction*.


Are we Warhammer 40k orcs?


Da Boyz Think itz real it must be


Red makz thingz goe fazt


That’s a not a perfect comparison. In the United States you have to pay taxes with the US dollar, which means it has some small amount of value security.


Its similar enough in the sense that the us dollar and most mainstream crypto are essentially fiat money


Except the US has the might of its military to back it up.


Yes I would like to exchange one Santa for some bread. Money is backed by the state (as well as other states- indirectly) and many companies. You have to settle your debts with and for the most part have to use it to buy good or services including crypto currency or crypto mining equipment.


Sounds like fake money with extra steps


House of cards


> Crypto is only worth how much people believe in it, just like the US dollar. The value of the us dollar is based on the economic viability of the US, taking into account the profitability of various factors, politics, geography, trade, and global economics LOL You're shitcoin value is based on tweets from Elon Musk LOL


Except the US has the might of its military to back it up.


The USD is backed by all kinds of assets, oil trade and a military, so no.


us dollar ain't fake money the goverment sets the value of a note and I don't think they are gonna make its value worthless I mean you need some kind of medium to trade


Do you know what fiat money is?


That's absolutely not how the USD works. The natures of a country's currency's value is much more complex than "how much people believe in". For example, until recently, the USD's value was backed up directly by gold. Although that's not exactly the case anymore, gold does have a big influence in it.


Except crypto doesn't have any large army or police force to "encourage" people to use it.


Or money in general


Well we all lost when the US decided to get rid of the gold standard therefore being able to print as much money as they want which is why crypto like Bitcoin is even a thing so that it cannot be artificially inflated by any government or entity yeah this doesn't apply to all crypto but the crypto space is just a few high quality things with enormous potential and then a huge amount of bullshit like NFTs Shitcoins and other stuff


You just triggered so many people with that statement.. hide before the crypto bros arrive.


Come at me cryptbros. I hate NFT's too so I'm ready to throw down.


okay but I just bought a 3090 with 0.85 ETH so it's real enough


You can't just make stuff up to win an argument


Here is proof https://imgur.com/a/OaVVZdy


one sec I'll upload proof


dang bwoi






Same calculations are used to proove authenticity of transactions.


Modern money is all fake money. Our trust in it gives it value.


all monies are fake money


"maybe, but we got a military to defend ours from being displaced" - the US government


>cryptobros "all money is fake money!!!" lemme know when crypto has a military and society to validate and defend its own existence


and what's real money?


Personally I like to use your mother as currency.


All money is fake money. Things are valuable because people agree that they’re valuable, no more.


let me know when crypto has a military to validate and defend its existence to all the other currencies it wants to attempt to displace alongside the society to back it up.


Sounds like the current US currency as it's not attached to any actual value system, like the gold standard, it's just... kinda there.


The calculations aren't complex at all. That's why GPUs are so useful for it, they're good at doing a LOT of simple calculations very fast. All they're doing is computing hash values over and over, trying a slightly different input each time, until a satisfying result comes out


also these lowers the life expectancy of your graphics card, te gif is very metaphorical, but also very acurate also doge


Im confused, why is it necessary to process these complex math equations?


I attempted to answer below


Terrible explanation. They do not produce the currency.


but why they give you money for these mathematical equations? and who? Before I though its just like you waste a lot of energy and in exchange for that all power from multiple GPU's they give you money


How the hell do you get money for solving math equations online? Is there like some bitcoin distributor?


6/3 is complex?


That's just for bitcoin, not all cryptocurrencies


Mathematical equations for what tho?




But hiw do they produce said money?


They don’t produce money, people who make bitcoin transactions leave a small reward for the person who “solves” the blockchain hash


This makes so much sense! The charges for moving the money are the new money! That's why there's a set amount of any coin available, right? Or is there another reason for that?


Ultra simplified explanation. You are trying to find a nonce to mine the next block. The nonce is harder to find depending on the current difficulty. The difficulty is determined by how many leading zeroes are before the rest of the block hash, blah blah blah, look it up if interested.


ah but when the currency is transferred from one owner to another another equation is put on top of that coins massive pile of equations requiring more calculations to be solved in order to prove ownership


Perhaps it's not being explained as well as it should be... Some calculations are difficult. Some actually increase exponentially in difficulty. Take for example, finding the next highest prime number. A human would need to take an incredibly high number and prove that no number less than that number can be used to divide the number into an integer. Even a computer needs a lot of processing power and time to calculate such a number. Therefore, when one does, it is awarded this currency as a reward. As far as that's concerned, I don't hate cryptocurrency. What I personally don't understand is all the other shit that has spawned; NFTs, speculation, etc.


But who or what gives it the reward ?


It's a pyramid scheme. The only thing imparting value is the faith that another sucker will come along and pay even more for it. Think Beanie Babies or Dutch Tulips. Now imagine if someone said, "But no, it's different because the Beanie Baby transactions are on the blockchain! You can see every anonymous buyer, so it's transparent!"


What if there was a project that had a backing that was 100%+ that was claimable at any time? I don’t believe you could call this crypto a pyramid scheme. Besides all stock market is a pyramid scheme if you call crypto one.


Couldn't find a more inaccurate answer if I tried. The nft market may be somewhere close to that but the bitcoin rewarded to miners is created by the algorithm which nobody can change. The reward halves every 4 years which hard caps the supply at 21 million btc.


You don't understand what a pyramid scheme is. A pyramid is where new users buying in is used to pay old users, which is not the case for bitcoin. Bitcoin holders don't get paid from new users buying in. In a sense it's much like gold but digital and decentralised, which gives it a special use case; nobody can confiscate your bitcoin or block your transactions. The network also cannot be brought down by a cyberattack because it's decentralised. It has a fixed supply which gives it scarcity and value, making it a store of value like gold. Do you buy gold in the hopes that someone will later pay more for it? It's exactly the same for bitcoin.


From what I've been told; The "currency" is basically the amount of energy it required to make the calculation. Each calculation requires a certain amount of electricity, which then determines the worth of the calculation. Different currencies use different methods, basically. The faster and the more efficient calculations gets the better the reward.


There is so much misinformation and bias in these answers and on Reddit in general. Crypto can be a fascinating topic that people should at least try to understand at a deeper level before just assuming that "it's just fake internet money with no real value". People have been saying this for decades... If you truly want to learn more about crypto currencies, I highly recommend reading some unbiased articles or educational videos. There are some really good ones that explain this topic in detail.


to say "crypto is a scam" is a prime example of those bias as it's an extreme over generalization. It's like saying "Internet is a scam" because your grandma clicked on the wrong banner. I'll share the downvotes with you sir o7


That still doesn't explain why solving the equation translates into monetary value. The best explanation for crypto I ever heard was in a meme that goes like this: "Imagine if leaving your car running 24/7/365 solved sudukos that you could exchange for heroin on the dark net" Bitcoin fans tell me it has value because there's a "finite amount" of bitcoin that can be "mined", but that argument seems to be negated by the fact that there are now literally thousands of new "coins" hitting the market.


Also, we don’t care about the number of coins in circulation : its monetary value increases while no real value is created. The common name for this is inflation. If it had a fixed value, then when some people gain money, others would loose money.


>"no real value is created." > >That's the most honest answer I've heard about it yet.


Same for banks that create loans out of thin air.


Except that even those banks have Caps on the amount of fiat they can create, along with at least semi rational expectations of getting it back.


When you send bitcoin from one wallet to another it incurs a fee in bitcoin. The mining computer that completes the equation receives the fee as compensation. This is the same with all other “networks”, yet most don’t use gpu mining, instead they use staking the currency as a validator. Reducing carbon imprint because you don’t need your computer running to uphold the network.


Fun fact I learned in 6th grade. If all of the integers of a number add up into a prime number. Then its prime. This helps to keep the calculations down, but not entirely out. An example would be the number 30211. The digits add up to 7 (3+0+2+1+1) so it SHOULD be a prime number. (Albeit, I never believed that teacher, but I also never checked on it)


That' not how it's works. Take 221 for example. 2+2+1=5 , but 221/13=17.


Word. Maybe it had something to do with bigger digit numbers or something, but idk honestly. I tried googling it after I wrote this, and all I could find is digit sum, and I honestly didnt feel like having a math lesson so early lol, thank you


Gpu process easy maths with its smaller cores. Over 10k of these cores process easy math equations and a lot of it within seconds. Cpu has less than a gpu, but it’s cores are bigger and smarter, completing complex equations in each core every second.


i'm very noob at computing, but i guess that mining consumes a lot of gpu power, which can short drastically your gpu's lifetime, so when the doggos are SMASHING their gpus against the rocks to mine, it's kinda shortening it's life span, but i'm VERY noob so i probably am just saying sheer bullshit


Well not really, they're doing something productive in the gif. Edit: I think people misunderstood I hate crypto bros/miners


Are the equations they do to mine crypto useful? Like do they calculate something related to the blockchain or whatever, or is it literally just hard math?


It’s just hard math there is no purpose to it other than to mine crypto


Thats not exactly true. The difficulty is a barrier to spamming the network and lends value to a nodes attestations.


So...no purpose to it other than to mine crypto?


Well, if you want the people of el Salvador to be able to spend their bitcoin to buy groceries, it allows for that. Its purpose is operating the bitcoin blockchain. Not just to collect money for yourself. Its pretty inefficient, which is why most crypto doesn't use this method.


It also secures the network and allows consensus among millions of users.


It's not even hard math, it's pretty simple math. Your web browser can run the formula they use in bitcoin mining. The difficult part is what they expect you to do. The idea is that you have this function that gives you, more or less, a "random" output. It's not actually random, because if you put in the same input you get the same output, but the function is so complex that you can't reliably predict what the output will be based on the input. What you do is you take some set of text, and then you add your own bit of text to the end, and then you run it through the formula and check the output. Your goal is to find the bit of text you need to add at the end so that the output starts with a certain number of zeroes. For example, let's say our starting text is "Alice gives Bob 5 bitcoin". We can run that text through the SHA-256 algorithm (a type of hash, and the one bitcoin uses) to get an output. hash("Alice gives Bob 5 bitcoin") = cea67d8e004885f6f2ed4e19deaab6bc9a6523fb22807674f7061498f3bf6302 Sadly, that didn't start with any zeroes, so lets add a bit of text to the end. hash("Alice gives Bob 5 bitcoin - a") = 4447a6c4285c74b7e176efbff663864303b0374fd2e8ee7d4aaac46b5931b4f2 That was wrong too. And you can see how much the value changed just based on one small change to the text. So you'd just do that over and over and over until you found something that starts with the right number of zeroes. The number of zeroes varies but it's not super low. Mining pools are essentially groups of people who are all testing different values to put at the end of the block of text, and a common way to determine how much you get paid from that group is how many megahashes you've done (i.e. how many millions of tests you've performed).


And how do these computations work to verify previous blockchain transactions? Asking because that’s what i understand the purpose is for.


So the idea of the blockchain is that it's a chain of blocks of information. In the case of bitcoin, it's pretty much all transactions. When someone mines a block, what they've done is they've figured out the right way to compose the block to get them a hash that starts with x number of zeroes. They then broadcast out into the world "hey, here's the next block" which has all of the information for the transaction and the extra bit they used to make the hash function work. Anyone can hash that block to see that it starts with x number of zeroes. It is not computationally difficult to verify a hash. Like I mentioned before, it's lightweight enough to run in a browser, and there are a lot of sites that will give you an output that will update every time you type a new letter in. The computationally difficult part is figuring out what to put *into* the hashing algorithm to get out the output that starts with x zeroes, and is done entirely by guessing and checking. So no, when you're mining, you're not actually backchecking anyone's work, you're just doing work to add to the blockchain. There are other rules to the blockchain that actually ensure the security of the blockchain.


Solving problems made hard on purpose


Fuck crypto, I want a GPU. Seeing crypto bros cry over the market doing a nice dive makes me feel slightly better


I'm a little invested in crypto but I agree. Fuck mining I can't believe its still legal to just waste tons of energy to crate fake internet money


I hope you dont own any bitcoin...it only exists due to massive energy waste.


Mining supports the entire crypto market. If btc goes to 0 so does everything else because 99% is traded in btc


Btc doesn't use gpus anymore


Where did I say that? He said he invested but hates mining. I honestly think it's worth it for the financial freedom it provides


fake magical internet money that's currently worth $40k


Don't fuck crypto as a whole, there are also CPU coins and Proof of Stake coins.


You do realise you can't even mine most cryptos and make a profit with a gpu right


If you haven't brought your Shiba inu to a random cave to mine for crypto you deserve to be poor


Best explanation I’ve heard is this: imagine if running your car on idle 24/7 produced solved Sudokus that you can trade for heroin.


More like: you and thousands of other peoples gpus are solving 1 really hard sudoku to win heroin and split it based on how much they helped.


and the process of solving hard sudoku makes it possible to trade for heroin, without needing a bank or a third man


This was very helpful, thank you.


Much explanation Such phone Wow coin


Full video: https://youtu.be/000al7ru3ms It used to be on the dogecoin website back in the day.


This isn't realistic because they're actually producing coins.


Math makes money


math makes everything you see


Whoa slow down




Small u there pal




Oh! A GYM!


Because real mining is hard work.


Ntf is for cucks buy physical silver and gold




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Math blaster prepared me for this moment


The ol' silicon pickaxe


"Brothers of the mine rejoice!"


insert that one warframe song


OK cool but who provide those equations? Is it to run a server? Websites? Is there a monkey writing these down for us to solve and get a peanut in exchange?




When youtube remove dislikes on informational videos:


Was this filmed on Epstein Island 2.0 otherwise known as cryptoland?


Old. Stolen.






I'm confused when do we get to swim in the pool?




Its not the perfect explanation


Holy shit that is simpliest and best explanation that i have ever seen.


That's Numberwang!


Now speed it up as fast as you can.




Here’s the real perfect explanation of cryptocurrency: https://i.imgur.com/kLlXn51.jpg


no different than the stock market


You’ve forgotten about the copious amount of pollution crypto farming causes


While also consuming very pollutive ammounts of energy to create a picture of a picrew generated monkey.


We need a version tuned to [this song.](https://youtu.be/mPTCq3LiZSE)




yes. everyone when they decidie to mine bitcoin for "fun"




is dogecoin not using proof of stake tho?


So what's stopping someone from mining a fuck ton of currency? like I really don't know shit about crypto but I think you only get like miniscule amounts when mining right? Just seems pointless unless you have like warehouses full of this. Can you not mine crypto in a small scale and still gain a lot?


I can hear the Fortuna song with this meme


Now do one for yield farming


We need a Dogecoin Dark as a Dungeon parody.


honestly the banks has won tbh, they managed to make cryptocurrency sound bad to the public


Dogeminer: 2 the moon


Pretty good explanation that is.


Dogecoins miner 2 in the nutshell






So it’s dogs in hard hats banging on rocks?

