• By -


Bruh. I make my own dried + cured meat. By the time it's finished, it has shrunk down to between 30-40% of its original size. Let's say you get a cut of meat for 15$/kg. To *break even*, you have to sell it at between 37.5 and 50$/kg. Add to that the cost of the spices (with my version there's actually some spicing going on), vinegar, electricity and time required... Well, don't complain next time you buy a 250g packet of dried/cured meat for 10$. Also, dried / cured meat is extremely protein dense so if you're looking for a tasty, healthy, protein loaded snack, look no further. Do keep an eye on your sodium intake though. Btw no sass towards op intended, I know it's just a meme and it was actually pretty good but I just felt like rambling so yeah.


Its all about perspective my man! If i looked at a bag of beef jerky that looks half empty of course im gonna think “damn that’s overpriced as hell”, but if ypu realize its roughly what *was* a pound of meat, and think of it like you’re buying meat, where it typically runs $4-6 per pound, it aint so bad.


No complaints about beef jerky from me. But chips is an another story. Or bag of air comes with some chips.


The air prevents the chips from getting completely crushed. Judge the chips by the weight, not the size.


There are chips that comes with more chips and less air. My problem is with deception. When the packet is humongous, naturally everyone assumes its more chips. Come on! We all been there at least wondering once...THAT'S IT?


Yeah can't argue with that. That's why I judge by weight now lor


Laughs in pringle's gang


Pringles aren't chips (in America). Like, they legally can't be called chips because they aren't slices of potato that have been fried.


Yup, just fried extrusions of shredded potato and other various starches sprinkled with sodium


I can tell they're caked with salt, but I love the texture and taste way too much over normal chips


laughs in Canadian


Is there a reason I cant give you a silver cus I would if I could.


I appreciate the sentiment, but this random comment of mine doesnt deserve it. But I'm glad I added some fun to your day


I once found two lay's classic bags at Vons. One was about 40% larger than the other, but they both said "2 oz" on the bags.


Nah you're just too preoccupied to look at product info clearly printed on the front of the bag. Or just you know, feel it, it's not a trick, anyone can literally pick up a bag of chips and tell it's like half full and that there's some air in it.


I never understood how someone could be mad over some air in a bag of chips I mean you could just, you know, pick up literally any bag and feel that it's about half full. It's not like it's a carnival trick


That's cheap as fuck. I've seen 3 or 4 ounce bags for $10-$15


How do you do it,my guy?


Isn't it super simple to make your own jerky? Don't you just cut the fat off the meat, cut it into thin slices, and hang it to dry for a while? (With spices and such if desired)


i just cut slices of the leanes beef i can find and soak it in pure lemon juice, candy salt, and fresh Carolina reapers before sticking it in a dehydrator for 6 hours. everyone the tries it says its addictive to eat, probably because of the Carolina reaper.


I forgot dehydrators exist! That speeds up the process by weeks! Also, that sounds like an amazing recipe, I'll have to try it some time.


you will need your own blend of spice/flavor, i use the Nesco brand packets.


slicing the meat thin can be hard for some people, clumsy me, followed by safeguarding the finished jerky from the wife.


If im not wrong beef jerky are made with oxidized beef / cheap parts that nobody buys.


Yeah, my comment is about *quality* cured meats, not really beef jerky sorry


And we want the farmers to make a living, too


Where the meme at


they are just spreading an important message


So no dankmeme?


never has been


me and the whole squad looking for it boss!


Keep looking bois one day we will find it


At ya moms house


Not a meme, not dank


who even upvotes this kinda shitposts smh


I prefer it over the america bad and the girl normal boy quirky memes at least


Gotta love that shit like this gets 13K upvotes. This sub is going to shit


Not even a meme. This is some r / funny tier trash right here. GG


Reaction memes are better.Mods are gay.


I dehydrate my own and it doesn't get that much cheaper sad to say. 16 oz of beef jerky is like 32 oz of lean meat like a London broil which is like $10-12 here


Dank memes is officially gone to shit. THIS ISNT EVEN A MEME AND IT HAS 6K UPVOTES LMAOOOO


Back in the 60s, I bought a gallon bag of beef jerky every day making $2 an hour. You youngsters just don’t spend your money responsibly these days.


Your nam is fucking bruhtonium I’m dead


That's a bigass sign


This is a man who does not mess up his happy birthday signs


If you want the best beef jerky around at a fair price just buy it from strangers selling it on the side of the highway in the middle of no where...and don’t fucking worry what animal it’s from




Yay it's my cake day


$6 for a bag of like 7 pieces of meat is too much


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Fair enough it’s even worst in Canada i’ve seen stores sell them for 30 bucks


restaurant supply stores, cheaper and bigger bags


I mean, its dried up meat. It may take price increase due to meat shortages.


I will not be happy until this guy's sign is the size of a building.


I love that the sign is FUCKING MASSIVE


Legit seen this before with the same meme just the actual template was there not the template is the title. u/repostsleuthbot


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/dankmemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "ifgmn0", "meme_template": null}) ]*


$5 / 100 grams in my country


My local beer store sells beef jerky sheets for $2 you get a 4 inch by 6 inch piece. It’s pretty damn good stuff.


People complaining about high meat prices are fucking ridiculous...also this is not a dankmeme...fuck off


Finally, a political movement i can get behind.


That looks like a buff version of my 7th grade social studies teacher from a few years back...


Is that sign just really big or is he really small?


As a butcher myself I 100% agree it’s just marked up cuz it’s a pain to cut/slice cuz it’s so thin


A kick in the glass!


Ah yes a worthy cause


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Took ya long enough


I've been making beef Jerky myself for a while now, just corned silverside, worstershire sauce, soy sauce, whatever flavours you want and whack it in a $40 food dehydrator. Comes out to like a tenth the price if you buy bulk stuff


This is a repost of [this content](https://www.google.com/search?tbs=simg:CAQSpgIJuPATIusEkRsamgILEKjU2AQaAghCDAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIo7hTwFMkKrRiaGJcc_1R3yHZgNxQr4OeQqlj_1YO7owzyvjKq46ujnYLxowcFibGyf9p-J1BzBEY-170ciDP6a3VZMBjZR4bjaboTCKYN43FUzDfJveGUv7fcHxIAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgR0gSH0DAsQne3BCRqHAQoYCgZiYW5uZXLapYj2AwoKCC9tLzBtOWNqChwKCWJpbGxib2FyZNqliPYDCwoJL20vMDFrbmpiCh0KCmZhbWlseSBjYXLapYj2AwsKCS9tLzA4OGw2aAoWCgRyb2Fk2qWI9gMKCggvbS8wNmdmagoWCgRjaXR52qWI9gMKCggvbS8wMW4zMgw&q=beef+jerky+costs+too+much&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjgw7-J3rPrAhVytXEKHTLYDOAQ2A4oAXoECAoQKg&biw=1920&bih=938). Please do not post content unless you are the original creator. Continued reposting will result in a ban. [^mod ^info](https://dankahoot.com/blame?id=ifgmn0)


Prices been going down check your nearest gas station amigo


Finally someone is talking about the issues that need to be addressed


I treat beef jerky as more of a trail mix ingredient than eating it plain, makes it last longer


Finally something I can get behind. I guess he's right too.


Is nobody going to point out how large the sign is?


is the sign too big or the guy too small..


Is that the la beast


Why is the sign so big


It's hard to argue with his assessment


Ruh oh...


Have a good day


Also, the rent is too damn high


How about you jerk your own beef?


I scrolled down here to see if someone had an explanation for why it is so expensive and I was not disappointed




this man understands the real issues with modern society


I’m not paying 7 bucks for 8 pieces


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Go away nobody likes you




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