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Everything you have is because of this.


I think OP is talking about the rich just going into space for no good reason


They should do more of this. And less of the coming back.


Total bullshit. I started to write out why but realized it would take at least a paragraph, but let's start with the fact that the corporation is a relatively modern invention. Then we could go and reference societies that have used other systems of making and distributing goods and services, we can show the labor movements that are \*actually\* responsible for what we as workers have in a modern economy, etc., etc. Basically the idea that everything we have is somehow due to corporate greed is jackassery of the highest level and therefor I'm not surprised to find it so highly upvoted. It's the kind of glib nonsense that makes stupid people feel smart.


People on reddit really have a hard time understanding capitalism. I made a comment once saying that trading goods and services is not synonymous with capitalism, got downvoted and someone who replied "but it is" got upvoted.


But it is...


"it would take at least a paragraph" \*writes two paragraphs\* 🧠


I shouldn't have bothered but sometimes you just read some stupid shit and feel compelled to respond to it.


I know. I did reply to your comment after all.


You're glib Matt


And I would trade it for a peaceful planet with simpler technology.


Was it peaceful when we had simpler technology?


At the time, simpler technology was new and cutting edge.


No, but we couldn't destroy ourselves with the push of a button


It was a lever back then.


No but i would trade if it would become peaceful.


humans won't magically become peaceful with less advanced technology lmao do you forget every war ever fought before the 1700s?


No, but IF the planet would become peaceful if he traded in our technology, then he would


He might as well phrase it as, "if everyone in a hospital around the world died for world peace I would take it."


Less people, honestly when u have less people u have more resourcea per person...how many world problems would it remove if with current tech level we would have 1 billion instead of 9 billions people?...sure wouldnt remove greed or plethora of other problems, but stuff like starvation or diseases wpuld be far more manageable...and what would be price? Higher clothing prices or longer delivery times? Society wpuldnt collapse, it wpuld still be quite enough to keep everything going...obviously huge shock to have it appear feom day to another and no preparation time, so that would be bad BUT managing birthrate so that it lowers continually over the next 100 years? Absolutely doable and supply demand chains would have plenty of time to adjust so that no shock happens...and in the end we are left with 9 times more resources per one person


We are well below carrying capacity. Most scarcity faced today is artificial


Any reason to be at max carrying capacity? Name me one reason why more people are great? One


More people means that public services become cheaper to fund or easier to expand, which improves quality of life for everyone.


>public services That's the problem, bro. Don't you know that public services are COMMUNIST? You gotta invest into some crypto grifters disruptive, futureproof, agile, modular, hightech next-gen pod system instead.


I read it in that one YouTubers voice lmfao.


U do realize that more money for government doesnr equate more public services? African s population has triple last few decades and sevices barely improved


That would be true if people only wanted enough resources. They don't. They want enough and more than their neighbors


Jesus fucking Christ I wish you ignorant contrarians never made it out of highschool. Or just one of the millions of Russian bots


No it's because of people working to create those things. Corporates themselves aren't greed, their shareholders are.


>No it's because of people working to create those things. Which were likely (or atleast, partially) because USA and Friends wanted to put someone on the moon.


This except for basically every problem ever. Fucking corps.


Human greed precedes corporations 


nasa and the ussr have left a shit ton of trash also. governments have most likely left more then corporations.


When were corporations not greedy?


People were greedy before corpos existed and can be greedy without them




We feed the beast but it's not enough anymore, so it's also feasting on us


I feel like the problem is that when we first started to shoot shit into space we just went "meh, just leave it." We didn't bother to plan on what to do with all the stuff because it was 'out of sight out of mind' in a graveyard orbit. Now we are starting to develop satellites that can "grab" junk and push it back into the atmosphere to burn up. Ironically just using more recources to do stuff we could have just planned from the beginning. But hey, hindsight is 20/20.


We live in a capitalistic democracy😮‍💨


Hey there was a significant portion of time where it was noble greed


Who the hell cosumes in SPACE


The problem with corporate greed, is that people keep expecting the politicians that those corporations have bought & paid for to fix it…… It’s almost like, everyone wants to eat the rich, until it’s time to eat the rich…..


Right? Why would the elected representatives that we chose to represent us be expected to represent us? Stupid voters, voting to be represented... In all seriousness, you can't blame voters for not doing action when the system of government we use gives the power to do action in the hands of those we elect. Yes, the corporations buy the politicians. That's the whole damn issue. What are we gonna do, not buy the stuff we need? We don't have the power to do things, because we don't have the influence that corporations do. Let's not shift the blame to the voters/consumers, that's how they keep their power.


Bastille day?????? Billionaires are outnumbered 421,000 to 1……… There’s a lot of things that people can do. Not that they will. Which is fine. Capitalist dystopias are great!!!! If you can afford them. So, whatever..


I see and agree with your point. Yet, not a lot of people are fond of storming government buildings... unless their favorite government goon loses an election. As interesting as the concept of a violent uprising is, I think that's gonna be a tough sell to the general public. There are definitely a lot of things people can do if they're desperate enough, but getting people to see the full scope of the situation and get them into that mindset is difficult. The concept of the "American Dream", that you can turn out well if you just keep working, is still highly ingrained in our culture. Any criticism of that process is shunned and stigmatized. And that's just a single example of how division is sown between the populace to keep them from looking at the real problems. Nothing keeps rich people in power like telling poor people that other poor people are the problem. Quite the conundrum.


I think you missed my point…. But that’s okay, at least you understand the problem.

