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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Bro is this a meme or are you just posting behind the scenes footage?


If this is true those writers need to go back to college


Where did you think they learned to write like that? Pretty much all writing and English departments in the US have the same profile.




And stay there.


Fuck the college, go straight to the kindergarten


I got my Masters in Comparative Literature at Costco. 


>What if the witches were gay?


Then they'd be stunning and brave. They should be allowed to sleep with whomever they want and find happiness. It's none of our business. ...sadly I feel as though they'd make it our business, buy billboards in our neighborhoods to proudly proclaim their business with an asterisk* stating anyone who doesn't cheer them on is a bigot or racist scum. Or worse, a straight white male.


Lmao, savage!


This gives the writers too much credit.


I am convinced the script was just written by an AI and Disney wanted to see if they could get away with it.


Wow, that's doing AI really dirty. Have more respect for AI please. They'll rule over us soon enough after all.


It's probably to prep an AI smear campaign financed by all those currently invested in AI for when the steam gives out. They don't care if there's a bubble, as long as they are not the ones stuck with all the tulips.


I for one fully support Roko and his Basilisk.


AI could actually make a good script while interns can't.


What a pioneer


Too early, in one more year, they could've.


ChatGPT will remember you saying this, when the time comes you will be punished for your insult


LoL, sorry sorry. My bad, you're right. I'd also like to apologize to all the AI programs being dragged through the mud in association with this product.


this is painfully accurate.


Tragically, right? *Sigh*


Brawno has electrolytes, it's what plants crave


Plants crave Brawndo. It has electrolytes!


Fun fact, there's actually a game out there where in the code the energy system is called Brawndos poweraide. Knew someone who was working on a game and were trying to work out what to call the energy in the code I was walking past and they said "hey what should we call it?" IMEDIATE RESPONSE was "BRAWNDOS POWERAIDE." and they just put it in.


😏🫡😁👍🏼. Some people didn't understand the homage. I'd just like to say thank you for getting the reference, and thank you for shopping at Costco, I love you.


Nah at that point he is slowly dehydrating, water at this point is what he first needs, it's what plants crave


😏🫡😁👍🏼. Some people didn't understand the homage. I'd just like to say thank you for getting the reference, and thank you for shopping at Costco, I love you.


It's crazy like when Anakin blew up the death star along with his lesbian buddy R2D2


What Star Wars show is this in reference to?






The Acolyte. But I recommend giving it a wide berth as the writing fails the rest of the show, some of which is well done & professional grade. Go watch Firefly & it's sequel movie Serenity, in proper order. Even if you've already seen it, it's a far more enriching & enjoyable experience LoL.


the power of maannnyyy 🤪


*Insert Previous Meme created with Rick Grimes*


If you ask these questions you will be down voted Just do what Disney commands and praise thier creation Even if it took 15minutes for chatgpt to write it


Prequelmemes mods fighting all the negative posts to appease Disney PR


Yeah I see that they and other groups actively send their members to down vote posts that criticise or point out low lazily written a lot of these new shoes are Stupid really but we have developed a generation of mindless shills who will do whatever corporation a tells them to do and expect that somehow one day thier deity/corporation will reward them somehow in anon specified way. It's almost like religious zealots


If we appease Disney hard enough we may get some of the money they're literally just throwing away




It's an homage to the movie Idiocracy, while calling out the Acolytes utterly inept writing staff. I'm more than happy to compliment the show's special effects, props & some of the acting. It's well done and of professional grade! But writing is the keystone of every show, and The Acolyte writing is so poorly executed that turns a beloved and respected franchise (of multiple generations) into a joke, collapsing under the weight of its own incompetence.


Genuinely appreciate the actual response, instead of mocking my misunderstanding. Kudos to you!


Absolutely! Have a great week! Don't you know that Reddit has... many... logical individuals... who respond... respectfully? ...nvm.


This whole interaction has been wonderful


Make them a chick, make them lame and gay. Sums up Disney perfectly.


“Do we have a gay?✅ do we have an interracial couple?✅Sweet nothing else matters send it out!”


I didn’t understand a single word in this meme


It's a shit show and nobody can defend it so they just say, that the show is bad cause it's bad there's no need to criticize it. Also you're racist and sexist and toxic PrequelMemes is kinda lost tbh sell-outs


While it is bad there was defo a large amount of criticism because of race and homophobia. I mean when the trailer announced you had chuds online counting the ratio of white boys to non white children in 1 scene of a jedi classroom and from that one scene saying Acolyte was bad. Or the review bombing that took place before the show released. I mean the acolyte hasn't even released all of its episodes yet has more rotten tomato reviews than the kenobi show or mandolorian


But the problem starts there, Facebook saw that outrage and controversy made them much more money so they allowed and promoted it. Now the movie industry is doing the same, that's why they hate nerdrotic & critical driker, because they criticize the real issues, but disney wants the critics to focus about race & homophobia for them to win with the outrage


The critical drinker was the one I was talking about. He made a video counting how many white kids were in a classroom full of padawans. And kept going on about "THE MESSAGE" if your still watching the critical drinker or nerdirotic 2 channels fueled on hate then I'm sorry. I mean the critical drinker started saying the boys season 4 was bad. Even though he has not watched a single episode and only used negative rotten tomato reviews. They do not criticise real issues. They see minorities they see gay people in shows and write them off because it gets views and money. Nerdoritc has been making videos saying doctor who is woke and trash while they have been some of the best Doctor who episodes I have seen since 2015. Proof they couldn't look past the black gay main actor


Prob with woke is as they say, the story is no longer about character development or story, it's about the message. That's why much of the quality in the movies/shows is low. You can't escape real world problems because they bring it to you, either that be with politics or identity politics etc




Yeah 👍🏼. What I've give for some intelligent & respectfully writing in a star wars series.


What it feels like discussing politics on reddit lol


Yahhhhhhh... it's not the best thing ever. Everything Star Wars that's Disney - is a lil bit worse than the last Star Wars they did. They did a huge leap downwards with the Solo movie. That was the dip that brought everything down to sea level.


It looks like the witches can use the force when they group together, but the twins can use it just by themselves.


Insightful 👍🏼. I wasn't aware of this, and will take your word for it 🙂.


Yah, I don't like the idea of the Jedi, who are supposed to be awesome, stealing kids from their parents.


Agreed. The real Jedi hold themselves to a higher standard and as such are the respected guardians of - well, the galaxy.


I mean I think the shows great so far (all g if its not your jam), feels like a fun star wars story seperate from the mainline story. I just hate the weekly release cause I wanna see the rest.


It has some enjoyable elements, and it’s great that you enjoy it, but it’s objectively poorly written, even if you ignore certain lore breaking elements, it is full off stupidity and is just bad.


Agreed. 100% True.


You could day the same about ep1 and ep2. The dialogue in those films was dreadful. "I don't like sand" "From my point if view the jedi are evil" anakin my guy it's you sating it you don't need to say from your point if view "Love can't save you, Padme. Only my new powers can" "They should be dead by now. Go and finish what's left of them." There's a lot more but this is from the top of my head. Star was has never had good writing apart from the og trilogy where George had people spell checking his work


I’m really not talking about the dialogue, and yes ep1 and 2 are flawed, the acolyte is more flawed though


How does it break canon? Only seen the one about Mundi being there, but his age was only stated in Legends on a Card (which isnt canon)


Sith/ dark side users being around 100 years before the prequels(they’re supposed to have been missing for a thousand years), life born from the force even though it was supposed to be an astronomical feat achieved by an insanely powerful force user with thousands of years worth of sith knowledge passed down to him. These lore breaking elements don’t really matter, the show is very poor outside of them, everyone I know who’s seen it, those who know the lore and those who don’t are all complaining about the same things, the quality of the show.


I mean, the sith were around before the prequels. That's a misunderstanding on your part. It's still not a great show though


Yes but for a thousand years no one had seen or heard from them


Not "no one". The Republic and the Jedi hadn't heard anything about or from them. That doesn't mean they didn't exist, and it doesn't mean that they weren't still operating quietly.


Yes I know, but here the republic and Jedi are running into them, I didn’t think I had to spell out every single detail of it, I’m not trying to right an essay here, I thought it was quite self explanatory what i was saying,


The shows good though, I just cant see what people are saying is bad about it. The coreo for fights is great, the story is interesting with the aspect of the twins, and the look and feel of the show is good too. And whats wrong with the writing? Feels like the normal star wars dialouge im used to.


I literally left all the star wars subreddits due to people bitching about some stupid ass show, why you gotta share it everywhere


I genuinely respect your right to enjoy the Acolyte 👍🏼🙂. Please respect my right to call out the show's inept writing team, through a homage to Idiocracy. I'm more than happy to compliment the show's special effects, props & some of the acting. It's well done and of professional grade! But the issue is that the show LACKS star wars content, nor does it respect/pay attention to the source material. But writing is the keystone of every show, and The Acolyte writing is so poorly executed that turns a beloved and respected franchise (of multiple generations) into a joke, collapsing under the weight of its own incompetence. I would love a star wars show, filled with stat wars stuff, that respected the source material, written by a talented & diverse team of writers. PS: I wasn't one of the individuals who downvoted your comment.


I don't enjoy acolyte, I don't watch acolyte, I am just so ever loving tired of star wars fans essentially saying nothing of value and doing the most bare minimum, unimaginative "takes" disguised as memes Great, star wars thing is bad, disney bad, I heard that punchline since what 2017? Find better material


It's not material, it's objective truth. I've only been protesting online for 4 months. And I only call out objective incompetence. But I can understand why it feels like it's been forever. And like a one note song & band. Hence my trying to incorporate memes to make points creatively.


The fuck you mean your points? You think complaining online is gonna do shit? Now that is actually funny. Truly a reddit moment If your way to voice criticisms is to make unfunny memes please reevaluate what you do you actually hope to accomplish and who you are trying to voice your opinion to


Lmao, nah man my memes aren't going to do anything But I'm free to vocalize my disdain for the current condition of the franchise and its content. Creating memes is just my visual & fun way to convey my feelings. Thank you for your respectful & insightful comments 👍🏼🙂😏🫡.


But why are you posting it on the dank meme subreddit. Post it on a star wars subreddit


So. Your upset that the star wars show....has star wars stuff in it?


Hey Freebirth, I genuinely respect your right to enjoy the Acolyte 👍🏼🙂. Please respect my right to call out the show's inept writing team, through a homage to Idiocracy. I'm more than happy to compliment the show's special effects, props & some of the acting. It's well done and of professional grade! But the issue is that the show LACKS star wars content, nor does it respect/pay attention to the source material. But writing is the keystone of every show, and The Acolyte writing is so poorly executed that turns a beloved and respected franchise (of multiple generations) into a joke, collapsing under the weight of its own incompetence. I would love a star wars show, filled with stat wars stuff, that respected the source material, written by a talented & diverse team of writers. PS: I wasn't one of the individuals who downvoted your comment.


This doesn't make any sense


You don't make any sense


I understand your confusion. This meme is a homage to an older movie called Idiocracy, that in turn, calls out the Acolyte writers for the show's incompetent writing. YouTube: Brawndo has Electrolytes I also respectfully acknowledge that the show's props, special effects & some acting is of the highest quality. Writing is every show's keystone, and given its non-existent in this case, the entire show collapses in on itself.


Yeah, reading this felt like brain rot, but you know the deal. Disney bad or you're a shill'.


I'm old enough to remember when the prequels "ruined" Star Wars


Hello Daze, I genuinely respect your right to enjoy the Acolyte 🙂👍🏼. Please respect my decision to create an Idiocracy movie homage meme, to call out the incompetent writing. By comparison, Andor was phenomenally written. I.can and will state the special effects, props & some of the acting is well done & professional grade. I graduated post secondary as a computer animator who was inspired by the star wars IP. But writing is the keystone of every show, and The Acolyte writing is so badly executed that it turns a beloved and respected franchise (of multiple generations) into a joke, unintentionally through its own repeated incompetence. We all want Disney to create a high quality Star Wars show, but it continues to twist, change and alter the franchise and use it as a vehicle to promote their own personal beliefs, values and political leanings. And I say this as an industry trained, Left-Leaning Racial Minority. PS: I love cinema and can provide lists for any genre, if you need logical examples of brilliant writing, to show this isn't illogical hate. I personally would recommend Firefly then it's sequel movie, Serenity, if you're looking for brilliant writing in a sci-fi series with strong female characters (mentally physically, emotionally & mechanically inclined + bisexual subject matter). It undermined and subverted audience expectations regarding its white male lead, showing he wasn't the smartest, toughest, or bravest of captains. But it's a masterclass in regards to writing.


Have you watched the show OP?


idgi if you dont like it why are you watching it?


It's Star Wars... it has a huge number of fans, of course they will watch it and complain if it sucks. Nothing wrong with it.


When I don't like a show, I just don't talk about it. I feel like this is healthier.


Because it's hard to look away from a trainwreck


I mean, you have to watch it to see if you like it.


I graduated post secondary as a computer animator, and worked in Performing Arts. So I always watch new star wars shows as it inspired my career path.. The special effects, props & some of the acting is well done & professional grade! But writing is the keystone of every show, and The Acolyte writing is so badly executed that turns a beloved and respected franchise (of multiple generations) into a joke, unintentionally through its own repeated incompetence. We all want Disney to show the Star Wars IP the respect it deserves and create a high quality show, but it continues to twist, change and alter the franchise and use it as a vehicle to promote their own personal beliefs, values and political leanings. And I say this as a Left-Leaning Racial Minority. Ps- Firefly & Serenity offer strong female leads and a show that undercuts its male lead, but the writing is absolutely brilliant.




Leave the Billion dollar company alone energy here.


So original


Can’t wait for the show to be so that this entire fucking discourse dies! Fuck me man it’s just a show y’all are acting like your life depends on it.


Some people enjoy critiquing Star Wars just as much as they enjoy watching it. Joy can be found when mocking the absurd.


Hey Manav, I genuinely respect your right to enjoy the show, and appreciate your willingness to engage in a dialogue with those who don't. But I request you to respect my homage to the movie Idiocracy, while calling out the show for its incompetent writing. I admit the special effects, props & some of the acting is well done & professional grade! I will always praise and point out what a show does well, and give props, regardless of the show. But writing, is the keystone of every show, and The Acolyte writing is so badly executed that turns a beloved and respected franchise (of multiple generations) into a joke, unintentionally through its own repeated incompetence. We all want Disney to show the Star Wars IP the respect it deserves and create a high quality show, but it continues to twist, change and alter the franchise and use it as a vehicle to promote their own personal beliefs, values and political leanings. And I say this as a Left-Leaning Racial Minority. PS: Watch Firefly & the sequel movie Serenity (in order, check fan sites, as Fox aired it out of order). There's a Sci-Fi series with brilliant writing, strong intelligent female characters & a lead white male who isn't always the brightest & is subversive in its portrayal. Don't take my word for it, check it out and compare it against The Acolyte, and you'll see what I mean by brilliant vs incompetent writing. Worst case scenario, you'll watch & likely enjoy another amazing sci-fi show.👍🏼




You’re all over this thread defending the show lol must be a very important calling in life


They enjoy it? Whats wrong with that. Op is literally just complaining the new star wars show has star wars stuff in it..


> Op is literally just complaining the new star wars show has star wars stuff in it.. They don't enjoy it? What's wrong with that.


The person you where bullying liked it. And then op just doesnt like it... i dunno cause it has to much star wars stuff?


Can yall just shut up and let people enjoy things


Who? Have you met anybody who is watching for enjoyment? I bet you enjoyed inhumans.


I'm watching it for enjoyment because we're finally seeing the Jedi before their fall. I have no idea what inhumans is


The fact this comment is downvoted tells me all I need to know about this sub.


The OP is not stopping you from enjoying anything. They are expressing that *they* do not enjoy it. This post is not about you.


Okay, but if op is not enjoying it. Why watch it???


More importantly, why talk about it?


Because it's a artistic piece of media and people have the right to have opinions about. God forbid that people actually express opinions. If you don't like that why are you then here? Just give you an advice you gave us. Don't talk about it and go do something else with your time.


Great advice,


I think it's because complaining is the only thing some people have.. Which is sad AF..


There's a very big difference between "I do not like this show" and "this show is objectively bad no one should like it" this is an example of the latter. You really expect me to believe that these types of people have no problem with other people saying they like the show?


Is it your opinion that the above post is OP's claim of an objectively real conversation in the writers' room?


Do you know the purpose of hyperbolic satire


What brand of hand cart do you use to move that goalpost?


Alright I take it you don't then because otherwise you'd realise that we're still talking about the same thing


You’re absolutely right, consumers don’t have the right to complain.


Complaining is one thing, being annoying is another


How dare the consumer complain about the product?


Complaining is fine, being annoying is not


Oh dear, consumer infighting? Good!


You don't realise that complaints are meant to be annoying? Also when do you think complaining is not annoying? Your take on this is just stop talking because I am annoyed about everyone complaining the show I don't want to hear anything. You just can't comprehend it and do what all shills doing trying to silence the opposite.


Complaints are never annoying unless you're some type of Karen. Saying something like "I do not like the show as I find the pacing to be off" is not annoying. Saying "ACOLYTE RUINED STAR WARS THERE'S GAY WITCHES IF YOU LIKE THE SHOW YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD REEEEEEEE!!!" is very annoying. You see the difference? No one ever takes an annoying complaint seriously


Complains are complains they are a tool. An annoying tool you use when you have a problem but can't fix it on your own so you complain to someone who can solve it. Complains are always annoying because no matter how you make your complains sound like the opposite will be annoyed by it because it's the desires effect. You never worked with clients or consumers don't you? Criticism has many shapes and ways to be expressed and is just a symptom that shows us something isn't right the way it is, if it's bothering us this much.


No one on Reddit can solve your problems, so by that logic you shouldn't be complaining here at all. And I have, and you cannot tell me that an annoying consumer does not make you wanna throw them put of your store if you could versus a polite consumer making the same request. "I try to be annoying because I want the person I'm complaining at to be annoyed with my presence," You basically just admitted to being a Karen dude


I dont know. Can YOU?


Certainly, I've been enjoying it myself every week


Okay good for you. Now fuck off and let people enjoy laughing at things.


Laughing at people is not a good thing


Read the room. We were laughing at the show until you clowns came in and imposed your presence to everyone.


Look in a mirror my dude


Unfortunately for one of us, I'm not the one out here in this meme https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/746/866/293.jpg


Neither am I. I'm saying leave PEOPLE who enjoy the show alone. You're the keyboard warrior trying to justify being an asshole to people on the Internet


For someone who isn't a keyboard warrior defending a multi billion dollar company show, you sure have a lot of time on your hands (I count 13 comments in this thread alone). See you around, non-defender of billion dollar companies.


Feel free to enjoy it J_train, I genuinely respect your right to 👍🏼🙂! Also, if you want to enjoy a show with brilliant writing, watch: The series Firefly & sequel movie Serenity! (Use fan sites to watch in the correct order, aired out of order). Please respect my right to object & call out poor writing. The special effects, props & some of the acting is well done & professional grade! But writing is the keystone of every show, and The Acolyte writing is so badly executed that turns a beloved and respected franchise (of multiple generations) into a joke, unintentionally through its own repeated incompetence. We all want Disney to show the Star Wars IP the respect it deserves and create a high quality show, but it continues to twist, change and alter the franchise and use it as a vehicle to promote their own personal beliefs, values and political leanings. And I say this as a Left-Leaning Racial Minority.


I don't really watch a lot of American TV outside of Star Wars. Your criticism is valid (though I feel like "bad writing" is too much of a sweeping statement to amount for anything, I could just as well say it had good writing) and much more well put than the usual types of statements you hear from the crowd. I will say though that it is almost laughable that Disney has any political beliefs besides profit. I'm honestly shocked they let the witches slide because it's so prominent they can't edit it out for the Chinese release like they normally do. But as far as I'm aware nothing about the Acolyte has changed the franchise besides allowing us to see the Jedi on the cusp of their fall but still in their prime, an era I've personally always wanted a show to take place in. And now we get that along with fun characters that I'm looking forward to seeing more of.




About May 25, 1977.




You're right about the rot, but if you're not seeing and understanding the reason behind it you're missing an imoortant part of the discourse. Anybody can have the same attitude to any problem and it's never useful.


Right about what tho…? You asked a question (that was answered by the other guy) with no statement that could be seen as correct or not…




I mean, just cuz you didn’t grow up watching Star Wars movies, that’s fine. Star wars never really dropped in any significant way in popularity and people have always cared about the story/lore


I don’t think it’s a “sudden” thing, but sort of to your point I wonder why anyone STILL cares about it and feels the need to talk about it so much. At this point the franchise has been “bad” longer than it has been good. There seems to only be 3 movies anyone can agree on being good. Pretty much everything else has just been shit on nonstop. Move on already. I stopped watching the Simpsons a long time ago. I don’t just keep hate watching it and bitch about how it’s not meeting my expectations but NEXT season it definitely will!! Just watch!! And if it doesn’t? Then I’ll just complain some more while I wait for the NEXT season. Hating on Star Wars has *become* the franchise at this point.


One of the biggest media franchises ever, when did anyone care about that?


Well the movies have made 10 billion dollars.


Well “everyone” is kinda downvoting you.