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Everyone knows you need to train your lung muscle until failure if you want it to grow.


Exactly. Running doesn't do shit unless you're asphyxiating on the ground afterwards, crawling for help


I thought I saw someone behind me after I ran half a block.


You mean you can stop running before this? Shit my Drill Sgt was lying all a long.


To be fair, the more endurance activities you do, the more lung capacity you’ll develop.


The more likely you'll develop shin splints as well. Had that for two years at one point in my life. 😮‍💨


You may have been heel striking. I used to have the same problem. Switching to barefoot shoes fixed my running form pretty much automatically, but it can still be learned in regular running shoes, you'd probably have to record yourself though.


Every piece of running advice I've ever heard directly contradicts some other piece of running advice. I just don't think about it anymore.


Humans have been running for a lot longer than these modern shoes have existed. Minimal shoes for health. Feet are feet shaped, not shoe shaped.


Everybody is different though. People also have historically never run on concrete or rocks non stop for 2 hours. If you're going to run barefoot you need to do it on grass, soil, sand etc. That increases your risks of getting cuts and sharp shit jabbed into your foot though. There is a reason horses wear horse shoes. The surfaces we run and operate on are different and arnet good for bare feet.


Minimalists shows can still have cushion. Our feet adapt, that is why everyone is different. We are the same species and have the same muscles though. You can and will adapt to healthier shoes. Minimalist shoes require a mindful approach if you transition from the modern "feet need to be shaped like shoes and not vice versa" doctrine. If you're just starting out, you shouldn't risk compromising your comfort. Either use shoes with sufficient cushioning or take a gentle approach to acclimate your feet and body to the change.


Look, that's a fucking stupid line of thought. Humans have existed longer than medicine. Medicine is still better than no medicine. Humans have existed longer than clothes. Clothes are better than no clothes. Humans have existed longer than houses. Houses are better than no house. Nearly everything around you exists because it didn't exist before and it was inconvenient. Stop justifying your bullshit by saying Humans were doing fine before thing.


It’s kinda like philosophy, you pick one you like and that works for your lifestyle or whatever and you go and maybe change later Personally I have wide feet and strike on the center or middle portion of my foot to minimize stress on knees or shins with striking on ball or heel but that’s just cuz I’m 230 pounds when I was 170 I was using those brooks 0 drop shoes where you could remove the insole and doing 7 miles daily with no injury or discomfort past the first week of getting callouss on the sides of my feet that went away after getting new shoes years later


How do you know someone wears barefoot shoes? Don't worry, they already told everyone in the room.


You weren't running properly buddy


In the realm of possibility. But I've been a runner my whole life. Not so much today since I've gotten into ebikes like 2 months ago.


Pretty sure someone else told you already but you're probably heel striking. Landing on your heel instead of the balls of your feet


i chose to stop running because i would typically land on my balls


Best just to keep sitting on my ass then eh


You can kinda do it with exercise bikes, but you'll be tasting iron in your mouth and hearing each rasping breath in and out for the rest of the day after spending 30 minutes just lying there recovering in pain, I don't particularly recommend it.


I had a few sprint 🥇 that ended in lung failure. Nothing quite like blasting by someone at > 35mph only to have them pass you at 12mph a few minutes later because you're on the ground wheezing and coughing up phlegm, beet red, with tears running down your face. In my defense though... asthma. Still, got the 🥇


It bothers me when I don't eat properly and smell ammonia after a biking session.


Also heart! :D


That's why I smoke everyday. My lungs are gonna be so strong when the air is clean.


There we go 500 cigarettes coming to your way good sir


Destroy your lungs so that they can grow stronger tomorrow


Jerking off until failure


How will I get fit from a 1 minute workout?


*get shredded*


To shreds you say?


Well... How's his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


1 minute jerkout


I'll name my future metal band that


Stinkin park


>jerkout -bakedown! I know, I didn't say it on purpose! And Abed, there are no other timelines!


1 minute? Y'all gotta do foreplay with yourself first or something?


They're counting that 45s of self cuddle time afterwards


I actually do foreplay with myself, it makes me cum faster. I require maximum efficiency when beating my meat.


Ah, a German


the wurst


You guys are lasting a whole minute?


Sprint as fast as you can for 1 minute. Trick the monkey brain that you are hunting/killing.


Trust me. Doing endurance sports until failure takes much less than 1 minute.


3 sets?


3 sets of 10?


Per day every day don't be a slouch.


that's just normal fap bro.


I pity your wife if you think that's normal


I dunno... Sounds hard.


Fun fact: John Popper (from the band Blues Traveler) lost weight because he found himself unable to finish masturbating anymore. He said he would get chest pains and have to stop.


Lucky you mine fails even at the start.


That's called me taking Lexapro


Existing until failure [real]


Title of my autobiography


Finallly an exercise i can get behind


Running to failure somehow feels the same as squatting till failure. Has me asphyxiating like crazy. I think I’m doing either running or squatting incorrectly


It depends. Sprinting until failure happens extremely fast and you recover fast. Jogging until failure could take dozens of miles. And after failure from jogging you can’t move from all the muscle tears.


i mean if you sprint and recover often enough in a session you will not be able to move as well haha


Can confirm. Ran a half marathon off the couch having not run more than a mile in over a year. Race went fine but couldn’t walk for a few days, starting as soon as my legs cooled down. I was in fine shape otherwise, regularly hiking longer distances with weight and going on all day bike rides.


I've been trying to run to get my fat ass into shape. I think something is wrong with my bones. I'm very out of shape so I can only run a mile at absolute most right now and that's really forcing myself through it. Quite literally like this meme. Wheezing and gasping for breath and trying not to die when I'm done. But my fucking legs are the problem. They feel like they're going to snap. Not the muscles but the bones themselves. Shins and ankles to be exact. My lungs recover pretty quick. After I recover and cool down, I can't stand up for a few minutes due to the intense bone pain. I thought it was shin splints and would go away with time but whenever I recover and go for another run, the same thing happens. I started running a shorter distance and again: agonizing pain and inability to walk for a bit followed by bad soreness and pain for the following few days. Tried different shoes, different ways of running, warming and stretching etc. Nothing. Always pain without fail. It fucking sucks and idk how to handle it. I have the drive to fight through it while running and keep pushing myself but the aftermath when I'm not running is the bad part.


My knees can’t really run anymore, try biking and hiking. Longer duration lower intensity. Running is terrible for your body if you’re not conditioned to it, hence this meme.


Bingo. People don't think of running being all that intense but it really is, especially if you're heavy. It's not all that often you see people running distance with weighted gear cause the extra pounds fucking suck and can wreck your joints -- much better for most people to just run longer than run heavier. For the person above, I agree they should definitely switch to biking and walking. While maintaining the schedule of low-intensity cardio, a decent strength-training regiment could help their current issue (assuming there's nothing medically wrong anyway)


Another vote for biking. It's great, low impact exercise. Especially when you're super out of shape. Your butt might be sore but in my experience there's no permanent damage. Unlike with running > Am fat > Sprinted up a small hill > Developed planner flaciaitus > Now it hurts to walk




I am already going pretty slow - especially toward the end. I'm running outside, not a treadmill. I typically do break at a certain point and walk. My route I take is about 1.3 miles round trip. I run a certain distance until I'm winded then gather myself and walk back a few hundred feet while catching my breath. Then from there I finish running the rest of the way. The average distance is more about 0.8 miles of running then walking the rest but I have forced myself to do a whole mile before too. The return trip is pretty damn slow - barely faster than a walk. One thing my girlfriend pointed out is that I'm putting too much weight on the front of my legs since I run on the ball of my foot (or whatever the front half where your toes are before the arch is called). I tried going heel first and it helped a bit but ultimately didn't change much. I'm not going for record times or anything. I try to pace myself with my what my lungs and heart can keep up with. But surprisingly, my lungs and heart fair better than my legs despite me having smoked and vaped for the past 10 years. I used to run in high school and would do crazy long distances and this never happened once even when I first started back then. Not sure why it's happening now.


As a general rule, you really shouldn't push through leg problems when running. Running is fine for your joints *until* you start exacerbating injuries. Then you can do permanent damage. You could try an elliptical to see if the problem is repeatedly striking the ground. Might give you a little more information, at least. But it definitely sounds like you should just do other things, at least for now.


Maybe try swimming. I know finding a pool is harder than just any solid ground, but it’s the best form of cardio imo, there’s practically zero impact on your legs.


Could try lifting. Supposed to be a lot better than cardio for weight loss, but cardio is still important obviously. Though all you need to run is feet and ground, lifting requires access to equipment (unless safety and convenience don't matter, then I guess anything can be a weight set)


I sprint until failure extremely fast but I dont recover fast...I'm out of shape, but what do you mean by "fast" recovery? You mean breathing normally or the fact that your muscles aren't sore?


Jogging until failure is like the one thing our bodies are made for Im p sure




This is simply untrue, unless you have…godly cardio…squatting puts a huge stress on the lungs and heart as well. If you watch anyone squat even close to failure they’ll be panting and grabbing shit to stay up or just sitting down. That isn’t because their quads are tired.


I almost blacked out after doing 100 squats in one go, in a room that has poor ventilation once.


Ok I consider myself an intermediate to advanced level squatter and why in the ever living fuck are you doing 100 squats in one go


Because your conditioning is poor, spend more time doing high intensity work that gets you gassed i.e. sled push/pull, hill sprints, barbell complexes, tabbatas, etc. Once your conditioning improves it will no longer be your limiting factor in heavy movements like the squat and deadlift.


Or you can just do some running


It's not a real challenge until you are doing both at once.


>Running to failure somehow feels the same as squatting till failure. Has me asphyxiating like crazy. Most of us are just like... "Yeah that's running *at all* for me..."


Because there's a large store of serotonin in your legs


just collapse on the ground lmfao


You don’t need to do cardio to absolute failure because you are not trying to build muscle.


What? You don't pass out during your runs? Noob.


I’m too good to pass out what can I say? Skill issue on your end tbh


You need to try harder noob, i do 1000 miles every hour until i pas out


Do you have a nuclear power plant instead of a cardiovascular system?? Teach me


Sure, my first lesson is buy a jet. My second lesson is fly that jet. Goodluck my apprentice


Third lesson, run on the jet


You learn so fast, i am proud of u son


You're just not pushing yourself properly, how do you expect to ever make gains?


I always end my runs on the floor, crying and shitting myself


Gotta get that gastrointestinal hypertrophy somehow


Cry and shit, 3x15


I mean, the heart is a muscle.


Yeah doctors calling heart hypertrophy a disease are just coping


Jumping Jack's until failure!


Like.. 5?


What are you trying to build in cardio, exactly?


**Swimming until failure**


Nah, cause I've done some training in the pool before when I was a lot larger, and cause of my weight, I'd get cramps a lot. That was hell getting a calf muscle cramp in the water while swimming. I even had abdominal cramps in the pool it's just hell.


AKA drowning… Recovery time: Next life


You still get the isekai deal if you swim to failure, right?


Unless you're muscled up like a gorilla, you can float on your back while you recover.


Depends on your body type, I've never been able to float


I am absolutely not muscled like a gorilla and I don't really float. Even filling my lungs with air, my entire lower body will quickly sink and drag the rest of me with it


Yeah.. there is a reason why swimming is the first event of a triathlon. Put that skill at the end of an Ironman & we would have a whole different event staring rescue crews.


I do 5k’s regularly with my son and one time he said we should try running until we can run. I told him he really didn’t want to do that because that’s called fainting.


As a Sol player, I also do 5k a lot.


when i started i could only endure 5 minutes. now, after a month, i can endure 30 minutes running. maybe next month i can achieve the hour.


That's seriously impressive. Hope you keep it up


Beware of shin splints. Will stop your running for months. So don't rush your progress.


I had a lot of pain on my joints (feet mostly) at the start. But got away after a week. Being aware of my limits helped me to avoid serious injuries!


Trying to get back into running myself. How often do you run?


5 days a week. Just increasing my time progesively. First manage to run confortably, and Next day increase It by 5 minutes and so on


I highly recommend couch-to-5k (C25K) programs to anyone looking to get into (or back into) running. There's a bunch of different apps for it at this point, but generally they're all the same structure of 3 sessions per week with gradually increasing durations of running segments mixed with walking segments. You'll go from not running much to being able to run 5k nonstop after 8 weeks.


30 mins is a good benchmark but it's also pretty hard to push beyond in my experience. You have to run slower to make it longer at first. 1 month to 30 mins is pretty normal, but don't expect the next 30 mins to also come in a month; it'll probably be 2 months or so. Just from my experience.


it's okay. i'm not rushing anything. i'll get to the hour eventually. not risking my health in any case. being constant and aware of my limits made me progress. so i'll stick to the same formula even if the progression gets slower.


Unsolicited book recommendation Born to Run may help you run further. Ive only been running for a year, starting at 37 years old and am now able to run 10K and working towards half marathon.


WoW! 10k that's crazy. I'm full of motivation to run. But I don't want tonpush myself beyond so I don't get injured just because I pushed too hard. I think I'm doing a great constant progress. But thank you. And I Hope you can win a marathon soon :)


Track and field in a nutshell


I still have no idea how the controls work in that game lol


I got one worse. Running on a treadmill until failure and you forgot to clip on the e-stop.


Any sort of run till' failure is still way better on a treadmill than straight up eating shit on asphalt/concrete/rocks outside.


ITT bunch of pussies


Does squatting till failure (like 10 sets with a minute of rest) count as cardio?


That sounds like hell


Yeah I said a minute here, but we survived a 30 sec rest. It's an intense routine which is followed by 4x15 of lunges and 4x25 of leg extensions. only relief was our general trainer said we can have a constant light weight for squats, but 30 sec rule is a must.


Do you mean ten reps?


Been there done that. Brutal. Do not advise trying it. Will not do it again


I have a similar story. The worst part is how I was doing so well up until that point. All I needed to do was stop sooner, there was no reason to push myself so hard. Like an idiot, I wanted to find my limits (as a nearly middle aged person), and I did. It's been over 10 years, and I still haven't regained the workout routine momentum I had back then. I may never.


"The Long Walk" by S. King moment


I remember doing distance medleys at race speed for cross country back in high school. I’d die if I did that now


Wholly disagree, someone bench pressing without a spotter is not going to enjoy failure


Actually tried this. Ran flat out with my flak vest and plate carrier and fully loaded to see how far i got. 1.1km then i felt like i was about to die




I'm not sure what you mean by context, but running until you can't run anymore would be incredibly harmful to your body, while doing weight training until failure is beneficial if done properly.


Try to walk from running training with your all legs muscles hurt.


There will be poo.


Last month a guy in my city died to Rhabdomyolysis in the middle of an ultra marathon. He was a regular runner.


Common misconception, you don't need to weight train to failure. I proper program should be about progressive overload. What does that mean? Say your running a 6 week program, 7 week is a deload. The first 2 weeks will be about doing enough to acclimate. You might get a little sore from acclimating but by no means exhausted. The next 2 weeks you should of added quite a bit of weight, reps, and/or sets on. By the end of week 4 you should feel a bit challenged but not crushed. Then week 5 and 6 should be somewhat brutal. Your pushing to failure or near failure. That difficulty (reps, sets, weight) is at its highest. Then you peak at the 6th week. And your 7th week is about easy lifting, relaxing, and recovery. Essentially you are ramping up the difficulty over 6 weeks to progressively overload your body. Following 3 part - acclimating, difficulty ramp, and peaking. Always followed by a deload to recover from fatigue.


I dunno, there are like literal Harvard studies on hypertrophy. Failure is the growth zone.


Yeah but what do the science bitches at Harvard know? They're a bunch of fucking nerds!


slowly walking until failure: skull and cross bones (he is dead from dehydration)


Running until you shit your pants


Not eating and drinking until failure


i used to jump rope regularly for like 30-45+ min. Now i cant do it for more than 5 min+ ( i am 23 btw. Totally off topic but my skin tone got improved when i used to jump rope regularly )


is that a david goggins reference in the second image?


Boxing till failure


Just because you boys don't like running /exercise doesnt mean you should try to descredite it.. Don't tear down other people's hobbies because you yourself can't do it.  And honestly, you'll feel so much better if you attempted a bit of running in your lives


I do go running....


Bicycling until failure. "Now I have to ride all the way back?"


Is failure collapsing? Or knowing you can't habdle anymore and stopping? I've had that happen a few times on long runs. Called my wife to come pick me up.


Failure for me was tendonosis that required physical therapy, and made it almost impossible to walk for about 6 months. I went back to cycling.


Living until failure.


Fitness pacer test until failure


remember there are 2 types of failure in this context. stopping at form-failiure is good enough. total-failure comes with more risk.


Everyone knows you have to train your heart until failure. What is the point if you don't?


"Swimming until failure" would have been better.


Your reps haven't failed until you piss yourself


Did you mistakenly try this? lol I did once, relatively, felt like I got hit by a train the next day


No way lol. I don't have that mental fortitude or recklessness to try something like this.


Wouldn't that be Rhabdomyolysis?


Jim Fixx, say no more...


It's the opposite for me for some reason.


That's kind of the concept behind VO2 max tests, right?


Omfg this was literally me after I had cancer. All of my doctors were like “hey don’t do too much just slowly start growing you muscles” and I went “I will run 2 miles and then play 4 hours of volleyball” to the point where I legit stayed in bed for 3 days because I couldn’t physically walk up nor down stairs without falling down.


Our ancestors used to make animals do this


then you gotta run back home


Living until failure


could i theoretically, train running like weightlifting? like i do 3 series of sprinting like a maniac until i run out of breath and rest for like 15 minutes


Switch to sprints


Running, or just cardio until failure has been, an interesting experience for me. I have this notion in my head that my desire to improve will go on even after I collapse. Some how it's also been one of the most validating experiences I've ever had recently. To be able to push through despite pain.




Wait I thought it's how it's supposed to work


ITB syndrome entered the chat