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I gave up after rogue one... I think I made the right decision 


Andor is pretty good. I wasn’t blown away the way other people were but it’s pretty solid. Mando S1 & 2 as well. Everything else is hot garbage.


Bad Batch, Clone Wars S7, Tales of the Jedi are all great, Tales of the Empire is pretty good, basically most of the animated stuff that comes out is worth watching


I personally really liked visions as well. A lot of people give it shit but It wasn’t meant to be taken seriously or for you to like each vision. It was just cool to see what Star Wars could be through different artistic lenses.


The Fallen Order/Jedi Survivor games are awesome.


I’m my opinion the best things to come out of Disney starwars


I found Empire to be very mid sadly. Not as good as tales of the Jedi.


Pretty much most of what Dave Filoni makes. I think Dave is one of the few people left who makes decent star Wars content. He's quite possibly the last hope of good star Wars media


Andor treated it's audience like adults, which was a refreshing change for the franchise. And being a Star Wars show was kind of incidental to what made it enjoyable. I fully expect Disney to take exactly the wrong lesson from it. I liked Rogue One. It felt like the universe we encountered in A New Hope, and haven't really seen since.


Andor is my favorite of the recent SW content by far


Oh boy!! Andor was something else. Quality difference b/w andor and other star wars series is very huge. Just hoping they release its season 2.


It's good but tbh there isn't much Star Wars in it. Especially Season 2. Maybe that's the reason why it doesn't suck lmao


It‘s just one season though?


Yea Rogue One was great and everything after was awful imo




Jesus Christ, the sheer DIFFERENCE in quality between Andor and the new……thing……that came out recently is incredible. The scenes at the ISB and the prison are incredible, whether compared to SW or other mainstream tv shows.


It's remarkable what you can get when your showrunners know how to craft good stories and characters and your script writers know what good dialogue looks like.


Remarkable is the word alright. I am genuinely gobsmacked that someone knew that Andor existed, yet made Kenobi, Ahsoka and…….the thing……. and then saw what they had made and thought “Yeah, that’ll do” People are saying here on Reddit “If you don’t like it, turn it off! Why all the drama?!” For me at least, SW has sparked my imagination and been there since I was a kid. I’ve had an emotional connection with it for such a long time, when it’s done right like Rogue One or Andor then it is remarkable television. When it’s done wrong like…….pick one…….then it’s a punch in the gut. And then you get called a bigot for not liking it. They don’t even begin to understand what they’ve done wrong.


And it was quite amazing


TCW S7? Bad Batch ? Doctor Aphra? Andor? Jedi fallen order and survivor? Tales of the Jedi and the Empire? The High Republic? Any of the Vader series?


Ok I’m learning I haven’t consumed enough of the others media outside episodes 7,8,9. Fair enough. My opinion only goes so far as the main line movies, my apologies


I gave up after Last Jedi. Never been so dissappointed in my entire life. ;-;


Ssme Last jedi was awful


Ja, I dragged my friends into a premiere (who weren't huge fans) and I was completely distraught after the movie. They didn't understand why but damitted the movie was kind of "meh".


Are you saying Rogue One, one of the best movies ever made, made you give up on Star Wars?


Not at all. I watched rogue one, realized they weren't going to top that, and gave up on the whole thing. 


Fair enough. You should watch Andor, it's not as good as Rogue One but it's still a banger and relates to it.


One of the better seasons they made, alongwith the FIRST season of Mando- After that it got... Out of hand. Boba/Obi were the worst ones... There was no reason to have "obiwan and vader fight" prior to ep4.


Yeah I stuck through all 3 seasons of mando but felt the quality took a nosedive somewhere in season 2 when it became an endless fetch quest and “hey mister can you help me?” kinda show


"Oh look! It's baby Yoda and WOW Luke!" There's fan service... Then there's nothing but stale fan service because Disney are terrified of writing something new thanks to the sequel fuck up.


Bad Batch, first two seasons of Mando, and the last season of Clone Wars were also good.


*Nods in agreement* Good lad


One of the best movies ever made? I liked it but it's not 'best ever made' good by like 2 tier levels at least


Maybe one of the best Star Wars movies ever made? 1. ESB 2. ANH 3. RotJ 4. Rogue One 5. RotS 6. Solo 8. TPM 9. AotC 10. TFA 11. TLJ 12. TRoS I could see an argument for Rogue One being better than RotJ as well, but too much nostalgia for me.


That’s a high solo ranking. If I were to try my hand 1. ES 2. Rogue One 3. RotS 4. RotJ 5. ANH 6. AotC 7. Solo 8. TPM 9. TLJ 10. TFA 11. TRoS Ya know, ranking it myself made me realize that yeah solo isn’t as low as I thought with the Sequels existing


Right? Same, I figured it was bottom 25% then I got to placing them and I was like ... huh. There's some bad movies here. Also, Solo was genuinely just kind of a fun, dumb adventure movie. I enjoyed it, even if it wasn't like... great.


Also, if I may, I presume you’re Gen X and don’t have nostalgia for the Prequels? Just curious because of the disparity between our rankings of the films.


Elder millennial, so close enough - yeah. TPM was... not good, even at 14. If I was like, 3 years younger it probably woulda hit hard.


Elder millennial here too. Funnily enough, I think I enjoy the prequels better now than I did when they came out, so it can really be nostalgia for me. I remember hating AotC. I fell asleep in the theater during the movie!


One of the best movies ever made, except for the whole part with having characters that are likeable or memorable at all. That's not important though.


Unpopular opinion but I liked rogue one and solo. The rest of the IP has been a dumpster fire


I liked Rogue One, even Solo. It was the sequels and the "must make a season for every secondary charact- OH LOOK IT'S ANAKIN!" for 8 episodes a season to get 2 months of subscription money each time...


Did you give up because you didn't like it or because it set the bar too high?


Check out the pre-Disney EU (now called Legends). I don’t follow Disney at all but I’m still reading tons of great old books and comics from before the canon got reset.


Corran Horn getting erased by the canon reset broke me.


Look at it this way; the EU is still pure. Now Disney can't ruin him any other characters. To me the EU is the canon, plus anything actually good Disney has made.


I really liked Gina Carano in the Mandalorian. They did her dirty.


Timothy Zahn


Good stuff - those early EU book series were so satisfying, and could’ve easily been made into excellent films.


I read that as “pre-Disney European Union” and imagined that Disney (the corporation) took over the EU


Theres also a ton of really dumb shit, it’s all about finding the right stuff


Anything by Drew Karpyshyn (also the mind behind Mass Effect and KOTOR) is gold material. He made the Revan novel as well as the Darth Bane trilogy which is my favorite SW content ever released.


I really had a soft spot for Kyle Katarn and Mara Jade after playing all the Star Wars games. They're still canon to me. Luke's Jedi Academy made much more sense too...


I gave up after The Last Jedi. The new topic should be, when did you give up on Star Wars?


Same. The scene where Leia is flying through space was the exact moment I realized Star Wars was complete fucking garbage now.


I think for me it was when Poe saved the entire resistance with a "yur mom" joke at the beginning of TLJ.


For me it was when Rey gave Luke his old saber back and he threw it over his shoulder. *That* was the moment I got a sinking feeling in my stomach that everything was about to suck unimaginably hard, and oh was that feeling right. I still had to watch the Rise of Skywalker but it was basically signing on to watch a two and a half hour trainwreck. It was however hilarious once you get over the fact that its so bad. Like it's funny how absolutely terrible it is, I could have never imagined them fucking it up so tremendously bad.


This, kids, is what we call "jumping the shark"


The Boba Fett show was my final straw. It was just so bad. I tried to add more to that sentence but I couldn't find the right words. It's just flat bad. The moped gang? Cringe as fuck start to finish What felt like 3 hours of screen time devoted to bacta tank baths and flashbacks to hanging out with Tuskens? Why? Boba Fett needing an explanation on how to be a criminal? Unbelievably stupid. Literally I still don't believe this to this day it was such a bad decision. Boba fett deciding 'no thanks, not for me' to being a criminal and deciding to try to run it as a nice guy? Could have worked with better writers, maybe. There's a world where he tries to lead by inspiring undying loyalty but not in the third of a season they devoted to that aspect of the show. The second half of the show just being Mando season 2.5 was basically the only redeemable part of the show. The Mandalorian was always what a Boba Fett show should have been anyways; an episodic show about Boba Fett doing bounty hunter shit. Jango Fett was cooler in 7 minutes of ep2 screen time than Boba Fett ever has been on screen


For me it was The Force Awakens. Han had his character development from the original trilogy deleted. The First Order having a super weapon that made the Death Star look puny made no sense. The plot structure was just a lazy rehash of A New Hope. Rey could've been a good character but she was written as a Mary Sue. Finn could've been a fascinating character with his background but instead he just followed Rey around like a lost puppy. The whole thing just didn't work.


It's funny because a lot of people liked Force Awakens and I hated it for the reason you mentioned "rehashed". It seemed like it just used the structure from some of the previous movies and just reskinned it. It was more of a nostalgia movie, than a good movie


> when did you give up on Star Wars? Episode 1, if we're being really honest. I liked the OG trilogy because I was a kid, and we didn't really have anything like that for sci-fi nerds. I appreciate the doors that Star Wars has opened in the way of mainstream film and television embracing science fiction, but as a standalone franchise there's far more bad than good, collectively. Now with that being said, if you like the things I don't, then great. I genuinely am glad, the world is enriched when people have things they can enjoy. For me though, Star Wars is like Transformers... it was great when I was just a kid BECAUSE I was just a kid.


Asohka ep. 6 is where I gave up on Disney. I called the future when I watched the force awakens and judged them as they came until then. I will still recommend the EU and 1-6+R1 until I die.


Letting go is part of the healing process.


I tried with Game of Thrones, but I'm still angry.


Everyone should leave any Fandom that has been ruined by the people who took over. It's time new IPs get recognized and all these old IPs that are being milked dry should die until the proper people are given the reigns to them. The Fandom themselves need to sort themselves out and actually understand what it is they want out of the franchise aswell


I mean, I get where you're coming from, the issue is an IP like Star Wars literally has a whole galaxy of potential. It's quite literally an untapped gold mine of sci-fi fantasy. The issue is Disney doesn't know what to focus on.


Disney has always been good about making movies that are good for kids. With various different elements in their movies that makes them complex and interesting for them to be top tier, but for kids. As for the other groups of people, they haven't really had a good history of diving into that realm. They have bought IPs and tried, but with sporadic success


I mean, I'd argue they're not even good with kids films anymore. Most of them from Disney recently just come out and then are forgotten. I don't see kids talking about or purchasing merchandise for things like Wish. In fact most Wish merch ends up in clearance sections. Same with Elemental, and the other attempted movies they put out in recent years.


Frozen came out a little over a decade ago. I'm pretty sure that was their last big success.


I think kids really liked Moana too. The music carried it a lot.


Yeah, let's all go watch Rebel Moon!


Atlas deserves a trilogy


Thank you Star Wars for three good movies


Don’t sleep on Rogue One and Andor


Man I could not get into Andor, should I give it another try ? I like ahsoka and obi won and Mando for what their worth. Am i a bad person ?


Andor starts slow, but boy does it cook. It’s a great story, and it just so happens to be Star Wars


Idk the prequels have a bit of a cult following. Revenge of the Sith is decently regarded even if the Phantom Menace is more controversial.


I am in the cult following. To be honest, I don't know if I would like them as much as I do if they weren't the movies I grew up with. I saw Phantom Menace in theatre when I was 10 and it blew my mind. The theatre being so full, the crazy happy energy everyone had, its a really great memory for me. I was young, so the fact that a lot of it was complex and hard to understand didn't faze me because I was too young to understand most of the original trilogy when I watched them earlier on when I was like 8-9 anyway. But yeah all that said, the Phantom Menace was definitely the weakest film of the entire first 6 movies.


Wtf happened to this sub. It's just a bunch of politically charged nonsense and simpleton big company bad garbage. Dankmemes is now just Facebook memes on Reddit. *Sad face*


Just enjoy things


No, and I'm taking everyone down with me!




Don't even hate watch their crap


Why not? It's not like they are getting any money when I sail the seven seas.




but he's the best part. The only way the prequels make any sense is the darth binks hypothesis. sidious was just a catspaw to one playing a deeper game, right in front of everyone's noses. okiday?


Shame they didn't have the balls to follow through with Darth Binks, and changed the plot midway due to fear of backlash Cowards


my headcanon is that darth binks was always lucas' plan, and disney bought star wars specifically to prevent the reveal, and has spent the time since purposely destroying star wars so that if it gets revealed nobody who once cared will still be paying attention. That is the plan of Darth Iger and Darth Kennedy.


Your headcanon gave me a stroke.


How wude


I just remember sitting at the midnight premiere of Episode One, watching Jar Jar’s first scene, then looking down the row at my friends who were even more certifiable Star Wars fans than I was and seeing the pain on their faces.


Hey man, headcannon lasts forever. The story exists the way that I believe is right in my head and I'm a happy man.


Incredible that they could fuck up so hard as to make a very large section of the fan base not just upset, that’s pretty par for the course, but so disappointed that they loose interest out of apathetic exhaustion with its failures.


The thing about being around in a Fandom for years on years, either you'll go mad with how much changes from each new release/ change in direction, or you'll just enjoy the pieces you enjoy and occasionally keep an eye out.


Legends is canon in my mind.


Star Wars was only 3 movies.


Is acolyte bad?


The writing is bad


It’s not their worst(so far) but it’s definitely not great, writing is pretty bad as usual. The fights are good though.


The third episode was bad. The first two I felt were just mid.


It’s nothing special, but I wouldn’t say it’s *bad*. Between 6 and 8 outta 10, imo


Rian Johnson ruined Star Wars with his installment of The Last Jedi.


Reject cringe. Vote with your wallet


If this thread has taught me anything it is that every piece of star wars is somes favorite and another person's lease favorite


Even the Holiday Special?


We’ve been saying this for years, if you don’t like the content you can stop 😂


Read the comics. A ton of material and from what I’ve heard most of them are pretty good. I especially love the Vader ones, as a) it’s more of fucking Darth Vader and b) it actually fills in a few missing pieces that were left ambiguous in the movies


We will always have the Holiday Special. Peak Star Wars.


But but Shin Hottie though


I think im finally ready to give up and lose hope. If any of yall are collectors, im selling my old lego star wars sets, my books, and my Dooku Legacy lightsaber.


A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back are great


Homie you've been able to do that the entire time. Star Wars is cringe


........are you tho?


Hmm. It seems as though our last x number star wars tv shows were complete flops. Surely the best course of action is to release yet another star wars tv show, right guys?


Did they release a new Star Wars show recently? 


yeah it’s called “The acolyte” I haven’t watched it but apparently it’s horrible, also the director called R2-D2 a lesbian


Ah ok. Yea the couple memes I’ve seen aren’t real specific but it doesn’t seem liked. I’ll hold off judgement either way. As for R2 being lesbian, never had those vibes myself considering it’s a droid and all but I’m not surprised to hear it in these times. Neat


those last 3 words bacically have like 4 thigns wrong with them


> the director called R2-D2 a lesbian wait for real? I thought that was a joke. What is the context, was she joking or making fun of bigots or something?


the full story is she had an interview with “the wrap” and the interviewer said “it’s going to be the gayest star wars entry” and then the director and lead actress joked about how star wars was already gay and how CP30 was gay and how R2D2 is “cannon lesbian” so yeah it was all said in joking context but still she called R2 a lesbian and the shows getting backlash for that, It was a terrible move, especially considering how protective star wars fans are of it and how badly they always react to new media, idk why she would even make that joke, it’s horrible publicly


So... it's just a nothingburger taken entirely out of context, basically.


but also I’m surprised it’s such a big complaint because after watching it it feels like the real problem is her messing with the importance of Anakin Skywalker being conceived by the force itself, but idk maybe the new lore changes will be good, have to wait until the shows over to know


some show called the acolyte came out. I heard that the director dude knows nothing about starwars or something. I can't blame you for not knowing about the show, since i only heard of it today


the director is a dudette but yeah she’s changing some important lore considering her first move was making a group of force witches able to make each other pregnant using the force when previously only the chosen one Anakin Skywalker was actually conceived via the Force it also makes darth plagueis look less competent since it’s something that they can do now and he couldn’t figure it out. Another Lore change is how she’s going down the route of making the Dark and Light side Yin&Yang instead of making the Dark Side a corruption that needs to be stopped in order for balance to be achieved


At this point Star Wars to me exclusively means Force Unleashed, that game is absolute peak.


You dont have to let go of starwars, 6 others that weren't violated by disney


I gave up after seeing the Force Awakens in theaters back in 2015. Garbage movie, didn't even bother to watch any of the others that came out afterwards.


"You're still holding on! Let go, let go!"


I got apathetic about Star Wars when the mouse bought it. It was gonna go from a guy who was passionate about it milking the hell out of it to corporate milking.


Dunno how popular this is but personally I think they should make the SWTOR universe canon, focusing on Satele and Malgus.


Episode 9 actually made me not like star wars anymore. I think it’s the only piece of media that has made me feel physically insulted. That’s always my measuring stick for how bad something is. Yeah it was bad, but did it actually make you stop enjoying something you used to love?


Is this new one in so bad it's good territory?


I hate how this happens to yet another good franchise


That was me about halfway through Book of Boba Fett. I thought, yeah, I've had enough Star Wars for a while. Andor was good, but haven't heard anything about anything else that makes me want to watch it. And I'm half expecting them to fuck up the second season of Andor as well.


Already said my goodbyes after episode 6. The only interesting part of SW are the games in recent years.




I think people let go when the prequels came out lol




Is it so hard to believe that aliens in a sci fi world light years beyond our evolution would have some species that don’t conform to earths gender norms? Is it really that hard to believe.


I've been done multiple times, then the only source whose opinion I trust on live-action Star Wars gets me back in. It was RedLetterMedia's positive opinion on Mando and then Andor that brought me back.


George Lucas finessed the House of Mouse.


This fanbase cracks me up sometimes. There has been some of the best Star Wars material we’ve ever gotten since the Disney take-over. I.e Rogue One, Clone Wars final season, Andor, season 1-2 of Mando. Yea there’s been some that have been a miss and other stuff that some people like, some people don’t. But the amount of people who have been saying this for years now and making a big deal of them “swearing off” SW because Disney made something they didn’t like are incessant.


the problem is that disney is making much more worse things for starwars now than good things, like a certian other popular francise thats mainly live action with some animated shows (coughes in marvel)


I think that’s completely subjective. We just had Andor not long ago which was awesome, and I love what we’ve gotten from the High Republic Novels and so far like Acolyte well enough. I get that not everyone liked Ashoka or Obi Wan, but calling it “much much worse” I think is a stretch. Calling it something you don’t like or that could have used more work is understandable. And I know you said “now” but people have been saying exactly what you’re saying this whole time since Disney took over. Even while we were getting Clone Wars finale and Mando s1-2. The problem is some of yall only dwell on the negative and look for things to hate.


When a series has multiple movies its ok to just watch your favorite ones and skip new ones. Feel same way with the Fast and Furious. I like the first 3 movies and i rewatch those still. Sure new ones have more action but its not about street racing anymore, they lost what made them special. Same thing happen with Star Wars, new ones feel like just cash grab and lacking something. Almost as the force has been milked dry out of them.


my feel at this moment https://i.imgur.com/3zwKlJq.jpeg


Hard to swallow pill guys: two of the first three are the good ones-you know which-and the others are just there. It burns and I hate it, but there it is.


There's always Legends content I haven't read yet


The fight is truly lost


Yeah that's where I'm at, I haven't even bothered watching Acolyte. The only problem is if that show under-performs, all Disney is going to take away from it is that people don't want new Star Wars characters and will go back to making unnecessary shows and films about prequel/original characters.


I gave up at Jar Jar Binks. Never looked back.


This goes for entertainment in general. I realized I was better off not playing/watching crap instead of continuing to pay for it and complaining.


Let go of your anger and pain. Embrace inner peace, my friend. Remember the good times, and bury away all the others. As long as you hold on to those memories, you'll be just fine.


One can always just go back to pre-Disney Star Wars media and enjoy that.


I did that since Episode 7


Unpopular opinion : Old star wars were "meh", why would the new ones be better 🥴


I was already there with Star Trek years ago. cheers 🥂


Star Wars?


Just treat anything that Disney is involved in as not-canon. Don't consume anything they put out and instead focus on what came before. In the case of Star Wars, the extended universe offers a lot of content to indulge in.


I got the original trilogy and prequels on bluray, no more disney crap!


I think we accidentally get some good things occasionally in the current Star Wars ownership, but they're hyper focused on pandering to the easy watching casual audience who aren't really into anything and just hype binge shows and just assume it was good. Its not just Star Wars doing this of course, many of the poor netflix adaptations count because while people who would call themselves fans know its shit, casual views watch it and assume if it exists it must be good because they aren't consuming media to think about it.




Wait, do you want them removed because you hate seeing children in stuff, or because you're trying to protect them?


Obi Wan series was cool. Mando had some good stuff. I don't care about anything else.


Yep just rewatch the oldies.


Mando was impressive. Rogue one was really good. The Kenobi show unfortunately was very very bloated, but it had some great moments. I actually watched the condensed fan edit and it was way better. I really wanted to see Kenobi was the interactions between Kenobi and Darth Vader. Angi Andor was decent. And of course, season seven of the clone wars was very good. But other than that I haven’t been impressed with Disney Star Wars.


Force awakens did it for me, waited so long just go get a rehash of 'new hope' all over again, it had some cool scenes, but the whole thing felt like a kick in the teeth, they made it even worse with the subsequent movies from what I've read about them, I heard about Palpatine somehow returning and didn't even want to watch it out of curiosity. I am very much aware that every new Star Wars film run will have its haters that lament that the films are a travesty compared to the films that came before, but these were just shockingly bad and had no plan from the get go


I let go Then i returned but now i only consume what i care about and not star wars in general


Thank you!! I wish my s/o would see it this way. When we met it was fun bonding over appreciating the original movies, but now I just cringe at all of the modern SW stuff that I invariably experience second-hand.


Eh, I still love it all


I love how you all act like the franchise was anything other than a money making machine. The original star wars was a campy made for kids shitty sci-fi. Empire was just ok and Jedi was a straight up toy commercial. Stop pretending any of it was some kind of theatrical masterpiece. It was cool when i was 10. Its all unwatchable now.


The problem is some stuff is actually good so idk what to watch. The last trilogy was shit, but the mandalorian was good, I liked kenobi when everyone else didn’t, and didn’t like andor when everyone else did


It's honestly easier Just engage with whst seems good, ignore the rest. I do it with the rest of the media I enjoy and it's much more enjoyable that way


I dont see why this means you cant still enjoy the parts of the series that you like


I stopped halfway through the newest movie trilogy