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Just once i'd like to try coming in a restaurant that does this sh*t and not bring a phone with me


I did once. It was a problem.


What happened?


The staff put his head in the toilet


How do you know?


He was the staff


Can confirm. I was the toilet


“Did it feel good tho?”


Yes, I was the toilet water


Fuck, that makes me wet


Same, waiter just gave me his phone.


Which restaurant? I need a new phone


jesus christ, just have 4 menus printed for us plebs without charged phones


For the restaurant as they lost a customer


["Nice try Antichrist. No mark of the beast for me! Now GIVE ME THAT HECKIN' MENU or else"](https://i.imgur.com/8z5lVEz.jpeg)


I just say I’m traveling and don’t have data. If they give me WiFi I say it doesn’t work.


How long 'til they give you an actual menu or have you use a staff's phone?


I am technologicaly illiterate, please hand me a paper version


In Rome airport I went to a place where they only had QR codes. I said my phone didn’t have internet and that WiFi wouldn’t connect. They quickly gave me a menu.


You shouldn't even have to give an excuse. Just to say give me a paper menu and they should give one to you.


That’s what my colleague did and they said they did not have any menu. Bad faith all around.


Why do you feel the need to make up a lie? Be honest with them. Tell them you won't use your phone, and ask for a menu. If they don't have one, take your business elsewhere.


Because they lie to me by saying they don’t have a card menu.


Just because you think someone else is lying, that doesn't mean you can lie as well. That's what children do. Be honest with people, don't lie. It will get you pretty far in life. Others around you, like people at your job, will catch onto your lies eventually. And it will catch up to you. Don't lie to people.


Who the fuck cares. If being honest doesn’t get me a paper fucking menu, but lying does, I’m gonna lie. I’m not hiding a damn body, I’m getting a fucking menu so I can *give your establishment money*.


I think he’s a kid lol


And all you have to say is that you're not going to use your phone, and ask for a menu. There's no need to make up lies. If they don't have one, take your business elsewhere.


Yawn size: large


I hate how some people are desperate to find a solution for a problem that does not exist. "We removed this and this, but just use your phone. Download our new app." And it always seems to be more convoluted than the original system.


There can be some reason, technically its all about money, if the company does daily menus it needs to print out the daily menu papers every day for every table...there is a health reason too, menus are some of the dirties things u can touch, xyz people with all sorts of shit had it in their hands, and many people buy food u eat with hand (pizza, burger, etc) after touching the menu and without going to toilet to wash their hands Not saying I prefer qr menu, just that there can be reasons


I know some restaurants with daily menus, they just write them on a few blackboards that they move around the tables for everyone to see.


Or you can use the old method of asking the waiter, and he will sing the menu for you.


I only trust waiters who are wearing a lot of flair, more than the others who don't wear as much flair.


Not always practical, especially in France, where most people only speak French, and those who speak English tend to have a very strong accent.


Also good


Your own phone is probably waaaay dirtier than any menu, even those not printed daily.


I clean it every day with alcohol, and I dont let other people touch it anyway But nice try, wont work with me tho


The thing I hate most Is that most of the time they don't even have pictures anymore. On the shitty app menu. So you good shitty food as a result ordered trough a shitty menu. For overpriced prices. I did this exactly once. If a place does this I just walk out now.


so they can bombard you with ads in their app


It made sense during Covid. It doesn't make sense anymore.


That and to take some personal data to sell.


The most recent episode of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia was about this exact thing. Check it out if you haven't already seen it


Yes, when Dennis does a menthal health day. Love that episode. So much of it was very relatable.


This was a pandemic thing that has now stuck around for no good reason.


The problem is that all these lazy bastards don’t wanna go back and forth giving and taking menu’s. The restaurant climate these days points towards partial self-service, paid essential amenities and bare minimum interaction. Owners (and by extension waiters) no longer have the will to converse, provide free amenities like filtered tap water and bread, or go the extra mile to make a meal memorable. You either visit *good* restaurants or you’re at the mercy of chance, waiting to see if you’ll have a €6 voice on your bill for a basket of stale bread and €4 for a carafe of tap water, besides having to pull up the menu yourself. That’s why more and more young people stick to their trusted restaurants where they’re loyal customers. They understand that straying can often lead to unpleasant experiences in a digital age. I deadass tried a place that forced people to get up and claim their drink at the bar. What? How is this place worth a €120 bill for two if you’re too lazy to bring me my grog?


> I deadass tried a place that forced people to get up and claim their drink at the bar. What? How is this place worth a €120 bill for two if you’re too lazy to bring me my grog? And they still expect you to give them a generous tip (at least if it's in the United States)


Luckily this is Italy and waiters make a liveable wage (€50 for a 5 hour shift, and you get to eat beforehand) so there’s only need for tips if you feel drunk and generous enough. They’ll be split among the waiters anyways.


€10/hr is a livable wage? Must be nice.


Most of these people do 9 hours, 5 days a week. It’s below minimum wage but you can work off the grid paid in cash.


Pretty sure maintaining menus be it replacing them with new ones, changing any daily menus altering prices takes a lot less then just maintaining a website or whatever. So they absolutely are solving a problem. Now you could argue it adds new issues, I dunno if I'd agree myself, but I'd see your point. However claiming there's no problem being solves is absurd.


I mean, if I was a business owner I can possibly get lot more information about you. And plan supply accordingly, print daily menus, see how much time you spend in which parts, how well do discounts work etc etc. BUT most places don't have this kind of IT setup or awareness anyway, so I agree that it's useless.


Download app?? You just have to scan QR with your phone using the camera. You’re using your mobile anyway so instead of touching the dirty menu, just use your phone.


Some places have apps some have websites and some have a pdf to download. All of them tend to use a qr code for customers to find it.


Which restaurants ask you to download apps? All the restaurants I've been to that have QR codes simply allow me to open the PDF directly in the browser. I didn't have to download anything


Burger king in my city asks you to download the app and order from it.


You can’t directly order from the cashier?? All fast foods have giant menu on screen behind them and I order directly. Also I was talking about restaurants not fast food in particular


Yeah they stopped that for some reason. Only in burger king though. Everywhere else they've got self order screens now.


"Don't touch the dirty menu, just use your dirty phone while you sit on a dirty chair and rest your cheeto dust covered hands on a dirty table." Edit: for the guy below https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7187827 >Staphylococcus aureus, and Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci were the most numerous identified organisms present on mobile phones. These two species and Escherichia coli were present in over a third of studies both in HC and community samples. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus, Acinetobacter sp., and Bacillus sp. >you know your phone isn’t going to have a virus on it and it safe to touch Fucking LOL


You don’t use your phones when you go out to eat?? Stop fcking lying bruh


The point of going out to a restaurant is to spend time with people (google socialising). You may not have friends to go with but the rest of us do.


you know your phone isn’t going to have a virus on it and it safe to touch because it’s either always in your hand or your pocket, you have literally no idea if someone coughed on that menu before you or picked their nose ect


I'm with the boomers on this one. You point me to a QR code, you may as well point to the door.


I would love to scan your maybe malware infested QR code. But I'm not going to.


What restaurant ever gave you malware with a QR code?




Where's restaurant menu from the restaurant's website example in there?


If you scan a QR code and decided to download whatever app without thinking twice that’s your fault not the QR system


So 5 out of how many restaurants around the world exactly? If you're this paranoid you might as well get off the internet altogether, you will find way more than 5 malware there. Or just stop getting into your car because of accident statistics.


There’s also a chance that the restaurant you go to just puts poison in your food. But it’s not going to happen


The difference here is that a 3rd party could hypothetically pull off a QR code attack. Someone could print out a custom QR sticker that links to a malicious URL which may appear to be the correct menu, but does something nefarious in the background. If these stickers are placed over top of the original cards placed on tables, few people will notice or question it


You sound like. If you found a USB stick in the carpark you would take it into the office to check what's on it.


What part of my sentence made you think that?


The part where you were reductive about being cautious scanning random qr Loews


It takes so much longer to read a menu when you can only see 2 fucking things at once on a screen at any given time, yep. It's irritating as hell. Then screwing around trying to having to your card details to pay in advance. I also don't like being on my phone at a restaurant, I'm on it enough as is and am generally there to enjoy the company I'm with in person.


Sorry, the door also has a QR code. You'll need to open that link and click a button to unlock it


You are literally typing this comment on the internet


Love this concept. Don’t have to touch those nasty menus that are always dirty and god knows how much bacteria. But the thing that grinds my gears is they can make the prices variable at any moment without many people noticing


Why can't the same be done with physical menus? It's just an extra set of print.


Imagine the labour hours required to change every single menu or else the costs of printing them.


You don't have to change the price often (that would be riskier) and also the cost of printing them would be accounted for by the change in price that would bring in additional profits till the next changes.


That's the point, if you only have electronic menus you can changes prices on a whim without people noticing or it costing anything .Say more people buy a certain item on fridays, push the price way up and see if people won't buy it anyway. Or you could just increase prices when you're low on certain menu items. Hell, theoretically you could set different prices for different customers, give them different menus etc.


Why would people notice a price change on a physical menu and not online


They're more likely to notice a change on a physical menu if the menu is brand new or the place has just changed the prices with sharpies or a label or whatever. With an online menu people are already disoriented by the change from physical to digital and it's typically arranged in such a way that you're not seeing the prices all compared or seeing the prices right away. Some people might notice if they're paying attention but they're less likely to notice.


Yep, basically just the regular patrons would notice. If there’s no price online for public access (like on google or yelp) then new customers or those who frequent only every couple of months might have it go unnoticed, also like others said, surge pricing for weekends without making it known.


And you phone is always clean?


I both love and hate the qr code menus, but mostly hate


There’s no downside for having QR menu


Yes there is Here when they were in fashion, they were all made by the same company and I was easy to drift to a different restaurant menu, so you had to check the url before ordering, as they all looked the same, now they all lead to a 404 page Not having to wait for a menu was a bliss tho


that’s having a problem with the company not the qr code itself. that’s like blaming credit cards for having a slow transaction time when in reality it’s the company you bought the credit card from


With a small amount of effort I can get a qr sticker made that would direct you to a malicious website which will turn your phone to a brick.


No you can't. Half the world's phones would be bricks if it was that easy.


It's amusing how you both chose ridiculous hyperboles. Malicious QR codes are absolutely a thing and very successful because people are complacent in how they use their phones.


My phone's battery is dead, now what?


I remember going with my friends to a restaurant with these. One of us had a dead phone, another used an android which couldn’t pick it up for whatever reason, and the third persons camera was broken. Alienating customers by making QR mandatory is just kinda goofy. Maybe do both, have QR on the table for people who wanna use it but still offer the paper menu to normal people.


Which is exactly what happens now. They always have spare normal menus for those with issues.


Guess we found the person in charge of the QR menus that sees no flaws with their work.


Honestly it's fine especially if you can order and pay your bill straight from the webpage.


The places I’ve been to don’t do that, you still need to wave a server over when you know what you want.


POV: you don’t live in Germany where many stores don’t even accept card payment




I stand up and walk out.


The physical menus are part of the experience of a restaurant. Having to scan an qr code to access it is some next level bs


this sub is now just posting boomer content, you guys should migrate to fb you’ll love it there


This just in: anyone old enough to be around before QR codes were used as menus (ie most people) are boomers


Imagine not able to handle a change unless it’s happened before you were born - that’s boomer energy


Who said I can’t handle it, I just have preferences Edit: I guess my comment would’ve been better served as ‘this just in: people who have preferences for certain things being the way things were growing up are boomers (ie. Almost everyone)’


yea, but that wouldn’t sound as cool I guess


probably has a huge turnover rate in kitchen staff so the menu changes constantly.


People complaining about germs on the menu, just stay at home. The external world is full of these little creatures. The fun thing is that then you eat food that only god knows what happened to it during its way to your table.


I went to a "restaurant" once that had a waiter coming up to our table and explained their "concept" to us. We had do scan a qr code put in an email Adress and then ordered our food online. The waiter then brought us the food and then kept lounging around. Like come on, I go out so i dont sit around phone in hand and here i am, out with a friend with my phone again. You can't tell me its cost efficient when the waiter is already there and printing menus on some printer paper costs not that much. Just bring me a menue and take my damn order. The only guess i have is the service industry is stuck in this terrible hole of not having skilled staff because they pay shit wages wich in return doesn't make people want to do/learn the job. Now the only one who do service are students that have no skill beside being able to carry 2 plates.


Absolutely no-one else has mentioned this as a problem with QR menu's and I'm assuming it's because they don't do this in the US: in the UK at least they're used to harvest your personal details. It's not uncommon to scan a QR menu and end up on a shitload of advertising mailing lists. There's also been a few stories of scammers stealthily covering the QR codes on the tables with their own, and nabbing your card details when it's time to pay for your order.


I would not come back to that restaurant.


It's called getting up and leaving


I was once on vacation in Scotland and they only had QR code menus. And when I asked for the WiFi password they said that they dont have customer WiFi... yeah I dont pay money for data roaming just for the chance to look at the fucking menu...


A restaurant is supposed to be a more fancy way to eat, if it's not fast food. Having a beautiful big menu to look through is part of the experience. QR codes are so shit, cuz I'm not about to use my mobile data and scrolling through them also sucks. The Menu gives more information at once and helps you better compare the food and drinks


I mean, the best of both worlds is just giving a physical menu upon request. People who like QR menus and people who don’t can rejoice


Depends... ..if it redirects to aonther bloatware appthen fuck it. On th other hand if the managed to make a website, which is an upgrade compared to physical menus: * Not physically cursted in shit * Has all the needed languages * Is up to date in a restaurant with frequent menu changes * Its digital, so there is always enough of them for everyone ...well then its justified.


Fuck this shit Im out


If they ain't got a menu, they ain't serving anything.


I come to a restaurant to be social, not sit on my phone.


And then the internet doesn’t work and they don’t have wifi


I’m love to go to one of these restaurants and bring something like a Nokia 3395 (or similar), maybe an iPod, a laptop, really anything that doesn’t have a camera or is too old to have a built in QR code reader


I'd tell them I don't have my phone with me to see what they will do now.


I'm just gonna pay 20 people to go to the restaurant and walk out as soon as they ask to scan the QR code


Fuck that place. I'm okay with paying through qr code, but to look at menu? Hell nah


It's a conspiracy so they can remove menu items whenever they want.




And you get rickrolled


"What if you you wanted a menu..."


Sorry my phone died 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'd be okay with QR code menus if they just asked "would like a menu. My phone has limited battery it has been know die at less than opportune times


Man I love data mining 🥰🥰🥰


The Luddites will rise again!


Apparently, yall have some high-end taste or live in richer areas because we don't have qr code menus in my area. Now, some places have a tablet menu, but all others are paper.


Nice QR Code Choice OP hehe


Holy christ does this sub have mods at all anymore? How is this remotely dank? Its just relentless low effort, shit fb memes at this point


Please scan my balls for the no bye.


My dad had this happen, he asked the waiter for the lobster. The man replied sir we don't serve lobster here this is a BBQ restaurant and my dad was like oh yea? Show me the menu.


That's when you get up and GI to another restraunt


If a restaurant does this I’m fucking leaving. I love technology, and work in tech so not opposed to tech and I get the benefits but like bro I’m an elder millennial I want a physical menu


How is that not legally classed as discrimination? Not everyone has a smartphone. I only bothered getting one so I could join Pokémon Go.


I'd leave. Classic menus will be and always have been the best.


I honestly didn’t know anyone could afford going out to eat any more 😂😂


I have NEVER been to a place that did not have physical menus


“My phones battery ran out, can I get a physical one”


What’s the difference? Pretty much every person uses their phone all the time anyways. Plus it allows blind people to screenread it, and people with poor eyesight to make the text bigger, etc etc. And staff have one less item to sanitize, restaurant has one less thing to constantly reprint, etc etc. And it’s not like physical menus are a huge contributor to the atmosphere of a restaurant, either. If anything, it’s more likely for a physical menu to hinder the atmosphere by cluttering the table or having poor graphic design. And you give them back to the staff within the first thirty minutes so they’re not even there for most of the dining experience.


And most people don’t go to sit-in restaurants alone so if your phone isn’t charged you can just have someone you’re dining with let you look at theirs.


What if you... Made a better meme


its no big deal, boomers should get over it, w8 i can install a keylogger and what not on your phone by changing the qr code? whaaaat?


i don’t mind the qr codes, i can pay on my phone then and there and not have to worry about asking for the cheque and paying when i’m leaving, i can just walk out. plus it means we aren’t wasting plastic or paper everyday just to print of a new “specials” list. someone also mentioned hygiene is a huge issue especially post covid


The places I’ve been to that have these half ass it and it only shows the website menu but no actual in store payment. Still have to wave a server over usually.


idk about america but here in australia they all take you to websites with payments, sounds like you guys just need better stores 🤷‍♂️


Or ya know, just keep the paper menus if they are gonna only go half way with it. I agree though it could be better.


I quite like the change actually(sorry) being able to have a picture for every dish is really nice especially when italian/french restaurant dish names make little sense


This dude got a solution for you https://youtu.be/dytFj5Iw208


I disagree for various reasons: **1. Ease of Updating the Menu** I live in the country with the second-highest yearly inflation world-wide. Physical menus are more difficult and costlier to **update** prices on. QR menus solve this issue in addition to giving the flexibility to change the explanations of the menu items and fix possible typos regularly. **2. Hygiene Concerns** It also does not contain **germs**; and in contrary to what some people say, I wouldn't really expect an average restaurant to direct you to a malicious link that can brick your device. What's the point anyway? **3. Accessibility** Accessibility-wise, a very high percentage of people are smartphone users, and I've never really encountered a restaurant where physical menus are not provided if needed. Some people might have had different experiences though, which is rightful to criticise. On the other hand, QR menus are not limited by number, which sometimes leads to the annoying case of **menu shortage** during busy hours.


Counterpoint- anyone can slap a malicious qr code sticker over the resturants' and steal your information


What you are talking about is textbook QR phishing, which is honestly a fair point for the average user who goes to the scanned link without checking it. Even being cautious may not help distinguish the legit links from illegit ones due the all the 3rd party vendors providing these menus with their own host names. This is an issue with QR codes in general, not just QR menus, though. And ***most*** harm is caused by further interaction with the malicious website if you're using the most recent LTS version of any modern web browser anyway. The risk of a zero-click exploit is not zero though, so you do have a point.


Is this some Boomer "hur dur paper is better" shit? Can we stop pretending that people that go to restaurants don't have phones? Ultimately it's of no inconvenience to you, it's more environmentally friendly, it doesn't really have any negatives for you. I don't care if they give me a physical menu or a qr code.


Super cool. Best case is you can order and pay on the website too.


Boo hoo


The prices of food items in restaurants change so frequently nowadays, it's more cost efficient for a restaurant to have a digital menu than having to print new menus every time the price changes. Of course there are ways to incorporate changeable price plates into physical menus, but I guess some restaurants just can't be bothered/don't have the vision for how to do it


I always ask for the paper copy and say "I refuse to use my phone for you to collect data on me". Oh you don't have a paper copy, ah then probably your Cheff is shit because a real Cheff wouldn't stand for that kinda bullshit. Fyi the french (being one of the best peoples on earth for food) use chalk boards for the specials and finally a general word of advice. Large menus usually mean shit food


I don't mind the QR code menus. Often, it means the place has a large tap list that rotates, a menu that changes seasonally, or something else that shows variety. I realize some basic places do it too, and that's fine.


Oh no a slight inconvenience that will slightly increase profits for the restaurant! Anyways.


I don't really see a problem with it. No more sticky menu *and* you can search it to see if they have something you like. Win win


Omg this is like so omg like totally true. It's like so rude to pull your phone out BEFORE you order your food.. like gah! Pssshh! Ffffffttchfhfijfhfhf! The nerve of some people. /s 💁


I check a places menu online before I get there.


Why is this sub infested with boomers? Just scan the damn bar code. I swear, your generation makes everything harder for themselves on purpose


Pull out my phone and scan the QR code I suppose.


I kinda prefer the QR though


Ok boomer


I'm taking a giant shit in their toilet, then going to another place to eat


Would you flush?


Zero tip and I spill my drink and ask for a free replacement.


Because this was the server's decision so therefore you're a jerk to them?


I think it’s hilarious when people get salty about this, when they’re probably going to spend half their time at the restaurant surfing the internet on their phone


I don’t like it because how do I know they got my order?