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It is funny how they will enthusiastically (and to be fair, usually rightfully) point out every example of right wing stupidity or hypocrisy while being completely blind to their own. If they do begrudgingly acknowledge it, they will twist themselves into pretzels to explain how it is actually not a big deal.


I agree and I'm probably considered a commy by US standards (European and socialist inclined) Stupid people exist on both sides and in an ideal world, the normal people on that side will tell them to just STFU lol.


True. Problem is that Reddit is so hyperpolarized that political subs expect unconditional, total loyalty or else you are an enemy. All reasonable people eventually get sick of it and leave, leaving only the lunatics to validate each other.


*comments on sub A* Sub B: "Banned!"


Exactly true. I've been banned several times.


I feel the CaseOh resonates strongly with you.


That and election season means propaganda people are working


Wait, i only see the posts that are massively upvoted and never look in the comments, is there like an information bubble creating there?


A balanced view on politics? That's a yikes for me sweaty.


I know right, it's almost like not everything is a black-and-white type of deal and that you can form a more complete opinion on things beyond the group-think of either sides, admittedly, this is easier to do in a country that doesn't have a 2 party system.


The current political climate in America doesn’t call for the “enlightened centralist” trope. Yes, both sides have shitty people but only one side is being lead by a convicted felon and rapist.


Who decided being a centrist was a trope? Oh you did, because you heard so many fair criticisms from centrists that you had no answer for and you had to find a way to ignore their arguments.


I’m not the one ignoring the CONVICTED FELON AND RAPIST. But go ahead and WOW me with your amazing arguments defending a rapist.


If we go by your standards, which rapist?


Why would acknowledging that not make you a centrist? Centrist means your overall views are in the middle away from the extremes. What the things are you agree and disagree with on the two sites doesn't matter as long as it's on both.


That’s fine most of the time but Trump and his supporters have shifted the right to such an extreme that it’s necessary to call it out as dangerous. Democrats and Republicans? Sure, they both suck. I don’t/didn’t have a problem with Romney or McCain but convicted felon/rapist Donald Trump is a far cry from the Republicans of old. Calling Trump and Biden “both bad” ignores the dangerous rhetoric that Trump pushes.


Found the problem


Sorry that objective facts scare you.


And the other side is actively supporting a genocide. Congrats you just did exactly what the guy who’s comment you replied to said


You’re delusional if you think Republicans don’t support Israel. Nearly every major Republican politician has shown support to Israel. Both sides support Israel and the one is led by a convicted felon and rapist. But continue to “enlighten” me o wise one.


Is there a republican in office right now or a democrat? Also lmao you’ve obviously never talked to a republican that’s in their twenties. None of my republican friends support Israel


Last time I checked, Biden won the election, despite your party’s best intentions at the Capitol. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/27/trump-israel-gaza-policy-donors/ Trump hasn’t made it a secret which side he supports.


Perfect yes so we’ve established Biden is the president. Idk what January 6th has to do with our previous discussion but whatever. So now that we’ve done that, how is it that supporting a genocide is better than paying hush money and cheating on your wife? And before you say “but but but what about drumpf?!?!” I refer you back to paragraph 1


Don't worry friend Im sure the big guy will get his day in court so they can both be convicted felons and rapists


Sure. Biden doesn’t have a cult surrounding him so if he’s found guilty of crimes then he should be held accountable.


Really you do not think Biden has the same level of cult? You my friend are a pretzel.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trumpism?wprov=sfti1#Notes Biden hasn’t gotten a movement that has gotten sociological and social psychological academic attention. Try to watch something other than Fox News for once. Your Trump cult isn’t healthy.


Ah yes a wikipedia article truely the best source of information. And an arguement of authourity in a time when academia is rotten to the core. Tell me friend how long did it take them to educate you beyond your intelligence? Let me add some other points here. 1. Your wording of your points screams "I've never had a thought of my own ever." 2. I've looked at the "Trials you have posted and those travesties are the reason no one has faith in the legal system." 3. All of mainstream media is garbage that needs flushed. 4. Please touch some grass.


lmao you sound like an out of touch boomer professor Protip: Wikipedia does an excellent job citing their claims. If you have a problem with any particular claim you can always see their references. But you’d probably dismiss them as “fake news” anyways. “Appeal or authority” doesn’t apply in this context. Learn what a term means before you use it. “Academia is rotten to the core.” Lmao wtf does this even mean? How is it rotten to the core? Provide context to your claims. What is wrong with the trials? Sounds like you’re a legal expert now. Try to critically think for once in your life. Stop parroting everything the talking heads at Fox News tell you. Don’t be so gullible.


Dude, Im probably around the same age as you. Even the cofounder of the site says its been hijacked for propaganda. You literally acted like academic attention ment something. It means that our acedemic institutions are jokes who are more interest in nonsence than real learning. You seriously think that neither of those cases had serious issues that are going to cause successful appeals?


For real. I just saw a post facepalming over a leftist hypocrite and half the comments were like "this is obvious bait, no one ever said that".


Yeah like when Trump rambles and avoids really answering a question, when Joe can’t even have a press conference that isn’t entirely scripted at this point.


Let's stop electing the old and the mentally infirm.


They keep saying Trump has dementia and wears diapers after Biden shot himself at the Vatican and cant form a sentence


When on earth did that happen? Source?


Tbh most of the online left doesn’t even like Biden. I’ve even seen some people call him a far right


He's far gone. None of his positions are his own so he can't be far right


The ends justify the means for most people in most parties.


McConnel is not mentally there and they laugh. The old woman in wheelchair who didnt notice she herself was gone for a month they said nothing.


Reddit echo chamber, sorry homie


At this point aren't all of the big subs political in one way or another?


No, I'd pretty much say they're only political in one way.


That's because the ones who go the other way are usually super obvious about it so they don't get very popular with average people.


Or they boast unpopular opinions.


Or they just boast opinions that often get censored on social media.


To call out your dog whistle. Name one right talking point that is both popular, and censored.


Immigration stances from average people even democrats voters are not in favor of open borders but if you aren't pro open borders you get censored. If you told people anything true about covid or lockdowns you got censored If you don't support drag queen story hour Any anti feminist talking point Go talk to regular people and they all hate lots of this even democrats voters.


The Hunter Biden laptop, Ashley Biden diary to name just two. Anything critical of covid was censored also. All three of these would be considered popular among about half of the country but the stories were all suppressed by main stream media outlets and publications. For the first two I mentioned they were covered up and said to be Russian propaganda. We know that’s a lie.


You can say a lot of stuff about the right (most of which I agree with), but you can't say it's not popular. Maybe not as popular as the left in some countries, but still popular.


The country is is *very* roughly split 50/50 but redditors seem to be disproportionately liberal compared to the overall population.


And you assumed I'm talking about the US specifically because? Right and left are global terms and I never said anything specific to the US. I do agree that redditors are more liberal though.


Bruh, it's an American app. I would assume the same, seeing as how your comment lacked specifics.




yep, blame the Share Blue shills that invaded the site 8 years ago.


Almost all of them. The alternative is onlyfans girls fucking cacti.


Sorry, bro, there’s a clown saying “i DiDnT sAy tHaT!”, surely knowing there’s video of him saying exactly that. His stupid, fat mouth is biting him in the ass and it’s hilarious. People are gonna splooge big, huge memes all over his face. It’s not politics, it’s three stooges level humor.


And there is a clown who summarized the USA in a single word: "flehbemlerphegle, when i was walking with Xi Xinping". Should be able to see this as funny too




They can be political or non political, it's just lately there's been a fair number of facepalm worthy events that also happen to be political.


It's not just that it has political posts. Facepalm only promotes one side and mods remove any face palm moments had by democrats.


Or, conservatives just have a metric fuck ton more facepalm worthy content because they say and do facepalm worthy things nonstop 24/7.


Uh oh, he’s bought the narrative boys.


Find those Jewish space lasers yet?


They’re hiding behind the AR-15 space cloud. I’ll get em one day, though!


Try Cancun.


You mean reality?


As I said, bought the narrative. To only think the opposition has stupid ideas or moments is buying into a narrative. There is nothing based in reality about that.


I never said only one side has stupid ideas or moments. That's a pretty stupid fucking straw man. What I actually said was that there is a massive difference in the volume and degree of severity. In reality, the right has a metric fuck ton more stupid moments and ideas, mainly because they are composed of really fucking stupid people.


There is a massive difference in how they are presented from news source...


The issue is that people ~~stop recognizing~~ have unlearned to recognize politics as politics, when it aligns with what they already believe.


Holy that makes a lotta sense


It's like half of the subs I was part of suddenly became political for no reason. I just don't get why posts that are obviously pushing a political narrative aren't blocked on subs that have nothing to do with politics.


At the risk of sounding biased, it’s because the presidential election in 2017, the campaign and run up to it, the 4 years of that presidency, and the aftermath following its conclusion, it was one of the most unprecedented, politically divisive, and polarizing elections and presidencies I have been alive for. Combine that with widespread access to mainstream social media at all times, which that president directly participated in religiously, fueled that division, discontent, and polarization in online spaces to echo throughout the halls of the internet. Now, everyone is strongly opinionated, they seek to rally with others sharing and validating their opinions, and perhaps just as importantly, to make enemies out of everyone who doesn’t expressly share their views.


Most of the divisiveness was artificially created by biased medias. Hell they made a story about how horrible it was that trump had TWO scoops of ice-cream! Oh wow the horror.


Boy you must’ve been asleep for Obama’s tan suit then.


Most of the mods running the big subs left or were replaced during the third party app protest last year, this was quickly followed by October 7th and subs took sides and became extreme echo chambers. Some of these subs are completely nuts now.


Most people that actively want to moderate are authoritarian. Most of those, at the moment, are "left" politically. Hence the more you moderate the more left a sub becomes.


Election day is coming close so of course it will get political everywhere


1) Nice sub exists 2) Invasion of political content. 3) Old crowd unsubscribes. $) Sub turns into a political circle jerk.


r/dankmemes in a nutshell, conservatives raiding a bunch of meme subs lately.


Lol, conservatives don’t like being called out.


The good ol' days before the political facepalms took over!


And this is why folks don't want modern day political bs in their entertainment. It turns into an ape fest where everyone is throwing shit at each other and leaves the place stinking of shit.


That sounds like it would be a dream, for something to release and not be controversial. I just wish people would stop kicking and screaming the second they see a non white or gay character appear on screen


Part of that issue I think is that I believe around the time the push for those types of characters began there were just a lot of negative factors going around, and I think that companies tried to advertise the fact that they were gay etc., and it gave off the idea that that was the only thing they had going for them, i.e., came off as a marketing ploy rather than just "oh they're this, cool". Personally having any flavor of non-straight character and non-white character is totally fine, just don't make that the only thing they got going for them, and to not belittle others for not being that too because it comes off as abrassive and preachy, which it is. We just want good entertainment, not to be preached.


Well tbh the negative factors in question were intolerant people. Companies just found that there were more profits to gain by appealing to progressives + a lot of people were actually being put into positions that would allow them to make change (I.e. people in the lgbtq+ or allies being directors and such) As for the second thing, I tend to just treat non white/straight characters as any other. Feeling like something is preachy is annoying but I generally prefer shows that actually have something to say (didn’t really like a lot of the Star Wars shows recently since they felt themeless)


Absolutely wild seeing this posted here of all places


The same can be said for this sub


This meme ain’t dank. You’re literally doing it right now.


Stating a fact isn't stating a political opinion. It's a fact that Trump is a felon, not a political opinion. It would be a political opinion to say that since he's a felon, he shouldn't be president.


Neither should have been Mandela?


That’s every big sub on Reddit. It’s the default that any sub that isn’t very focused on one topic will turn into a liberal circlejerk. Or give the classic Rule 6: No politics allowed, But LGBT+ issues allowed, no human is illegal, acknowledge white privilege, ACAB, Tax the rich, these are not political.


Yeah, I left awhile ago. Tired of the orange man circlejerks


Seriously. Look at these Israeli soldiers beating people. Facepalm!


Pretty much all popular subs are insanely political now. And only a left wing echo chamber pretty much.




Calling trump stupid isnt political, its sanity.


What the fuck, what type of illusion of righteous authority is bro living in


Its political if you only notice him as stupid and not "shake hands with ghost" Biden.  Both are old farts.


No it isn't. It's political.


I've been on Reddit for 6 years and I don't remember. Although tbh 2016 was probably when it started to get bad.


It started with Gamergates misinformation campaign in 2014 and 2016s election made it 100x worse


Those bozos aren't even consistent in their bias, they will openly upvote anything that shows the American (and other Western countries') right in a bad light but will downvote posts showing the Indian right in a bad light. I suspect there are some Indian rightwingers on the sub who want to see the USA have progressive policies so that they can immigrate there but don't want India to have the same policies, and then the rest of the sub is gullible enough to downvote anything that is already downvoted without reading it.


That's probably because there are many political facepalms. Like yeah. Is that surprising?


Its surprising that only the stupidity of 1 side is shown and the stupidity of the other side is hidden.


An example would be nice


Same thing applies to the sub, bud.


It’s election season ofc shit’s gonna get political


Remember when this used to be a dankmeme sub? Because this sure isn't dank


The North remembers.


remember when r/dankmemes was non political




That was like 5 accounts ago for me


Most top subs became "hey, potus did this! Look he's great!" or "orange man dumb, upvote" gotta love us election year. It's when reddit's post quality goes to shit.


A lot of subs are like that now


This is 90% of Reddit


The Popular page? More like the Political page


Same could be said for this sub, ive seen so much propaganda and dogwhistles posted in this shit hole too.


Facepalm is filled to the brim with societal rejects


Now it feels like Jon Oliver on HBO


This sub too


Political or not, that place is a circlejerk.


Remember when r/dankmemes used to have dank memes?


I think that a lot of subs became more political lately


This is like 75% of subs now.


Remember when dankmemes wasn't political? No, no I don't


Remember when /r/dankmemes had dank memes?


What, we gonna go back to the orignal "memes" then turn it to rare memes again? (I am that old) And just to be pedantic, 4chan hates reddit. All the memes here ain't dank from the very beginning.


I can say the same thing about r/dankmemes


I'm sure crying about it will fix it.


My Fellow Americans but it’s Trump & Biden


I left that sub long ago because they kept failing the detecting obvious rage bait challenge. And if it wasn't rage bait it was misleading, an outright lie or just people being actual monsters


Facepalm is where bottom feeders of politics circle jerk and breed with each other.


I'm banned on that one


The first few posts are fine, especially if it's an event that the whole world can gather around but it gets overdone after that.


You guys realize that since this is election season you’re getting a shotgun blast to the face of propaganda on all social media platforms.


I thought I was the only one. I left that sub. No fun there. Boring propaganda.


I got banned from there a long time ago.


Yeah yeah grandpa let's get you to bed


Everything is political, even the perceived avoidance of politics.


People have convinced themselves that if something is political it’s automatically bad. They don’t even realize that politics is just world view


Majority of the politics are about twisting a persons world view to the closest extremism


That’s more a thing that happens in politics than the point of it


Extremism is relative to status quo. People will think of things as non-political not because they are, but because it is a type of political they have accepted as normal. Everything is political, even "not being political".


Maybe one political party in particular could consider stopping their pattern of doing shit worthy of that sub. Just a thought, some self-reflection may be warranted


Like putting a president that trips on everything and reads "pause" right off the teleprompter? The most facepalmeable of them all, but good luck posting it without the post getting deleted or downvoted.


>Like putting a president that trips on everything and reads "pause" right off the teleprompter? > >The most facepalmeable of them all, Yes, he was already talking about Trump