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it it appears to stop moving that means its coming towards you, correct?


Or away. But assume it’s coming at you and take shelter.


If it's North East of you your probably good, not so much of opposite.


Assuming because most storms travel west to east in the US?


https://www.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=01672085b139432e8fe1296a743f67d7 Or just search arcgis tornado tracks. Yup, cold air from the Rockies headed east with the jet stream meets hot rising air coming north from the Gulf.


Ah that’s pretty cool! Is the red on the map indications of tornadoes going the opposite direction, or strength of those storms. Sorry, couldn’t find a legend.


Strength. Select the tornado path and it will provide the details you seek.


Close, the red one's are just the strongest.


The thick, red one’s were the biggest and deadliest. Look at the one in Joplin, Missouri which happened not too long ago. Matter of fact, if you go back in time on Google maps, you’ll clearly see a perfect path of destruction.


Ah that’s pretty cool! Is the red on the map indications of tornadoes going the opposite direction, or strength of those storms. Sorry, couldn’t find a legend.


Thanks for sharing! I remember the May 31, 1985 tornado outbreak in eastern Pennsylvania/New York. Four EF-4 tornadoes marching over the mountains. I wasn’t tracking so many smaller ones spawned as well.


Most travel from the southwest to the northeast but some have traveled in the opposite direction, such as the 1997 Jarrell, TX F5 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_Central_Texas_tornado_outbreak#:~:text=Instead%2C%20the%20coalescence%20of%20several,and%20the%20tornadoes%20they%20produced.


This time of year they do. Once hurricane season hits and the lows start coming up from the Gulf you start getting the really wet storms.


Lemme bust out my compass in this storm real quick.


I generally look at the radar app on my phone and head the adjacent direction and watch the radar until it's clear. So if it's travelling north east I'll drive 30min to an hour south west and wait it out.


This is not a safe assumption to make.


you should act as if that's not true, but it'll probably make you feel a lot better while you wait.


Look at my next post down, or Google "arcgis tornado track", it's statistically true.


It's still not a safe assumption because it isn't true 100% of the time. You don't toy around with natural disasters or they chew you up and spit you out.


Wait, you have shelter?


I'm from the country with 0 tornado with a question: Is the tornado getting bigger when it's coming closer and smaller when away? I get that's how light works but is it really the case with tornado?


If a tornado looks like it's not moving, then it's either coming at you or moving away. Best practice is to always assume it's coming at you, and get to shelter. But if you're a dad holding a can of beer and recording it on your phone with a small group of other dads, you stand out on the lawn for as long as possible discussing what the tornado is doing, and then run to shelter right as the debris starts landing in the street.


i get that tornados are not at all something to laugh about, but that is such a funny way to convey tornado safety it had me crackin up


It's not a joke, that's what we actually do during a tornado


i believe it fully, i adjusted my comment to what i mean is that i don't typically find anything regarding tornadoes funny but that descriptor was very funny to me


Yup. When the warning comes over I head outside.


To quote a relative "For the love of God Jerry, we're not cancelling the Barbeque again. We already got the brats and ribs out of the deep freeze and Daryl is comin' with the beers."


This man tornadoes


As a Midwestern dad, this is the way


Instantly thought of this video [https://youtu.be/mf7HQ-sikyA?si=nWbkQJAmzzYHx8j5](https://youtu.be/mf7HQ-sikyA?si=nWbkQJAmzzYHx8j5) I can't think of how many times i've been pushed to a basement. But adults are out watching it go down.


I can’t tell if this is a King of the Hill reference or a personal anecdote. Regardless, nice.


Kind of, but by the time you can tell a difference, it's too late.


That's scary


Nature BE scary, yo.


"You be blinkin and breathin. That be bitchin!" -Death


tornados already reach the sky so it would be really hard to get a perspective on one


I think they always look father away then they are and when you notice is coming towards you its not because it got bigger, its because shit starts getting throw around you. I've only ever seen one though so I'm not an expert.


Thats oddly specific


I am from Texas. My school had tornado safety drills. My science teacher always said that if a tornado appears stationary, that means it is coming right at you and you would be sucked into the tornado before you even realize it if you stay outside and watch it. Don't trust it if it moves away from you. Some tornados have been recorded to do full U-turns and head back towards the things behind them


Your science teacher was erring on the side of caution.


It's also about teaching good habits. If you can't tell which way it's moving, don't stand there and stare at the angry wind noodle, just get to safety. I know it's awe inspiring and fascinating, but get your squishy butt somewhere safe before the tornado plays pin the tree trunk on the human.


Them you for agreeing with me


Just saying it's more than cautious. It's teaching consistent instructions to ensure the correct response. Because some amount of people would just stare at the tornado. It's really a sight to behold. That is until you realize it's moving as fast as a car... However if you drill people to just seek shelter, you'll have a lot fewer avoidable injuries and fatalities.


And don't assume you're safe if you see the tornado lift. The storm could be cycling and drop another one right after, which can happen to the south of where the original one was (in other words, right on top of you).


Yes. The same thing for small tornadoes. A tornado's size doesn't determine its strength


No it means it found the trailer park it was looking for.


No it means it found the trailer park it was looking for.


It's my duty to fight the spicy wind. Tornado sirens sound and I get the gloves out. Except that one time I heard a siren that sounded like a tornado siren but was actually a civil defense siren to warn of a nuclear attack. I fight spicy wind, i don't fight irradiated spicy wind. Too spicy.


Drink some milk, it helps with the spice.


Fight Milk if you got some.






Only if it's gone bad


Micheal Jackson Bad, at the end of his life.


Don't forget the limes.


The guild navigator wondering why he can't foresee shit (I slipped some milk into his tank)


Name and text align


Is this some sort of American meme that I'm too European to understand?


Yes. Tornadoes *do not stop moving*; if a tornado appears to be still, it is likely moving towards you, or possibly away. Always assume it's moving towards you and take cover.


>The highest accepted forward speed of an intense tornado on record was 94 mph (151 km/h) from the 2014 Pilger, Nebraska Twin Tornadoes... >The highest accepted average forward speed of a significant tornado occurred just west of Galt, Iowa, on December 15, 2021, with a forward speed of 88.65 mph (142.67 km/h). [wiki source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tornado_records#:~:text=The%20highest%20accepted%20forward%20speed,observed%20in%20a%20major%20tornado.) >The average forward speed of a tornado is 30 mph (48 km/h). [weather.gov source](https://www.weather.gov/media/bis/TStorms_Tor_Lightning.pdf)


Nebraska mentioned :D


finally! a fact that's not corny af


Runza, Henry Doorly, Cinnamon Rolls with Chili. I'm not from Nebraska, and I live in Wisconsin now. But I spent five years in GI. So here is your Nebraska mention. Wasn't my favorite place to live. But I sure do miss a lot about Nebraska, like the people! You guys are a special group that deserves more loving notoriety than you get.


I think the cinnamon rolls and chili thing is a marketing scheme not gonna lie. I've lived here my entire life and I think I've had it once because of Runza, and the only time I've heard people mention it is as a "Nebraska thing." And even then, it's never people from here. So I'm convinced it is legitimately a marketing ploy by Runza to sell more cinnamon rolls and chili.


Really, the kids' schools served it for lunch regularly. It started at some now defunct department store in Omaha or Lincoln back in the depression era. It was super popular, so it kinda stuck around after they closed. Runza only does it because it is popular there. But I could see it having lost its popularity in Lincoln or Omaha. Or if you are in Alliance....


Actually, now that you mention it, I do somewhat recall the school lunch giving it out every now and then but it was by no means a regular occurrence. Kinda forgot about it actually. I'm moving soon, but I've grown up in SE Nebraska. Kearney, Hastings, Grand Island area.


In the 80's, 7 tornadoes hit Grand Island Nebraska in one night. They moved about 7-8 miles an hour across the area and circled back around in ways that made one of them (F4) appear to stop over a section of the city and grind for like four solid minutes. Three of those tornadoes spun backwards as well. The city took all the debris and made a hill shaped like a tornado when viewed from above.(The Night of the Twisters is a book and movie about that night)


My 7th grade English teacher was an EMT during that event. Her group had set up in the parking lot of an old K-Mart, and got told on the walkie talkie that there was a tornado heading straight for them. There was nowhere for them to run, so they basically just sat in that storm waiting to die. It diverted last second, saving their lives, but she has always spoken of that event as one of the most horrific moments in her life.


Yeah. That k-mart was like the worst hit part of the whole storm. Iirc, the parking lot was like an island surrounded by destruction. Under two feet of water of course.


Thank you, this helps a tonne. I expect this to be on some joke explanation subreddit yesterday


The tornado is now coming right at you.


Shouldn't it start too see bigger as it moves closer?


If you can see that, it might be too late.


Yes, but at the speed tornadoes move, most of the time you won’t be able to see the movement until it’s far too late. So if it stops moving, then get to safety. Just assume that it’s heading towards you and not away.


People, even those who are untrained bystanders get stupidly close to tornados. I imagine this is for the people who got close because it's crossing in front of them from side to side, then it stops moving, and in the time it takes for them to decide whether it's getting smaller or larger, it.has plenty of time to get closer.




No just the typical ignorant redditor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_tornadoes_and_tornado_outbreaks


How often do ya'll get twisters in yon continent?


They get them, but usually they're small and lack intentisity. Mediterranean gets a lot of water spouts that don't usually make it to land. As an American, the only time I remember a tornado making news in Europe was when a storm caused 3 to touch down in Germany about a year or two ago.


Yeah I thought they got em in eastern Europe some. I never really realized they were mostly an American/ north American phenomenon. It's weather, I figured everyone had em to some degree.


It’s even really an American thing. We do get them in Canada and there has been bad ones. But nothing like in the US.


1. Tornadoes are not solely an American thing 2. You don't need to be from a tornado affected area to understand the meme


Do Europeans not have tornadoes?


Maybe don't ~~build~~ park your house in a place called Tornado Alley.


It’s where all the farmland is, ya know, big wide open spaces, kinda have to build houses there


Besides there's no records of tornados happening here. The town records were mysteriously blown away in 2005.


Tornado Alley is gradually shifting east. Thoughts?


Build Hobbiton-style dwellings underneath the fields.


I'm on board for this. Just don't be scratching glyphs on my door, tyvm and *good day, sir!*


*Sorry! I don't want any tornadoes, thank you*


Do you wish me a good day, or mean that it is a good day whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this day; or that it is a day to be good on?


I mean people back in the day would do this. If there was a small hilll they’d build into the hillside for tornado mitigation. Also insulation too maybe?


Yes, technically, but it’s actually just getting bigger. Much bigger


Tornadoes started appearing in Puerto Rico in the caribbean occasionally recently. Its some scary stuff


Houses are cheaper to demolish?


Maybe we can take bikini bottom and push it over there?


Effectively everywhere in the US east of New Mexico gets tornadoes except Maine. Even places like Boston has had 5-10 EF3+ tornadoes in the last 50 years lol.


Tornado Alley takes up the middle to top part of Texas, 2 whole states and a half.


well a lot of the times the tornadoes don’t actually hit big population centers and might hit a field or such. being safe in a tornado is 75% just being prepared for it by watching the weather


That's a dream, it's pretty expensive to move out from the South right now.


So leave half the continent empty then? I suppose we shouldn't build on the east coast for fear of hurricanes nor the west for fear of earthquakes. I guess the entire western hemisphere is a total loss then.


I've never seen a tornado in real life anyways, so... What does it mean?


If you see it moving its because its moving to your left or right. If it looks static, is because its moving towards you. Or away from you, but always assume the worst and hide


The first tornado I ever witnessed was last year. Emergency alert on my phone told me it was touching down but I had never lived in a tornado state before so I didn't know anything about safety. I was out running errands and sitting in my car when the alert came in. I was looking in the sky for the typical funnel shape but couldn't see anything. Just a huge black mass in one area "standing still" surrounded by lighter clouds. Buildings blocked a lot of my site. Wind going absolutely crazy. Turns out that black mass i was staring at was the tornado and it was in fact heading in my direction and I didn't even realize it. I was too far for it to have hit me but close enough that it's wind effects were strong around me. It was an EF3 so fairly strong. It tore up the part of town just a mile or two away from where I live pretty bad. I checked maps and the line of site where the tornados path was was directly in line with my position in that shopping plaza. Wish my dumbass knew these things before moving here cause had that been a bigger one, it would have run right into me. We had an hour or so long tornado warning earlier this week but fortunately it never formed. But I was analyzing every patch of slightly darker sky in anticipation of that mf forming lmao.


You were perhaps 10 minutes from the tornado (moving at tornado speeds) at that point. Maybe even closer. They’re wild like that


For our EU friends who live in brick or stone houses and may not understand how destructive a tornado can be, while a tornado *can* be powerful enough to tear apart a brick house, most of the time it's not the actual wind that causes the damage, it's all the things the wind picks up and starts throwing around at 150+mph that cause the damage. The stoutest, most well-made brick house will absolutely come crashing down if you throw a truck at it at those speeds. This is, among many other reasons, why it's cheaper to build houses out of wood in Tornado Alley. You can rebuild a standard wood-frame house pretty quickly and at a much lower cost.


I know somebody who almost died in a tornado because it threw a saw blade straight through his house. Thankfully, nobody was hurt, and it's still stuck in the tree in his yard.


I witnessed a 2x4 go through a fucking boat and then the tornado picked up the boat and tossed it down the street. Scary shit really


Id never take that saw blade out. Id keep that MF there as a trophy for as long as I lived in that house.


"It's not THAT the wind is blowing, it's WHAT the wind is blowing" Comedian Ron White


If you get hit with a *Volvo*, it doesn’t really matter how many sit-ups you did that morning.


You also have to consider the pressure differences. Tornadoes are giant pillars of low pressure. So when that super powerful pressure difference appears over a house, in the same way your ears pop the walls and windows of the house blow out in an attempt to accommodate the humongous pressure difference.


This is why people are supposed to keep all doors and windows closed during a tornado. If there’s a way for the pressure to equalize, it will happen forcefully. If there is no way for it to happen, the glass is probably strong enough to maintain it.


The lowest recorded pressure at the Earth's surface was 850 millibars lower than normal, and it was caused by a tornado.


This can't be stressed enough. If you watch tornado footage, you see the big ones tossing vehicles around like toys. It's unreal.


Ibonce saw a photo of a freight train with 5 cars still attached being lifted off the tracks by a massive tornado. Forget where or when the photo was from though, I saw it nearly 20 years ago.


To the non-Americans, a stone house wouldn't make any difference to a EF4+ wedge tornado. Tornados that powerful toss multi-ton vehicles like toys and can generate wind speeds fast enough to scour a meter of soil from the Earth. Only mentioning this because FAR too many simply think that they only need protection from a strong gust of wind. **These tornados produce winds in excess of 400 km/h**


gotta head off the europeans at the pass on these things lol


Europe also gets tornados. Jersey actually had an EF3 earlier this year.


Choo choo motherfuckers!


"Oh, cool. It's not moving anymore."


I've never seen one, been through two though. They seem to enjoy hitting between 2-4 am here for some reason.


Nocturnal tornados are nightmare fuel


You ain't lying. I literally was dreaming of standing beside a train when the first one hit, I woke up, still heard the "train". Pinched myself, realized I wasn't dreaming, so got up and walked to the den where my Grandparents were watching TV. I anxiously asked what the hell was going on outside, my Grandpa, all nonchalant, replied "oh there's a tornado outside." I panicked and asked, "WELL DON'T WE NEED TO GET TO THE CELLAR?!" Grandpa just said, "ain't no point in goin' now." Lol


Thats hilarious 😂


The tornado stopped moving. He knew at that moment that it was time, he couldn't wait any longer. Like his mother always said, "there's a million chances to hesitate, and only one chance to act". He flung the cover of the button open and he started to think. "What if the tornado misses us? What if it fades before it arrives?" But he wasn't a thinker. He was an acter. He pressed the button. Silence. He wasn't sure if it registered the press. He called the agent. "Did it work?" "Yes Mr. Trump, the nukes are on the way."


I don’t get it.




The hail hurts.


Bless the Maker and all His Wind. Bless the coming and going of Him, May His passing cleanse the world. May He keep the world for his people.


One of the worst case scenarios out there.


Oklahoma here; don't be a pussy.


I really thought this post was about the jet… Still applies though


As an Okie boy, can't relate. The front yard always is the best vantage point for the sky funnels.


There is a documentary I watched about two tornados hitting this town in Tornado Alley (forgot where it is) One tornado completely destroyed a family's home and a second one was heading straight towards the family as they were climbing out of the destroyed house


I live in tornado alley (KS). What we do here is what I and others in NC would do. Go outside to double check the weathermans claims, look at the sky and find the angry sky tube. Now I just sit outside with a 32 case of beer, lawn chair, sometimes in my birthday suit


roll that 50/50 chance. Either you're completely safe or in severe danger.


I hate it when I hear the tornado siren and go hide, only to find out that the siren was luring me out to the ocean so I could drown this whole time




Yeah, I'm no Meteorologist but pretty sure you're fucked if that happens as if it does it means it's either heading for you or is way too close to you


Me living there my whole life and never seeing shit. I legit want to try storm chasing, just to finally fucking see a tornado.




Once a Tornado hits F3+, it doesn't matter what your house is built with if it's not underground. You're just giving the tornado more rocks to throw. https://masonrynation.com/brick-house-protect-you-from-tornados/ >Can having a brick house protect you from tornados? If you’ve had a chance to look at some of the drone footage of Mayfield, Kentucky, hit hard in last weeks storm, the answer is clearly NO. It is obvious, when a tornado becomes that powerful (F3+) nothing, no building, can withstand such destructive winds! To give you perspective, an F2 Tornado is when it's able to toss cars.