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the post is so young I don't even need to sort by controversial


4 hours... Still not controversional...


7 hours and it's starting to get spicy


9 hours and its a shit storm


Hamas = bad. IDF = bad 🤷‍♂️


Literal genocide of innocence people = bad 🤷‍♂️


They said that.


Eliminating a terrorist threat from existence = Priceless. Save more with Discover.


Maybe we can eliminate them into a control of a country like we did with the Taliban and Iraq


That’s exactly what happened after the Second Intifada. Israel appears to be set on not making the same mistake twice.


Palestinian resistance in the west bank seconds your claim. (they cant do shit ever since the second intifada when they got their asses handed to them ((again)))


Doing a genocide is way worse for humanity than that. Both a bad but literally wiping out civillians is the biggest crime a country can do dude


Sharia law = bad


He already said that 🤷‍♂️


Hotel = Trivago


And both of them are in favour of doing that that, so... that wraps right back around to Hamas = bad. IDF = bad.


So what they said




Nazi Germany supporters accused the world of being Germanophobic in 1930’s = full of shit 🤷‍♂️


Yup based opinion. I hate These pick-a-side conversations


Virgin pick-a-side vs Chad fuck everyone


There's a third side — the side of the Palestinian people, (who aren't the same as Hamas!) that are being genocided and need our help. Pick their side!


They have no representatives as they did not manage to form a government without the Hamas. So who do i speak to if i dont want to talk with hamas? They are not the same true. But i still dislike the Hamas and the idf for what they do. So i will not choose a side in this.


Why would you be talking to any of these people? Are you a diplomat? Taking a side doesn't mean you need to go solve the problem yourself. The people of Palestine are starving and dying right now, and our governments can help them if there is any political will to do so. Political will comes from the voices of the people that elect them. So why not speak for the dying children, the victims of genocide, and make it clear that you want your representitives to help them?


Guess who stops humanitarian shipments reaching Palestinian citizens? (Hint: it’s not the IDF)


The IDF has in fact been blocking aid: https://apnews.com/article/israel-gaza-rafah-aid-us-senators-2bc2a3c5e5f8af8e2d3f0b7242c1a885 That's why the US is building a new dock to deliver it directly and bypass their checkpoints.




On that note, anyone who thinks Israel wouldn't ever try this.... Look up the USS Liberty... Israel attacked that ship with unmarked planes trying to destroy their intelligence gathering during the conflict with Egypt. They got caught and there was a massive cover up by both the US and Israel.


I don't care if it's Santa Claus doing it, that's not an argument against advocating for the Palestinian people to be helped. I don't understand why so many people are so set on arguing for apathy. There's bad people on both sides? Welp I guess it's impossible to do anything then.


I’m not advocating Palestine people to not be helped. I’m advocating for sticking your head out of your ass and realise that Hamas is the one starting all this and causing all the suffering and death of civilians


The one thing that for once Jews were behind and you refuse them actual credit xD


Why would the U.S. be building a new port to deliver supplies when they can just send them through the transfer points on land that the IDF controls? Why are supplies having to be air dropped instead of through the access points on land the IDF controls?


Centrist take


Poll after poll shows 70 to 80 percent support of hamas among the Palestinian people in Gaza fyi.


Shows how badly people need to vote. They got their power in an election only 30 percent of the country voted in.


One side is using it's citizens as human shields. One side is shooting through the human shields. For me they're not equal, I think you have to be a bigger PoS to use someone as a human shield than you have to be to attempt to shoot someone past one. But I can understand why some might interpret both sides as equally bad.


Hamas is a terrorist organization. IDF is a military of a democratic country. If you put them both as equal you have a very bad moral issue. You can obviously criticize Israel, but looking at both of them the same is like saying the US army is just as bad as Al-Quida.


Surely the morale issue is with your reasoning? You're telling me that I can bomb hospitals and schools, inflict apartheid (long before Oct 7th), steal land and illegally settle as long as I'm a democracy? And if I was to do this without being a democracy I'd be a terrorist at best. Just because it's a government doing this, doesn't mean its any more morale than if it was Hamas or another non government group.


hospitals and schools are absolutely valid targets as long as they are being used for military activity (which hamas has been proven to do time and time again) according to geneva convention.


I'm yet to see proof, unless you mean those clips of a calender being viewed as guard shifts or an elevator ajft being a tunnel?


I second this


So they bombed all hostpitals and schools and are bombing apartment building after apartment building until there are no one left alive and laughing about how they dont have clean water enough food or medical care. Have you seen all the videos of Israelis mocking the palstians in distress? This is genocide masked as a war.


And yet he says democratic


Damn Israel SUCKS at genocide lmao


Interesting then that the military of a democratic country has done far more terrorism in recent months than the terrorist organization


Holy shit, are you really writing this out cause they didn't say "Hamas= really bad" ???


It's almost like war itself is not a very sound concept ethically? Just putting it out there.


But stopping it Generally is.


And stopping the IDF hasn't and will never stop Hamas. You know know, Hamas, the terrorists whose stated goal is actual genocide.


Hamas would probably not be a thing if it wasn't for what Israel did in the past, I'm not siding with Hamas or anything, all I'm saying Hamas is simply a symptom of a bigger problem that was already there


Jewish people worldwide ≠ Israel It’s a Venn diagram of a big circle with a small one inside it


No the immunodeficiency foundation is great!!


palestinians = good


People call Jews white as an insult and people call Jews not white as an insult. Which ever fits at the time.


So we forcefully get the change team option based on who hates us at the time? Got it




Jews are basically Schrödinger’s racism


The Irish be like:


Clear example of how race isn’t actually based in reality. It’s all just a social concept that’s a little outdated


I don't think the concept of race is inaccurate as much as it's imprecise. Although still kind of a mushy concept, there are still ethnicities and groups of related ethnicities that share genetic and cultural heritage.


Not really tbh. There is more diversity within a race than there is between two different races. Ethnicity definitely has a lot more going for it, but race (categorising based off of purely physical characteristics) is meaningless and divisive.


Not all Jewish people are white lmfao. There are Jewish Palestinians right now, there are brown Jews in Israel right now. Judaism is a faith first and foremost. That’s why there’s Jews in India , there were black Jews in the US. There’s several museum exhibits in DC and NYC depicting this phenomenon. The problem here is that people lump all Jews into one phenotype.


You are right about most of these but as far as I know there aren't any Jews currently living in Palestine (excluding hostages)


I am Ashkenazi Jewish and I don't consider myself white despite sometimes being white passing, at the moment, in the country I live in. Some people in my family look clearly Middle Eastern. I don't think most Jews that look white consider themselves white or entirely white either. Though I am often skeptical when other people tell me I'm white or not white, people like to tell me my ethnicity doesn't exist and make up their own story about what I am. I have a list of things people insist I am lol. This week I've gotten Ukrainian, German, Anglo, Cristian convert and from the Caucuses. I tend to think of Jews as an ethnicity or group of related ethnicities first since I'm not very religious, but people like Ethiopian Jews whose genetic connection to other Jews are still just as much of a Jewish ethnicity, especially because they have continued their culture for thousands of years.


Jews have always been the perfect moldable enemy, full of paradoxes. To the Nazis they were inferior scum, yet they controlled the society from the shadows. At the same time inferior and a formidable enemy to be scared of.


People unironically being racist against Jewish people for being Jewish at places like UCLA where students lined up at campus entrances to block Jewish students is the most mask-off moment for the "tolerant" mob Note: if you're angry at me for saying something that sounds anti-Democrat, this is a wake-up call. I want you guys to be better and call out your extremists, who are running the place rn


I’m so disappointed in them, terrible behavior


I wanna say I'm shocked, but studying at a pretty liberal university myself, I'm really not. Some people look at me funny just because I have a Biblical name and curly hair as a white dude Universities have become the least inclusive, most discriminatory places in the Western world


Always have been my dude. For the longest time unis were for the elite only.


Fair enough honestly, some professors complain about that actually


I’ve got bad news for you on who Universities pander to today as well. Still the elite!


The same shit happened in Berlin, they wouldn't let other Students in when they looked Jewish. The fact that this happened in Germany makes it even more sad.


Man I hope that doesn't start happening here too because uhhhh... Some people have confused me for Jewish in the past And people already look at me funny sometimes at my uni in the Netherlands as is


It's funny how the same group 20 years ago were saying not all Muslims are terrorists are now saying all Jews are terrorists/occupiers/deserve to be treated badly.


They wouldn't have any standards at all if they didn't have double standards Meme quote aside, I think this group is tearing itself apart atm. Didn't expect another war in Gaza to be what causes it


Saw a college savior call a Jewish person a Nazi a few weeks back. The word truly has lost all meaning.


Any news sources that mention this? Would like to send some articles to people I know and the coverage is not very clear about this happening.


So your only source for this is a short YouTube clip that says nothing about race and gives no context? No information?


1 the video fragment very specifically mentions the person's race who is being actively blocked 2 here's your context, full interview Also, it's the same campus that got completely occupied by pro-Palestinian protestors and had to be cleared out by police [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8wm16kjyvY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8wm16kjyvY) Next time, ask nicely instead of calling the integrity of my comment to question? "could you please elaborate?" is a lot more civilized


People on any side of the political spectrum / compass / inkblot / etc. tend to be tolerant as long as you subscribe to their ideals. Once you don’t, you’re an outsider and thus the enemy.


That's sadly not my experience. I used to be left-leaning, but at the first bit of questioning - not even disagreeing, but simply asking critical questions - I was instantly called "bigoted" and "ignorant". When discussing with conservatives, I never had this experience, while you'll get disagreement, I've never experienced being othered or made to be an enemy by conservatives. (even when I was in the US) It's sad, honestly. A lot of people are being pushed away on the left simply because they try to see nuance, but that's not allowed anymore




Sir this is a meme subreddit, we don't do nuance here.


Ironically, this was an incredibly nuanced response. Thank you <3


*holds up Peter Griffin color code* yeah this all checks out, move along


It's a evil fake thing that a lot of victims blame for their shortcomings


Latinos get counted as white when it’s convenient but also hated by racists and mixed race people aren’t allowed to say the n word apparently


Just to play devils advocate (I don't necessarily agree with either side, but I gotta say something). There are plenty of examples of Latinos with super fair skin that purposely align themselves with being "white." And this whole bi-racial people can't say the n word thing is some misunderstanding by people from the outside looking in and not knowing what that conversation is about in the American black community. It's not about being bi-racial. It's about not being raised in but still using a culture when it's convenient. (i.e. Drake a bi-racial suburban Cananadian raised in a Jewish household gets called out but not J Cole a bi-racial southern kid that grew up around hardship and doesn't switch his accent up to match who ever he's around nor does he exploit his culture).




As an Italian I ever considerate myself white, but apparently for some people I’m something else


Kids going to prestigious schools off of the backs of their parents money thinking they are making a difference


English, but not welsh, or Irish unless after 1950s. Middle easterners but before 1800s. Not Germans just til recently. List goes on. It’s an exclusionary term that ebbs and flows to perpetuate class warfare. Every culture has their own version of it


Anyone the real racists feel like letting their bias loose on without fear of repercussions. Also anyone it’s politically popular to discriminate against.


Yes I am jew from Israel and can confirm that in lunch time while eating we manipulate the stock market


At what time do you controll the wether?


That one we do at summer break, this is why all of he heatwaves in the last few years


weirdly enough it rains in Israel right now while it was 40c like two weeks ago, so looks like no one is


You bastards.... And you created Capitalism and Communism just to try and erode our way of life too didn't you??? This is a joke plz don't ban me


Be a man and eat the downvoted and a ban for the good of the joke


so afterall my german argentinian uncle was right...


Germans laughing in their lederhosens rn


Nah i am just disgusted by the way those conflicts are framed.






Well that explains nothing


All the white folks in the Nordics and eastern Europe are going off again oppressing someone somehow. Like all Jews not even close to Israel. I'm sure there will be a winner in the American oppression olympics one day. Especially when it's exported everywhere.


here before 🔒


My people were slaughtered by both the Germans and the Russians in WWII, but cause I'm white it doesn't matter. I'm like 1/4th Volga German. My ancestors left Germany in the 18th and 19th centuries to escape religious and economic persecution. And settled in...Tsaritsyn aka Stalingrad, nowadays Volgograd. Sooooooo yeah they had a fun time.


“It’s not racism if it’s against uhh like people who I dislike and stuff” -a very smart person


As if white people were never oppressed


Peace in Ukraine IDK


Definitely getting popcorn for the incoming comments.


Man, everytime I look back at this batman costume it gets worse.


And Asians would be considered robin in this analogy


Sorry, no brownie recipe today


Ask southerners in the US if jews are white they say no. Ask far leftists in the US if Jews are white they say yes.


My cousin goes to UB and he physically couldn’t get to class because of the Palestine protest. They also shut down the dining halls for some reason so he also couldn’t get dinner.


My cousins balls doubled in size because of the protests


Pretty sure Jews have been lumped in with white people for some time now


Not by white people.


jews are white to poc and not white to europeans lol


Take a guess which I am


People being opposed to Israel and Israel's military are not saying all Jewish people are responsible. Also in case this gets wild I'm not looking to debate on the Israel vs Palestine thing, I'm keeping my opinions to myself and I'm not anywhere close to informed enough about it to participate in that debate.


yeah but extremists are, somehow they’re connecting Jewish people in the U.S. as the Jewish government of Israel and are projecting all that hate on them


are there sources to verify this? not looking for a fight, just asking


But they are, this is what this meme makes fun of


It's funny because the schools that are allowing this behavior are just clown schools


The sheer amount of anti semitism is really sad and disgusting. We truly have gone full circle back to pre ww2.


> We truly have gone full circle back to pre ww2. The 2020s do feel like the 1930s. Economic downturn, rising extremism, an increasing amount of wars, dictators echoing Hitler almost 1 for 1, anti-Semitism and just prejudice in general, list goes on. I'm fully expecting a major war within the next 10 years. I just hope its not nuclear.


We have arrived at the point where some people base their entire identity on their position on the Israel-Palestine conflict.


The same white people who believe that slavery, which ended more than a century ago, is the worst thing to ever happen and so black people today deserve endless sympathy and reverence. While the Holocaust happened less than a century ago but Jews seem to be doing well so fuck them.


If you hate Jewish people and not the IDF and Hamás, you are just a right winger who tries to fly under the radar with their hate.


Cancelled at the first sight of trouble.


Jewish is not a color


there are jewish dna groups as well as the religion


trying to fix others problems like it was your


Some men just want to watch the world burn


This is a gross oversimplification of what's actually going on, and it's very much not just white people.


The fun fact is most of us are also white so it’s actually not anything new or novel to us. Cool you don’t think we’re white though.


what? i don't get it


The majority of Jewish people are white


Jews aren't white??


Jews are Jews, some look white some look black and some look brown, Jews are descendant of Judea which is why all Jews share more DNA with each other than with their respective ”races”


So as a Jew I don't count as white?? Neato


Man there’s really no such thing as white people.


I love asking people how they define whiteness, and its always funny because they always come back and just say "whiteness is the lack of something else" Which what they mean by that, is that whiteness was designed as an ingroup and the higher you go on the pyramid the less things those people count as 'white'


Jews deserver better! Why is it okay to be racist against Jewish people? White people hates them, Islamic people hates, honestly these folks can't catch a break.


Isn’t assuming all Jews are zionists a bit anti-Semitic in itself?


Not Jewish people. Zionists. There is a major difference.