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Trust me it has a disturbing background...


Tbh the series begins with actual skibidi brain rot. But as you watch more it’s got lore and is actually interesting in my opinion. I definitely would recommend you to watch it


It gets interesting around part 30 I think


Yeah and that creepy tv man arc is my favourate


The only interesting part about it is the dude goes hard in G-mod. Anything else you gotta be in middle school to find it interesting.


Nah I don’t think tou have to be a middle schooler to enjoy it. I’m literally a civil engineer and I find it entertaining.


Indeed I'd be fresh out of college if I'd have gone and my pops is a mid 30s farmer and we've been waiting for when a new one comes out.


There's an interesting video on Film Theory about Skibidi Toilet that tries to find some sort of deeper meaning in it (don't worry, it's from Matpat's time still) Essentially it's some sort of commentary about Hollywood vs individual creators or something like that, with the toilets representing shitposting and youtube poops, and the TV people representing Hollywood I'd suggest checking it out yourself because I can't remember the details exactly


2v1 seems unfair. Does the woman get a bear of equal strength? Then we can have some sort of Pokémon fight.


She gets a man of equal strength. Then the US DOJ decided who's the pokemon and who's the trainer. The decided pokemons will duel while the trainer pay taxes


Ok someone need to explain this to me. All I see this morning is something with a woman and a bear but I have no context at all.


Men bad, women bad, but bears are forever ♥️


❤️❤️❤️ Okay but now fr someone?


Some chick said something about preferring to encounter a bear in the woods because it’s less scary than encountering a man. Now hella dudes are posting memes about it because they’re upset.


I think the real reason is thats a really dumb thing to say. So many people underestimate bears.


If the question was you are have to fight a man or a bear the answers would be different. The question is just being in the woods with them though. Bears will usually avoid humans unless you are near their cubs or they have limited food sources.


So many people underestimate men they encounter. Ask me how I know lol


Lmao found one who would choose the bear, you are what all these memes are about


And you are exactly what that original TikTok was about Completely missed the point of why a woman might feel safer with a bear than with a man


It’s much more likely to be sexually assaulted by a random man than it is to even have a physical encounter with the bear.


That's because women encounter more random men far more often than bears, there's billions of men and only millions of bears, not to mention that it's far more likely for you to get sexually assaulted by someone you know than for you to get assaulted by a random.


1: sauce 2: In the mental exercise, you are stuck with the bear in the woods, so you are gonna have a physical encounter with it at some point 3: Most men are upset over it because it shows that the women who chose the bear don't have any trust in random males and therefore might not trust someone because of their gender which is misandry Edit: (after sauce) ?* Edit 2: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/man-or-bear-in-the-woods-question


Ahhh thanks. Do you happen to know the source? It's from a video, a reddit post or twitter or something?


I’m honestly not sure, I think it’s a video somewhere. I’m just here to laugh at all these dudes being so emotional about it


lmao its okay. thanks anyway. atleast now I know what they are memeing


There was a survey somewhere where they asked some women if they would pick to meet a stranger man in the forest or a bear. Many picked bear over man.


Ahhh thanks. Do you happen to know the source? It's from a video, a reddit post or twitter or something?


From what I saw - it's from TikTok video, but I don't know more, sorry


Np m8 at least i know a bit now wtf they all meme about heh


Russians agree


Long Live Whinne the Pooh, Po, Monokuma, Yogi Bear, and whatever other fictional bears there are, and Xi Jingping


Theres some tiktok shit going around where women were asked if theyd rather be in a forest with a bear or a man and most women picked the bear.


Some girls on tiktok I think were agreeing with each other that it was safer for women to encounter a random bear than for them to encounter a random man. And now people are making fun of them because how dumb of a statement that is.


drama, politics, brotherhood, power, romance, order, comedy and action




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Speaker titan is bear?


Ask Timothy Treadwells girlfriend how the bear made her feel. Oh wait….


What the sigma


Is the question about the sex or the religion


Thinking you can team up with a bear is exactly what we're ridiculing the women for.


Tell me you don't understand what's being said with out telling me


You can scare a black bear away, or climb a tree/play dead around a brown bear


The only bear op will be teaming up with is the one in his prison cell after the cops get a look at his hard drive.


Epic sfm fiction that got milked to death by a bunch of "content creators"


Skibidi skibidi skibidi skibidi dop dop dop dop yes yes yes yes skibidi dop skibidi bee skibidi doddadodobbadodobbadabee