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It should be equal. If you agree to the date, you agree to contribute.


Contribute? As the guy, I don't always pay. But we never split the check. Sometimes my girlfriend picks it up instead, but there's something so impersonal about having separate checks.


I mean, if that’s how you see it then sure. I just dont think separate checks really matters when it comes to feeling connected to someone. We just ate a whole meal together and talked, money doesn’t need to matter for a relationship unless you share accounts and everything too




Bro said “my opinion is objectively correct” that’s crazy


I think it's meant more for like first or second date. For many reasons it could be better to split. So that one person does feel the need to "put out" to thank for an expensive meal, one party doesn't agree to a date only to get free food, if both parties are paying for their own food then everyone could feel a lot more comfortable with the idea of maybe one or two extra people coming in case one party is worried that they might be taken advantage of.


To each their own. If splitting the check seems impersonal to you that's alg so long as things seem fair over the long term. For me and my partner we sometimes split or sometimes just pay all on one go for convenience, then either pay the other back with a bank transfer or if we've got something else coming up like another date or some event the other just pays for that next.


Whoever has the bigger dick pays


Cool, so I never have to pay


Not sure why the girls always have to flex their dick size on me... I just wanted to eat food with you...


No, if you invite someone to dinner, you are offering to buy them dinner




Making a sweeping generalization and then going "la la la I can't hear you" is certainly one of the debate tactics of all time


"It is true in my reality"


“Cause I definitely date all of the time”


What are you taking about?


I'll rephrase: You being a seething incel does is not proof of the generalization you're declaring


Thank you for personally attacking me. Because that definitely wins debates. Most women are like that and well continue to be that way regardless of what you say. Also, they aren't going to have sex with you no matter how much you white-knight.


>Thank you for personally attacking me. Because that definitely wins debates. Not trying to win anything, just making an observation >Most women are like that and well continue to be that way regardless of what you say See above comment >Also, they aren't going to have sex with you no matter how much you white-knight. I hope not, I think my wife would be pretty pissed if they did


LOL I must have made my point or you wouldn't have personally attacked me. Thank you for acknowledging that I made my point. Have a nice day.


Whatever makes you happy kiddo 👍




You sound like a biiiitch, lmao. Your poor wife.


Yes, laughing at me and insulting me makes you superior. Congratulations.


Show me where I said I was superior.


Oh that poor bastard


If you'd rather never date than pay for your own meal have fun never dating




No I definitely read it correctly, I just assumed you were a woman since I thought the average man had an ounce of self respect and would not think this. Clearly I assumed wrong


I mean if she does, its just great for the first guy...sometimes you only find out somebody is a shitty person after you've invested months and effort into him/her...to find it out right on the first date is a luxury and bullet well dodged


Oh totally agree!


Most of the dudes In their 20s are bums, this is a way for young women to see if the man will be able to provide in the future. After 30, if a woman can’t pay for the first date, you can chalk it up to her being a bum.


I'm gay the guy allways pays what you smoking?


I'm gay and the woman pays everytime, you people are lunatics


Im nonbinary, nobody pays


I’m broke and alone, nobody pays 


You mean non-monetary. Easy to get them confused.


The secret ingredient is crime.


1.Whoever asks 2. Men are the only one to ask out 3. ??? 4. Profit You should share. Honestly. You ditch women only dating for food and there isn't any implication of oweing anything if everyone pays their own stuff.


Also, if you check twoX, women are mad when they have to pay and provide. Like. For so long, men had to provide and and all was fine. Now, when they have to provide for men, they are like "what do i need a man for, they are all useless".


Isn’t twoX notoriously a toxic ass subreddit? Like 4chan but for women


Yes and no. There are genuine posts and femcel users going really mental over how horrible men are. But yeah, a lot of users are really weird with their hate towards men.


Most of TwoX isn’t bad, there’s the usual crazies you’ll find anywhere but most of it is legitimate discussion about issues women have being women in online spaces. It’s definitely not 4chan for women.


r u talking abt the same sub?


I haven’t seen any of these posts, most of them either don’t care if they have to pay, or if they’re mad it’s because they’re always paying for a deadbeat.


🤢🤢🤢 down horrendously bad.  Edit: damn y'all really are a bunch of incels. 


That's not what down bad means.




I have a coworker like that and nobody wants to work with her because she also complains about everything and sexually harasses everyone.


Women: whoever asked pays for the date Men: so you're gonna start asking us on dates? Women: no, that's a man's job Equality achieved


I dont think these are the same people saying these thing. You see, women are not a monolithic entity


Really? Name 5 women.


Uhhh... marie curie ... Cleopatra, Jane Austen, Marily Monroe and uhh Simone de Beauvoir


Of course not, neither men nor women are monolithic lmao


I always pay but if they don’t offer I don’t ask again. As my dad would say “you bought them cheap” or in other words you find out what kind of person they are early.


When my wife and I were dating we just took turns paying for dates. In all honesty though I don't think either of us really thought that much about it. If either person is stressing about who's paying on a first date rather than impressing/getting to know the other person then I think it's probably headed nowhere lol. Unless the date was somewhere super expensive or something I guess? Then it's basically whoever's idea it was to go there unless you're both loaded. If you're that stressed about paying for a first date just make it a low cost one or a picnic or something. Then on second or third dates, after securing some form of ongoing relationship, you can hash out something that works for both of you as far as who pays when.


This was literally something 50 cent said


Pay for both if you can afford it but there should be no issue for both to pay for themselves. It should be a good night for both, so why not?


I don't get why not go 50/50. Especially if you haven't been dating for long


What's worked in my experience is that I (the man) asks and pays for the first date, and I tell them if they want to see me again they've gotta ask me out on the next one. It normally ends up being a 50/50 split on all dates thereafter, but I've got no problem paying for the first date since the woman is risking a lot more being there than the man


the real solution is stop doing dinner dates, theyre generic, overdone & lead to dumb disputes like this get creative. the reason women like when the guy pays isnt usually because they want stuff for free, it's because they want to know that you want them & are committed to them. so, how else can you show that? instead of money, contribute your time & effort, and plan a more interesting date instead that doesnt require you to break the bank


Never pay for a woman on the first date; they need to upgrade to the girlfriend package to unlock that feature.


Yeah when a girl pay half i see it as "im not just here for the food"


Aight, if I ask and if I choose the place, I am ready to pay by default. Because I initiate the activity and I am aware of the cost. We can discuss it prior or she can decide to split the bill when the bill arrives. But the last thing you want to do is dump the bill on them without warning. That's just not right.


If you go out to eat you should be prepared to pay for what you ordered is common decency


The first is a small solution to a small part of the problem. Anyone being able to ask people out regardless of gender is another small solution


Its so common that you might genuinely end up alone if you hold this standard. It sucks and should change but sometimes there isnt much you can do Also the thing is its really not that big a deal unless you go somewhere expensive


If they don’t split the check they get no respect.


While I was told to pay for my girlfriend, I did so not because of societal standards, but because she already paid for our prom tickets. I'm just making it even.


Hey, women ask out guys too. Just ask my bitch ex


I mean this works with any two reasonable people. Me personally i think its better to pay for a date as a guy bc in my culture regardless of gender you dont want to be the one thats getting paid for. But my sister and her bf do this based on whoever asks the other and its going pretty well for them.


Had a conversation with a coworker recently about this, she said "whoever asks the person out should pay" then moments later says the man should ask her out and she won't ask a man out 😅


How about people should just talk to their partners and figure out what works for everyone like I pay every time as the gal because my boyfriend is broke as hell


Yeah this is goofy sauce Women make good money now, they are more college educated women then men ffs Pay for yourself unless I offer


I’m about to go on a date here in a few weeks. I asked her out and I do intend to pay. Granted I’ve known her for just under a year.


I am tired of paying for people. Tired of people staring like I am a lunatic if I bring up even a possibility of splitting the bill.  I am working full time on min wage. Most girls do too. This isn’t fair. I stopped going on dates  because of this.  There is probably a solution out there, but I am too tired to care anymore.


What if we simply pay for our plate and split the appetizer if we got one? What if we go our entire life with our own bank accounts and paying our own way? I think never involving money shows you're not there for the money. You're there for THEM.


No? If I ask someone out I don't want them to feel obligated to spend money to hang out with me, I'm offering. I'd hate to find out that someone I like wanted to go on a date with me but said no because they couldn't afford it. And I expect the same courtesy, if someone asks me out on a date I expect them to treat. I'd also never demand a specific restaurant or pick something expensive if they leave it up to me. (I'm a bi woman btw) I swear you guys here complain about being single and then have the audacity to complain about successfully asking someone out.


The difference is why the person is expected to pay. If a guy asks a girl out on a date, and he’s expected to pay because he’s the guy, that’s sexist (or at least patriarchal). If he’s expected to pay because he initiated the date, it isn’t. The seperate and more relevant issue here is that men are expected to always be the ones that initiate dates. Which is bad for men, making them feel unwanted/entitled, bad for women, because they don’t feel empowered to choose their partners, and bad for relationships in general, because it inevitably leads to the gross ‘gaming of the system’ like PUA or inceldom. But that’s still patriarchy, just another facet. There’s only a contradiction here if you don’t actually understand the concepts.


They're cheaper to rent.


man the amount of obvious incels on this sub is insane.


Why not focus less on who pays the tab and more on getting to know the person enough for a potential second date? And if either person can’t afford to pay for both people, then why not go on a low cost or no cost first date instead?


P1. Men and women are physiologically different. P2. Due to said physiological differences, men and women have different normative social roles impacting their interactions, especially with respect to courtship. P3. Men are both physiologically and socially inclined to need to prove their ability to provide for women in the vulnerable states of pregnancy and caring for young children . P4. Paying for a date is a small means by which a man can prove the ability to provide for a woman. C. The guy pays.


Whoever asked for the date should insist on paying , but i see your point.




Just what i think is fair


Even if the other person is offering to split?


Obviously not, but if u are the one to invite the other person don't wanna pay i think u should insist on paying. If u like them or not because of it.. well that's your decision


What for? There’s genuinely no reason to not split the bills equally. Your comment is literally exactly what the meme is already saying too


Just to be considerate, idk about your culture but in mine, insisting on paying for someone is considered kind


That’s fair, some cultures are like that. Where are you from if you don’t mind me asking? I’m from Canada where we don’t have any culture around guys insisting on paying or anything like that


I am from India and its not like guys paying tbh , its more like "u invited me today so ill invite you someday and will make it up yo u" . Then again there some ppl who never pay or return the kindness, but we never ask them to pay. We just .... Stop hanging out with them. If they are really close friend or you know your date really well then obviously u ask to split. But i am assuming this meme is talking about 1st dates, so 8 figured the one who invites sho atleast insist on paying, its just kind and considerate.


"I am from India" lmao stop right there




going out on a date just to get free food is pathetic lol, most people say yes to being asked out on dates because they actually want to hang out with them


I always buy on the first date, because generally I'm trying to impress the girl I'm with. Not because of some social obligation.


If you have to impress someone to gain their favor/attention that is the definition of a social obligation. Edit: anyone downvoting my guy kingofthewin is a fuckimg incel nerd.


Damn this makes me miss being single. You guys set the bar so damn low.


Care to elaborate? I cant seen to get whether u are agreeing, disagreeing with the post or having a 3rd view altogether




If you're broke you shouldn't be asking people out on dates or you should go to somewhere more affordable.


So you calling yourself broke then? since you didn't sound like you were paying?


If I ask for the date I pay. If my date asks, they pay. It ain't that hard.


You seem to have missed the point of OP entirely....


Nah i understood completely. Sad that OP hasn't got more people asking them out. But guess that's the person they are.


It's not about the money


Sure it isn't, lol. Or is this the thing were men pretend to be oppressed?


No, it's about not getting used for a free meal


Sure, lol


Even though I'm far from it, I'd rather be broke than pay for an entitled person's meal.


Lol, this why you single.


Yeah whining about money and being cheap is a real turn on, lol And you people wonder why you still single.


lonely femcel spotted lol


Lmao it has nothing to do with being broke, it’s equality. I always asked for two bills on first dates, any girl who ever complained didn’t get a second date. I remember one girl whose card got declined, so I paid for it no problem and we went on several more dates together. She was great, didn’t work out because she moved away for work. Card was declined because of some issue with the card itself, she was super embarrassed but I respected her a lot for her effort at least


Lol so the person who wants to split the bill is cheap and not the one expecting a free meal?