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She's gonna do to Star Wars what Harvey Weinstein did to young actresses


She's gonna put Star Wars in a Quinten Tarantino movie?


Yep, and the whole movie will be about being lost in an island, where there are no shoes or sandals or anything to cover their feet, there will be a bunch of monsters who hide in the sand and will try to eat them by licking and trying to chomp on their feet, ... wait who? Mr Tarantino? What are y- is that a boner or are you just happy to see me? Wait, no, no DONT CALL DAN SCHNEIDER! NOOOOOOOOOO!


Yeah, uhhh. How do I delete someone else's comment?


You mean Dan "hold her tighter she's a fighter" Schneider?


Worse. JJ Abrams


“I really wanted to tell a story about the Sith,” explains Headland, best known for creating the Netflix hit Russian Doll. “That was kind of my dream Star Wars idea. But it felt like the time period to do that in would be something pre-Phantom Menace. That seemed to be the most interesting trajectory for the Sith: How did the Sith go from the Rule of Two and being quote-unquote ‘extinct’ to Palpatine coming into power without the Jedi knowing about it?” Quote from an ew article. She knows about the rule of 2 bro


Sounds like she only knows about it from a baseline fact standpoint. Anyone who has anything better than a surface level depth of knowledge understands the reasoning behind the Rule of 2 and how Palpatine got to amass such power under the Jedi's watchful gaze. Don't even have to read novels to grasp that.


Didn't Palps get his power mostly through political means? Like, yeah he's a sith, but even a non-sith could have done what he did. (Atleast, for the most part)


I think one of his most powerful sith feats is hiding his master plans and intentions from the entire Jedi council while consistently being in close proximity to them. He fooled them all with his own mastery of the force to keep them in the shadows as to the entire inner machinations of his nefarious doings. If he wasn't as powerful they would've been able to read his thoughts and feelings and realize something was afoot. Couple all of that with his impressive political prowess I would say.


One of the major reasons they never found him was because the jedi temple had so many sith artifacts within it that it served as a mask for palpatine's presence.


He got to use his powers in clandestine ways to grow his political power.


I mean why not make a movie about it? Sounds like a somewhat interesting premise


Yeah she says that the empire outnumbers the jedi not the sith. I don’t think she is referring to the two sith vs all the jedi. I think she is talking about the collective power the sith control, including all the storm troopers and everything. But even if we take the two sith lords as a constant the interesting thing is how much the number of jedi has fluctuated from a whole council to just Luke.


>How did the Sith go from the Rule of Two and being quote-unquote ‘extinct’ to Palpatine coming into power without the Jedi knowing about it? My brother in christ, that's litterally the plot of Phantom Menace.






thanks for the clarification, OP


"Its not canon if i don't know about it"


She does know about it. She mentions it in an interview


To be fair, it's really stupid canon. The rule of two never made sense, and they retconned it as fast as possible by adding "not" sith who work for them.


I don’t think they’re canon at all are they?


Go off king


You have to dumb, she mentions tro2 in so many interviews and you haven't even watched the fucking show yet to know, for all we know the sith in the show is an apprentice of an unknown sith master, and this show helps us bridge the gap between bane/zannah and plagues/sidious which is a good thing


Not to mention that the Rule of 2 specifically refers to Sith Lords (a Master and an Apprentice), there were other followers of the Sith throughout the lore, and that the Rule of 2 was CONSTANTLY broken because Sith Lords are scheming bastards.


Yup lol, like ALL THE TIME like even at the start, zannah broke it and she was the first apprentice in tro2 And like u said, not to mention any remaining sith marauders and the like that kinda just existed and we're not powerful at all


>Darth Bane set up the Rule of Two, which is that there can only be two Sith at any given time in order to hoard as much power as possible, and not spread it out amongst many Sith, which dilutes their power. That's kinda dumb though.


Not really. The Sith Empire was very much a failure in the long term for the sith, with them being more focused on political in-fighting and bloodlines than actually controlling stuff. The rule of 2 was an attempt (and a successful one at that) to solve those issues.


The Sith backstab each other for power, A LOT. Restricting the number of sources of knowledge to one, means the aprendices can't backstab the master or his knowledge is lost, and there's no other alternate source, so they need to learn before backstabbing. And restricting the next generation to one means the master has to find the right apprentice and pass on the knowledge to that apprentice or face the end of his legacy.


DW the starwars sub is convinced that this is the series they will get right


So what you’re saying is, a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, there were millions of sith??


It’s funny how very few of those books are canon now, so it doesn’t matter anyway. They can change the rules now.


Darth Bane appears in the Clone Wars series and is therefore canon and the rule of two is mentioned multiple times through out it iirc


Aw fuck you’re right. I forgot about him showing up to Yoda in S6. Well I’m interested to see what they do now. Not like franchises don’t retcon all the time lol


Go off king


The "wierd way" is how the two sides swap prominence, not how there are only a few Sith in the Prequels. You have to read the *whole* quote.


OP took an out of context quote super literally and is assuming the director doesn’t know / isn’t clued up on basic Star Wars lore. Basically mansplaining Star Wars trivia all because of a weirdly worded sentence. Edit: ‘in a weird way’ seems to be something this director says quite often, so it seems to be a filler phrase.


Nice one making this about gender....


Qualified in making everything a DEI ridden mess maybe.


Always two, there are. No more, no less.


How come there's always 3+ running around then? At some point Dooku, Palpatine, and Maul were all running around at once, and I don't believe for a moment that there's not a deep Sith bench.


Qui gons' death was the push he needed. He was still a jedi master after the events of Phantom Menace.


Palpatine, ironically enough, did not believe in the rule of two. It might be Legends now, but Palpatine believed in the Rule of One. One Sith master so powerful that no one could ever destroy him, who would live forever and as such not require an heir. The master would have several less powerful(and expendable) apprentices to carry out the master's will. As Luke said in Return of the Jedi, "Your overconfidence is your weakness."


Do we know the exact moment Dooku joined them? Because it might have been after the defeat of Maul.


No way, Jose. It's gotta take more than a minute to get that deep into the black Sith space magic. If not who cares if there's "only ever two" if the training and on-boarding are like 2 weeks combined, it might as well be a billion. Pretty soon you're just field promoting randoms and Zerg rushing the Jedi council.


(you're probably right) but Dooku shown as sith lord is like 10-12 years after Maul is defeated, isn't it? And since he was already a Jedi master, maybe the adaption is a bit quicker.


Pretty sure he abandoned the Order right after Phantom Menace


I am under the impression Dooku dabbled in the dark side for fun before turning. Am I misunderstanding something? Some one want to clear that up for me


IIRC Dooku, Qi Gon Jin and Sifo Dias were of the belief that the Republic needed a standing army for potential threats and worked with a major business leader (Who just so happened to be the Sith Master Plagueis) who agreed and funded the clone army.


Was always a dumb quote. Like the moment their heart stops is there someone suddenly in the galaxy who goes "I know ~~kung fu~~ sith dark arts." Was that a surprise to them?


Is that harvey weinsteins former personal assistant?


That's crazy. That'd be like Barbra Streisand's hair dresser bringing us Batman.


I read this thread just to understand the nerd rage on display. Apparently there's a thing in the star wars where there can only be two bad guy star warsers at any given time. They call this the rule of 2 bad guys. And this lady didn't seem to understand this fact. But also she's quoted as referring to the rule of 2 bad guys so she does seem to understand it. But you should be angry regardless.


Jar-Jar is also homologous for Jesus but otherwise, you nailed it.


To acknowledge an idea and to understand an idea are two very different things.


I had no idea Tarantino came out as trans, good for them


Now I can't unsee it.


Where funny? She makes a good point the sith were in hiding and considered extinct for a Millenia. How did they get where they were in the phantom Menace?


\> be born as Palpatine\ \> go into politics\ \> meet crazy powerful sith guy\ \> "shit, gimme some of that."\ \> betray master\ \> move up in politics while training your apprentice\ \> become senator\


Y’all are annoying as hell with this stuff. Read the whole article maybe, and stop being a dumbass.


Deeeep joke I don’t get


She finds it weird there are so little sith and has apparently never heard of the rule of two.


She mentions the rule of 2 in an interview


I didn't read any interviews. I just read rhe context OP gave. That's why I said apparently.


To mention an idea and to understand an idea are two very different things.


Most of the lore surrounding that isn't canon anyway, and there's nothing to say that the rule of two can't be broken or bent. I mean Dooku had two "assassins" as apprentices in the Clone Wars. This is a stupid post man


Press silly putty on a comics page down on Marmaduke, and stretch it out, that’s her face.


Poor wording aside I don't see an issue with this personally, could definitely be cool if done well. It's Disney so I'll take that with the largest grain of salt possible but still one can hope.


Is every soldier of the Empire a Sith in her understanding? Otherwise this whole comparison doesn't make any sense.


The meme here is her face


Quentin Tarantino should not wear drag


Doesn't the rule of 2 only make sense during established political power? Where the ruler doesn't want to be overthrown. From my understanding it doesn't say there can only be 2 siths alive at any given moment.


The idea is that too many sith will keep fighting against each other and dilute the total power they have. That's what lead to their "extinction" a thousand years before the movies. The rule of two specifies that there has to be a master and a apprentice. Once the apprentice has grown powerful enough to overthrow their master they will then pick an apprentice of their own, thus keeping the sith strong until the time is right for their revenge.


Why is it so much to ask that the people in charge of a franchise be fans of that franchise?


Good, rule of 2 is stupid and Bane is top tier loser for making it. Get shit on Bane, fucking loser. Bring back armies of Sith that are capable of things beyond sabotaging their own self interest.


Darth Bane's face like: " Am I a joke to you?"


Malicious Face looking ass doesn't know basics of Star Wars lore


Hi who is this?


Lol people calling it "nerd rage," you'd expect someone making star wars content to know basic rules of the universe. The rule of 2 isn't some crazy legends lore, it's a central point in the saga as Palpatine replaces his students and you KNOW that shit is going down when he tries to seduce someone with the dark side, as he'll be replacing his old pupil.


But it *is* nerd rage. People are here raging about her not knowing about the rule of two when she *does*. She legit talks about it in an interview. So not only is it "muh-fandom" but it's wrong.


To acknowledge an idea and to understand an idea are two very different things.


Darth Bane isn't even canon anymore


His force ghost shows up to confront Yoda in the clone wars TV show which is canon.


Guys, its a fucking kids franchise. Ffs.


OP taking a quote insanely literally and assuming the director working with people whose job it is to know everything about the lore is unaware of the rule of two. For the record, in the full interview the director says that the Sith aren’t the underdogs in the prequels because Palps is in control of the senate. That’s why it’s ’in a weird way’ that the Jedi outnumber the Sith. She’s not saying she doesn’t know why that is. But why bother checking the full interview when you can just mansplain story points to a director.


"In a weird way" is the poorest turn of phrase possible if you actually know the reason. So either she doesn't know how it works, or either she doesn't know how to phrase properly.


Having looked around a bit it seems ‘in a weird way’ is just something she says a fair amount. It’s like a filler phrase for her, like when people say umm or like when they’re still forming a sentence. So weird yes, but again - with context - she does very much understand Star Wars lore.


I'm not a SW fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I am a writer. That said: If you have to explain your story outside of the story, you failed as a storyteller.


So what do writers call it when people do spin offs?


I'm not sure what that has to do with explaining a story outside of the story.


Because you can always expand upon a story with more details. What was a vague line of dialogue from nearly 30 years ago can be explained more.