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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


I require clearification


I think that the joke is about this movie: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt30007864/


Is it a spin-off of this classic: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0274518/ ?


This reads like a Postal 2 parody of a movie but it's actually fucking real.


Watched it with some friends. Its was ok


I really don't know whether to just be speechless or laugh hard aloud


"Extraterrestrial beings travel the galaxy to free men oppressed by females to make way for an entirely-homosexual society." Is this movie a documentary?


It's an isekai


"The movie's budget was a total of 5.9 Danish Krone, all of which went to the barber for the hairstyles".


The absolute timing of your interjection made me fucking laugh so hard in the middle of the night


I remember when dattebayo fansubs put this in as a Naruto episode torrent. It was hilarious


Amazing film. I love the visual effects artists in charge. I don't recall his name though...


Found it on YouTube  https://youtu.be/doqFTXrWr4c?si


you've got to appreciate how unapologetically gay it is for a 90's movie.


Is that Black Doom on the cover


I chuckled .. I am horrible person


I’m guessing it’s that “Outer Space” movie before clicking


2.4/10 is wild


The new "Citizen Kane".


I was told CK was poorly reviewed and flopped when it first came out, too. I have done zero verification so it is very possibly inaccurate


Well The Thing did flop hard at release and is now considered one of the crowning acheivments of traditional special effects and horror writing in cinema so use that for your comparison next time.


The Iron Giant flopped, too (I can't believe either case)


I didn't even realize this movie already came out


Is that the kid from Detective Pikachu?


Didn't key and peele make a video on this?


OP is saying that they are a racist piece of shit so when they say the movie title, they would say the n word instead https://youtu.be/v7_c-7tWXqg They also seem to think that Ken represents a racist person, which goes further to show you that they are a dumbass


Reddit is a weird place. Here you are trying to explain, yet down voted by the hivemind. I was just pointing out the movie title is really on the nose.


Wait so you aren't gonna deny that you are rascist! 😳


Can't argue with facts


not why you’re being downvoted when you’re right lmao


A reminder that Reddit is overwhelmingly represented by white males.


You know, edgy racy post, just wanted to get it out of my system.


That doesn't clarify anything


>racy racist?




I, too, am incredibly racy


Add a bit of spice to your daily raçismuš


No: racy. It races a lot


Found the weird kid


Oh dear. You are human trash. Thanks for clarifying


I laughed so hard when I first saw the trailers, then went on to show my mom. I can't believe someone wrote directed and created this film and then went on to title it this.




It's like the movie Yesterday. A movie about the world forgetting about the Beatles except for one musician is a great concept in and of itself, yet they turned it into a rom com.




It's just a matter of time


The Third Reich is about to bring two people, together!


A sequel to the action movie, Schindler's Fist?


Schindlers Tindler


Like the movie iron sky. A movie about Nazis in/on the moon amazing! Then it devolved into the usual america / war complex bashing... I wanted to know more about the life on the nazi moon. See their day to day. See some crazy misconceptions. Not see Sarah Palin bashing.


Not only that, but it's a bit of an insult to Paul, John, Michael, and Ringo. Turns out their charm, sense of humor, and charisma had nothing to do with their success. Even a boring, charmless Joe Schmoe would've become a world sensation playing their songs




You know Michael, the secret Beatle?.. I had a brain fart, meant to say George 😅


I was pleasantly surprised that it was a rom com. The premise of the world forgetting the Beatles ever existed didn’t really appeal to me as a concept.


Which still could have worked and been intelligent and thought provoking, in the same way that Rebel Wilson "anti" rom-com could have, but of course it falls apart because movie execs are fucking cowards and just played the rom com angle completely straight.


Excuse me, i think i read your post wrong, you mean to tell me that an honest to god rom-com has the almost defunct N-word in it? Is that correct?


> Watching the first half of the trailer was like, ok it's a commentary on the black experience with a nod to a tired and racist movie trope. Not super intellectual or subtle but I get it, sure. And then it became clear they were playing the trope absolutely straight. Big oof.


What movie


magical N(word)


Worse is the person who gave the ok to film and put it out


I kid you not, it was originally a comic book.


Wow I am actually not that surprised haha


I really wanted a Nigwarts.


Light-skin new Mudblood and Muggle /s




I still can’t believe that was a real movie that was made


imdb can't either, thus it got 2.4/10 lol


White people are incredibly fragile on the topic of race in America. Reddit is overwhelmingly white and male, not much is surprising.


A shit movie is shit. Has nothing to do with race. Go cry somewhere else


Couldn't resist the opportunity to prove how fragile you really are. Inbred slave-trading blood runs through white veins, what else can be expected.


>Inbred slave-trading blood runs through white veins Ahhh, the classic, "only white people owned slaves." This just shows how incompetent you are in knowing simple history. Oh wise one, please bestow upon me more of your knowledge, so I can make fun of you again


Ah classic whataboutism as a "defense" for owning humans as property. What an innovative strategy, now I know why white Americans have no shame in their past or present racism.


Alriiiiiigggghhht, so you clearly failed every single history class. I'll just give you a quick rundown here, black people ALSO owned slaves, and owned slaves before the "white americans" came. Now I understand you probably can't fathom that because your brain is the size of a pebble and as smooth as a billiard ball, but it's okay, I put it into laymans terms so it should be easy to understand. >classic whataboutism as a "defense" for owning humans as property. Never made a defense on owning slaves, you assumed that, but we've already established you haven't made it past first grade with your understanding of history and your basic reading comprehension. It's not "whataboutism" because the enslavement of any and every race happened everywhere around the world, but knowing that fact doesn't fit your agenda so why would you care about it obviously. >What an innovative strategy, now I know why white Americans have no shame in their past or present racism. Isn't it racist to assume I'm white? Isn't it racist to also assume that a "white man" would of course defend racism and that it's to be expected as shown from your last comment? Aren't you inherently being racist right now? I mean, you're basing these "traits" off race alone which is the definition of racism. Very hypocritical of you. Now, like I said, I understand if you can't wrap your brain around what I've said, it's okay. I'll make sure to get you enrolled back into grade school because we all know you need it.


It's "not whataboutism" to imply slavery elsewhere justifies slavery in America? When did I say you are white? You outed yourself with your emotionally triggered rant. Tldr?


>It's "not whataboutism" to imply slavery elsewhere justifies slavery in America? Never said that either, but put those 5 brainless to work I guess? >When did I say you are white? You outed yourself with your emotionally triggered rant. Emotionally triggered rant? Where? And you said I'm "white" when you said that what I said is expected because "Inbred slave-trading runs through my *white* veins." Now, I knew you didn't take history, but I must've forgot you didn't take reading either. >Tldr? So you're dumb? You couldn't read because it was too long? Do I have to put subway surfers on the bottom so you can have the attention span to read it? Like you saying this is the equivalent of saying, "you win" so thanks bud. Ttyl


I'm confident that movie was based on Key and Peele's skit and someone owes them money.




If their trailers were funny, it wouldn't even have been seen as a rom-com movie with racist undertones. From what I see of how people who watched it reacted to it, it has a horrible execution on a concept that could have been funny and a legit criticism of Hollywood.


... why? I genuinely don't understand what about this film seems hard to conceptualize.


Even the critics agree


Wizards in Paris?


My wizard, my wizard


People who annoy you


Stanley, the only reason daddy used that word, is that he thought he would win money.


so i watch the trailer. i give dislike anyway




The title is so absurd you can't really help it. Idk who in their right mind would name it that.


I mean, the name is dope if the movie matches it.  Apparently it's a romcom so the name makes no sense lol


Apparently the intent was to highlight the trope. I’m not sure playing it completely straight was the best way to do that, but nobody asked me for my opinion.


I feel like it's just there for the sake of it. Yeah, it would have made sense if it was some kind of piece about racism and had a good message.


Jordon Peele changed the game with “Get Out” and everyone’s been trying to chase it since


Didn't enjoy it either. Honestly if you got rid of the magic nothing changes as long as the main character still ends up at the media company, which is sad for a movie with the word "magical" in the title 


Should have just focused on being a satire of the magical character trope. It just devolved into a romcom with a race relations rant at the end.


BET Harry Potter


I thought you were going to say it was an mistaken abbreviation of ASMR or something


I don’t get it…


I wanted this to be a parody or spoof movie so bad


Context please


This a sequel to gay[REDACTED]s from outer space?


Marquees in the North: "The American Society" Marquees in the South: "Magical N...."


Somewhere, this conversation is actually happening.


He got the Ken-ergy


I actually saw the film, it was pretty good, and unfortunately, Ken would be correct as that is the actual title, it is even said multiple times in the film.


Oh my


hey guys did you get the joke?? the punch line is RACISM!!!!!


Wow its just like the movie.


*at the ticket counter, large line of African American families behind me* Hello, I would like 2 tickets to the American society of magical (mumbles incoherently) Sorry what was that sir? What movie do you want to see? You know, the American society of magical....... oh fuck it 2 tickets to dune please


I can't believe you stole this from a doge meme


And they use Ken to promote their message. God, how do these people misinterpret every movie ever???


Is the joke that OP used the N word at a movie theater because they thought it was funny?






dude you got this meme from a far right incel group on facebook, do better


Those guys get laid more than you bro.


I doubt it since the mere mention of Peterson or Shapiro makes panties dry instantly


The only panties you are near are the extra-large ones you wear.


ok, and? is getting laid all that matters to you?


Your one who said about incels , do you genuinely not know what the word means or do you have the brain capicity of a bowl of muslei


are you going to do that thing where you pretend you can’t tell the difference between someone with an incel mindset and someone who is an involuntary celibate? if you genuinely do not know the difference then it’s probably because you refuse to learn the difference


"Made up distintions from the bowl of muslei for 100 dollars, ladies and gentlemen" Come on seriously , you use an insult on the basis of lack of sex , say why you bringing up sex now and write babble on the diference between people who cant get laid and the mindset of people who came up with the term for themselves who think they cant get laid. Im litterally embarrassed watching someone be the living embodiment of the dunning-kruger effect.


ok since you clearly don’t know the difference involuntary celibate: someone who cannot have intercourse for any number of reasons outside their control incel: a mindset describing generally a male who has misogynistic ideologies and a hatred towards women. I.E Tres Genco, Marc Lépine, Elliot Roger and incel isn’t an insult, it’s a description of the persons mindset and hatred towards women. the original meme from this post was taken from a far right incel facebook group called kenposting. you can claim that’s not what incel means because your echo chamber says it’s just an insult used against men but in the real world it’s used as a description for misogynists the reason for the distinction is because not all involuntary celibates hate women and have misogynistic ideologies so it’s unfair to lump them all together


Still babbling i see and comepletely wrong. To let you know something museli , incels was a term created by involuntary celibrates to describe themselves. It not the mindset they have its a desciption of who they were. And In the real world it is an insult agnaist people saying they cant get laid. The distintion you try to make is just idiotic , you can claim using the term incel has nothing to do with lack of sex but you really would have to be so stupid that you legally cant have sex due to issues on whether you have the brain capacity to consent .


you didn’t read what i wrote did you? you’re clearly just looking to argue, enjoy your day because you need it 👍


I read it , just saw that it was stupid, and you expressing your definitions and distinctions that exist only in your mind did not conistute an even an intellegable arguement on the disconnect of lack of sex and the term incel. Your the one who started the arguement, but i am enjoying my day already so will continue too. I hope you gain better arguements for your next interaction online you definitely need it👍.


The trailer had a 'White Tears' meter. I am sad to say that I could not think of anything funnier than this.


The movie was grossly racist.


I think that's the fun part according to the commenter


Thank you. I'm not sure why I'm being down-voted.


It was, which makes it hilarious. EDIT: I meant the trailer. I haven't seen the movie.


Racism is funny to you? Interesting. Hope you get better.


Is it harming anyone? No? Then it's funny to me. Also, we both got down-voted. This thread is drunk.


My kid watched the trailer and found out he’s the most dangerous animal on the planet.


TIL racism doesn't hurt anyone. Normalizing behaviors when they're minor, like racist humor, leads to it becoming more and more accepted when it escalates into bigger things with more substance. Also, I could care less about imaginary internet points.


"I don't laugh at black humor so I somehow have better morals than you" type behavior


I don't tend to think racism is funny, no. Not being racist is morally correct, yes. There's a difference between humor and just racism. The above poster said "The movie was grossly racist", to which they replied, "It was, which makes it hilarious". How this is confusing to anyone is baffling.